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1、雅思口语考官评分4大维度17个要点大清仓 大多数烤鸭都知道雅思口语评分有四个维度,但如何根据每个部分做具体的准备在真实的考场中来“取悦”各位考官达人呢?下面就和大家分享雅思口语考官评分4大维度17个要点大清仓,来欣赏一下吧。雅思口语考官评分4大维度17个要点大清仓雅思考官通常从以下四个方面来进行评分:When you go into the speaking test, the examiner grades you in four areas:FC-Fluency coherence 流利度与连贯性GA-Grammar Range Accuracy 语法准确性与精确性LR-Lexical R

2、esource 词汇的丰富度PR-Pronunciation 语音语调的流畅与清晰度Now to be honest every examiner knows what the strong and weak areas are for Chinese students. They all know that LR, which we can also call vocabulary is generally their strong point and FC and PR are generally the weaker. That does not mean that all studen

3、ts will have the same problems. The average IELTS score for Chinese students is 5.5.老实讲,雅思考官对于烤鸭的强弱项早就了然于胸了。中国烤鸭们都知道词汇是他们的强项,但是流利度、连贯性和语音语调却是他们的软肋。这并不是说每个学生都有这样的问题。中国烤鸭的平均雅思成绩是5.5.The profile usually breaks down like this. Examiners called this a “jagged profile” because on a graph it looks like a j

4、agged line。中国烤鸭们的成绩呈锯齿状(像下面展示的这样)。考官们把这个叫“锯齿图式”,因为考鸭们的分数波动呈锯齿装。FC 5 GA 6 PR 5 LR 6If we take an average of these four scores we can see that is 5.5 score. This means that any strategy you use for passing the IELTS test should concentrate on FC and PR more than GA and LR. I am not saying that you sho

5、uld forget about GA and LR completely, just focus on the typical weak points。四个分数平均一下就是5.5. 这就意味着如果你想拿到雅思高分,那么你的重心应该更多的放在流利度和连贯性、语音上面,而不是语法和词汇上面。In the next few parts I will take a look at each area and discuss how you can increase your scores by looking at what examiners want. On the next page you

6、can see a checklist of basic questions that you can ask yourself during the exam. If you can manage to pay attention to all of these points, then you are going to succeed on the exam。接下来的几个部分,我会详细介绍一下如何准备每个部分,以“取悦”考官,从而拿到高分。在下一页是你考试时会被重点考察的一个系列的问题。如果你在参加考试时能注意到这些点的话,你距离高分可能就不远了。A point that I want t

7、o remind you of, is that it is always your weak points that will pull you down, so remember to maintain your strong points, but really focus on your weak points so that everything evens out。我想提醒烤鸭们,拉低你分数的是你的弱项而非你的强项。所以,记住要不断强化你的优势,同时还要重点改善你的弱点,这样最终才会有好的结果。雅思考官在乎的17个口语得分点:Fluency Coherence 流利度与连贯性a)

8、Can I speak at length on a topic?我能否详尽地就一个话题侃侃而谈?b) Have I organised my ideas logically?我的观点叙述有逻辑吗?c) Have I used appropriate linking words?我有没有用到合适、恰当的逻辑连接词?d) Do I speak clearly and smoothly?我是否讲得清晰且平顺?Grammatical Range Accuracy 语法张度与准确性a) Have I used a variety of simple, compound and complex sent

9、ences?我是否混合着使用了简单句、复合句和复杂句?b) Have I used a range of structures to convey modality, conditionals, active/passive, cause/effect and tenses?我是否用了不同的结构去传递语法的正确形式、条件句、主被动语态、因果句、时态?c) How well can the assessor understand me even though I have made some errors?在我偶有错误的前提下,考官能多大程度上的理解我所讲的话?Lexical Resource

