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1、心功能不全病人的麻醉管理,钟泰迪浙江大学医学院附属邵逸夫医院,Company Logo,患者何XX,男,66岁,因“反复胸闷气急4年余,加重1周”于2012-4-1入院。4年前出现胸闷气急,活动时气急加重,心超(2008.12.8):先天性心脏病,动脉导管未闭。于2008.12.10行“PDA封堵术”;1年前患者以上症状再次出现,1月余前患者再感胸闷气急;入院后予以多巴胺强心,利尿,扩血管等治疗后病情有所好转,心功能有所改善后出院。,病史简介,Company Logo,半月前,患者劳累后再次出现胸闷气急,伴面部浮肿,恶心,无双下肢水肿,无明显胸痛头晕。5天前,患者自觉胸闷气急较前加重,遂至我院

2、就诊;心超示:“先天性心脏病动脉导管未闭介入封堵术后,全心增大(左心为主),左室收缩功能弥漫性减低 ,左室舒张末压增高,二尖瓣退行性变伴重度二尖瓣反流,中度三尖瓣反流轻轻度肺动脉高压,主动脉瓣退行性变伴轻度反流,肺动脉增宽,轻度肺动脉瓣反流,心律不齐,EF:30%”。CT示:1、左下肺病灶,肿瘤不能除外,心影增大。活检组织病理:(左肺穿刺)鳞状细胞癌。冠脉造影示:左主干尾部30%狭窄,前降支无明显狭窄。回旋支未见明显狭窄;右冠状动脉:右冠中段60%狭窄,未予支架植入。,Company Logo,诊断:冠状动脉粥样硬化性心脏病 不稳定性心绞痛 扩张型心肌病 二尖瓣重度关闭不全 心房颤动伴快速心室

3、率 心功能IV级 动脉导管未闭伞片封堵术后 左肺占位 高血压病 肝功能不全心内科予扩血管、改善心功能、护肝等对症处后,胸闷气急较前好转;,Company Logo,患者于2012-4-6转入胸外科拟手术治疗;我科会诊:术中单肺通气及左下肺切除均加重患者心脏负担,易急性心衰,手术风险极大,望手术医生及家属慎重抉择。经外科与家属沟通后,患者家属强烈要求手术治疗。,Company Logo,术前CX-3,Company Logo,术前CBC,Company Logo,术前肝功能,Company Logo,术前治疗及相关指标,Company Logo,2012-04-12 全麻下行“左肺下叶切除+淋巴

4、结清扫”;0830 麻醉诱导、双腔气管插管顺利,予保温,标准监测+A-Line,CVP,漂浮导管,熵指数及血气监测;0930 手术开始,术中泵注多巴胺调节血压,过程顺利;,Company Logo,ABG 1,Company Logo,1110 手术结束时,患者突发室速并迅速转为室颤,立即改平卧位行CPR,先后予肾上腺素,利多卡因,胺碘酮,碳酸氢钠等药物并更换气管导管,间断三次200j除颤;,Company Logo,VBG 1,Company Logo,VBG 2,Company Logo,Purpose,1135 恢复自主心律,肾上腺素及多巴胺持续泵注转ICU继续治疗。,ABG 2,Com

5、pany Logo,Company Logo,ICU ABG 1,Company Logo,ICU CX-7,Company Logo,ICU ABG,患者于当晚2200拔除气管导管,神清,呼吸循系系统稳定。,Company Logo,ICU 肌钙蛋白(12-13号),Company Logo,ICU 肌钙蛋白(13-14号),Company Logo,病房CX-7,Company Logo,病房肌钙蛋白,Company Logo,患者于2012-04-14 1300转入普通病房。,Anesth Analg. 2006 Sep;103(3):557-75.Perioperative manag

6、ement of chronic heart failure.Groban L, Butterworth J.SourceDepartment of Anesthesiology, Wake Forest University School of Medicine, Winston-Salem, NC 27157-1009, USA. lgrobanwfubmc.edu,问题,1.术前准备是否足够?2.麻醉选择和监测是否合理?3.心脏骤停的可能原因?4.围手术期心肺复苏的要点?,复习文献,Anesth Analg. 2006 Sep;103(3):557-75.Perioperative ma

