1、怎样的雅思作文才是好文章 究竟什么样的*才是好*呢?不仅仅是雅思,在高中的时候,为了探索高考优秀作文的妙处,我们看文选、周周练,磨了三年也未必摸索出来一个所以然来。下面就和大家分享什么样的雅思作文才是好*,来欣赏一下吧。怎样的雅思作文才是好*1.观点鲜明,论据充分,贴切,具体且相关。对所要讨论的话题有明确的观点,充足的论据并且有良好的手段将论据一一铺陈。*应该有一条无形的直线贯穿始终,任何偏离*总观点和段落主题句的内容都应给予摈弃或改写,哪怕那些句子堪称经典。2.视角独特,卓尔不群。高分作文的切入点应该是独特的、与众不同的,人云亦云的*很难得到考官的垂青。3.符合英语表达习惯。高分作文的篇章结
2、构应该符合英语习惯:开头应具备哪几个要素;段与段之间承接是否流畅,承接句是否漂亮;结尾段如何做到发人深省等。4.高分作文的语言应该是清晰、恰当、具体。语法错误必须尽可能少,尤其是低级语法错误断然不能出现。一定的复杂句型是必需的。但切记,尽管复杂句子可以起到锦上添花的作用,但仅有复杂句型而没有明晰、富有逻辑性的思路,就好像一个全身名牌服装却满嘴低俗语言的人一样,照样拿不到高分。除此之外,考生对雅思写作的认识往往存在一些误区。要想获得雅思写作高分,就有必要认清这些误区,并予以纠正。雅思作文认识误区主要有以下几处,今天兔兔就来帮大家扫扫雷区问题1: 高分作文应写300字以上?有的考生认为一篇高分*字
3、数应在300词左右。实际上,除了不少于250词的要求之外,字数方面并没有硬性规定或“潜规则”。剑桥真题系列考官的范文在字数方面就很灵活。所以,将观点表达清楚,让考官能读懂就达到目的了。有一点要提醒各位考生,*不要写得太长,因为考试时间有限, 完不成写作任务损失就大了。此外,*太长也会有松散的风险。问题2:高分作文应(必)写(须)五段?有的考生认为,一篇高分*应以五段为佳。其实这种观 点有失偏颇。五段论的确有其优势,但若仅奉此篇幅为圭臬,难免有“一叶障目” 或“作茧自缚”之弊。换言之,要根据*需要,决定篇幅长短,从四段到六段均无不可。问题3: 长句、难句成就高分作文?有些考生吖,迷信、迷恋所谓长
4、句、难句,认为只要熟练运用这些句子就能跃入“高分俱乐部”,这种想法颇为幼稚。首先,对长句、难句的掌握有一定的难度,若熟练程度欠火候,出现语法错误就得不偿失了。毕竟,简单要比出错好。其次,长句、难句用多了,可能会使*晦涩难懂。这就从根本上违背了写*的目的。写*是为了交流,而不是考验读者的智商和耐心。所以,高分*应是含有一定复杂句型的长短句组合。长句能承载更多的信息并能展示出扎实的英语功底;短句孔武有力,能给人留下深刻的印象,颇能收意外之效。雅思写作范文:广告Task:Advertising discourages us from being different individuals by ma
5、king them want to be or to look the same. Do you agree or disagree?Sample answer:It is said that advertising is so influential that it persuade people to become similar with each other. I believe this statement is a bit overstated.First of all, it is unfair to blame advertisements for the popularity
6、 of some certain products amongst consumers. For example, using iPhone and other electric devices has become increasingly popular throughout the world, especially in China. What are the reasons? I think it is because of its good selling points and designs instead of the commercials. While some might
7、counter that some target consumers are vulnerable, such as children and teenagers, and they might be persuaded to purchase similar items, I believe it seldom happens since these days young people are longing for distinctive appearance and individuality.Secondly, it is truly less likely for consumers
8、 to make similar choices with the help of commercials. By viewing a variety of advertisements broadcasted on TV or billboard, people are informed of different choices in terms of prices, designs and patterns. They might fine-tunetheir demand first, comparing the products available on the market, and
9、 making wise decisions that satisfy themselves in the end. By contrast, without the advertisement, consumers have no access to discover their real needs and find the better choice, which might lead to uniformity in purchasing decisions.In conclusion, it is the quality of goods rather than their adve
10、rtisements that attracts consumers. As there are so many kinds of commercials, customers have a wide range of selections, making them become different rather than identical.雅思写作范文:是否该禁止一切广告Society would benefit from the ban on all forms of advertising because it may serve no useful purpose, and can
11、even be damaging. To what extent do you agree or disagree?社会将受益于所有形式的广告禁令,因为它(广告)可能没有有用的目的,甚至可能具有破坏性。你在多大程度上同意或不同意?思路解析:1. 广告的优势多多。第一,它能帮助刺激产品和服务的销量,特别是将那些新品牌引入市场。第二,很多公益性广告能教育大众。举例,很多广告反对暴力和歧视广告塑造了年轻观众的价值观。2. 然而,很多广告包含了虚假信息,或是鼓励大众进行过度消费。举例,这会说服观众去购买不合适的,不需要的产品。参考范文:It is undeniable that advertising
12、 industry has grown in the last years, positive and negatives points of view have born among the people opinion due to the impact over life consume. I particularly believe that it has a lot of advantages, but it should be regulated correctly.Advertising has several benefits. Firstly, it helps to pro
13、mote products and services among people; it is especially true when a new brand and trends are being introduced on the market. Secondly, it is a powerful tool to induce sales and revenues by many modern businesses; As a result, a lot of companies invest much money to develop strategies on media to c
14、lose their products to the customer. Lastly, adequate advertisements are useful to inform and educate our society. For instance, strong campaigns against violence, abuse and discrimination have had excellent results in schools among young people.On the other hand, others argue that advertising has a
15、 negative impact, such as it gives false information and extreme consume is encouraged by a high quantity of advertisements on radio, TV and internet. Consequently, children could be persuaded and influenced by unreal and overacted behavior showed on them. In contrast of this, many companies and gov
16、ernments have started to regulated those announce and his content. For example, notes have been printed on covers related to the risk to get any product in excess or even changes made in the art and photos such as human body modifications or unreal effects.In conclusion, I believe with a correct regulation applied to agencies by governments, advertising is an excellent way to get people close to products, trends and information.