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1、托福阅读日常练习注意这几点 托福阅读怎么练,很多考生做阅读练习的时候都会比较迷茫。其实托福阅读练习的范围还是很宽泛的,只要是跟英语相关的*读一读都有益处。下面就和大家分享托福阅读怎么练,来欣赏一下吧。托福阅读怎么练?日常练习注意这几点1. 读有深度的*在时间宽裕情况下,建议读一些内容较深的*,不认识的单词可以并记录下来。托福的*大多是大学程度的,需要我们平时进行一些有难度的训练,才能跟上节奏。2.针对托福高频考试学科读*如科学、科技、历史、政治、文化、文学、艺术、人物传记等方面的题材,自己在平时进行课外阅读时可以有意识地躲涉猎一些,这个就不用英语了,可以看中文的,我们的目的是要了解这方面的知识

2、。比如说科技领域里面,正流行的是什么,未来发展的趋势是哪里,这些我们都要基本了解,因为很多阅读*都是从这个方向上出题的,我们不可能了解的很深入,研究得彻底,至少做到心中有数,知道存在这样东西或这个事件,能有兴趣知道来龙去脉就更好了。虽然说托福的设计原则是让一个对*主题所涉及的主题没有这方面知识的人,也能成功作答。但是如果你之前对这个主题有所了解,那么你就比其他同学对*理解的更加彻底了,回答更能得心应手了。3.Extensive reading练习extensive reading阅读练习非常重要。阅读考试考察的是我们的理解*能力,这个能力不是一天就训练的出来,是要经过长期积累而产生的。平时的练

3、习就是一种锻炼,一种积累,要用正确的阅读方法和解题方法,这样每天的练习,就是不断的强化,长此以往,在考场上才能得心应手,不慌不忙,从容应对考试,考出高分来。多读英文*会增强阅读能力,可以加快阅读速度,扩大我们的词汇量。这样的话在就可以减少在考场上推测生词意思上时间的花费了。节省下来的时间久可以用来更好低理解*了。托福阅读真题原题+题目In eighteenth-century colonial America, flowers and fruit were typically the province of the botanical artist interested in scientif

4、ic illustration rather than being the subjects of fine art. Early in the nineteenth century, however, the Peale family of Philadelphia established the still life, a picture consisting mainly of inanimate objects, as a valuable part of the artists repertoire. The fruit paintings by James and Sarah Mi

5、riam Peale are simple arrangements of a few objects, handsomely colored, small in size, and representing little more than what they are. In contrast were the highly symbolic, complex compositions by Charles Bird King, with their biting satire and critical social commentary. Each of these strains com

6、minuted into and well past mid-century.John F. Francis (1808-86) was a part of the Pennsylvania still-life tradition that arose, at least in part, from the work of the Peales. Most of his still lifes date from around 1850 to 1875. Luncheon Still Life looks like one of the Peales pieces on a larger s

7、cale, with greater complexity resulting from the number of objects. It is also indebted to the luncheon type of still life found in seventeenth-century Dutch painting. The opened bottles of wine and the glasses of wine partially consumed suggest a number of unseen guests. The appeal of the fruit and

8、 nuts to our sense of taste is heightened by the juicy orange, which has already been sliced. The arrangement is additive, that is, made up of many different parts, not always compositionally integrated, with all objects of essentially equal importance.About 1848, Severin Roesen came to the United S

9、tates from Germany and settled in New York City, where he began to paint large, lush still lifes of flowers, fruit, or both, often measuring over four feet across. Still Life with fruit and champagne is typical in its brilliance of color, meticulous rendering of detail, compact composition, and unab

10、ashed abundance. Rich in symbolic overtones, the beautifully painted objects carry additional meanings butterflies or fallen buds suggest the impermanence of life, a birds nest with eggs means fertility, and so on. Above all, Roesens art expresses the abundance that America symbolized to many of its

11、 citizens.1. What does the passage mainly discuss?(A) The artwork of James and Sarah Miriam Peale(B) How Philadelphia became a center for art in the nineteenth century(C) Nineteenth-century still-life paintings in the United States(D) How botanical art inspired the first still-life paintings2. Which

12、 of the following is mentioned as a characteristic of the still lifes of James and SarahMiriam Peale?(A) simplicity(B) symbolism(C) smooth texture(D) social commentary3. The word biting in line 8 is closest in meaning to(A) simple(B) sorrowful(C) frequent(D) sharp4. The word It in line 13 refers to(

13、A) Luncheon Still Life(B) one of the Peales pieces(C) a larger scale(D) the number of objects5. The word heightened in line 16 is closest in meaning to(A) complicated(B) directed(C) observed(D) increased6. The word meticulous in line 23 is closest in meaning to(A) careful(B) significant(C) appropria

14、te(D) believable7. Which of the following terms is defined in the passage ?(A) repertoire (line 5)(B) satire (line 8)(C) additive (line 17)(D) rendering (line 23)8. All of the following are mentioned as characteristics of Roesens still lifes EXCEPT that they(A) are symbolic(B) use simplified representations of flowers and fruit(C) include brilliant colors(D) are large in size9. Which of the following is mentioned as the dominant theme in Roesens painting?(A) Fertility(B) Freedom(C) Impermanence(D) AbundancePASSAGE 89 CADAD ACBD托福阅读日常练习注意这几点


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