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1、七年级(上)Module 8能力测试命题: 唐萍 王彬 满分: 100分 班级 得分 自我评价 听力部分(20分)(略)基础知识运用(20分) 从、 三个选项中选择最佳答案。(每小题1分,共10分)( ) 21. Is it the twins bedroom? Yes, it is. Its _ bedroom. A. Lilys and LucysB. Lilys and LucyC. Lily and Lucys( ) 22. _ Friday afternoon, he often _ the piano. A. In; playB. On; playsC. In; playing(

2、) 23. Bettys brother often buys CDs _ her favourite singers. A. byB. onC. with( ) 24. Does Tom often go to the cinema? _A. Yes, he is.B. No, he isnt.C. No, he doesnt.( ) 25. We often make a birthday card _ his birthday.A. forB. ofC. to( ) 26. He plays football _ he never plays baseball.A. andB. butC

3、. or( ) 27. When _ your brother _ to school every morning? A. does; goesB. do; goC. does; go( ) 28. Their favourite _ are jeans and T-shirts. A. foodB. clothesC. sports( ) 29. David Beckham is _ favourite football star. He likes _. A. he; himB. his; him C. him; his( ) 30. The students cant _ TV. A.

4、watch alwaysB. always watchesC. always watch 完形填空。(每小题1分,共10分)Tom is a sports boy. He likes sports 31 . 32 favourite sport is football. 33 he is a super football fan. He likes 34 football matches on TV. He often 35 football with his best friends. Jack is one of his friends. He likes 36 , but Tom 37

5、sing well. His favourite 38 is Britney Spears. He often 39 to her songs. Tom and Jack often 40 the football matches on Sundays.( ) 31. A. a lotB. lots ofC. a lot of ( ) 32. A. HeB. HisC. Hes ( ) 33. A. WithB. AndC. But ( ) 34. A. watchingB. lookingC. playing( ) 35. A. playingB. playC. plays ( ) 36.

6、A. singB. singsC. singing( ) 37. A. doesntB. isntC. dont( ) 38. A. film starB. singerC. sports ( ) 39. A. listenB. listensC. listening( ) 40. A. seeB. lookC. watch阅读理解(20分) 阅读下面的文章,按要求完成文后各题。(每小题2分, 共20分)A is Annas birthday. Her parents send a CD to her. And her good friends invite her to the concer

7、t. ens birthday is on June 9. His sister gives him a pair of trainers. And he goes to a football match with his friends on his birthday. On Cathys birthday, she gets a birthday cake from her aunt. And she often invites her friends to her birthday party. She always likes parties. Bobs birthday is gre

8、at. He sits in a chair and then his friends lift (举起) the chair up and down. Bob is very happy for this. Lindas birthday, her friends send her lots of coloured lights (彩灯). And she puts the coloured lights outside her home. They are very beautiful (漂亮).根据短文容,选择最佳答案。( ) 41. What does Ben get from his

9、 sister on his birthday?A. A birthday cake.B. A T-shirt.C. A pair of trainers.( ) 42. What do Bobs friends do on Bobs birthday?A. Send him cards.B. Lift Bob in the chair.C. Play football with him. ( ) 43. _ gets a CD from _ on her birthday.A. Linda; her friendsB. Ben; his sisterC. Anna; her parents(

10、 ) 44. _ invites her friends to her birthday party and she always likes _.A. Cathy; partiesB. Linda; birthday cakesC. Bob; sports( ) 45. The coloured lights are very beautiful. Who sends them to Linda?A. Her parents.B. Her friends.C. Her sister.BIts June 6. Its Jennys birthday. She comes home and se

11、es a card on the table. It says, “There is a present for you, Jenny. Go and look for it in your bedroom (卧室).” Jenny runs to her bedroom. She sees a red box on her bed. She opens it. There is another (又一) card in it. Jenny takes it out and reads, “Dear Jenny, Im your present. My first letter is in s

12、ome, but not in come. My second letter is in have, but not in save. My third letter is in live, but not in love. My fourth letter is in for, but not in of . My fifth letter is in take, but not in cake. What am I?” Jenny thinks and then she says, “Aha, I know! But where is it?” Jenny finds (找到) it be

13、hind the door.根据短文容,回答下列问题。46. When is Jennys birthday?_47. What does the card on the table say? _48. What does Jenny see on her bed?_49. What is Jennys birthday present, do you know?_50. Where is the present?_语言综合运用(40分) 词汇。(每小题1分,共10 分)A. 根据句意及首字母提示写单词。注意用其正确形式。51. He always gets to school early,

14、and he is n_ late.52. There are three p_ of shoes under the bed.53. His good friend s_ him a football on his birthday.54. I have two cinema t_. Lets see the movie.55. She c_ a card for me on my birthday. B. 根据句意及中文提示写单词。注意用其正确形式。56. There are _(不同的)kinds of clothes in the shop.57. My father likes re

15、ading _(杂志)after supper. 58. Does your sister wear a _(丝绸)shirt?59. He often goes to _(演唱会)at the weekend.60. I _(通常)go to school at 7:30. 按要求完成下列各题。(每小题2分,共10分)61. They go to the cinema on Sunday.(改为否定句)They _ on Sunday.62. He often watches matches on TV.(改为一般疑问句)_63. He likes movies. He doesnt lik

