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1、Chapter 7,Interviewing Candidates,Outline of Chapter 7,Basic features of interviewsTypes of interviewsStructured versus unstructured interviewsInterview content(types of questions)Administering the interviewPanel interviewsPhone and video interviewsComputerized interviewsAre interviews useful?,Outli

2、ne of Chapter 7,Designing and conducting the effective interviewThe structured situational interview(reference)Step 1: Job analysisStep 2: Rate the jobs dutiesStep 3: Create interview questionsStep 4: Create benchmark answersStep 5: Appoint the interview panel and conduct the interviews,Outline of C

3、hapter 7,How to conduct an interview (emphasis)Structure your interviewPrepare for the interviewEstablish rapportAsk questionsClose the interviewReview the interview,What You Should Be Able to Do,1 、List the main types of selection interviews3、Explain and illustrate each guideline for being a more e

4、ffective interviewer4、Effectively interview a job candidate,Interview,An interview is a procedure designed to obtain information from a person through oral responses to oral inquiriesA selection interview is a selection procedure designed to predict future job performance on the basis of applicants

5、oral responses to oral inquiries,Definition,Basic Types of Interviews,Selection interviews three classifications are to be discussed fully in this chapterAppraisal interviews are given following performance appraisals and will be discussed laterExit interviews are performed when employees leave the

6、company and will be discussed in later chapters,Selection Interviews,How its structured,How its administered,The content,How Interviews Are Structured,Directive,Nondirective,FIGURE 71Officer Programs Applicant Interview Form,Source: Adapted from http:/www.uscg.mil/jobs/dc/DCPrograms/OProgramForms/PD

7、FS/DCA/Interview%20CG-5527.pdf. Accessed May 9, 2007.,Content,Interview contentSituational,Behavioral,Job related,Stress,Supplement: Design Skill of Situational Interview,必须有一定的情景或背景资料。没有统一答案,给每一个应聘者留有充分的回答问题的空间。每一种答案都能表现应聘者某一方面的能力或特征。应聘者无须事先准备,均可从过去的知识和经验中去获得自己的答案。应能留给面试考官继续提问的线索。,Samples of situat

8、ional interview,Case I:在一个风雨交加的黑夜里,一位汽车司机因自己所驾驶的汽车的一个轮胎爆裂而不得不用汽车的备用轮胎更换,此时,因风大雨大,司机不小心把固定轮胎的螺帽滚落到下水道里,顿时这位司机就束手无策了。正当司机一筹莫展之时,有一位智者走过来,在没有求助任何机构的情况下,他告诉了司机一个方法:把其他三个轮胎各卸下一个螺帽来固定备用轮胎。司机因此能够把汽车安全开到目的地。,Questions:1如果您是某公司的领导,你从这个故事中获得了何种有益的启示?2如果您是某公司的领导,你从这个故事中获得了何种重要的教训?3请谈一些人力资源管理方面的心得。,Analysis:1、本

9、面试题的背景是风雨交加的夜晚,司机遇到了困难。2、本面试考官无须考生回答如何处理这个困难,面试题本身告诉你处理困难的方法。3、考生可以获得的启示是多方面的,有人力资源管理方面的启示,如A、B角,轮岗问题等;有管理方面的启示,如工作之前的准备,检查必须的资料、材料和零件等。4、考官可根据考生的回答,与考生随机地展开讨论。5、考官可从考生的回答中了解考生的工作经验和临场应变能力等。,Case II 某公司总经理出国考察出了车祸,必须较长期住在国外治疗,在总经理出国期间负责行使总经理职权的周某,恰在此时向领导递交了辞呈,决定辞去副总经理的职务,离开公司另谋他就。Questions:1、请你分析一下主

10、持公司的副总辞职的原因。2、如果你是这个公司的第三把手,你会采取什么态度。3、如果你是该公司董事会的董事长,面对这种情况你会采用何种决策?请把你的工作思路和工作流程表达出来。,Samples of situational interview(Cont.),Analysis:1、副总经理辞职的原因可能有很多种,任何一种的回答都可以被认为是有根据的。2、本面试题能相当好地考察应聘者的工作经验和人际关系的经验。3、应聘者在该面试题中必须面临三个角色的扮演。,Puzzle Questions,“Mike and Todd have $21 between them. Mike has $20 more

11、 than Todd. How much money has mike, and how much money has Todd?”,$0.50,$20.50,Interview Administration,How its administeredPersonalUnstructured sequentialStructured sequentialPanelMass,Computerized,Computerized Interviews,Computers, not peopleSpecific questionsMultiple-choice formatRapid-fire(急速的)

12、 sequenceRequires concentrationHelps reject unacceptable candidatesSaves time,Are Interviews Useful?,Interviews are a good predictor of performance nowInterviews should be structured and situationalBe careful what types of traits you try to assess,Check out recruiterchat at this page,5 Steps in Inte

13、rview Design,Job Analysis,Rate the Job Duties,Create Interview Questions,Create BenchmarkAnswers,Appoint Panel & Conduct Interviews,工作岗位:接待员,How to Structure and Conduct Your Interview,Base questions on actual job dutiesUse knowledge, situational questions and objective criteria to evaluateTrain int

14、erviewersUse same questions,How to Structure and Conduct Your Interview,Rating scales to rate answersUse panel interviewsUse a structured interview formControl the interview,Prepare for the Interview,Do interview in a quiet room with no interruptionsReview resume and make notesKnow the duties of the

15、 jobFocus questions on skills that are a mustDont make snap judgments,Establish Rapport& Ask Questions,Put the interviewee at easeBegin interview with an ice breakerBe aware of the applicants statusFollow your list of questionsAsk for examplesMention you will contact references,Close and Review,Leav

16、e time to answer questionsEnd on a positive note(积极的调子结束面试)Inform in writing of a decision if thats your policyReview notes and fill in structured formTimely review reduces snap judgments,How to Be a Good Interviewee,+ Be prepared by learning about the company, the job and the recruiters+ Uncover th

17、e interviewers real needs and relate to those needs,+ Pause, think, then speak,+ Nonverbal behavior important,+ Make a good 1st impression, be enthusiastic,首先,各小组列出自己小组所要招聘职位的在职者应具备的基本素质和主要能力,并按照重要程度排列。(15分钟以内)然后,各小组根据该职位在职者应具备的基本素质和主要能力写出招聘面试题目及其评分表格。(20分钟以内)再后,各小组派出2名成员作为应聘者,应聘其他小组的职位,其余成员组成招聘专家组,

18、进行本组职位的招聘活动。(5分钟以内)接着,每个小组开始面试,并按照相应的面试评价量表打分。(20分钟/面试者)最后,每个招聘专家组给出每位应聘者的面试得分,并说明判断的依据,作出录用决策,将结果交给老师。(10分钟以内),In-Class Mock Interview : How to conduct interview,一、面试前的准备阶段至少要15分钟准备、5分钟浏览简历 二、面试的开始阶段 努力创造和谐的面谈气氛 三、正式面试阶段多问开放式/引导式的问题(STAR行为表现面试法)注意倾听、不要忽略非语言行为 面试的速度注意求职动机、离职原因等四、面试的结束阶段 留十几分钟给他提问题、整

19、理笔记表示感谢、维护候选人自尊,面试的程序,4.Why do you think situational interviews yield a higher mean validity than do job related or behavioral interviews, which in turn yield a higher mean validity than do psychological interviews? 6.Briefly discuss and give examples of at least five common interviewing mistakes. What recommendations would you give for avoiding these interviewing mistakes?,Homework: P275,


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