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1、译林版四年级下册英语课后复习全册课件,1,Unit 1 Our school subjects,Period 1Story time & Rhyme time,一、选出下列每组单词中不同类的一项。 ( ) 1.A.Maths B. Music C. subject ( ) 2.A.nice B. see C. like ( ) 3.A.we B. our C. my ( ) 4.A.playground B. play C. classroom ( ) 5.A.too B. two C. either,C,A,A,B,B,1.我们的学校课程 2. welcome back to school

2、3. our new timetable 4. 什么学科 5. 喜欢语文和数学 6. go to the playground,our school subjects,欢迎回到学校,我们的新课程表,what subjects,like Chinese and Maths,去操场,二、英汉互译。,( ) 1.老师想说“欢迎同学们返回到学校”, 他应该说: A. Welcome to our school, class. B. Welcome back to school, class. C. Welcome to our class.,B,三、情景交际。,( ) 2. 你向同学们介绍新课程表时,

3、你应该 说: A. This is our new timetable. B. This is their new timetable. C. This is our timetable.,A,( ) 3.想问同学喜欢什么课程,你应该问: A. What subject is it? B. How many subjects do you like? C. What subjects do you like?,C,( ) 4. 你想表达“该上科学课了”,你应该 说: A. Its time for class. B. Its time for English. C. Its time for

4、Science.,C,四、选词填空。 1. Welcome back (to, too) school. Nice (to, too) see you. Nice (to, too) see you (to, too). 2. This is (we, our) new timetable. (We, Our) have English, Chinese, Maths, Art and Music.,to,to,to,too,our,We,3. Oh! Its time (for, to) PE. OK. Lets go.4. What subjects do (your, you) like

5、, boys and girls? (We, I) all like English and PE.,for,you,We,5. We (are, all) like Science. (Me, I) too. Its fun.6. What (colour, subjects) do you like, Lucy? I like Music and PE. Me too. They are (fun, big).,all,Me,subjects,fun,五、连词成句。 1. youwhatdosubjectslike( ? ) _ 2. subjects many have do you h

6、ow( ? ) _,What subjects do you like?,How many subjects do you have?,3. timeMathsitforis( . ) _4. to playground now us let go the ( . ) _ _,It is time for Maths.,Let us go to the playground now./Now let us go to the playground.,Unit 1 Our school subjects,Period 2Fun time & Cartoon time & Sound time,一

7、、 选出与例词不同类的选项。( )1. English A.subject B.Chinese C.Maths( )2. Art A.Music B.PE C.timetable( )3. PE A.fun B.Science C.Chinese( )4. afternoon A.morning B.this C.evening( )5. our A.your B.her C.me,A,C,A,B,C,( ) 1. I like PE. A. isnt B. dont C. doesnt( ) 2. Its time have dinner. A.to B. for C. in,B,A,二、单

8、项选择。,( ) 3. I like Art. Its fun. I dont like that! I like PE. A. What lessons do you have? B. Its time for Art. C. What about you?( ) 4. I like English. I like English . A. to B. two C. too,C,C,( ) 5.What do you ? I like Chinese and Maths. A.lessons; have B. subjects; like C. subject; have ( ) 6.Wha

9、t lessons do you have this morning? A. We have Music and Maths. B. I like Music and Maths. C. We like PE. Lets go.,B,A,三、判断下列每组单词中画线部分的发音是(T)否(F) 相同。( ) 1.A.Kate B.cake C.cat( ) 2.A.makeB.appleC.grape( ) 3.A.skateB.tableC.name( ) 4.A.backB.MathsC.can( ) 5.A.haveB.bagC.salad( ) 6.A.cakeB.andC.sofa,F,

10、F,T,T,F,F,四、从栏中选出栏句子的正确答语。,E,D,C,B,A,五、连词成句。1.Ilikedontthat( . ) 2.makeandacakecome( . ) 3.likeMusicweall( . ),I don t like that.,Come and make a cake.,We all like Music.,4.gotheletsclassroomto( . ) 5.ouristhistimetablenew( . ) 6.do we what have lessons afternoon this ( ? ),Lets go to the classroom.

