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1、继续教育学院,School of Continuing Education, Jilin University,新发展英语(一),授课教师:xxx,第十讲,1,谢谢观赏,2019-6-30,Unit 2 My Computer,2,谢谢观赏,2019-6-30,Study Focus,1. Think about the relationship between computers and our life.2. Try to use words and expressions about computer science.3. Practice using the structure of

2、“notnor”4. Learn how to leave messages (留言).5. Read about the function of screensavers.,3,谢谢观赏,2019-6-30,Pre-reading Preparation:A. Discuss the following questions with your partners.1. What computer operating systems have you ever used? Mac OS, UNIX, or Windows?2. Have you ever been troubled by a c

3、omputer breakdown? How did you feel at the moment? How did you solve the problem then?,Preparation,For More,4,谢谢观赏,2019-6-30,B. Read the following sentences carefully and work out the meaning of the underlined words and expressions.,Preparation,For More,1. I am sorry to inform you that your applicat

4、ion has been unsuccessful.2. Do not send the application via email.3. My cars quite old, but its still pretty reliable.4. The government must take action now to stop the rise in violent crimes.,5,谢谢观赏,2019-6-30,Preparation,End,5. Would you mind keeping an eye on my baby when Im away for a minute?6.

5、She was very nervous about introducing James to her children, but they warmed to him immediately.,6,谢谢观赏,2019-6-30,Pre-reading Preparation: B (key),inform :告诉, 通知 via :(表示方式)通过(某人), 凭借(某种手段) reliable :可靠的, 可信赖的 take action : 采取行动, 行动起来keeping an eye on :照看, 照管; 留心; 注意 warmed to :使变热至,7,谢谢观赏,2019-6-3

6、0,Bye for now!,8,谢谢观赏,2019-6-30,继续教育学院,School of Continuing Education, Jilin University,新发展英语(一),授课教师:曹瑜,第十一讲,9,谢谢观赏,2019-6-30,Text Study,Para. 1a At least once per day, without fail, my computer, like every computer I have ever owned, has some kind of emotional breakdown. It simply stops workingoft

7、en when Im not touching itand it puts a message on the screen informing me that an error has occurred.,Learning to Love the Computer,Warts and AllBy Dave Barry,10,谢谢观赏,2019-6-30,A Pulitzer Prize winner, American author and columnist. He has also written numerous books of humor andparody, as well as

8、comedic novels. The 2013 Fairfax Prize was awarded to Dave Barry on September 22, 2013.,11,谢谢观赏,2019-6-30,Dave Barry,戴夫 巴瑞(1947 ) 是美国著名的专栏作家,文字幽默风趣。1988 年其评论文章获得美国新闻界最高奖项普利策奖。同时他也涉足小说写作。the funniest man in America. The New York Timesa fathers ultimate sacrifice: accompanying his daughter to a Justin

9、 Bieber concert.,12,谢谢观赏,2019-6-30,warts and all,在英语中,这个短语表示“尽管有各种缺点和瑕 疵”之意。在本文中,作者一方面写电脑带来的各种不快,另一方面指自己腿上长的疣(wart),一语双关,诙谐幽默。,13,谢谢观赏,2019-6-30,without fail,一定,必定; 没有失败的可能e.g. a. Be here at noon without fail. 一定在正午时到这里。 b. Ill be there at two oclock without fail. 我两点钟一定到那里。,14,谢谢观赏,2019-6-30,breakd

10、own,n.故障;崩溃;(身体)衰弱e.g. a. Our car had a breakdown on the motorway. 我们的汽车在高速公路上抛锚了。 b. The strain of his job led to the complete breakdown of his health. 他工作过度,累垮了身体。,15,谢谢观赏,2019-6-30,Para.1,2. It simply stops workingoften when Im not touching itand it puts a message on the screen informing me that

11、an error has occurred. (Para. 1)它干脆停止工作经常是在我根本没碰它的时候并在屏幕上显示一条信息,告诉我发生了一个错误。1) informing., 现在分词短语用以修饰message,相当于定语从句 which informed me.,For More,16,谢谢观赏,2019-6-30,Para.1,2) inform someone that/ inform someone of (about ) something: 通知或告诉某人(某事)e.g. He informed the police that a large amount of money w

12、as missing. 他向警方报案说一笔巨款不见了。,End,17,谢谢观赏,2019-6-30,Para. 1a 我的电脑就像以前我有过的所有电脑一样每天至少会来上一次某种类型的情绪化故障,从无例外。它干脆停止工作了经常是在我根本没碰它的时候并在屏幕上显示一条信息,告诉我发生了一个错误。,Translation,学会爱电脑,疣以及一切戴夫巴瑞,18,谢谢观赏,2019-6-30,Bye for now!,19,谢谢观赏,2019-6-30,继续教育学院,School of Continuing Education, Jilin University,新发展英语(一),授课教师:曹瑜,第十二

