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1、Howard Goldblatt 葛浩文 Fidelity and Betrayal in translation,Name: 信 馨 Student Number:2120920,Howard Goldblatt,Howard Goldblatt 葛浩文,Famous Novels translated by Howard Goldblatt: Big Breasts and Wide Hips 丰乳肥臀 Life and Death are Wearing Me Out 生死疲劳 The Republic of Wine 酒国 Red Sorghum 红高粱家族 Mo YanThe 1st

2、 Chinese Winner of Nobel Prize in Literature,Goldblatt, 73, is the foremost Chinese- English translator in the world. By now, he has translated thirty volumes of Chinese fiction , making great contributions to the popularization of Chinese literature with the English-speaking readers and to Chinas f

3、irst Noble Prize in Literature. Wolf Totem狼图腾 by 姜戎 Life and Death are Wearing Me Out生死疲劳by 莫言 The Field of Life and Death & Tales of Hulan River 生死场和呼兰河传by 萧红 Please Dont Call Me Human千万别把我当人by 王朔,Introduction to Howard Goldblatt1939 born in Long Beach, California, U.S.A local community college Sig

4、n up for officer school in the Navy being sent to Taipei as a junior officer1965, he was engaged in the Vietnam WarBack to Taipei. This time, he made better use of his time and began learning Chinese. He enrolled in Taiwans Normal Academy Given the Chinese name : Ge Heowen, which means “Vast Literar

5、y Talent.” 1968, his father died. He flew back home. Masters degree: San Francisco State University. Reading a Chinese novel by Xiao Jun for the first time,Doctors degree: Indiana University. 1974 His doctoral dissertation Hsiao Hung萧红评传(Published in HK ,1979).Teaching in San Francisco State Univers

6、ity. Translating & Teaching 1985 Goldblatt found one of Mo Yans stories in an anthology of Chinese writers. “ one of the first really authentic Chinese stories hed read after the countrys disastrous Cultural Revolution.” 1989, left San Francisco State for the University of Colorado. retired in 2000

7、2002-2011 Research Professor of Chinese at theUniversity of Notre Dame圣母大学, Focusing solely on translating.,“American translators of contemporary Chinese fiction appear to be the lonely province of one man, Howard Goldblatt.” John Updike, writing in The New Yorker,An impressive facility with Chinese

8、 language, both written and spokenAn eye for literary qualityThoughts on translation,Translation as Compromise of Fidelity and Creativity,2. Translation as Betrayal,3. Translation as Rewriting,4. Translation as Cross-culture Communication,1.Faithful translator and Creative Writer“The satisfaction of

9、 knowing Ive faithfully served two constituencies keeps me happily turning Chinese prose into readable, accessible and yes even marketable English books” (The Writing Life, Washington Post,2002)“I love to read Chinese; I love to write in English.” (The Writing Life, Washington Post,2002),(1)一盆热咕嘟的洗脸

10、水在空中展开。(莫言,2005: 8)A basinful of scalding bath water fanned out in the air above him. (2) 孔夫子门前念三字经,关云长面前耍大刀。(莫言,2005:22)This is like reciting the Three Character Classic at the door of Confucious, or engaging in swordpaly in front of the warrior Guan Yu.(3) 穷人的命,他似乎看明白了,是枣核儿两头尖:幼小的时候能不饿死,万幸;到老了能不饿死

11、,很难。只有中间的一段,年轻力壮,不怕饥饱劳碌,还能像个人儿似的。(老舍,1999)The life of a poor man, he now understand, was like the pit of a date, pointed on both ends and round in the middleOnly during your middle years, when youre strong and unafraid of either hunger or hard work, can you live like a human being.,Translation as Co

12、mpromise of Fidelity and Creativity,2. Translation as Betrayal,3. Translation as Rewriting,4. Translation as Cross-culture Communication,2.Translation as Betrayal“We must thank the Italians for reminding us that every translation is a betrayal. ” (The Writing Life, Washington Post, 2002)“Ninety perc

13、ent of all translation is inadequate and once threshed into a different language, a piece of writing is transformed, changedTranslation is inadequate, but its all we have if good writing is to have its life extended, spatially and temporally.” (The Writing Life, Washington Post, 2002),(1)一个酱紫色的大瓶子,轮

14、着嘬(zu),你一口,他一口,喝得十分有趣。(莫言,2005:6)They drank from a large purple bottle, passing it around with great enjoyment.(2) 黄羊成了灾, 就比狼群更可怕。草原上不光有白灾、黑灾,还有黄灾。黄灾一来,黄羊就更吃人一样(姜戎,2006: 31) The damage done by the gazelles far outstrips any done by the wolves. The yellow gazelles are the deadliest, for they can end

