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1、gre考试考生如何把握答题节奏 如何提升考试分数?你首先需要掌握的是gre考试答题节奏,下面就和大家分享gre考试考生如何把握答题节奏,来欣赏一下吧。gre考试考生如何把握答题节奏?gre考试的时间分配和答题节奏一直是学生们关注的话题。虽然每个人都知道时间和节奏的重要性,但在现实生活中,很难避免忽视细节。gre考试的用途到底是什么是很多学生都在问的一个问题,对于有些人来说是非常重要的,gre规则在复习时应该被理解,这一环节往往被忽略。GRE考试时间如何分配和掌控,一直以来都是GRE考生绕不过去的一道坎。哪怕是再简单的题目,一旦扯上限时完成难度就会大增。因此,控制好考试时间和答题节奏就成了考生的

2、必修课。那么,考生怎样才能保证在长达4个小时的GRE考试中始终把握好gre考试答题节奏呢?对于学生来说,有三个gre考试答题技巧要点需要多加注意。1. 学会区分时间消耗问题GRE考试最大的干扰之一就是耗时的问题。GRE考试有各种各样的问题和不同程度的难度。有些问题似乎很简单,但往往需要候选人花很多时间来解决。这些是考生在考试中需要特别注意的最耗时的问题,因为它们往往会打乱考试的节奏。因为并不难所以不愿意放弃,这些问题往往是利用考生的心态来度过你宝贵的时间。因此,我们必须学会识别这些问题并及时采取措施。gre考试介绍,新gre考试策略无论是投入时间,还是寻找一种快速的解决方法,或者只是猜测答案然




6、始,或者一个理论刚刚提出的时候,如果出现了时间壮语,则是出题率很高的一处语言点。如,now, new, nowadays, current ideas和过去形成强对比;once, until recently, past和现在形成强对比。如果给出一个不早不晚的明确时间,如in 1960s,那么和它之前、之后比较都有可能。下面以举一个具体事例:In the early 1950s, historians who studied pre-industrial Europe (which we may define here as Europe in the period from roughly

7、1300 to 1800) began, for the first time in large numbers, to investigate more of the pre-industrial European population than the 2 or 3 percent who comprised the political and social elite: the kings, generals, judges, nobles, bishops, and local magnates who had hitherto usually filled history books

8、. One way out of this dilemma was to run to the records of legal courts, for here the voices of the non-elite can most often be heard, as witnesses, plaintiffs, and defendants. These documents have acted as “a point of entry into the mental world of the poor.” Historians such as Le Roy Ladurie have

9、used the documents to extract case histories, which have illuminated the attitudes of different social group (these attitudes include, but are not confined to, attitudes toward crime and the law) and have revealed how the authorities administered justice. The extraction of case histories is not, how

10、ever, the only use to which court records may be put. Historians who study pre-industrial Europe have used the records to establish a series or categories of crime and to quantify indictments that were issued over a given number of years. The author suggests that, before the early 1950s, most histor

11、ians who studied pre-industrial Europe did which of the following?(A) failed to make distinctions among members of the pre-industrial European political and social elite(B) used investigatory methods that were almost exclusively statistical in nature(C) inaccurately estimated the influence of the pr

12、e-industrial European political and social elite(D) confined their work to a narrow range of the pre-industrial European population(E) tended to rely heavily on birth, marriage and death records分析:这篇*在开头段就提到“50年代早期,研究欧洲前工业时期历史的学者第一次开始大规模地研究人口总数97%的普通人民群众”。题目中所问的是在50年代之前的情况,这正与50年代的情况形成了强对比。所以,正确答案应该


14、GRE考试阅读*难度,略高于北美研究生所需阅读*难度,采用这种形式的*,主要目的是模拟较高难度下研究生阅读的情景,以期能够测出学生的潜力,这个思路有点类似于我们常说的压力面试。而在多年的跟踪研究后,也意识到,恰当准确把握*内部的复杂逻辑的能力,同研究生阶段的成绩关系更大些。加之旧有的*形式命题难度大,劳民伤财,所以开始推出新的GRE阅读考试。下面,我们以一篇样题为例看一下是如何考察*内部的复杂逻辑:Policymakers must confront the dilemma that fossil fuels continue to be an indispensable source of

15、energy even though burning them produces atmospheric accumulations of carbon dioxide that increase the likelihood of potentially disastrous global climate change. Currently, technol.y that would capture carbon dioxide emitted by power plants and sequester it harmlessly underground or undersea instea

16、d of releasing it into the atmosphere might double the cost of generating electricity. But because sequestration does not affect the cost of electricity transmission and distribution, delivered prices will rise less, by no more than 50 percent. Research into better technol.ies for capturing carbon d

17、ioxide will undoubtedly lead to lowered costs.1. The passage implies which of the following about the current cost of generating electricity?It is higher than it would be if better technol.ies for capturing carbon dioxide were available.It is somewhat less than the cost of electricity transmission a

18、nd distribution.It constitutes at most half of the delivered price of electricity.It is dwelt on by policymakers to the exclusion of other costs associated with electricity delivery.It is not fully recovered by the prices charged directly to electricity consumers.对黑色部分文字的逻辑进行提炼我们发现,得出这样一个逻辑推理链条。环保技术

19、(technol.y that would capture carbon dioxide emitted by power plants and sequester it harmlessly underground or undersea instead of releasing it into the atmosphere)增加一倍发电成本(double the cost of generating electricity)。环保技术不改变传输成本(the cost of electricity transmission and distribution)。最终价格(delivered p

20、rices)增加不超过50%。最终价格=发电成本+传输成本使用环保技术后,发电成本增加了原来的一倍,但是最终价格增长不超过50%,可以得出结论,发电成本,最多占最终价格的50%。以上文字同传统GRE考试*比起来,语言难度不大。难度来自于逻辑复杂,尤其是在有较大的时间压力的情况下,能够快速清晰的得出结论,并不容易。二、新GRE阅读逻辑阅读强化建议。针对新GRE的准备思路国内大学生,在逻辑思维方面训练不多,新GRE的考试正好考到了学生的弱点。如果准备新GRE考试,建议加强两方面训练。1、 英文阅读过程中,快速归纳逻辑链条的能力。很多学生阅读仍然停留在翻译的阶段,这在新GRE中会带来很大麻烦。2、 增强逻辑思维训练,GRE本质来讲,是对英语为母语者的能力考试。考察逻辑思维的敏捷程度,严谨程度,是这个考试的本质。gre考试考生如何把握答题节奏


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