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1、sad的用法总结大全 sad有 悲哀的,糟糕的,可悲的,令人遗憾的的意思。那你们想知道sad的用法吗?今天给大家带来sad的用法 ,希望能够帮助到大家,一起来学习吧。sad的用法总结大全sad的意思adj. 悲哀的,糟糕的,可悲的,令人遗憾的变形:比较级:sadder; 最高级:saddest;sad用法sad可以用作形容词sad的基本意思是“悲哀的,忧愁的,难过的”,指由于不好的消息或结果等而使人在内心感到难过,也可指“糟糕的,不成样子的,不像话的”,指某人或某物以一种令人难以接受的形象出现而使人感到非常糟糕。sad在句中可用作定语,也可用作表语。用作表语时,其后可接介词短语、动词不定式或由

2、that引导的从句。sad to say意为“不幸的是”,常放在句首。sad用作形容词的用法例句Her eyes moisten as she listen to the sad story.听著这悲伤的故事,她的眼睛湿润了。My heart broke at the sad news.知道这悲伤的消息时Here we had, not long ago, a very sad funeral in this church.不久以前,这教会举行了一次悲哀的丧礼。sad用法例句1、This condition is called seasonal affective disorder, or S

3、AD for short.这种病情叫做季节性情感失调症,或简称SAD。2、Guy Powell, defending, told magistrates: Its a sad and disturbing case.盖伊鲍威尔在进行辩护时对地方法官说道:“这是一件非常不幸、令人不安的案子。”3、Im sad about my toys getting burned in the fire.我的玩具在这场火中付之一炬,这令我很难过。悲伤的:sad词汇精析Im not as sad as I should be, thats what makes me sad.Downton Abbey我并没有想

4、象的难过,而这让我感到难过。唐顿庄园一、下面我们来看看sad有几种含义adj.1.悲哀的,难过的,伤心的 unhappy or showing unhappinessLife had sad, even ugly facts.人生是有一些悲哀的、甚至丑恶的事实。2.凄惨的,可悲的,令人遗憾的 that makes you feel unhappyIt is a sad fact that Chinas countryside is rapidly being despoiled by city people.这是件可悲的事情,中国的山野正迅速地受到城里人的洗劫。3.阴郁的 in poor co

5、nditionThe general colouring was uniform and sad.整个色调单调而又阴郁。二、你知道sad和哪些词更搭吗?sad sackn. 冒失鬼, 不中用之人, 糊涂兵三、最后,做个填词游戏吧We had some _ news yesterday.昨天我们听到一些不幸的消息。除了sad, 如何用英文表达悲伤?Some days arent as good as others. In fact, you may feel sad from time to time. Its important to learn how to express sadness

6、when you are feeling down. Also, you should know what to say when someone else is unhappy.人生不如意十之89,事实上,你有时会感到悲伤。当你情绪低落时,学会如何表达悲伤是很重要的。另外,当别人难过的时候,你也应该知道该说些什么。Structures Used to Express Sadness表达悲伤的结构The examples used in this section are in the present continuous tense to express feeling sad at the

7、moment of speaking. You can also use these expressions in different tenses.本节中使用的例子是用现在进行时态来表达说话时的悲伤。你也可以在不同时态中使用这些表达方式。Informal:非正式的:Use these informal forms when speaking to close friends and family. Preceding each set of sentences, an example shows how to construct the sentence, including the sub

8、ject and to be verb:当与亲密的朋友和家人交谈时,使用这些非正式的形式。在每组句子之前,有一个例子说明如何构造句子,包括主语和表示将来的“to be”动词:Subject + be + feeling down about something主语+be+feeling down about somethingIm feeling down about work lately.最近我对工作感到沮丧。Shes feeling down about her grades.她对自己的成绩很沮丧。Subject + be + upset about something主语+ be +

9、upset about somethingIm upset about my friends.我对我的朋友很失望。Toms upset about his boss. Hes too hard on him!老板总让汤姆很困扰。他对他太苛刻了!Subject + be + sad about something主语+ be + sad about somethingIm sad about the situation at work.我对工作中的情况感到难过。Jennifers sad about her mother.詹妮弗为她的妈妈感到难过。Formal:正式:Use these more

10、 formal forms when speaking to people at work or with those whom you dont know well.当你和工作中的人或和你不熟悉的人交谈时,使用这些更正式的形式。Subject + be + out of sorts主语 + be + out of sortsIm sorry. Im out of sorts today. Ill be better tomorrow.我很抱歉。我今天心情不好。明天我会好起来的。Peter is out of sorts today. Ask him tomorrow.彼得今天心情不好。明天问

11、他。Subject + do not + feel well主语 + do not + feel wellDoug doesnt feel well today.道格今天感觉不舒服。I dont feel well. Im going to the doctor.我感觉不舒服。我要去看医生。Expressing Sadness With Idioms用习语表达悲伤Idioms are expressions that dont literally mean what they say, such as: Its raining cats and dogs. The expression doe

12、snt mean that cats and dogs are falling out of the sky. English uses common idioms when speaking about sadness:Subject + be + feeling blue about something主语 + be + feeling blue about somethingJack is feeling blue about his relationship with his girlfriend.杰克对他和女朋友的关系感到郁闷。Our teacher said he was feel

