1、第六章 “信息型”功能文本(2)经贸公文翻译 应用翻译另一“信息型”文本之一便是经贸公文翻译,经贸公文翻译内容繁杂多样,“广义的公文文体指政府(或机构)发布的各种公告、宣传、规章、法令、通告、启示、指令以及各类法律文书,狭义的公文文体只指法律文书”(刘宓庆,1998:177)。这类文本的“信息型”特点主要表现为一种“告之”或“规定”功能,带有典型的“官样文章”和“安民告示”的色彩,具有法律约束力。刘宓庆先生在他的文体与翻译一书中曾指出了公文汉译问题的五大要点:一、首先要抓住对原文的透彻理解;二、译文必须注意汉语语体(即译语语体);三、必须注意研究该材料所涉及的专业内容、了解专业词汇和术语的涵义
2、,最好具有相关专业的必要知识;四、必须注意形式问题,包括公文程式、格式、体例等等;五、译文所用词语应严格遵守“一贯性”(consistency)的原则,在同一篇或同一类材料中不应一词数译,莫衷一是,造成概念混乱(刘宓庆,1998:185-187)conceptual integration theory概念整合理论/概念合成理论。因此,对于经贸公文的翻译,不仅要做到“信息对等”,,最重要的是要熟知该类型不同文本的格式和术语,行文用字要符合尺牍和行业规范,不讲外行话。6.1公文翻译的功能性归化策略 经贸公文自身的文体特征和鲜明的“告之”与“规定”功能,决定了这类文本翻译的特殊要求和目的,遣词用字
3、、行文布局必须符合译文的形式和规范,策略上毫无例外地一律采用“归化”的手法,大多为“功能性”归化。经贸公文的翻译不可能也无必要遵循原文的语言形式,原文仅仅提供信息,语言表达必须顺从译文形式,追求的完全是一种原文与译文功能上(规定或告之功能)的对等(而非语言形式上的对等)。6.1.1顺应译文突出语域特征 首先,公文文本语体正式,行文措辞严谨准确,不允许任何含糊、歧义或差错;其次,它的格式必须严整规范,具有传统性和权威性,不允许“标新立异”;另外,在这类文本中,常,常伴有大量尺牍用语和熟语、套语,行文趋于公式化。正是这些所谓的“陈词滥调(clich)”构成了此类文本鲜明的“语域”特征,让人一看就是
4、公文。并且,也正是这些套语和程式,使得公文文本产生了它的另一特性:“冗文性”。不妨看一则英语小说的版权声明: This book is sold subject to the condition that it shall not, by way of trade商业 or otherwise, be lent, resold, hired out, or otherwise circulated without the publishers prior consent in any form of binding or cover other than that in which it is
5、 published and without a similar condition including this condition being imposed on the subsequent purchaser.,小小一段话竭尽咬文嚼字之能事(大意很简单“该书未经出版商同意,任何人不得以任何形式通过商业或其它途径任意销售、外借、转卖、出租或发行等等”),用词呆板生涩,行文七弯八拐,重复啰嗦,一改惯常简洁明快、流畅自然的风格,然而这却是地地道道的英语正式版权声明(英国作家Stephen Fry的畅销小说The Liar的版权声明,由英国William Heinemann Ltd公司199
6、1年出版),足显其不同之处。 对于公文的翻译,策略上有一个最明显的基本趋势,就是在原文与译文的关系上,原文几乎压倒一切地服从于译文形式,且毫无商量余地,原文文本在翻译中成为不折不扣的“信息源”,在很多情况下,翻译变成了一种仅仅将原文信息“填入”译文形式的机械操作,其目的十分明确,就是完全遵从译文的规范和程式,以利于公文的传播和执,行,这是任何其他文本翻译少有甚至没有的。从这个意义上来说,翻译“目的论”突出译文功能的原则十分适宜于这类文本的翻译。6.1.2严整肃正注重尺牍规范 公文翻译强调规范性主要是指译文要符合尺牍,特别是在汉译英的过程中,由于我们对英语的公文格式和尺牍用语所知甚少,更应注意译
7、文的文本格式和习惯套语,注意表达的规范性,哪怕是日常生活中一个小小的赠条,英语也有它不同于汉语的格式,例如: 汉: 王处长: 奉上手表一块,聊表敬意,务请笑纳。 王林 2015年10月23号,英: November 26, 2001 Mr. George Bush with regards to Mr. Joe Waterman, requests the acceptance of a watch forwarded herewith. George Bush 或者(非正式体): November 26, 2001 Dear Joe, You will do me honor by acce
8、pting that watch forwarded herewith. I shall be glad if you like it. Truly yours, George,简评:译文中很多表达形式是原文根本没有的,增加了很多套语,与原文形成很大差异。译文形式符合尺牍规范为公文函件翻译的第一要义。译例2: 重庆南部新城开发建设 征集策划运作单位 重庆主城区南部新城,面积33平方公里,重庆李家沱和马家溪两座长江大桥横跨其间,是商家置业的黄金口岸。为实现国家西部大开发战略,我们计划进行全面开发建设。诚征“新城”策划(规划)运作单位,有意者请与重庆市巴南区西部办联系。 联系人:xxx 联系电话:
9、 传真:,Request For Proposals For Development Plans The “New Town” Project of Chongqing The office of the Development of the Western Regions in Banan District, Chongqing City, invites qualified urban planners to submit proposals to design and plan the full-scale development of the New Town in the south
