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1、Project Name Client NameDate MM DD YY室内空气质量管理计划-施工期间IAQ Management Plan-During ConstructionTable of Contents目录1. Goal目的.32. Introduction简介 .33. Measures方法 .34. Supervision监督.9Note 备注:1. Please correct the red words according within the project.请根据项目情况修改红色字部分。2. All pictures from sample projects for

2、reference. 所有照片是样板项目照片,仅供参考。References Standards Cited 参考标准:Sheet Metal and Air Conditioning National Contractors Association(SMACNA) IAQ Guidelines For Occupied Buildings Under Construction, 2nd Edition 2007, ANSI/SMACNA008-2008(Chapter 3)1. Goal目的The management plan is made and enforced for preven

3、ting indoor air from pollution during construction period, aiming of maintaining nice indoor air quality and protecting the health of the workers and people who will live in the house in the future.制定本管理计划和组织相关人员实施本管理计划的目的是保护施工期间室内空气不受污染,以维持舒适的室内空气品质和保护施工者和以后住户的身体健康。 2. Introduction简介 In order to ac

4、hieve the goal set, indoor air quality management plan should be made and enforced during the construction period and before people living in. Besides being up to the requirements by the code GB50325-2001 (Code for Pollution Control of Indoor Environment of Civil Construction) of the Peoples Republi

5、c of China, the IAQ plan should also meet or exceed the minimum requirements prescribed by the SMACNA IAQ instructive rules.为了达到目标,在施工和入住前阶段都必须制定和实施室内空气品质管理计划。除满足中华人民共和国国家标准GB50325-2001(民用建筑工程室内环境污染控制规范)的要求外,该计划还必须满足或超过施工期间居住建筑SMACNA IAQ指导条例中规定的最低要求。 3. Measures方法 Entrusted by the client【Owners Name

6、】,【Construction Companys Name】 establishes the following measures to ensure Project Name complying with the special requirements by American Green Building LEED Certification.受业主【业主名称】的委托,【项目施工公司名称】就项目名称符合美国绿色建筑LEED认证的特殊要求,经讨论,特制定以下方法。 3.1 Initial Inspection of Air Quality before Project Started工程开工

7、前空气质量初检Have well in hand the basic situation of the air quality of the region, for taking corresponding measures and clarifying responsibilities of each partys.掌握工程所在地空气质量的基本情况,便于采取预防措施和明确各方责任。其目的在于: Survey the original situation of the region.了解所在地的原始情况For adopting proper measures based on the orig

8、inal situation of the site.便于根据施工场地的原始情况采取治理措施Clarify the responsibilities of each stage of the construction.分清施工不同环节的责任The advised inspection items are:建议检测项目为: Radon Detection.氡的检测Air Pollutant Detection.大气污染物的检测Air Suspension Detection.空气悬浮物的检测3.2 Protection and Control Measures during Constructi

9、on施工阶段的保护和控制措施When the sub-contractors approach the site, the general contractor shall clarify to every sub-contractor the protection of environment. The sub-contractors, when proceeding with the construction stage, shall make relevant environmental pollution control plan. The plan shall focus on ma

10、nagement of the following five aspects: protection of HVAC equipments, control of pollution sources, accesses closing, cleanliness management, and schedule arrangement.分包商进场时由总包商向分包商进行环境保护交底,各分包商进入施工阶段应制定相关的环境污染控制计划。计划应主要从HVAC设备保护、污染源控制、通路封闭、清洁管理和进度安排五方面进行控制管理。 3.2.1 Protection of HVAC Equipments HV

11、AC设备保护Sub-contractor should cover and protect all ventilation and air-conditioning facilities during intensive construction of air-conditioning systems.在空调系统密集施工期间,分包商应对所有通风、空调设施均采取封闭措施。Timely clean the inside of the air duct with wet cloth during installation of each section of duct. Close the orif

12、ices of the duct with plastic cloth and fix it with plastic ropes when the installation is completed. The sub-contractor should report to the supervision company at accomplishment of air duct installation. Then, 100% light leak test will be applied to check the tightness of the duct, to achieve no l