13、ing blue about life last night.我们老师说他昨晚对生活的想法很消极。Subject + be + in the dumps about something主语 + be + in the dumps about somethingWere in the dumps about our financial situation.我们陷入了财务困境。Kelly is in the dumps about her horrible job.凯莉对她那份糟糕的工作感到厌烦。Showing Concern表达关怀When someone tells you he is sad

14、, its important to express concern. Here are some common phrases to show that you care.当有人告诉你他很难过时,表达关心是很重要的。这里有一些常用短语来表达你的关心。Informal:非正式:Bummer真倒霉。I feel you.我感同身受。Tough luck.真倒霉。I cant believe that. Thats horrible / disgusting / not fair我不敢相信。那真可怕/恶心/不公平。Examples of informal expressions of concer

15、n include:非正式表达的例子包括:I feel you. Life isnt always easy.我感同身受,生活并非总是那么容易。Bummer, but keep trying. Youll find a good job eventually.真倒霉,但继续努力吧。你最终将会找到一个好工作。Formal:正式:Im sorry to hear that.听到这个消息我很难过。Thats too bad.那太糟糕了。What can I do to help?我能做些什么来帮助你?Is there anything I can do for you?我能为你做点什么吗?Would

16、 you like to talk about it?你想不想聊一聊?Some examples of formal expressions of concern are:表达关心的正式方式:Im sorry to hear that. What can I do to help?听到这个消息我很难过。我能帮什么忙吗?Thats too bad. Would you like to talk about it?那太糟糕了。你想聊聊吗?If you see that someone is sad, but that person is not telling you, use the follo

17、wing phrases to get her to open up about her feelings.如果你看到某人很伤心,但是那个人没有告诉你,用下面的短语让她说出她的感受。在帮助感到悲伤的朋友或同事时,询问一些提示性的问题,例如:Ask prompting questions when helping a friend or colleague who is feeling sad, such as:Whats the matter?怎么了?You seem sad. Tell me all about it.你看起来很难过,说说吧,怎么了。Why the long face?为什么

18、拉长个脸?Example Dialogues示例对话These dialogues will help you and a friend or fellow student practice expressing sadness or concern.这些对话将帮助你和你的朋友或同学练习表达悲伤或担忧。At work:工作时:Colleague 1: Hi Bob. Im feeling out of sorts today.同事1:你好,鲍勃。我今天感觉不舒服。Colleague 2: Im sorry to hear that. What seems to be the problem?同

19、事2:听到这个我很难过。有什么问题吗?Colleague 1: Well, Im really upset about the changes at work.同事1:嗯,我对工作中的变化感到很不安。Colleague 2: I know its been difficult for everyone.同事2:我知道这对每个人都很困难。Colleague 1: I just dont understand why they had to change our team!同事1:我就是不明白他们为什么要改变我们的团队!Colleague 2: Sometimes management does

20、things we dont understand.同事2:有时候管理层会做一些我们不理解的事情。Colleague 1: It make no sense! I just dont feel well.同事1:没道理!我只是觉得不舒服。Colleague 2: Maybe you need some time off work.同事2:也许你需要休息一下。Colleague 1: Yes, maybe thats it.同事1:是的,也许就是这样。Colleague 2: Is there anything I can do to help?同事2:我能帮什么忙吗?Colleague 1:

21、No, just talking about it makes me feel a little better.同事1:不,只是说说而已,感觉好多了。Colleague 2: Feel free to talk to me anytime.同事2:随时可以和我交谈。Colleague 1: Thanks. I appreciate it.同事1:谢谢。我很感激。Colleague 2: No problem.同事2:没有问题。Between friends:朋友间:Sue: Anna, whats the matter?苏:安娜,怎么了?Anna: Nothing. Im fine.安娜:没什

22、么。我很好。Sue: You seem sad. Tell me all about it.苏:你看起来很伤心。告诉我怎么了。Anna: OK, Im in the dumps about Tom.安娜:好吧,我对汤姆很失望。Sue: Bummer. What seems to be the problem?苏:笨蛋。有什么问题吗?Anna: I dont think he loves me anymore.安娜:我觉得他不再爱我了。Sue: Really! Are you sure about that?苏:真的!你确定吗?Anna: Yes, I saw him yesterday wit

23、h Mary. They were laughing and having a great time.安娜:是的,我昨天看见他和玛丽在一起。他们在笑,玩得很开心。Sue: Well, maybe they were just studying together. It doesnt mean hes leaving you.苏:嗯,也许他们只是在一起学习。这并不意味着他要离开你。Anna: Thats what I keep telling myself. Still, Im feeling blue.安娜:这就是我一直告诉自己的。不过,我还是觉得很沮丧。Sue: Is there anything I can do?苏:我能做些什么吗?Anna: Yes, lets go shopping!安娜:是的,我们去购物吧!Sue: Now youre talking. A nice new pair shoes would help you feel much better.苏:现在你在说话。一双漂亮的新鞋会让你感觉好多了。Anna: Yes, maybe thats what I really need. Not a boyfriend but some beautiful new shoes.安娜:是的,也许这就是我真正需要的。不是男朋友,而是一些漂亮的新鞋。sad的用法总结大全


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