11、,This is our new timetable.,What lessons do we have this afternoon?,Unit 1 Our school subjects,Period 3Checkout time,一、用 to, for或about 填空。1.Nice see you.2.Its time PE.3.What you? What subjects do you like?4.Lets go the playground.5.Welcome back school.,to,for,about,to,to,6.I like swim with my father

12、.7.Its time me make a cake.8.How you? Do you like Art?,to,for,to,about,二、单项选择。 ( ) 1.Welcome back school, John. A.at B.toC.for ( ) 2.Its time class. Hurry up! A.to B.for C.in,B,B,( ) 3.What subjects you like, Yang Ling? I like . A.are; English and Maths B.would; English and Art C.do; English and Art

13、( ) 4.We seven subjects at school. A.have B.has C.having,C,A,( ) 5.I like PE.What you, Su Hai? A.do B.about C.can( ) 6.Music and Science fun. A.is B.am C.are,B,C,三、选择相应的答句,将序号填在题前的括号内。,A.Nice to see you too. B.Six. C.Chinese and English D.No, I dont. E.Lets go to the playground. F.Me too.,( ) 1. Loo

14、k at my English book. I like English.( ) 2. Do you like PE?( ) 3. Nice to see you, Bobby.( ) 4. What subjects do you like?( ) 5. How many subjects do you have?( ) 6. Its time for PE.,F,D,A,C,B,E,四、读对话,根据对话中人物喜欢的课程在相应的 方框内打“”。 Miss Wang: Welcome back to school, boys and girls. Look, this is our new t

15、imetable. What subjects do you like, Sara? Sara: I like Art, PE and Music. What about you, Sam?,Sam: I like PE too. And I like Maths.Sara: Do you like Maths, Mike?Mike: No, I dont. I like Chinese and Science.Wendy: Me too. And I like English. Its fun.Sara: Do you like English, Lynn?Lynn: Of course.

16、I like it.Class: We all like English.,Unit 1 Our school subjects,一、单项选择。 ( ) 1.What do you like, Tom? English and PE. A. subjectsB. colourC. clothes ( ) 2.Its time Chinese. A.to B. for C. at,A,B,(,( ) 3.I like PE.I like PE . A.too B. eitherC. also( ) 4.Look at new skirts. A. we B. I C. our,A,C,二、用所给

17、单词的适当形式填空。1.This is (you) new timetable.2.Its time for (bed).3.We (have) three lessons this afternoon.4.I (like) English.5.Lets (go) to the playground.,your,bed,have,like,go,三、情景交际。( ) 1.你想告诉你的朋友你不喜欢美术, 你说: A.I dont like Art. B. I dont like PE. ( ) 2.你想知道你们今天上午有什么课, 你说: A. What lessons do you have t

18、his afternoon? B. What lessons do we have this morning?,A,B,( ) 3.当你们开学刚到班里时,老师会说: A. Welcome back to school. B.Nice to meet you too.,A,四、选出每句中错误的一项,并在横线上改正。,B,have,C,for,B,our,C,and,B,to,阅读短文,回答问题。Hello, Im Sara. This is my timetable. We have eight subjects at school. They are Chinese, Maths, Engli

19、sh, Music, Computer, Science, PE and Art. Today is Monday. We have Computer, Maths and English. I like Maths because I like numbers. My friend, Mickey, likes it too.,1.How many subjects do you have? (根据实际情况回答) 2.What subjects does Sara have? 3. What day is it today (今天星期几)?,略,She has Chinese, Maths,

20、 English, Music, Computer, Science, PE and Art.,Its Monday.,4.What is Saras friends name? 5. What subjects does Sara like?,His name is Mickey.,She likes Maths.,【开门见山】仿照上面的短文,根据你的实际情况,介绍一下你的学校课程。 【名师点拨】写作思路:简单介绍自己介绍课程总数课程 介绍喜欢或者不喜欢的课程等2. 时态:一般现在时3. 参考句型: We have /I like /I dont like ,【妙笔生花】,Hello, Im

21、 Helen.This is my new timetable.We have seven subjects at school.They are Chinese, Maths, English, Art, Music, Science and PE.I like English and PE.They are fun.I dont like Maths.,同学们,大家好。你知道美国的小学生在学些什么吗?一起来了解一下吧!美国小学一般都是从K年级到5年级,也就是K5。K年级就相当于我们国内的幼儿园大班。,美国小学生(K5)课程1.英语(English Language Arts,即ELA)2.