13、ight leakage happens.对每节风管随着施工进展及时用湿布将风管内擦拭干净,将施工完毕的风管管口用塑料布封闭,并用塑料绳绑扎牢固。风管施工完毕,分包商向监理申报,对风管严密度进行100%的漏光实验检查,达到无漏光现象发生。The same measure of using plastic cloth to close the air intake and return openings will be applied to prevent dust coming into the inside of the duct. After air-conditioning equipm

14、ents installed, the air return side of HVAC system (the duct on suction pressure side) shall be closed. Moreover, the air return side shall be isolated from the ambient environment. The fresh air intake opening shall be tightly bound with plastic cloth to prevent dust coming into the inside of the a

15、ir-conditioning equipments. 对进回风口也采取同样用塑料布包裹封闭方法防止灰尘进入风道内部,空调机组组装后关闭HVAC系统的回风侧(即处于负压的管道),并将回风侧与周围环境隔离开来,对新风进风口用塑料布包扎严密,使灰尘不能进入空调机组内部。Ceiling boards underneath the fan coil plenum chamber should be installed exactly in the place. Any leakage of the air duct and air-conditioning fitting shall be mende

16、d timely. The air supply and return openings of the fan coil should be closed immediately after the installation, to prevent dust coming into the duct.对所有用于吊顶风机盘管静压箱的吊顶板应安装到位,风道和空气调节装置的泄漏应及时修补,风机盘管的送、回风口在施工后进行包裹,防止灰尘进入风道内。 During the construction period, it is forbidden to use the permanent equipmen

17、ts for ventilation and air conditioning. After debugging and when the construction is coming to an end, filtration medium shall be replaced of the used filters after project completion and before people living in. Minimum efficiency report value (MERV) of the new filtration medium should be at least

18、 13.工程施工期间严禁利用正式工程的设备进行通风和空气调节。在施工接近竣工综合调试阶段完成后,应将使用的过滤器在竣工后和入住前用新的过滤媒介替换用过的过滤媒介,新的过滤介质的最小效率报告值MERV至少应为13。For ensuring the safety and reliability of the filter, pressure differential detection device shall be taken into account during drawing design stage for automatically measure the efficiency of

19、the filter.为了确保过滤器的安全可靠,在设计图纸阶段,要考虑自动检测过滤器效率的压差式检测装置,并根据其检测的数值对过滤器进行清洗和维护。除了保护HVAC系统外,在HVAC系统出现主要负荷时,要对运行的HVAC系统过滤器的效率进行自动跟踪测定。3.2.2 Control of Pollution Sources污染源控制We implement the control and management mainly on three aspects: raw material, construction technique, and finished work protection.主要

20、从原材料、施工工艺、成品保护三方面进行控制管理。 Raw Material Control原材料控制According to the level of development of the nation, during construction period volatile organic compounds such as radon, formaldehyde, ammonia and benzene and pollutants such as toluene diisocyanate should be controlled. Before construction s

21、tarted, the main materials used by the sub-contractors should have obtained certification and test report from the relevant environmental protection office. A list of materials should also be sent to the general contractor, and the materials can be used only after having been approved.根据我国的发展水平,在工程建

22、设阶段应对氡、甲醛、氨、苯、总挥发性有机化合物(TVOC)和游离甲苯二异氰酸酯等污染物进行控制。在施工前,分包商应所使用的主要材料必须取得国家有关环保部门检测的合格证、检测报告,材料清单必须报送总包商,经认可后方可使用。 Building and decoration materials shall conform to the nations relevant standard on indoor decoration materials. When the materials arrive at the site, the supplier should submit the enviro

23、nmental protection test report of the materials, and the sub-contractor should check both the test reports and the materials, to ensure that the materials are up to national standard and LEED certification standard. Then the general contractor will again check the test report and the materials, any

24、unqualified materials should not be used in the construction and should be removed from the site immediately.建筑、装饰材料的选用要符合国家规定的室内装饰装修材料相关标准的要求。在材料进场时,由供货单位提供环保检测报告,分包商对材料的检测报告进行书面和实物审核,产品必须符合国家标准和LEED的认证标准。总包商对材料的检测报告进行书面和实物审核。不符合标准的材料不得投入使用,必须立即退场。 Control of Construction Technique施工工艺控制(1)