13、讲,20,谢谢观赏,2019-6-30,Text Study,Para. 1b It does not say what the error is, nor where it occurred. For all I know, it occurred in New Zealand, and my computer found out about it via the Internet, and became so upset that it could not go on.,21,谢谢观赏,2019-6-30,Para.1,3. It does not say what the error i

14、s, nor where it occurred. (Para. 1)它不说是什么错误,也不说发生在哪里。not.nor: 既不,也不 (在这种用法中,nor连接一个陈述句时会引起该句子主语和助动词的顺序改变)e.g. a. I dont expect children to be rude, nor do I expect to be disobeyed.,For More,22,谢谢观赏,2019-6-30,Para.1,我不希望孩子们行为粗野,也不希望他们不听话。,End,23,谢谢观赏,2019-6-30,for all one knows,说不定(常用来强调对某事不知情,而且该事也无

15、足轻重)e.g. a. For all I know, he could be seriously ill. 说不定他病得很重。 b. I dont know where she is. She could have been kidnapped for all I know. 我不知道她在哪,说不定她已经被绑架了。,24,谢谢观赏,2019-6-30,Para. 1b 它不说是什么错误,也不说发生在哪里。说不定错误发生在新西兰,我的电脑通过互联网发现了它,并因此烦恼得无法继续工作。,Translation,25,谢谢观赏,2019-6-30,Text Study,Para. 2 When t

16、his happens, I have to turn my computer off and start it up again. When I do, mycomputer puts a snippy note on the screen informing me that it is scanning its disks for errors, because it was shut down improperly.,26,谢谢观赏,2019-6-30,scan,vt. 扫描;细看,审视;略读, 浏览e.g. a. Scanning the computer regularly will

17、 help us detect computer viruses. 定期扫描计算机可以帮助我们发现计算机病毒。 b. The shipwrecked sailor scanned the horizon anxiously every morning.,For More,27,谢谢观赏,2019-6-30,scan,这位遭遇船难的水手每天早晨都焦急地扫视着海天相接之处。c. She scanned the newspaper over breakfast. 她边吃早饭边浏览了一遍报纸。,End,28,谢谢观赏,2019-6-30,shut down,关上e.g. He shut down th

18、e lid of box and left. 他关上箱盖就离开了。 使(常指临时性的)停工,停业 The workshop has shut down and the workers are unemployed. 车间被关闭了,工人们失业了。,29,谢谢观赏,2019-6-30,Translation,Para. 2 在这种情形下,我只得关闭电脑再重新启动。这样做以后,电脑就在屏幕上打出一条傲慢无礼的信息,告诉我它正在扫描磁盘中的错误,而原因是我没有正常关机。,30,谢谢观赏,2019-6-30,Bye for now!,31,谢谢观赏,2019-6-30,继续教育学院,School of

19、Continuing Education, Jilin University,新发展英语(一),授课教师:曹瑜,第十三讲,32,谢谢观赏,2019-6-30,Text Study,Para. 3 “But I DIDNT DO ANYTHING!” I shout, but my computer ignores me, because it is busy scanning its disks. You just know that if it finds any errors, its going to blame me, even though Idont even know where

20、 its disks ARE.,33,谢谢观赏,2019-6-30,Para.3,7. “But I DIDNT DO ANYTHING!” I shout, but my computer ignores me, because it is busy scanning its disks. (Para. 3)“可我什么也没干呀!”我叫道。但电脑根本不睬我,因为它正忙着扫描它的磁盘。1) ignore: vt. 不予理睬;忽视e.g. I said hello to her, but she ignored me completely.,For More,34,谢谢观赏,2019-6-30,P

21、ara.3,我向她打招呼,但她根本不理我。2) be busy doing something: 忙于做某事e.g. Hes busy writing his term paper recently. 最近他忙着写他的学期论文。,End,35,谢谢观赏,2019-6-30,Translation,Para. 3 “可我什么也没干呀!”我叫道。但电脑根本不睬我,因为它正忙着扫描它的磁盘。要知道,一旦它发现了任何错误,它就会怪到我头上,尽管我连它的磁盘在何方都不甚了了。,36,谢谢观赏,2019-6-30,Text Study,Para. 4a While my computer is busy,