22、科学(Science)3.数学(Mathematics)4.社会学习(Social Studies)5.艺术与人文(Art and Humanities),6.体育(Physical Education,即PE)7.健康和安全教育(Health and Safety Education)8.外语(Second Language)9.学习工具(Tools for Learning),以上这几大类课程基本上是各所小学都要开设的课程,区别主要在于不同学校对这几大类做了不同的细分,或者对细分科目的强调程度不同,课时安排不同, 上述的17课程通常在K5的各年级中都有设置。随着年级的变化,课程设置也会调整

23、。教会学校还会开设一些宗教方面的课程。通常美国小学生每天在校时间为7小时,一般要保证每天6小时的教学时间。大家知道,在中国,老师和家长都特别重,视主课的学习,比如语文、数学、英语,对其他科目的重视程度就不够了。美国的小学要是从课时多少上看,可以把英语、数学、科学和社会学习这四门课程看作是主课,因为课时最多,也是各校的必修课和考核科目。美国小学最值得我们借鉴的有两点:一是课程设置,特别是科学和社会学习这两门课程,非常重视。二是教学方法,主要是互动性学习。,Unit 2 After school,Period 1Story time & Song time,一、根据图片写单词或词组。,Wednes

24、day,Saturday,Sunday,Tuesday,Thursday,Friday,play table tennis,play football,二、英汉互译。1.放学后 2.有一场足球比赛 3.有课 4.在星期六 5.去打篮球 6. what day,after school,have a football match,have lessons,on Saturday,go and play basketball,星期几,7. play table tennis 8.have a swimming lesson 9.What a pity! 10.What about ?,打乒乓球,有

25、一节游泳课,真遗憾!,怎么样?,三、选出下列每组单词或短语中不同类的一项。( ) 1.A.Monday B.Tuesday C.day( ) 2.A.Music B.subject C.English( ) 3.A.match B.morning C.afternoon( ) 4.A.table tennis B.play C.football( ) 5.A.six B.five C.Saturday( ) 6.A.come B.Sunday C.go( ) 7.A.swimming B.running C.lesson( ) 8.A.I B.Mike C.Su Hai,C,B,A,B,C,B

26、,C,A,四、单项选择。( ) 1.Lets go and . A. play the table tennis B. play table tennis C. to play table tennis( ) 2.Wang Bing a Music lesson. A. hasB. haveC. haves( ) 3.We a football match today. A. hasB. haveC. haves,B,A,B,( ) 4.Helen has a lesson this afternoon. A.swim B.swimmingC.swims( ) 5. a pity! A. Wh

27、at B. How C. When( ) 6.I dont have lessons on Sunday. A. some B.a C. any,B,A,C,五、根据汉语提示完成句子。1.今天星期几? What today?2.你们星期五有几节英语课? English you have on ?,day is it,How many,lessons do,Friday,3.我妹妹今天下午有美术和体育课。 My sister Art and afternoon.4.苏海在星期二有游泳课。 Su Hai a lesson .,has,PE this,has,swimming,on Tuesday,

28、5.我今天一块蛋糕也没有。 I have cakes today.6.来打乒乓球吧。 and table tennis.,dont,any,Come,play,Unit 2 After school,Period 2Fun time & Cartoon time & Sound time,一、写出下列单词的适当形式。1.Thursday (缩写) 2. swim (-ing形式) 3. have (第三人称单数) 4. do (否定形式),THUR,swimming,has,dont,5. some (同义词) 6. MON (全写形式) 7. match (复数) 8. go (第三人称单数

29、),any,Monday,matches,goes,1. bag 2. father 3. cake,二、辨音归类。,applefamilyhappy,auntglassbasketball,takegrapemake,take apple grape aunt glass family make basketball happy,三、英汉互译。1.一节英语课 2.在星期四 3.在五点 4.起床 5.每天,an English lesson,on Thursday,at five (oclock),get up,every day,6.Chinese and Maths 7.what less

30、ons 8.my cap 9.have lessons 10.on Saturday morning,语文和数学,什么课,我的帽子,有课/上课,在星期六上午,四、单项选择。( ) 1. She a Music lesson. A. have B. is C. has( ) 2. We have lessons on Saturday. A. not; any B. dont; any C. dont; some,C,B,( ) 3. We have three lessons Monday afternoon. A. in B. on C. At( ) 4. I get up seven ev