25、Choosing of Materials材料选择:Before the finishing work started, it is the sub-contractors responsibility to take samples of the used materials and send for approval, and meanwhile provide the necessary test reports. Material purchase can only be done after being approved by the general contractor (it i

26、s advised to use the environment protective products publicized by the Environment Protection Bureau).在装饰装修开始前,由分包商负责按图纸和规范要求,对所用材料进行选样送审,同时提供必须的检测报告。由总包商核准同意后,方可订货。(建议选用环保局公布的环保产品)。(2) Prototype样板间 In accordance with drawing requirements, respectively make prototype room or prototype section of eac

27、h category of rooms based on different architectural appliances.根据设计图纸的要求,按不同建筑做法的房间分类,分别做样板间或样板段。The sub-contractor should compile the construction plan for the general contractors approval, and the construction can be started only after the plan is approved.分包商编制施工方案,经总包商核准后,方可施工。The sub-contracto

28、r should submit the qualification certificate of the company who will do the indoor air quality test. The test can only be started after being approved by the general contractor.分包商申报室内空气质量检测单位的资质,总包商审核同意后,方可试验。The sub-contractor must assure that the used materials for the prototype should be the pr

29、oducts of the specified brand (supplier). It is not allowed to randomly change the brand of materials and otherwise, the sub-contractor will be criticized and announced.分包商必须保证样板间(段)所用材料必须使用已选定的品牌(供应商)产品,不得随意更换。否则,将予以通报批评。The sub-contractor shall check in accordance with relevant code and requiremen

30、t the test report and the material. The standard of the materials shall not only comply with the national standard but also comply with LEED certification standard. Materials transported into the site should have test report and should be checked by the general contractor, and the materials can be s

31、ued only after being approved by the general contractor.分包商按规范要求对材料的检测报告进行书面和实物审核。材料标准除按国家标准执行外,尚应符合LEED认证标准。材料进场时必须附有检测报告,材料进场时必须经总包商现场实物检查同意后,方可使用。After the prototype room (section) is completed, the sub-contractor shall timely invite the test agency to carry out the indoor pollutant density test.

32、分包商在样板间(段)施工完毕后,必须及时通知检测机构进行室内环境污染物浓度的检测。The general contractor will supervise the test, to check whether the number, location of test spots and the procedure are up to national code and standard.总包商对检测机构的检测过程进行监督,检查测点数量、位置、过程是否符合国家标准、规范的要求。The general contractor shall judge whether the indoor envir

33、onment quality is up to standard based on both the national code and LEED certification standard, if yes it means the necessary condition for large area construction has been obtained, while if it fails to meet the standard, the contractor should look for the reason and take remedy to overcome the p

34、roblem. After that, re-test will be applied on test samples twice the number. If result of the second test verifies that it is up to standard, it will be judged as up to standard; otherwise, the sub-contractor should redo the work till it is finally tested and verified being up to standard.总包商根据检测报告

35、是否同时符合国标及LEED认证标准,来判定室内环境质量是否合格。若合格则具备了进行大面积施工的必要条件;若不合格,分包商查找原因采取措施处理后,扩大一倍抽样数量重检,若合格则可判定为合格;否则,分包商必须重新返工,直至检测合格。(3) Sort Management upon Different Appliances of Finishing Work对不同的装饰装修做法进行分类管理The sub-contractor shall carry out sort management upon different appliances of finishing work, with a targ

36、et of reducing the pollution, and the basic requirements are:分包商对不同的装饰装修做法进行分类管理控制,减少污染。基本要求:Partition and isolation shall be applied to construction areas where using materials with different hazardous substances.在使用含有不同有害物质材料的施工区域之间进行分区隔离。For painting, the next step of work can only be started in

37、case the previous paint is assured being fully dry, in order to prevent the hazardous compounds in the previous paint are covered and will release the pollutant in a long term in the future.在油漆过程中,在保证完全干透的情况下,再进行下一遍工序。避免上一道油漆中的有害物质(VOC)被罩住,长期缓慢释放污染环境。It is forbidden to use benzene, industrial benzen