22、 I scan mywart. I have a wart on my right leg. It has been there for many years. I call it Buddy. I keep an eye on Buddy, in case his appearance changes. Ive read that its a bad thing, medically, when awart Suddenly changes appearance.,37,谢谢观赏,2019-6-30,Para.4,8. I call it Buddy. (Para. 4) 我叫它巴迪老弟。“

23、buddy”本意为“老兄,伙计,好朋友”,在这里作者幽默地把他身上长出的疣比作自己一个很亲切的兄弟,因此用Buddy作为对疣的昵称。,End,38,谢谢观赏,2019-6-30,Para.4,9. I keep an eye on Buddy, in case his appearance changes. (Para. 4)我密切注视着巴迪,以防它的外表有任何改变。1) keep an eye on somebody/something: 照料某人(某事物)e.g. a. Could you keep an eye on my suitcase for a moment? 你能帮我照管一会手

24、提箱吗?,For More,39,谢谢观赏,2019-6-30,Para.4,b. Would you keep an eye on my baby for a while? 请你照看一下我的婴儿好吗?2) in case: 以防万一;万一(后面可以接从句,也可以接 of 短语 )e.g. a. It may rain, youd better take an umbrella with you in case it does. 可能下雨,你最好带把伞以防万一。,For More,40,谢谢观赏,2019-6-30,Para.4,b. This is the number to call in

25、 case of emergency. 这是万一发生意外时拨打的号码。,End,41,谢谢观赏,2019-6-30,Translation,Para. 4a 电脑忙着的时候,我审视我的疣。我右腿上长了个疣,已经有好些年了。我叫它巴迪老弟。我密切注视着巴迪,以防它的外表有任何改变。我读到过,疣外表上的突变从医学上看不是什么好事情。,42,谢谢观赏,2019-6-30,Bye for now!,43,谢谢观赏,2019-6-30,继续教育学院,School of Continuing Education, Jilin University,新发展英语(一),授课教师:曹瑜,第十四讲,44,谢谢观赏

26、,2019-6-30,Text Study,Para. 4b If I ever look down and see that Buddy has turned green and not good-looking any longer,or hes wearing a little pair of Groucho glasses, Ill know its time to take some kind of medical action. Such as quit drinking.,45,谢谢观赏,2019-6-30,Groucho glasses,格鲁乔眼镜(连有眉毛、髭须和假鼻子的眼镜

27、,通常用于化装舞会等场合。其来源可能与美国三四十年代喜剧明星格鲁乔 马克思(Groucho Marks)有关,此人典型形象为浓眉、髭须、大鼻并戴眼镜。),46,谢谢观赏,2019-6-30,Para.4,10. Ill know its time to take some kind of medical action. Such as quit drinking. (Para. 4)我会意识到该采取某种医疗行动了,比如戒酒。1) Its(its) time to (do) / Its(its) time (that) : 该是做的时候了e.g. a. Its time for us to go

28、 home. 我们该回家了。 b. Its high time for you to start working.,47,谢谢观赏,2019-6-30,quit,vt. 放弃,停止e.g. My 60-year-old father decided to quit smoking. 我60岁的老父亲决定戒烟。 vi. 停止活动,离开,退出 He quit his job as a manager in the company. 他辞去了公司经理的工作。,48,谢谢观赏,2019-6-30,Translation,Para. 4b 如果我低头看到巴迪变绿,不再好看了,或者戴上了一副小小的格鲁乔眼

29、镜,我会意识到该采取某种医疗行动了,比如戒酒。,49,谢谢观赏,2019-6-30,Text Study,Para. 5a But my point is that because of computer weirdness,I regularly see an entire mornings worksometimes as many as 18 words get blipped away forever to the Planet of Lost Data. Needless to say, I use Microsoft Windows. Ive been a loyal Window

30、s man since the first version, which required you to write on the screen with crayons.,50,谢谢观赏,2019-6-30,regularly,adv. 有规律地, 有规则地;匀称地e.g. Public health inspectors visit restaurants and hotel kitchens regularly. 公共卫生官员定期检查餐馆与旅馆的厨房。,51,谢谢观赏,2019-6-30,Para.5,11. But my point is that because of compute

31、r weirdness, I regularly see an entire mornings worksometimes as many as 18 wordsget blipped away forever to the Planet of Lost Data. (Para. 5)不过我要说的是,由于电脑的古怪脾气,我经常看到整整一个早上的工作成果有时候多达18个单词“哔”一声就永远去了“丢失数据之星球”上了。,For More,52,谢谢观赏,2019-6-30,Para.5,1) point: n. 谈论的事;要点、核心问题e.g. You have missed the whole