10、ern section of the city proper. The site of the project, with a total area of 33 square kilometers, is a spectacular setting strategically located, embracing the two Yangtze River bridges at Lijiatuo and masangxi. It is a port(口岸) promising unrivaled opportunities for commercial and real estate inve
11、stments.,The project is part of the effort to implement the national program for the development of the west regions of the country. A decision has thereof been made to carry out a full-scale development of the “New Town” project, which calls for competitive proposals of development plans. Intereste
12、d parties are advised to apply to the Office of Banan District for the Development of the Western Region. Contact person: Phone: Fax: 恒齐,“商务应用文的英译应与国际接轨” 中国翻译2003,3期,简评:上面是一则项目招商通告的翻译。两相对比会发现,译文实际上是把原文信息“填入”译文文本格式中,译文与原文在形式结构上可以说大相径庭(一段变三段),行文用字也不一样,原文成为地地道道的“信息源”。这种手法与其说是翻译,还不如说是一种的语写作。 经贸合同也是典型的公文
13、文本,特别是涉外经济合同,更是公文翻译的一个重要领域。由于这类合同的格式早已在特定的场合中约定俗成,其文本规范更不容忽视,它不仅具有固定的行文格式,更有符合国际贸易惯例的专门用语,特别是这类合同开头和结尾部分的翻译,其文本的“体裁规约”往往与原文(语汉)的格式和行文用字有很大出入,尤显其权威性和肃正性。,译例3:汉语合同开头: 本合同由xxx有限公司,该公司根据中华人民共和国现有法律成立和存续,其主营所设于xxxx(以下简称“甲方”)与xxx有限公司,该公司根据美利坚合众国现有法律成立和存续,其主营所设于xxxx(以下简称“乙方”),订立于2004年4月。 鉴于: 1.甲方愿意与乙方、乙方愿意
14、与甲方根据中华人民共和国法律在湖南长沙建立合资企业,即合资公司(以下简称 “NEWCOMP”),并合作经营xxxx产品的生产和销售。,2.甲方愿意与乙方、乙方愿意与甲方互利互惠,成功经营NEWCOMP合资公司,并相互合作,相互支持。 鉴此,双方考虑到相互提出的上述立场和下列契约,同意如下条款:英语合同开头: This agreement, made and entered into in April 2004 by and between ABC Corp., a corporation duly organized and existing under and by virtue of th
15、e laws of Peoples Republic of China with its main office at xxxxxxxx (address), (hereinafter referred to as Party A) and BAC Inc., a corporation duly organized and existing under and by virtue of the laws of the United States of America with its main office at xxxxxxxx (address),(hereinafter referre
16、d to as Party B). WITNESSTH WHEREAS Party A and Party B are desirous of establishing in Changsha, Hunan, as their joint venture, a Joint Stock Company (hereinafter referred to as NEWCOMP) under the laws of the Peoples Republic of China to jointly engage in the manufacture and sale of xxxxxxxx, and W
17、HEREAS Party A and Party B are desirous of cooperating and assisting each other for their mutual benefit by the successful operation of NEWCOMP. NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of the premises and the covenants described hereafter, Party A and Party B agree as follows:,汉语合同结尾: 本协议由双方各自全权代表在上述首签之日起亲自
