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1、second的用法总结大全 second有秒,瞬间,次货,第二份食物的意思。那你们想知道second的用法吗?今天给大家带来了second的用法,希望能够帮助到大家,一起来学习吧。second的用法总结大全second的意思n. 秒,瞬间,次货,第二份食物adj. 第二的,次要的,居第二位的,另外的adv. 第二,其次,以第二位vt. 支持,临时调派,附议,赞成提案变形:过去式: seconded; 现在分词:seconding; 过去分词:seconded;second用法second可以用作动词second的基本意思是“支持”某人,也可表示“赞成”某议案或提案、“赞同”某人的观点等。sec

2、ond只用作及物动词,接名词或代词作宾语,可用于被动结构。second用作动词的用法例句Second, smoking is harmful also to your family members.第二,吸烟也会给你的家人带来危害。Second, he failed to make clear his true purpose.其次,他没有把他的真实目的表达清楚。The motion has been seconded.这一提议得到了支持。second用作动词的用法例句The motion has been seconded.这一提议得到了支持。I second his motion that

3、 we should set up a special board to examine the problem.他提议成立一个特别委员会来研究这个问题,我赞成。Mrs Smith proposed the vote of thanks, and Mr Jones seconded.史密斯夫人提议大家鼓掌表示感谢,琼斯先生附议。second用法例句1、This brings us to the second question I asked.这就将我们带到了我所提的第二个问题。2、Elliott crossed the finish line just half a second behind

4、 his adversary.埃利奥特跨过终点线时仅比对手落后半秒钟。3、All this, needless to say, had been culled second-hand from radio reports.不用说,所有这些都是从电台报道中采集来的二手材料。争分夺秒:second词汇用法大全Always be a first-rate version of yourself, instead of a second-rate version of somebody else. Judy Garland永远做自己第一流的版本,而不是别人第二流的版本。茱蒂?嘉兰一、关于second,

5、你应该知道的用法有adj.1.第二的;第二次的In addition to English, he has to study a second foreign language.除英语外,他还要学第二外语。2.次要的;副的;从属的Joe is a humble and self-effacing person and so automatically takes second place.乔是个谦逊而不愿抛头露面的人,总是自动退居次要地位。3.另一的;附加的,另加的By combining these pictographs, a second order of ideas is expres

6、sed.把这些象形字缀合在一起表示了另一层次的观念。4.类似的,非原先的,比喻性的adv.以第二位,第二,其次I liked the deluxe edition, but I could afford only a second best.我喜欢精装版,但我只买得起一本稍差一点的。n.1.(角度单位)秒My tireless little cilia make about ten sweeping strokes a second.我那不怕疲劳的小纤毛每秒钟约做10次清扫动作。2.【口】片刻,瞬间Just a second. Ill weigh it first.请稍等片刻。我先称一下。3.

7、第二名,第二位,(英国大学考试成绩的)第二等,中等;(汇票的)第二联I got a second in the speech contest.我在演讲比赛中得了第二名。4.【音】二度音;二度音程;(合奏中的)第二声部;演唱第二声部的人;演奏第二声部的乐器The characteristic interval and the one most widely used is the grater second.其中最有特点的是大二度音程的广泛运用。5.(the seconds)(体育俱乐部的)后备队John made the second string on the football team.约

8、翰成了该足球队的后备队员。6.【主英】(中学或大学)二年级I have graduated him from the second to the third grade我已使他从二年级升到三年级。7.(seconds) 二级品,二等货;次货,等外品8.(the second)(帝王)二世v.1.(在辩论等中)支持,赞同;赞成(提案等)If I speak on behalf of this matter, will you second me at the meeting?如果我们为该问题的代表讲话,你会在会上支持我吗?2.借调(某雇员),使(军官)调离 TCaptain Swift was

9、seconded for service on the Generals staff.斯威夫特上尉奉命调到将军的参谋部工作。二、你知道second和哪些词更搭吗?bits per second每秒在网路上传送多少bitsecond banana第二选择,次要人物,配角,次要滑稽演员second best次最好的,仅次于的最好东西,第二等的second childhood老年的智力衰退时期second class第二等,二等舱second cousin第二代堂兄妹,第二代表兄妹second hand中间人,助手,旧货三、最后,做个填词游戏吧Italy scored a _ goal just a

10、fter half-time.下半场刚刚开始,意大利队便射入第二个球。你要知道second的这个用法,那说明咱们心有灵犀second最常见的用法就是作为序数词表示“第二”,以及作为名词表示“秒”。Jim was the second to arrive.Jim是第二个到的。It only took 10 seconds to restart the machine.重启设备只花了十秒钟时间。今天说说一下second别的用法。一、支持。If you second what someone has said, you say that you agree with them.即表示赞同、支持。这要

11、放在古代,用来表示“臣附议”,妥妥的。放到现在,就是“+1”- Do you have anything in mind? It is so boring to stay at home in such a beautiful day.你有没有什么想法呀?这么好的天气,待在家里实在是太无聊了。- How about going fishing?去钓鱼怎么样?- Great idea! I second that!好主意!我同意!I second that还可以说成“I second it”。二、次于.be second to.表示 “把 . 排在第二位”,“次于.”As a student,

12、you should always keep in mind that entertainment should be second to study.作为一个学生,你们要记得,娱乐应该排在学习之后。经常会听到有人说“我说自己是第二,没人敢说是第一”(谁给你的勇气second to none,仅次于没有人,也就是“无人能及”“登峰造极”。夸自己搞不好会挨揍,夸别人那绝对让人家乐开花She was born a baker and the desserts she made are truly second to none.她生来就是个烘焙师,她做的甜点真的是无人能及。就到这里啦,喜欢点点“在看”哈,你们都是无人能及的小可爱second的用法总结大全


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