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1、,宝藏传说,你从王后手里得到了宝藏传说,好好利用它,帮你找到宝藏吧!,宝藏传说,Unit 4Why don t you talk to your parents?,Section A Grammar Focus,美杜莎原是一位美丽的少女,因为与海神波塞冬私自约会,雅典娜一怒之下将美杜莎的头发变成毒蛇,因此成了面目丑陋的怪物。,通过下面这一关,向诡异的美杜莎进发!,Lets learn the new words.,Whats wrong?,guess,我又嗝屁了!,我嗝屁了!,argue,argue with sb.,argue about sth.,relation,communicatio

2、n,communicate,young,elder年长的,尤其指兄弟姐妹的长幼关系,nervous,Dont be nervous!别紧张!,-10%,-10%,-10%,-10%,-10%,别紧张!你会找到机关的破解密码!,o,r,u,e,v,n,d,m,a,b,s,n,allow allow sb.to do sth/allow doing return 相当于“giveback” explain 解释;说明proper 正确的;恰当的instead instead of doing 代替做某事offer 提供 offer sb.sth=offer sth. to sb. n.提供prov

3、ide 提供 provide sb. with sth=provide sth for sb.,全科王:1-11,nervous,look through 浏览,你来到了美杜莎的面前,你需要送给她一样礼物-一件美女都喜欢的礼物。通关后让我们看看背包吧!,8 phrases,not any more 不再;相当于 no more get into a fight 争吵be angry with sb. 和生气communicate with sb. 和交流refuse to do sth. 拒绝做某事Why dont you do sth.?你为什么不做某事?have time to do 有时

4、间做某事find sb. doing 发现某人正在做某事,美杜莎得到了化妆品,她送给了你一个眼罩。过了这一关,解决眼前难题!,全科王:12-21,23-30,32,34-40,47-52,连词until,so that 及although引导的状语从句,1.She didnt eat lunch until her mother came back.2.I got up early so that I can could catch the bus.3.Although you are tall,Im not afraid of you.until 引导时间状语 not until 直到才so

5、 that 引导目的状语 以致于;以便 放主句之后although 引导让步状语从句 虽然;尽管 不能与but 连用,全科王:除18,31,41,42-46,2d. Role-play the conversation.,Dave: You look sad, Kim. Whats wrong?Kim: Well, I found my sister looking through my things yesterday. She took some of my new magazines and CDs.Dave: Hmm thats not very nice. Did she give

6、them back to you?Kim: Yes, but Im still angry with her. What should I do?,be angry with sb.be angry at/about sth.,Dave: Well, I guess you could tell her to say sorry. But why dont you forget about it so that you can be friends again? Although shes wrong, its not big deal.Kim: Youre right. Thanks for

7、 your adviceDave: No problem. Hope things work out.,传说凡是见到美杜莎双眼的人,都会变成石头。,原来当看向美杜莎双眼的时候,必须戴上眼罩!下一关,宝藏触手可及!,预知后事如何,且看下一剧情生死抉择,下次课检查,argue with sb.,argue about sth.,allow allow sb.to do sth/allow doing instead instead of doing 代替做某事offer 提供 offer sb.sth=offer sth. to sb. provide 提供 provide sb. with st

8、h =provide sth for sb.8 phrases too much /much too /too many 对比be good at/to/for/with 连词,look through 浏览,生死抉择,宝藏就在眼前,生死由天命,通过单词关,我们戴上眼罩,来看清这机关!,5 words,crazy 疯狂的 adj. We are crazy about Exo.cause 造成;引起 v. continue 持续;继续存在 He continues doing homework. After watching movies,he continutes to do homewor

9、k. as usual 像往常一样 He does the same things as usual.perhaps 大概;也许;可与may be 互换,ress按;压,ressure压力,ush推 v.,compete比赛 ;竞争 v.,development发展;成长 n.,even 甚至,当你戴上眼罩,看向美杜莎双眼的时候,却发现那似乎是两个机关!过完这一关,探究宝藏!,5 phrases,ressure 压力 n. press v.压力 My mother gives me so much pressure about study.push 推 v. 反义词:pull 拉compete

10、 v. 对抗;竞争(competition) We cant compete with them on price. development n. 发展 不可数 develop v. babys development even adv. 甚至 可用来加强比较级的语气He is even thinner than his sister.,Language points,If you cut out the drinking, youd feel much healthier.如果你戒酒,就会觉得身体好很多。cut out 表示“删除;剪下或是“停止;戒除”等。In my opinion ,we

11、 should get on well with parents.In one s opinion 依看 一般放在句首Dont be worried about her,she will be OK.be worried about sb. 担心,一左一右,两个机关,一个打开宝藏,另一个通向死亡,你如何抉择?,哇!无数的宝藏尽在眼前。都属于你了!,糟了!你触动了死亡机关,美杜莎张开利嘴,向你们扑来快想办法脱身,你用强力胶粘住了她的嘴巴!快跑!,接下来,想办法逃离这个岛吧!通过下一关,按原路返回祭台!,Do you often have stress? 压力,How to low your st

12、ress?,play sports,Hang out with friends,Talk to parents,Talk to friends,Talk to teacher,Listen to music,Play computer games,Read books,Watch movies,你从祭台下找到了一把锋利的斧子,也许以后用的上!向草亭进发!,表示“建议”的多种句型, Why dont you do sth.? 这是给别人提建议,建议某人做什么事情的句型。如:Why dont we come more often? 咱们为什么不经常来这里呢?Why dont you buy a b

13、ook for your father? 给你爸爸买本书怎么样?,Summary,这个句子还可以写成 Why not do?如: Why not get her a camera? 为什么不给她买个相机呢?这个句型还有发出礼貌地邀请的用法。如:Why dont you have a drink of tea? = Why not have a drink of tea? 请喝茶。,这是草亭处的宝箱,里面的蛇已经死了,要不要打开来看看?,蛇失去了美杜莎的法术,变回了绳子!也许造船用的上!, How/What about? 表示“怎么样/好吗?”这个句型是询问听话这一方对某事物的看法或者意见。ab

14、out是个介词,它后面要接名词或者doing。如:How about a scarf?How about going to swim?,You should / could do 意为“你应该 (可以) 做” Lets do 意为“让我们做吧!” Youd better (not) do 意为“你最好 (不)做” Its best to do . 意为“做再好不过 了。” Shall we do ? 意为“我们做好 吗?”,来到了海边,得先砍一些适合造船的木头来,拎起你的斧子,开始吧!,连词until,so that 及although引导的状语从句,1.She didnt eat lunch

15、 until her mother came back.2.I got up early so that I can could catch the bus.3.Although you are tall,Im not afraid of you.until 引导时间状语 not until 直到才so that 引导目的状语 以致于;以便 放主句之后although 引导让步状语从句 虽然;尽管 不能与but 连用,全科王:除18,31,41,42-46,木头砍好了,下一集,大结局造船之术,下节课检查,5 words 5 phrases,Language points,表示“建议”的多种句型,


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