16、e novels.(合并为一句)_64. eating; candies; always; at noon; likes; she (连词成句)_65. He likes T-shirts best.(改为同义句)T-shirts are _ 从方框中选择合适的选项填在横线上,补全对话。有两项多余。(每小题2分,共10分)Peter: Today is my sisters birthday. She is 13 years old.Betty: (66) _Peter: She likes a cake for her birthday. Betty: OK, (67) _Peter: Wh

17、at? Can you make a cake?Betty: (68) _ I often make a cake by myself.Peter: Well, what can we do now?Betty: I have got some milk, but (69) _Peter: (70) _Betty: OK. Lets go.A. lets make a cake for her birthday.B. I havent got any chocolate.C. Lets go to the shop to buy some.D. What do you like?E. I ha

18、ve some water.F. What does she like?G. Of course, I can. 书面表达。(10分)根据表格中的容提示,谈谈“你”的生日情况,可适当发挥。不少于40词。fathersome booksmothermake a big mealauntmake a cakeunclea pair of trainersfriendsdifferent presents(特别提示:参考答案见下期)七年级(上) 能力测试听力原文、参考答案及解析听力原文I. 1. I like reading different books. 2. My father is a do

19、ctor.3. My father buys me a birthday cake today.4. My mum gives me a watch as a present.5. My parents often go to the cinema at night.II. 6. He doesnt like playing computer games.7. Tonys favourite food is chocolate. 8. There are a lot of books in our school.9. Betty often gets a birthday cake.10. L

20、ily always sends her friends storybooks. III. 11. G: Hi, Sam! Its Tonys birthday on Saturday. What do you want to give him?B: A basketball. What about you, Lucy?Q: Who wants to give Tony a basketball?12. G: Its Miss Lis birthday next week. Lets give her a present.B: Lets send her a beautiful song .Q

21、: What does the boy want to send Miss Li?13. G: Hello, Jack! Do you like playing football?B: No, I always play basketball with my friends. What about you, Linda?G: I like playing tennis.Q: What does the girl like doing?14. G: Do you often play football after school?B: No, never.Q: How often does the

22、 boy play football?15. G: Do you like reading books?B: No, I dont. My uncle likes reading books. I like football.Q: What does the boys uncle like doing?IV. My name is Li Shanshan, and you can also call me Sally. Sally is my English name. I am a lovely girl. It is my birthday this Friday. My parents

23、usually give me a cake on my birthday. Cake is my favourite food. My friends often send me a pair of trainers because running is my favourite sport. 参考答案听力部分I. 1-5 ABCAAII. 6-10 ABACAIII. 11-15 BCBBAIV. (One possible version) 16. Li Shanshan 17. Sally18. Girl 19. Cake 20. Running基础知识运用I. 21-25 CBACA

24、26-30 BCBBCII. 31-35ABBAC36-40 CABBC阅读理解III. 41-45 CBCAB(46-50 One possible version) 46. Its June 6. 47. It says, “There is a present for you, Jenny. Go and look for it in your bedroom.” 48. A red box.49. A shirt. 50. Its behind the door. 语言综合运用 IV. (One possible version) A . 51. never 52. pairs 53.

25、 sends 54. tickets 55. choosesB. 56. different 57. magazines 58. silk 59. concerts 60. usuallyV. (One possible version)61. dont go to the cinema 62. Does he often watch matches on TV? 63. He likes movies but he doesnt like novels. 64. She always likes eating candies at noon. 65. his favourite clothe

26、s.VI. 66-70 FAGBCVII. (One possible version)My birthday comes on Saturday. My father usually sends some books to me on my birthday. I like reading books. My mother always makes a big meal for my birthday. And my aunt often makes a cake for me. I like it very much. My uncle usually gives me a pair of

27、 trainers. My friends send me different presents on my birthday. There are some flowers, cards and pens. I am very happy on my birthday.解析21. C。若一样东西是两人共有的,则在后一人名的后面用s所有格。故选C。22. B。在具体某天的上、下午介词用on, 而从often可以判断句子为一般现在时,主语为第三人称单数。故选 B。29. B。在第一句中his做定语修饰名词,意思是“他最喜欢的足球明星”,所以要使用形容词性物主代词。第二句中动词like后要用人称代

28、词的宾格him。故选B。30. C。表频率的副词应放在情态动词之后,行为动词之前。故选C。口语测试I. 朗读下列单词和短语,每个单词和短语读两遍。different, always, often, usually, never, habit, send, ticket, card, present, jeans, T-shirt, silk, shirt, concert, magazine, choose, music, lots of, a lot of, a pair of, have a party, a birthday cake, a concert ticket, on tele

29、vision, think ofII. 朗读下列句子,每个句子读两遍。1. Its Tonys birthday on Saturday.2. Tony always likes parties!3. He likes films and he often goes to the cinema.4. Linglings father watches the football on television on Saturday and Sunday, but he never goes to a football match.5. We often make a cake for his birthday.III. 两人一组,仿照下面的对话编一段新对话。A: Its Cathys birthday on Sunday. We usually send her a CD.B: Lets send her a CD. She likes music very much.A: OK, what about a birthday present?B: Lets give her a concert ticket.A: OK, thats a good idea!


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