18、签订,一式两份,双方各执一份,各自具有同等效力。立此为证。证。英语合同结尾: IN WITNESS WHEREBY, the parties hereto have caused their representatives, duly authorized for the purpose, to set their hands and seals to two copies of the agreement, both of which shall be authentic, on the day and year first above written, each party retaini
19、ng a copy thereof.,简评:汉、英相比,会发现二者行文格式大不相同(事理顺序也不一样),基本上也是一种“填入”式的操作,译文多了不少原文没有的尺牍用语,却都是英语合同文本不可或缺的固定表达。可见,仅仅做到信息对等是不合公文翻译的要求的,一份不合规范的合同译本会显得极不严肃,丧失公文的权威性。当然,类似的英语合同开头、结尾形式还有: 1) This Contract is signed in xxxxx on xxxxx,2004, by and between xxxxxx (hereinafter called Party A) on one hand and xxxxxxx
20、x (hereinafter called Party B) on the other hand. 本合同由xxx(以下简称“甲方”)为一方和xxx(以下简称“乙方”)为另一方于2004年x月x日在xxx签订。,2) THIS CONTRACT, entered into as of the xxx day of xxxx (month) 2004, by and between xxxxxx, a corporation organized under the laws of xxxxxxxx (hereinafter referred to as “Purchaser”), and xxx
21、xx, a corporation organized under the laws of xxxxxxxx (hereinafter referred to as the “Contractor”).本合同由xxx公司,该公司根据xxx国现有法律成立和存续(以下简称“购买方”)和xxx公司,该公司根据xxx国现有法律成立和存续(以下简称“承建方”)于2004年x月x日签订。 3) xxxxxxx (hereinafter referred to as the “Buyer”) as one party and xxxxxxxx (hereinafter referred to as the
22、“Seller”) as the other party agrees to sign by their authorized representatives, as a result of friendly negotiation, the present Contract under the following,terms and conditions.本合同以xxx为一方(以下简称“买方”),以xxx为另一方(以下简称“卖方”),由双方授权代表通过友好谈判,同意按下列条款签订。 4) WHEREAS, XXXXXXX has been engaged in the manufacture
23、, distribution and sale of xxxxxx and also owns some technical information and experiences useful for the development of the product, and(鉴于xxx从事于xxx产品的制造、经销和出售,并拥有有助于开发下列规定产品的一定技术知识和经验。)5) The contract is made out in English and Chinese languages in quadruplicate, both texts have the same legal for
24、ce, and each party shall hold two copies of each text.(本合同用英文和中文两种文字写成,一式四份,双方各执两份,具有同等法律效力。)(刘敢生,1992:40-41),译例4:以下是世界版权公约开头的一段文字,注意英、汉篇章布局上的差异。 Universal Copyright ConventionThe Contracting States, Moved by the desire to ensure in all countries copyright protection of literary, scientific and arti
25、stic works, Convinced that a system of copyright protection appropriate to all nations of the world and expressed in a universal convention, additional to, and without impairing international systems already in force, will ensure respect for the rights of the individual and encourage the development
26、 of literature, the sciences and the arts.,Persuaded that such a universal copyright system will facilitate a wider dissemination of works of the human mind and increase international understanding. Have resolved to revise the Universal Copyright Convention as signed at Geneva on 6 September 1952 (h
