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1、一、根据首字母完成单词。1. He coloured the picture with a p_ c_.2. Tony likes black w_.3. These g_ are not m_, theyre y_.4. W_ pencil is this?5. I cant find my English book, it would be in the l_ and found box!6. H_ of people visited the Great Pyramid last year.7. Several b_ are by the river. 8. Im go to work i

2、n a h_.9. He was waiting for his grandpa at the s_. 10. Can I l_ a message please?11. He warned me the person looked s_.12. A man is getting on the bus.His m_ phone is lost.13. Hes looking for his p_ wallet.14. There are about two t_ cameras in the store.15. They are looking for their w_.They want t

3、o know the time.16. Are these y_ _ crayons?二、根据汉语提示完成句子。1. 我正在找我的橡皮。 Im _ _ _ my eraser.2. 她此刻非常不高兴,不想说话。 Shes very unhappy and dont want to talk _ _ _.1. 失物招领箱里有很多支蜡笔。 There are _ _ _ _ in the _ and _ box.2. 从现在开始, 他要尽量画得好些。 _ now _, he will try to draw better.3. 那只手表不是我的,是Lily的。The watch isnt _, i

4、ts _.4. 请保管好你的东西。 Please be _ _ your things. 5. 这盒磁带很棒。你听了吗? This is a great _ _. Have you heard it?6. 这个钱包是我的。The _ is _.7. 成百上千的人每天到这里来。_ _ people come here every day.8. 首先,你要喜欢英语课。_ _ _ you like the English class.三、用所给单词的正确形式填空。 his mine Betty whose myMy names Rebecca. This is _ bag. There are ma

5、ny things in it. These crayons are _. Heres a blue wallet. Heres my friend name “Mike”. The wallet is _ _. Lily gives me a watch. _ gloves are these? They are not _. Oh, its _.四、连线匹配:her his his theiryour hersour itsmy oursits minetheir yours五、单项选择1Jims book is new.What about _?Ayour Bhim Cher Dmine

6、2Theres _ water in the cup.Alot of Ba lot of Cmany Da lot3Everyone,please be _ your things.Acarefully with Bcareful atCcareful with Dcarefully at4_ you _ your bike?AAre;look for BAre;looking forCDo;looki ng for DIs;looking for5There are _ students playing on the playground.Ahundred of Bhundreds ofCf

7、ive hundreds Dtwo hundreds of6(2012贵州铜仁中考)Wheres my pen?Oh,sorry,I have taken _ by mistake.Ayours Bmine Chers Dhis7There are about three _ students in the park.Ahundred of Bhundreds ofChundred Dhundreds8Peopl e often lose things when theyre _.Ain hurry Bin a hurryChurry Da hurry9Are these _ books? N

8、o,they are _.Ayour;him Byour;her Cyours;hers Dyour;hers六、完形填空Its Sunday today.There are _26_ people in the park.Some are walking.Some are _27_ tea.Others are watching flowers.Look!Thats Lucy.Shes _28_ a kite _29_ her brother,Tom.The kite is high in the sky now.Their parents are sitting under the tre

9、e.What are they _30_ about?I dont know.Oh,dear!Look!Lucys kite is in a big tree now.Tom _31_ to climb the tree and get it_32_.But his mother doesnt let him _33_ it.At the moment we can see Polly is fl ying high.It can get the kite _34_ Lucy.Lucy is very happy to get the kite _35_.She thanks Polly,he

10、r bird,very much.26Amany Bmuch Ctwo Dgood27Adrink Bdrinking Ceat Deating28Aflying Bflys Cflies Dfly29Aand Bwith Cto Dafter30Atalk Btalks Ctalking Dtalk to31Awants Blikes Cgoes Druns32Aup Bback Cto Ddoes33Ado Bto do Cto Dto does34Ato Bwith Cfor Dand35Aup Bback Cto Don知识点讲解:u get: get on 上车 get off 下车

11、get on well with sb. 与某人相处融洽 / get on well with sth. 某事进展顺利eg: Im getting on well with my classmates.我和我的同学相处的很融洽。How are you getting on well with your work?你的工作进展如何?u 这是什么?/ 那是什么?Whats this/that? (问单数名词)What are these / those? (问复数名词)回答: This/That is These/Those are .u 这/那是谁的什么?Whose sth is this/that? (问单数名词)Whose sths are these/those? (问复数名词)回答:Its + 形容词性物主代词+sth. / Its + 名词性物主代词. They are + 形容词性物主代词+sth. / They are + 名词性物主代词.u 形容词性物主代词&名词性物主代词欢迎您的下载,资料仅供参考!致力为企业和个人提供合同协议,策划案计划书,学习课件等等打造全网一站式需求


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