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1、recover的用法总结大全 recover有恢复,重新获得,找回,的意思。那你们想知道recover的用法吗?今天给大家带来了recover的用法,希望能够帮助到大家,一起来学习吧。recover的用法总结大全recover的意思vt. 恢复,重新获得,找回,vi. 恢复健康(体力、能力等)n. 恢复开始时姿势变形:形容词:recovered; 过去式: recovered; 现在分词:recovering; 过去分词:recovered;recover用法recover可以用作动词recover的基本意思是“寻回”“取回”,指无意或有意地找到或得到曾经失掉的物质的或精神的东西,引申可指“恢

2、复”“重新控制”“重新获得”“回复到正常状态”等。recover用作及物动词时,如以人作主语,则用主动结构; 如以物作主语,则用被动结构。可接名词、代词作宾语。recover用作不及物动词时,常跟from连用,表示从某种情况或状态中恢复过来。recover用作动词的用法例句Hes now fully recovered from his stroke.他现已从中风病完全康复了。He is very ill and unlikely to recover.他病得非常厉害,不大可能恢复健康了。I nearly fell but managed to recover myself.我差一点倒下,但最

3、后还是站稳了脚根。recover用法例句1、Legal action is being taken to try to recover the money.正在进行诉讼以收回那笔钱。2、Firms need a breathing space if they are to recover.这些公司需要短暂休整才能恢复元气。3、We are taking advice on legal steps to recover the money.我们正在就追回该款项所需的法律程序咨询律师。recover的短语有哪些recover的短语:recover from(v.+prep.)1.从收回取回 get

4、 back sth from sb/sthdont lend books to your friends; its difficult to recover the books from them when you want them.不要把书借给你的朋友们,在你需要时,很难从他们那儿把书要回来。he recovered his football from the neighbours lawn.他从邻居的草坪上拿回了足球。2.恢复,痊愈 become well; get overa healthy child quickly recovers from a fever.健康的孩子发烧后能很快

5、恢复。it always takes some time to recover from the shock of someones death.从某人的逝世所造成的震惊中恢复过来总需要一些时间。they took a long time to recover from this shock.他们很久才从这一打击中恢复过来。how long will it be before the nation recovers from its present troubles?这个国家从目前的困境中恢复过来需要多长时间?同义词辨析:recover, reclaim, restore, regain这些动

6、词均有重新获得,重新找到,恢复之意。recover : 普通用词,含义广,可泛指收回去的物质的或精神的东西,也指无意中找到失物。reclaim : 主要指回收或利用废物。restore : 指建筑物、工艺品恢复原状,也指健康、能力等的恢复。regain : 着重指通过努力使失去的东西复得。recover的短语例句:1. legal action is being taken to try to recover the money.正在进行诉讼以收回那笔钱。2. firms need a breathing space if they are to recover.这些公司需要短暂休整才能恢复元

7、气。3. we are taking advice on legal steps to recover the money.我们正在就追回该款项所需的法律程序咨询律师。4. the banks are now desperately scrabbling to recover their costs.那些银行正在拼命急于收回成本。5. it took a moment for mark to recover his poise.马克过了一会儿才恢复镇静。6. we can only hope that the elephants can recover.我们唯有希望这些大象能够康复。7. sh

8、e returned to her family home to recover from an illness.她回家养病来了。8. they began to recover slowly from their nightmare of pain and suffering.他们开始从痛苦的梦魇中慢慢恢复过来。9. the stock-market index fell by 80% before it began to recover.股市指数下跌了80%后才开始反弹。10. a policeman was recover-ing in hospital last night after

9、 being stabbed.一名警员昨夜被刺伤之后入院进行康复治疗。11. it took me years to fully recover.我过了很久才完全康复。12. to recover from the divorce, i threw myself into a whirlwind of activities.为了从离婚中恢复过来,我马不停蹄地投身于一系列的活动。13. people used to go to special health spring to recover from tuberculosis.人们常去温泉疗养胜地治疗肺结核.14. what magic drug have you taken to recover so quickly?你吃什么灵丹妙药,好得这样快?15. he is very ill and unlikely to recover.他病得很重,不大可能恢复健康了.recover的用法总结大全


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