27、ereinafter called “the 1952 Convention”), and consequently, Have agreed as follows: 缔约各国,出于保证在所有国家给文学、科学和艺术作品以版权保护的愿望;确信适用于世界各国并以世界公约确定下来的、补充而无损于现行各种国际制度的版权保护制度,将保证对个人权利的尊重,并鼓励文学、科学和,艺术的发展;相信这种世界版权保护制度将会促进人类精神产品更加广泛的传播和增进国际了解;决定修订一九五二年九月六日于日内瓦签订的世界版权公约(下称“1952年公约”),为此特协议如下:(世界版权公约)简评:英语的格式与汉语不一样。为显权
28、威和规范,同时也是为了表达层次清楚,英语篇章大多一事一议,结构精干,内容简明,呈现一种分解式的布局。而汉语则喜欢综合归纳,结构零散会使篇章显得不够严整肃正,特别是协议、合同文本的开篇部分,更强调凝练集中,以区别于后续的分项条款,因而往往整合为一段,读来语气连贯,铿锵有力。,6.1.3严谨精确避免歧义误解 翻译公文文本时,选词用字要一丝不苟,尽量避免歧义、误解、遗漏和差错,尤其不可望文生义。不然,轻则会让外商失去信任,重则会失去法律约束力,导致不该有的纠纷,甚至被人玩文字游戏钻空子,造成不应有的经济损失。公文翻译时应避免使用一般日常用语、俚语、双关语等模糊语言。(吨 metric ton, sh
29、ort ton, long ton)译例1:因战争、火灾、洪水、禁运、爆炸、材料短缺、禁止进出口、司法或政府限制、罢工或其他劳动问题,或其他当事人不能控制的原因而不能执行本合同时,双方均不负责任。 Neither party hereto shall be responsible for the failure of performance hereunder if caused by war, fire, flood, embargo, explosion, shortage of materials, prohibition of import or export, judicial,or
30、 governmental restrictions, strikes or other labor troubles, or any other causes beyond the control of the party, etc.简评:要特别注意英语合同中 “shall”一词的用法,它是合同文书专用语,不再表示将来,而是表示应履行的义务,其主语就是义务人,负有法律责任。实际上,这个词表达的就是我们日常用语中 “should”(应该)一词的概念,但在合同用语中却常用 “shall”来表达。而 “should”倒是常在合同文书中用倒装的形式引导一个虚拟条件从句,表示 “in case”(万一
31、)的含义。例如:,Should you be unable to ship the goods by the time stipulated, please get in touch with us immediately.(万一到规定的时间仍不能交货,请即时与我方联系。) 另外,例中 “hereto”, “hereunder”二词也是合同中保留下来为数不多的古旧书面用语,也是合同文本中时常出现的字眼,可以使合同文本更显正式。译例2:因违反合同造成损失的,应由违反合同的一方承担经济损失。 In cases of any losses caused by a breach of contract
32、, the financial responsibility shall be borne by the party that has breached the contract.,译例3:反倾销税的征收期限和价格承诺的履行期限不超过5年;但是,经复审确定终止征收反倾销税有可能导致倾销和损害的继续或者再度发生的,反倾销税的征收期限可适当延长。 The period for anti-dumping tax collection and price promises execution shall not exceed five years. However, in case terminati
33、ng anti-dumping tax collection prolongs any losses caused by dumping activities, the period for anti-dumping tax collection may be extended.简评:上述二例中 “any losses”的使用断绝了对方玩文字游戏的念头,它意味着只要有损失,不论单项还是多项,都须按合同赔偿,减少了不必要的经济纠纷。,译例4:合同自签字之日起6个月仍不能生效,双方均有权解除合同。 In case the contract cannot come into force within
34、 SIX months after the date of signing the contract , the contract shall be binding neither to party A, nor to party B.简评:“双方均有权解除合同”按字面似乎可译为 “both parties shall have the right to cancel the contract”,但却不合事理逻辑。合同一经签署,即对双方实行法律约束,不是哪一方能自行取消的问题。因此,这里的“解除”实指“对双方不再具有法律约束力”,不可望文生义。译例5:本法自公布之日起生效,本法修改权属于全国人
35、民代表大会。,The present law comes into force on the date of promulgation. The power of amendment is vested in the National Peoples Congress.简评:此处“属于”不可译为“belong to”,不是“to be the property of”(财产所有权)的意思,在这一上下文中,实指“权利归属“问题,意义相当于“be subject to”。例如,“一切细则的解释权属于大会秘书处:All interpretations for details are subject