7、nagement of chronic heart failure.Groban L, Butterworth J.SourceDepartment of Anesthesiology, Wake Forest University School of Medicine, Winston-Salem, NC 27157-1009, USA. lgrobanwfubmc.edu,Current guidelines begin pharmacotherapy of HF with primary prevention of left ventricular dysfunction.,ACE in

8、hibitors, and possibly -adrenergic blockers, should be initiated in diabetic, hypertensive, and hypercholesterolemia patients (AHA/ACC, Stage A HF) who are at increased risk for CV events, despite normal contractile function, to reduce the onset of new HF.,卡维地洛片属片剂,是抗高血压药。1和非选择性 受体阻滞作用本品用于治疗有症状的充血性心


10、性心力衰竭。急性心梗发作后的前几天之内出现的充血性心力衰竭症状者。,In the symptomatic HF patient (Stage C), diuretics are titrated to relieve symptoms of pulmonary congestion and peripheral edema and to restore a normal state of intravascular volume.,呋塞米也称速尿,临床上用于治疗心脏性水肿、肾性水肿、肝硬化腹水、机能障碍或血管障碍所引起的周围性水肿,并可促使上部尿道结石的排出。其利尿作用迅速、强大,多用于其它利

11、尿药无效的严重病例。由于水、电解质丢失明显等原因,故不宜常规使用。静脉给药(2080mg)可治疗肺水肿和脑水肿。药物中毒时可用以加速毒物的排泄,螺内酯片 螺内酯片结构与醛固酮相似,为醛固酮的竞争性抑制剂。 作用于远曲小管和集合管,阻断Na-K和Na-H交换,结果Na、C1和 水排泄增多,K、Mg2和H排泄减少,对Ca2和P3的作用不定。由于本 药仅作用于远曲小管和集合管,对肾小管其他各段无作用,故利尿作用较弱,Although digoxin has no effect on patient survival, it may be considered in Stage C if the pa

12、tient remains symptomatic despite adequate doses of ACE inhibitors and diuretics.,地高辛一种主要来自毛地黄的毒性强心糖苷用于治疗充血性心力衰竭,对于高血压、瓣膜病、先天性心脏病所引起的充血性心力衰竭疗效良好。,What is an anesthesiologist to do when faced with a patient with Stage D or decompensated Stage C HF who requires emergency surgery?,When feasible (this w

13、ill be rare because these patients often cannot lie flat on the operating table), regional nerve block techniques, rather than general anesthesia or neuroaxial block techniques, may avoid intraoperative crystalloid infusions. There is no evidence basis by which to select either an induction or a mai

14、ntenance anesthetic drug in these patients,We have successfully used most IV induction drugs in these patients (including thiopental, propofol, ketamine, etomidate, midazolam, and diazepam) and have seen no obvious reason to recommend any one of them over the others.,Similarly, our usual practice is

15、 to maintain anesthesia with inhaled anesthetics. We find intraoperative fluid and medical management considerably more challenging than anesthetic choice in these patients.,Accordingly, when HF patients must undergo major surgery, we suggest invasive arterial BP monitoring and transesophageal echoc

16、ardiography (TEE) to help guide intraoperative decision-making. TEE is especially useful in diagnosing whether hypotensive episodes are the result of inadequate circulating blood volume, worsening ventricular function, or arterial vasodilation.,Pulmonary artery catheters have long been used in these

17、 patients for this purpose; if TEE is not available, pulmonary artery catheters may be a useful,Large volumes of blood, colloid, or crystalloid should be used to treat hypotension in HF patients only when there is a reasonable suspicion that true hypovolemia is present. This advice may be even more

18、important for patients receiving spinal or epidural anesthesia (in the latter case there seems to be an even greater tendency to use IV fluid/colloid/blood rather than vasoactive drugs to treat hypotension).,Finally, transfusion for perioperative anemia in a hemodynamically stable patient with a his

19、tory of HF (e.g., stage C) must be approached with greater caution than usual. It is easy to produce intravascular volume overload in these patients,When we consider our aging patient population in which prolonged survival with hypertension and/or coronary artery disease is expected and the better H

20、F treatment strategies now available to them, we conclude that anesthesiologists will encounter an increasing number of patients with either a predisposition to HF (stages A and B) or a history of HF (stages C and D).,Thus, knowledge of the evolving pharmacologic strategies for the management of chronic HF is essential both for patient care and for our continued credibility as perioperative physicians.,Thank You !,


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