15、the lives of the people here. (3)入了秋,祥子的病已不允许他再拉车,祥子的信用已经丧失得赁不出车来。(老舍,1999)By the early days of autumn Xiangzis sickness had ended his days as a rickshaw man, but even if that had not been the case, he had lost the trust of anyone who might rent him a rickshaw.,Translation as Compromise of Fidelity

16、and Creativity,2. Translation as Betrayal,3. Translation as Rewriting,4. Translation as Cross-culture Communication,3. Translation as Rewritng“It has been my experience that most writers at least tolerate the men and women given the task of rewritingfor that is surely the nature of translation their

17、 work into other languages” (The Writing Life, Washington Post, 2002),(1)人生得意须尽欢(莫言,2005:43) Anybody who doesnt drink doesnt deserve to be called a man (2) 您这些话犹如醍醐灌顶,使我顿开茅塞。(莫言,2005:23)Those refreshing words filled my head with the clarified butter of great wisdom, removed all obstacles to understa

18、nding.(3) 信马由缰式的(莫言, 2005:11)Prepared to go with the flow that was how he lived his lifehe followed the man inside.,Translation as Compromise of Fidelity and Creativity,2. Translation as Betrayal,3. Translation as Rewriting,4. Translation as Cross-culture Communication,4. Translation as Cross- cultu

19、ral communication“How translators go about the task, how we deal with the intricacies of cross cultural communication these are the things at issue.”(The Writing Life, Washington Post, 2002) Notes: 1. task: refers to translation 2.intricacy:complexity 3. at issue: under consideration; in dispute,(1)

20、 “二等?他妈的, 你们欺负老子!”(莫言,2005:67)“Secondgrade? Youre trying to cheat me, damn you! ”(Here “老子” refers to oneself)(2) 听老子说 (莫言,2005:89) Listen to what your sire has to say.(Here “老子” refers to “father”background: The Republic of Wine 酒国: the little demon asked all the sold children to call him father. I

21、ts a very casual situation) (3) 喝道 : “兔崽子,你敢骂老子?老子毙了你!” (莫言,2005:89) and roared, “ You bastard, who the hell do you think youre talking to? Youre dead meat!” (Here “老子” doesn t 0 convey any real meaning, the use of it is only to express 0 an imposing manner.),4 in 1:As an Chinese English translator:

22、Method: To read as a Chinese; to write as an America.Principle: To reach equivalence in meaning rather than form; to produce readable and even marketable English books.,Translation is inadequate:(1)一盆热咕嘟的洗脸水在空中展开。(莫言,2005: 8)A basinful of scalding bath water fanned out in the air above him. (Meaning

23、: Taking a shower or Washing ones face?) (2)黄羊成了灾, 就比狼群更可怕。草原上不光有白灾、黑灾,还有黄灾。黄灾一来,黄羊就更吃人一样(姜戎,2006: 31) The damage done by the gazelles far outstrips any done by the wolves. The yellow gazelles are the deadliest, for they can end the lives of the people here. (Meaning: Loss of information),(3) 孔夫子门前念

24、三字经,关云长面前耍大刀。(莫言,2005:22)This is like reciting the Three Character Classic at the door of Confucious, or engaging in swordpaly in front of the warrior Guan Yu. (Equivalence in form not meaning)(4)人生得意须尽欢(莫言,2005:43) Anybody who doesnt drink doesnt deserve to be called a man ( Beauty : Poetic vs Coll

25、oquial),References:1 Goldblatt, Howard. The Writing Life N. The Washington Post, 2002, 4 (28).2 胡安江. 中国文学 “走出去”之译者模式及翻译策略研究以美国汉学家葛浩文为例 J. 中国翻译. 2010 (6).3 靳秀莹. 葛浩文译学见解初探J. 重庆交通大学学报(社科版). 2009, 9 (1).4 文军,王小川,赖甜. 葛浩文翻译观探究J. 外语教学,2007,(6).5 张耀平. 拿汉语读,用英文写说说葛浩文的翻译J. 中国翻译,2005,(2).6 卢东民,孙欣. 美国翻译家葛浩文其人其事J. 潍坊教育学院学报,2010, (2).7 季进. 我译故我在葛浩文访谈录J. 当代作家评论. 2009 (6).8 付鑫鑫. 葛浩文“没有翻译,我就不能生活” N. 文汇报,2011, 6(4) .9 老舍. 老舍作品经典M. 北京:中国华侨出版社,1999.,


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