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1、reserve的用法总结大全 reserve有储备,保护区,保留,替补队员的意思。那你们想知道reserve的用法吗?今天给大家带来了reserve的用法 ,希望能够帮助到大家,一起来学习吧。reserve的用法总结大全reserve的意思n. 储备,保护区,保留,替补队员vt. 储备,保留,预约vi. 预订adj. 保留的,预备的变形:过去式: reserved; 现在分词:reserving; 过去分词:reserved;reserve用法reserve可以用作动词reserve的基本意思是“贮存待用”。引申可作“留给”“留作专用”或“预订”解。reserve是及物动词,接名词或代词作宾语

2、。reserve宾语后接介词for表示“为某人保留、预订或留作某事之用”; reserve oneself for是“养精蓄锐以备”的意思。reserve用作动词的用法例句We reserve the right to lodge a claim for loss.我们保留要求赔偿损失的权利。I have reserved a table at the restaurant.我已在饭店预订了一桌菜。The court will reserve judgement.法庭将延期判决。reserve用法例句1、The call-up of National Guard and reserve uni

3、ts begun in late August.国民警卫队和预备役的征兵工作8月下旬开始。2、The subject is one which must be discussed with reserve.对这个话题必须进行慎重的讨论。3、The new proposal would create a reserve pool of cash.这项新的提议将建立一个现金储备基金。词汇精选:reserve的用法和辨析一、详细释义:adj.保留的;预备的例句:He has played very well in the reserve side but this chance in the fir

4、st team should put him on his mettle.他在候补队中表现非常出色,但这次作为正式队员参赛将对他的能力进行考验。例句:Look at that boy, like a real additional soldier of reserve duty.看这小子,真像一个预备役后备军。n.储备(物),保留(物);储藏量;储备金,公积金 U,C例句:But above all they contain a bottomless reserve of cheap labour.但是主要是这些地方有无穷无尽的廉价劳动力储备。例句:He must have great wea

5、lth in reserve.他一定储备有一大笔资本。自然保护区 C例句:If I were in charge, I would bar tourists from getting into the wildlife reserve.假如由我负责的话,我就不允许游客进入野生动物保护区。例句:In1997, Xilong Mountain was approved as provincial natural reserve.西隆山2000年被列入国家级自然保护区。预备队员,替补队员 C例句:He ended up as a reserve, but still qualified for a

6、team gold medal.他最后成了替补队员,但仍有资格获得团体金牌。例句:Hes first reserve for Liverpool.他是利物浦队的第一号替补队员。寡言,矜持,内敛 U例句:Miss Ley was surprised at the girls expansiveness, contrasting with her old reserve.使莱伊小姐还感到惊异的是,这姑娘以前是沉默寡言的,而现在却滔滔不绝。例句:His natural reserve made him appear self-conscious.他天生的内敛性格让他显得有些拘谨。后备军,预备役部队例

7、句:Two infantry divisions were held in reserve.两个步兵师留作后备军。例句:Their government were beginning to draw upon the last reserves.他们的政府开始使用最后的预备军时。v.储备,保留 T例句:I will reserve my opinion at this time.这次我将保留我的意见。例句:We must reserve money for emergencies.我们应当储备钱留着急用。预约,预订 I,T例句:Ill phone up today and reserve a

8、table.我打算今天打电话去预订一张桌子。例句:Ill reserve a table for five.我要预订一张5人的桌子。推迟,留到以后 T例句:This problem should be reserved for further consideration.这个问题应留到以后进一步考虑。二、词义辨析:keep,retain,reserve,preserve,conserve,withhold这些动词均有“保持,保存”之意。 keep最常用词,指长时间牢固地保持或保存。 retain指继续保持。 reserve正式用词,指为了将来的用途或其他用途而保存、保留。 preserve主要

9、指为防止损害、变质等而保存。 conserve一般指保存自然资源,保全人的精力、力量等。 withhold指扣住不放,暗示有阻碍。三、相关短语:hidden reserve秘密盈余,隐蔽准备reserve bankn.美 储备银行(指保管其他银行储备金的中央银行),(美国)联邦储备银行(=Federal Reserve Bank)reserve clause保留子句reserve fund准备金,备用基金federal reserven. (美国)联邦储备系统reserve account公积金帐 准备金帐户reserve assets准备资产,储备资产valuation reserve评价准

10、备金federal reserve bankn.(美国)e Board n.(美国e System n.(美沽畲敢federal reserve system【经】 联邦储备银行制度四、参考例句:Reserve some watercress for garnish.留点豆瓣菜作配菜。I hereby reserve my judgment.我特此保留我的评断。Reserve your strength for climbing the mount.留着力气爬那个山峰吧。Ill reserve a table for five.我要预订一张5人的桌子。We must reserve money for emergencies.我们应当储备钱留着急用。Please reserve a seat for me.请为我预定一个座位。Hes first reserve for Liverpool.他是利物浦队的第一号替补队员。They capitalized the companys reserve funds.他们将公司的储备金移作资本。His natural reserve made him appear self-conscious.他天生的内敛性格让他显得有些拘谨。Yes, I always reserve a suite.是的,我总是预定一间套房。reserve的用法总结大全


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