32、point of the novel. 你忽略了这篇小说的要点。2) as many as: 多达 His speech attracted as many as 1,000 people. 他的演讲吸引的人数多达一千。,For More,53,谢谢观赏,2019-6-30,Para.5,3) get blipped away: “哔”一声就消失了。blip本来是名词,指雷达等屏幕上的光点,其不停地闪烁,并且每次光点出现都伴有短促而尖锐的声音。在这里活用为动词,意为(使某物)发出短促而尖锐的声音。away是副词,表示离开、消失。4) the Planet of Lost Data: “丢失数据

33、之星球”,暗喻数据资料被转移到了电脑硬盘中某个地方,作者却找不到,因此对他来说就是消失不见,被丢失了。,End,54,谢谢观赏,2019-6-30,man,n. 这里专指来自于某一特定地方、从事某种特 定职业或与某种机构(特别是大学、公司等) 有特定联系的人 。e.g. a. Even a Harvard man has a lot to learn about politics. 即使是哈佛大学高才生在政治上也仍有许多要 学习。 b. Ive been an IBM man for years. 我是IBM公司用户好多年了。,55,谢谢观赏,2019-6-30,needless to say

34、,不用说,无需说(用于告诉别人已经知道或能预 料到的事情)e.g. a. Needless to say, any contributions of money will be gratefully received. 不用说,任何钱款方面的捐助都会被心存感激地 收下的。 b. Needless to say, I agree with you. 不用说,我赞同你。,56,谢谢观赏,2019-6-30,version,n. (书、乐曲等的)版本;(一事物的)变化形式;一种描述e.g. a. When I have compared the two versions I may write to

35、 you again. 当我比较两种版本之后, 我可能再次给你写信。 b. His version of the accident seemed most convincing. 他对该事件的叙述似乎最令人信服。,57,谢谢观赏,2019-6-30,Translation,Para. 5a 不过我要说的问题是,由于电脑的古怪脾气,我经常看到整整一个早上的工作成果有时候多达18 个单词“哔”一声就永远去了“丢失数据之星球”上了。不用说,我用的是微软视窗系统。从视窗第一版这个版本要求用户用彩色笔在屏幕上书写开始,我就是它的忠实用户。,58,谢谢观赏,2019-6-30,Bye for now!,5

36、9,谢谢观赏,2019-6-30,继续教育学院,School of Continuing Education, Jilin University,新发展英语(一),授课教师:曹瑜,第十五讲,60,谢谢观赏,2019-6-30,Text Study,Para. 5b Every year or so, Microsoft comes out with a new version, which Microsoft always swears is better and more reliable, and I always buy it. I bought Windows 2.0, Windows

37、 3.0, Windows 3.1415926, Windows 95, Windows 98, Windows ME, Windows RSVP, The Best of Windows, Windows Strikes Back, and Windows Lets All Buy Bill Gates a House the Size of Vermont.,61,谢谢观赏,2019-6-30,come out with,推出, 出版;说出, 提出(不寻常或意料之外的话)e.g. They are going to come out with a great new encyclopedi

38、a next month. 下个月他们将推出一部了不起的新百科全书。,62,谢谢观赏,2019-6-30,swear,vt., vi. 诅咒,咒骂e.g. His boss often swore at him, sometimes for no reason at all. 老板经常骂他, 有时毫无理由。 宣誓,发誓 I dont know anything about what happened, I swear. 我发誓, 我对所发生的事一无所知。,63,谢谢观赏,2019-6-30,reliable,adj. 可靠的, 可信赖的e.g. The manager thought he w

39、as a reliable person and told him all about the new plan. 经理认为他是一个可靠的人, 并把关于新计划的全部内容都告诉了他。,64,谢谢观赏,2019-6-30,Translation,Para. 5b 大约每一年,微软公司都会推出一个新版本并信誓旦旦地称它更好、更可靠,而我也总是照单全收。我买了视窗2.0 版、视窗3.0 版、视窗3.1415926 版、视窗95 版、视窗98 版、视窗ME 版、视窗RSVP 版、最佳视窗版、视窗“又来了”版,以及视窗“让我们大家为比尔 盖茨买一座跟佛蒙特州一样大的房子”版。,65,谢谢观赏,2019-6

40、-30,Bye for now!,66,谢谢观赏,2019-6-30,继续教育学院,School of Continuing Education, Jilin University,新发展英语(一),授课教师:曹瑜,第十六讲,67,谢谢观赏,2019-6-30,Text Study,Para. 6 My computers keep having seizures,but I keep buying Windows versions, hoping Ill get lucky. Im like the loser in the nightclub whokeeps hitting on the