31、ery day. A. on B. in C. at ( ) 5. is my cap? Its on the sofa. A.Where B. What C.When,B,C,A,五、从栏中选出栏句子的正确答语。 (每个选项只能选一次),F,E,D,C,B,A,H,G,六、选出每句中错误的一项,并在横线上改正。,A,What,A,have,B,at,A,What,C,any,Its today.I dont have any today.But I have match.,七、看图,补全句子和对话。,Saturday,1.,lessons,a basketball,A: is it toda

32、y?B: Its . A: What do you have?B: I have , Maths and .,What day,2.,Thursday,lessons,Chinese,Music,Unit 2 After school,Period 3Checkout time,一、写出下列单词的缩写形式。1.Wednesday 2.Tuesday 3. Monday 4. Friday 5. Sunday 6. Thursday 7.Saturday,WED,TUE,MON,FRI,SUN,THUR,SAT,二、选出不同类的单词或短语,将序号填在题前 括号内。( ) 1. A.table t

33、ennis B.basketball C.ball( ) 2.A.when B.welcome C.where( ) 3.A.her B.they C. we( ) 4.A.Sunday B.Monday C.today ( ) 5.A.play B.go C.swimming( ) 6.A.five B.any C.eight,C,B,A,C,C,B,三、选词填空。1.We dont have (some, any) lessons on Saturday.2.Su Hai has a (swim, swimming) lesson too.3.When (do, does) you (ge

34、ts, get) up every day?4.She doesnt like PE, (too, either).5.What day (is, are) it today?,any,swimming,do,get,either,is,6.They (dont, doesnt) have any lessons today.7.That (make, makes) a week.8.What (for, about) Mike? He likes English.9.I have a football match (at, on) Sunday morning.10.Sara has (a,

35、 an) swimming lesson (at, on) Monday afternoon.,dont,makes,about,on,a,on,四、单项选择。( ) 1.Hi, Liu Tao. Come and play football. A.What a pity! B.Sorry, I have a swimming lesson. C.Thank you.( ) 2.I get up at seven. A.When do you get up? B.What time is it? C.How do you do?,B,A,( ) 3.What lessons do you ha

36、ve today? A.I like PE and Art.B.She has two lessons today.C.We have Music and Art.( ) 4.Its on the bed. A.Whats this? B.Wheres the cap? C.Wheres Liu Tao?,C,B,( ) 5.I have a swimming lesson on Saturday. I dont have any lessons on Saturday. A.What about you? B.What about Sunday? C.When do you have les

37、sons?,A,1.gotable tennisletsandplay( . ) 2.Itodayfootballahavematch( . ) 3.this what morning have do you lessons ( ? ),Lets go and play table tennis.,I have a football match today.,What lessons do you have this morning?,五、连词成句。,4.dodaywhenupgetyouevery( ? ) 5.any dont we Sunday lessons on have ( . )

38、,When do you get up every day?,dont have any lessons on Sunday.,Unit 2 After school,一、写出下列缩写词的完整形式。1.SUN2.MON 3.TUE 4.WED5.THUR 6.FRI 7.SAT,Sunday,Monday,Tuesday,Wednesday,Thursday,Friday,Saturday,二、选出下列各组单词中画线部分发音不同的一项。( ) 1. A.bag B. bad C. skate( ) 2. A.make B.cake C.have( ) 3.A. hamburger B. gra

39、pe C. sandwich( ) 4.A. Art B. class C. snack( ) 5.A.cap B. at C. take,C,C,B,C,C,三、找出错误的一项,并在后面的横线上改正。,C,table tennis,C,on,B,swimming,A,has,B,any,四、按要求改写句子。1.Its Wednesday. (对画线部分提问) is it?2.I have a basketball match today. (改为否定句) I a basketball match today.3.I have some lessons on Saturday. (主语换成Ti

40、m) Tim lessons on Saturday.,What day,dont have,has some,4.I get up at five. (对画线部分提问) you get up?5.We have Chinese, English and Art this morning. (对画线部分提问) do have this morning?,When do,What lessons,you,读对话,判断正(T)误(F)。Ken: What day is it today?Tim: Its Wednesday.Ken: What lessons do you have?Tim: I