38、e, petroleum benzene, heavy benzene and mixed benzene as diluter or solvent for internal finishing work.内装修所采用的稀释剂和溶剂,严禁使用苯、工业苯、石油苯、重质苯及混苯。During internal finishing work, it is not allowed to store inside the building diluter, solvent, paint, oil-paint and other materials which contain volatile haza

39、rdous substances. The above mentioned materials should be immediately closed after used, and the wastes shall be timely cleaned away from indoor.内装修施工时,不得在楼内存放稀释剂、溶剂、涂料、油漆等含有挥发性有害物质的材料。以上材料使用后,立即封闭处理,废料及时清出室内。It is forbidden to use organic solvent to wash construction tools in indoor area.严禁在室内用有机溶剂

40、清洗施工用具。3.2.3 Access Closing通路封闭 During the construction period, the sub-contractor should build fence to separate the construction area from the non-construction area, in order to prevent any pollution upon the clean areas or areas have already been brought into service. The fence should be laid wit

41、h non-clay bricks, plastered with cement mortars, and the exterior shall be plastered in white color. According to the weather situation, ventilation measures shall be taken to vent the polluted air to the outdoor area during installation of materials that contain volatile organic compounds. It is o

42、ptional to use natural ventilation or set additional ventilator to make air change, or apply pressure difference to prevent polluted air coming into the clean area.在施工期间,分包商应在施工区和非施工区(已正式使用区域)之间设立围墙,将施工区域与外界隔离开来,避免对干净区或使用区造成污染。围墙采用非粘土砖砌筑,外抹水泥砂子灰,最外面刷白。根据气候条件,在会释放挥发性有机物(VOC)材料安装期间,采取通风措施将受污染的空气直接排放到室

43、外。可以利用自然通风或通过另设通风机进行换气,也可利用压力差防止受污染的空气进入干净的地区。 3.2.4 Cleanliness Management清洁管理The sub-contractor shall make a cleanliness plan in accordance with LEED certification requirement and the plan shall especially focus on HVAC system and the inside area of the building during construction and cleaning pe

44、riods. Before people living in, all wastes should be cleared and the building materials should be protected from the climate influence. The applied ways include the following:针对HVAC系统和大楼内部空间,在施工和清扫期间,分包商要按照LEED认证要求制定清洁方案,在入住前清理所有的污染物,保护建筑材料不受气候影响。方法包括: Timely carry away the construction wastes from

45、indoor area.及时将施工废料清出室内;Clean the floor regularly to prevent accumulation of dust.地板要经常进行清扫,以防止灰尘堆积;Timely clear away the accumulated water in indoor area, and as much as possible maintaining the dryness of the work areas. 及时清除室内的积水,尽可能维持工作区干燥;Prevent any mediums with multiple holes to be exposed in

46、 wet environment. 避免将多孔介质暴露在潮湿的环境中;Keep the Facilities Room clean. Do not store any materials in the Facilities Room. 维持设备房干净,不得将材料堆放在设备房内;The air duct should be blow cleaned before air-conditioning and ventilation systems commissioning. Any dust inside the air duct should be cleared and meanwhile,

47、the dust should be also blow cleaned before commissioning from the inside of all fan coils, air conditioners, and fans. The conditioned air should meet the nations standard on indoor air quality, and should pass through the inspection by relevant national inspection office.在空调、通风系统进行试运行前对风管进行吹扫,将风管内

48、的灰尘吹净,所有的风机盘管、空气调节器、风机在试运行前,均应吹净内部的灰尘,使新风达到国家有关室内空气品质标准的要求,并通过国家有关检测部门的检测;Indoor walls, floors, ceilings should be thoroughly vacuumed to make sure the indoor air quality reaches the prescribed standard.对室内的墙、地、顶的灰尘进行彻底的吸尘,确保室内空气达到空气品质的要求。3.2.5 Schedule Arrangement 进度安排Sub-contractors shall compile proper schedule, arrange properly the work plan and work sequence should be maintained in order. Prevent as much as possible the materials absorbing VOC then to bec


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