10、词汇的丰富度a) Are the words and expressions I use appropriate and accurate?我所使用得词和习语是否合适并且准确?b) Do I have a good range of vocabulary to cover the topic?我所使用得词频是否涵盖足够广泛,而非单一只能运用某一个词汇段?c) Have I used correct word forms?我是否正确地使用了单词的形式?d) Have I used some idiomatic language?我是否使用了一些习惯用语?e) How well can I tal

11、k about personal and familiar topics?我能多优异地谈论个人和自己熟悉的话题?f) How well can I discuss more abstract topics?我能多优异地讨论更抽象的话题?Pronunciation 语音语调a) Have I pronounced my words correctly?我的单词发音是否正确?b) How appropriately have I used stress and intonation?我是否正确重读了单词,我们语调如何?c) How well can the interviewer understa

12、nd me?考官能听懂我吗?d) Is my voice strong and clear?我的声音是否自信并且清晰?对雅思口语考生的建议是根据以上的4个维度与17个得分点逐一进行练习。关于英语口语的提高办法是很多雅思考生特别头疼的问题。在雅思口语中,光靠机经很难拿到8以上的高分。所以还得靠平时的积累。那么中国考生在练习口语的时候最大的问题是什么呢?根据笔者多年的观察,许多考生学习英语多年却未曾突破,最大的原因不是方法问题而是态度问题。也就是说,大家一直在找方法,在各种方法之间选择,最重要的行动却没有。考生们可以想想,我们在学母语的时候有方法吗?笔者自己的口语比一般非英语专业的学生好。原因总结

13、为以下三点,供大家借鉴:1)大学时的大量练习。由于笔者是学校英语协会的会长,每周都要为会员组织英语活动,等于变相地在当老师。后来在英国读教育心理学才发现能达到最好效果的学习方式,就是learning by teaching others(教会别人)。很多老师英语不错,一是底子好,二是一直不断在用,不断在想办法教会别人,所以自然就保持得好。2)口语练习是从可以蹦词、到蹦短语、再到蹦句子,这样一个从简单到复杂的过程,和婴儿学习语言并无两样。能看懂的是被动知识,用说出来的才是语言能力。我们中国的语言教学最大的问题就是把语言知识等同于语言能力了。语言知识是语言能力的基础,但不是自动等于能力。就好比,你




17、?我认为不算。总之,雅思口语的高分需要的是坚持练习。态度比方法重要。英语这门相对简单的语言只要坚持去学了一定会好起来的。雅思口语考试话题范文:认识你自己Describe a Good Advice you recieved.You should say:what the advice wasin what situation you received this advicewho gave you the adviceand explain why you thought this advice was good.what the advice was雅思口语考试话题范文参考:The most

18、 important advice I received in my life was: Know yourself. Quite a simple one but, it means much more to me than it sounds.During a certain period in my early 20s, I was extremely arrogant. Every time I assumed I would be successful, I would get whatever I wanted. I didnt respect people around me,

19、and even my arrogance came out in every speech I made.Mom thought I was full of myself, irritating. She once told me to know yourself! Mom said its inscribed on the front of the temple of Apollo. And entire quote is know thyself, and you shall know all the mysteries of the gods and of the universe.

20、Thats quite a mouthful. Her version is this. Know yourself because what else is there to know?As a child, we dont always realize that parents tell us what to do out of love. I discovered that she was right after awhile. To get a thorough understanding of oneself is to gain a correct view of oneself

21、and be a sober realist - aware of both ones strength and shortage. You may look forward hopefully to the future but be sure not to expect too much. I think feeling small is the first step to knowing yourself. Being silent is the second. I think we are afraid of silence because we dont want to be sma

22、ll. If we are too silent, we might slow down enough to recognize that something much deeper, much larger, and much more ancient than us is slowly trying to tell us something. And thats scary. But I think its worth a try. Maybe it will tell us who we are. Thats to way so long as you have a perfect knowledge of yourself there wont be difficulties you cant overcome, nor obstacles you cant surmount.


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