41、have English, Maths, Science, Art and PE.Ken: What subjects do you like?,Tim: I like PE. Its fun.Ken: Me too. I like playing football. Lets go and play football after school.Tim: Great.,( ) 1. Today is Sunday, they can go and play football.( ) 2. Ken has English, Maths, Science, Art and PE today.( )

42、 3.Ken likes PE too.( ) 4.Ken and Tim will (将要) go to play basketball.,F,F,T,F,【开门见山】 介绍一下好朋友的学校课程。【名师点拨】1.写作思路:介绍星期介绍课程介绍喜欢或者不喜欢的课程等2.时态:一般现在时3.参考句型: I have /He/She has ,【妙笔生花】,I have a good friend.Her name is Linda.Today is Tuesday.She has Chinese, Maths, English, Music and Science.She likes Music

43、 and PE.She can play table tennis very well.,A man goes to a church and starts to talk to God. He asks, “God, what is a million dollars to you?” God answers, “A penny.” Then the man asks, “God, what is a million years to you?” God answers, “A second.” Then the man asks, “God, can I have a penny?” Go

44、d answers, “In a second.”,一男子进入教堂开始和上帝对话。他问:“上帝啊, 一百万美元对您来说是什么?”上帝回答:“一美分。”男子又问:“那一百万年呢?”上帝说:“一秒钟。”然后男子又问:“上帝,我能得到一美分吗?”上帝回答:“一秒钟之后。”,The pluralTeacher: What is the plural of “man”, Tom?Tom: Men.Teacher: Good. And the plural of “child”?Tom: Twins.老师:汤姆,“男人”(这个词)的复数形式是什么?汤姆:男人们。老师:答得好。那“孩子”(这个词)的复数形式

45、呢?汤姆:双胞胎。,Good boyLittle Robert asked his mother for two cents. “What did you do with the money I gave you yesterday?” “I gave it to a poor old woman,” he answered. “Youre a good boy,” said the mother proudly. “Here are two cents more. But why are you so interested in the old woman?” “She is a candy

46、 seller.”,好孩子小罗伯特向妈妈要两分钱。 “昨天给你的钱干什么了?” “我给了一个可怜的老太太。”他回答说。“你真是个好孩子。”妈妈骄傲地说,“再给你两分钱。可你为什么对那位老太太那么感兴趣呢?” “她是个卖糖果的。”,Unit 3 My day,Period 1Story time & Song time,一、英汉互译。1.在上午2.上学 3.做我的家庭作业 4.看电视 5.在晚上,in the morning,go to school,do my homework,watch TV,in the evening,6. at seven 7.play football 8.have

47、 lunch 9.every day 10.my day,在七点,踢足球,吃午饭,每天,我的一天,( ) 1.We usually at 12: 00. A.have dinner B.have breakfast C.have lunch( )2.I have dinner six the evening. A. on, atB. at, onC.at, in,C,C,二、单项选择。,( ) 3.I go home four thirty every day. A.to; atB./; atC.to; /( ) 4.Its time have lunch. A.for B.to C.have

48、,B,B,三、情景交际。,A.I dont watch TV in the evening.B.I have lunch at twelve. C.When do you get up every day?D.I do my homework in the evening.E.I go home at four twenty.F.Su Hai has a swimming lesson at eight.,( ) 1.想告诉别人你在十二点吃午饭, 你可以说:,B,( ) 2.想知道对方每天什么时候起床, 你可以问:( ) 3.想告诉朋友你四点二十回家, 你可以说:,C,E,( ) 4.想告诉朋

49、友你晚上做家庭作业, 你可以说:( ) 5.苏海在八点钟有一节游泳课, 你应该这样说:( ) 6.想告诉朋友你晚上不看电视, 你可以说:,D,F,A,1. Chen Jie: do you every day?Tom: seven forty.,四、看图,补全对话。,When,go to school,At,2. Grandpa: do you do your every day?Jack: oclock.,When,homework,At six,3. Miss Li: When do you go home?Tom: I at four forty.,go home,4. Grandma:

50、 When do you in the ?Jim: .,watch TV,evening,At seven,1.I usually have dinner at six fifteen.(主语改为he) He usually dinner at six fifteen.2.I watch TV at seven in the evening. (改为一般疑问句) you TV at seven in the evening?3.I get up at seven.(对画线部分提问) do you ?,has,Do,watch,When,get up,五、根据要求改写句子。,Unit 3 My


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