36、to the conference secretariat.”上述译文中的“be vested in”也属此类。6.1.4力求详尽不厌繁文缛节 尽管英语有同义重复的忌讳,讲究行文简洁流畅,但在经贸文件中,对一些事关重大的内容和细节表达则应尽量做到详尽精细,以避免含混不清或表述不明。就是说,,在特定条件下,为保证准确性,不惜咬文嚼字,该重复时还得重复,该啰嗦时还得啰嗦,宁可行文累赘、繁文缛节,也不遗漏只字片言。这是公文翻译不同于其他应用型文本翻译的地方,务必引起充分注意。译例1:The buyers obligation to pay the price includes taking such
37、 steps and complying with such formalities as may be required under the contract or any laws and regulations to enable payment to be made. 买方支付价款的义务包括采取或遵循合同和任何有关法律和规章所要求的步骤和手续,以便支付价款。简评:英语红体部分的表达是英语合同文本中常见的套语,看似同义重复,实为细致精确。合同用语该繁则繁,该简则简,为经济利益,语言表达不怕繁琐。类似的并列表达还有:,terms and conditions(条款)approve and
38、examine(审批)made and sign(签署)null and void(无效)keep and maintain(维护)等等。译例2:承包商有权使用土地上原有供电供水进行施工,但必须根据使用情况向业主缴纳适当的水电费,使用中所需安装的供水供电器材,其费用须由承包商自行负担。 The contractor shall be entitled to use for the purposes of the works such supplies of electricity and water as may be available thereof on the site and sha
39、ll pay for the purchaser for such use such sums as may,be reasonable in the circumstances, and shall at his own expense provide any apparatus necessary for such use.简评:译文如此繁琐累赘,多次重复such, as may be这类表达,与汉语原文相比,平白多出许多词汇,读起来似乎不及汉语简洁,但在译文中还真不可缺少,这些关键问题不强调、不落实,会因职责不明、权限不清而导致不必要的麻烦。这样累赘的表达除法律公文之外,在其他英语文本中
40、实不多见。译例3:许方准许被许方在特许专利的范围内享有生产、使用、销售和进口特许产品的独占许可权,并准许被许方使用和销售用许方的专有技术和独占许可权在世界各地生产的特许产品。,The Licensor shall grant to the Licensee the exclusive right and license to manufacture, use, sell and import the Licensed Products in the Territory under Licensed Patents and the Licensors know-how and a nonexcl
41、usive right and license to use and sell the Licensed Products so manufactured in any country throughout the world.简评:汉语原文简直就像绕口令,大量同一名词的反复使用,使人不得不认真研读。若按英语惯常的做法,一般会用代词来替代它们,然而公文英语并非如此,哪怕重复也要求使权限明确。由英译文可以看出,译者没有遵循代词取代名词的惯常做法,而是不嫌冗繁,反复使用这些名词和短语,力求表达准确到位,避免歧义和误解。翻译时若不熟悉公文英语这一特点,按一般的原则进行操作,可能会因漏洞频出而导致经济
42、损失和不必要的麻烦或纠纷。,译例4:合同无效或被撤销后,因该合同取得的财产,应当予以归还。 The property acquired by either party as a result of a contract shall be returned to the other party after the contract is confirmed to be null and void or has been rescinded.简评:汉语很简单的一句话“因该合同取得的财产应当予以归还”,英语竟如此郑重其事,说得如此详尽琐碎,然而却处处直指要害,界定分明。同时,“无效”和“撤销”也翻译
43、得十分准确到位,并未想当然地译为“non-effective”和 “cancel”。,译例5:合营各方发生纠纷,董事会不能协商解决时,由中国仲裁机构进行调解或仲裁,也可由合营各方协议在其他仲裁机构仲裁。 Disputes arising between the parties to a joint venture, which the board of directors fails to settle through consultation, may settle through conciliation or arbitration by an arbitrating body of China or through arbitration by an arbitrating body agreed upon by the parties.简评:宁可多次重复名词也不用代词简化,这就是公文冗文性的表现之一。在日常英语中,恐怕 “that/those/which/one”一类的代词早就脱口而出了。,