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1、托福阅读遇到生词及时整理记忆 托福阅读考试时间非常短,一篇700词的*,设置14个问题,需要大家在20分钟内完成,而且,托福阅读*难度也不低,很多同学在做托福阅读练习的时候都会遇到很多生词,影响做题速度。下面就和大家分享托福阅读词汇如何积累,来欣赏一下吧。托福阅读词汇如何积累?遇到生词及时整理记忆一.*完全读不懂,先去背单词托福阅读是托福考试四个版块中涵盖词汇量最广的一块,所以,想要做好阅读必须要有一定量的词汇储备。有的同学在刚开始备考托福的时候,直接去做真题练习,结果发现阅读*几乎完全读不懂。这其实就是因为词汇量积累不够,建议先返回去背单词,当有了一定的词汇量基础后,再开始做阅读练习题。二.

2、 阅读中遇到生词及时积累即便是积累了一定的词汇量,在做阅读练习的时候也会遇到一些生词。建议大家及时将遇到的生词积累下来,做完阅读*以后及时回顾复习。要注意的是,及时积累并不意味着遇到生词就中断做题,拿本记录生词。积累阅读生词的环节应该放在对完答案重读*时。做题的过程中即便遇到影响理解的单词也不要停下来查单词,应该先保证在规定时间内将阅读题做完,如果影响理解,可以试着结合上下文猜一猜单词的意思,就像大家做词汇题使用的猜词方法一样。三. 代入法记忆阅读词汇的记忆不应该像背单词书那样死记硬背,阅读词汇积累建议大家使用代入法记忆。因为生词都是阅读*中的词汇,大家可以代入到具体的语境中记忆,这样记忆能不

3、仅能帮助大家记住单词的意思,还能了解单词的用法。如果觉得寻找单词出处太浪费时间,大家可以在积累生词的时候将原文例句抄下来。代入法不但记忆效率高,记忆效果也很牢靠,但是却有一个不可避免的缺点:记忆单词释义太过单一。阅读*中生词所对应的释义都是唯一的,所以代入法记忆只能记住生词在*中的释义,延伸释义则需要大家自己去做拓展练习。四. 坚持“坚持”两个字说起来非常容易,但真正做到却很难。词汇记忆最为重要的就是坚持,一开始大家都热情高涨,非常积极,但是能坚持到最后人则少之又少,正所谓“靡不有初,鲜克有终”。希望大家能保持最初备考的热情,将阅读词汇积累的工作坚持到底。以上是小站君为大家整理的关于托福阅读词

4、汇积累的方法。托福阅读词汇涉猎的范围非常宽泛,大家在做阅读之前需要有一定的词汇基础,做阅读的过程中要及时积累遇到的生词,可以使用代入法高效记忆。托福阅读真题原题+题目The smooth operation of an ant colony depends on ten to twenty different signals, most of which are pheromones (chemical signals triggering behavioral responses). It is estimated that red fire ants employ at least twe

5、lve different chemical signals. The simplest of these is the carbon dioxide from the respiration of an ant cluster, a chemical that acts as a pheromone to promote aggregation. Workers move toward a source of carbon dioxide, resulting in solitary ants moving to join a group. At the other extreme, the

6、 most complex of the fire ants signals is probably colony odor, by which the workers of a particular colony or nest identify another worker as local or foreign. Each ant nest has its own odor as a result of its location, history, and local food supply. The resident ants pick up this odor on their bo

7、dies, so that ants of the same species, but from different nests, have different colony odors. This allows ants to identify intruders and maintain colony integrity.Fire ants also make use of an alarm pheromone to alert workers to an emergency, and their scouts lay down a trail pheromone as a guide d

8、uring mass migrations. A fire ant queen emits a chemical signal that identifies her to the colonys workers. They respond by scurrying to gather around her. The decomposing corpse of a dead ant also generates a signal, to which workers respond by eliminating the corpse from the nest.Ants provide exam

9、ples of both public (accessible to other species) and private messages. One of their most important private messages concerns food, for a food source is worth keeping secret. Each species marks its trails with signals that are meaningless to others, so that an ant crossing a trail left by another an

10、t species typically notices nothing. On the other hand, a secret signal to mark a dead body is unnecessary. Many kinds of ants perceive a natural decomposition product of dead insects as a signal to remove a corpse. If an outsider recognizes this message and moves the body, no harm is done.1. What a

11、spect of ants does the passage mainly discuss?(A) The relationship between the queen and the worker ants(B) Ways in which ants use chemical signals(C) Methods ants use to identify food sources(D) The importance of respiration in the production of ant pheromones2. The phrase smooth operation in line

12、1 is closest in meaning to(A) daily activity(B) effective functioning(C) delicate balance(D) permanent location3. According to the passage , carbon dioxide serves which of the following functions for fire ants?(A) It protects the queen.(B) It attracts other ant species.(C) It informs workers of poss

13、ible danger.(D) It encourages the ants to gather together.4. The word cluster in line 4 is closest in meaning to(A) organ(B) activity(C) group(D) cycle5. According to the passage , each nest has a distinct odor that allows its inhabitants to(A) find the location of the nest in the dark(B) distinguis

14、h worker ants from other ants(C) distinguish foreign ants from resident ants(D) signal other inhabitants when foreign ants attack6. The word alert in line 13 is closest in meaning to(A) allow(B) transport(C) warn(D) provide7. What is the role of pheromones in the mass migrations of ants?(A) Pheromon

15、es are used to create a trail that directs the ants during migrations.(B) Pheromones signal the ants that the nest has been invaded and must be abandoned.(C) Pheromones control the speed at which ants move from one location to another.(D) Pheromones enable scouts to identify suitable areas for estab

16、lishing a new nest.8. The word scurrying in line 16 is closest in meaning to(A) agreeing(B) appearing(C) competing(D) rushing9. The word others in line 21 refers to(A) private messages(B) species(C) trails(D) signals10. Why does the author mention dead insects in line 23?(A) To compare the social be

17、haviors of ants with those of other insects(B) To emphasize the dangers that all insects encounter(C) To argue the superiority of ants over other insects(D) To indicate a behavior that is common among various kinds of ants11. Which of the following terms is defined in the passage ?(A) pheromones (line 2)(B) colony integrity (lines 12)(C) mass migrations (line 14)(D) private messages (lines 18-19)PASSAGE 86 BBDCC CADBD A


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