41、 hot babe. His shoes are squishing from the pina colada she poured on him, but hes thinking: “Shes warming up to me!”,68,谢谢观赏,2019-6-30,seizures,可数名词(尤指心脏病或脑部疾病的)突然发作,侵袭 If someone has a seizure, they have a sudden violent attack of an illness, especially one that affects their heart or brain.,69,谢谢

42、观赏,2019-6-30,Para.6,15. Im like the loser in the nightclub who keeps hitting on the hot babe. (Para. 6)我就像那个夜总会里的倒霉蛋,不停地去招惹那个辣妹。1) hit on someone:(俚语)(通过某种方法展示自身吸引力来)搭讪e.g. Dave has hit on most of the women in the department.,For More,70,谢谢观赏,2019-6-30,Para.6,戴夫和部门里大部分女性都搭讪过了。2) hot: adj. (俚语) 热情的,性

43、感的,新鲜的且常引起轰动的e.g. a. She is the hottest girl I have ever seen. 她是我所见过的最热情似火的女孩。 b. Do you know what is the hottest topic these days? 你知道什么是近来最热门话题吗?,End,71,谢谢观赏,2019-6-30,Para.6,16. His shoes are squishing from the pina colada she poured on him, but hes thinking: “Shes warming up to me!” (Para. 6) w

44、arm to: 对开始发生兴趣;对更为喜欢, up在这里是副词,修饰动词词组 warm to,意为接近、即将。,For More,72,谢谢观赏,2019-6-30,Para.6,e.g. I warmed to the new guest at once. 我立刻喜欢上新来的客人了。,End,73,谢谢观赏,2019-6-30,squish,n. 咯吱声,果酱 v. 压扁,压烂,咯吱吱地走eg. a. Crunch, squish. What a great sound! 压碎声,咯吱咯吱的声音,多么美妙的声音啊!,74,谢谢观赏,2019-6-30,Translation,Para. 6

45、我的电脑仍在不停犯病,而我仍坚持购买各种视窗版本,希望自己能交上好运。我就像那个夜总会里的倒霉蛋,不停地去招惹那个辣妹。他的鞋子已经被辣妹泼在他身上的冰镇果汁朗姆酒泡软了,而他还在想:“她对我动心了!”,75,谢谢观赏,2019-6-30,Bye for now!,76,谢谢观赏,2019-6-30,继续教育学院,School of Continuing Education, Jilin University,新发展英语(一),授课教师:曹瑜,第十七讲,77,谢谢观赏,2019-6-30,Text Study,Para. 7 I bring this all up because now Mi

46、crosoft has a new version out, Windows XP, which according to everybody is the “most reliable Windows ever.” To me, this is like saying that asparagus is “the best vegetable ever.” But still, I am tempted. “Maybe this will be the one,” I say to Buddy, as the two of us wait for the disks to be scanne

47、d. (496 words),78,谢谢观赏,2019-6-30,bring up,提出(供讨论或促使注意)e.g. These are matters that you can bring up in committee. 这些问题你可以在委员会中提出。 再引述 Ill bring up your suggestion in the next meeting. 下次开会我会再引述你的提议的。,79,谢谢观赏,2019-6-30,asparagus,n. 植 芦笋e.g. a. Asparagus or carrots? 要芦苇还是胡萝卜。 b. Yes, sir. Now, theres a

48、 choice of vegetables, asparagus or fresh peas. 好的,先生我们有蔬菜、芦笋、鲜豆,你们可以挑选。,80,谢谢观赏,2019-6-30,tempt,vt. (1)劝诱(某人)做坏事或蠢事,勾引 (tempt.into something/tempt.into doing something)e.g. a. Nothing could tempt him into such a course. 没有什么能诱使他那样做。 b. He was tempted into doing a false step. 他被引诱做了一件傻事。,For More,81

49、,谢谢观赏,2019-6-30,tempt,(2)吸引,诱使,诱导 (tempt . to do)e.g. a. She tempted the child to have a little more soup. 她诱使那个孩子多喝一点汤。 b. Can I tempt you to another bottle of beer? 再来一瓶啤酒好吗?,End,82,谢谢观赏,2019-6-30,Para.7,19. “Maybe this will be the one,” I say to Buddy, as the two of us wait for the disks to be sc

50、anned. (Para. 7)在和我的巴迪一起等待电脑扫描磁盘的时候,我对它说:“也许这个版本行。”the one 指的是the one I can get lucky from,正如前文第六段中所提到的“(I) keep buying Windows versions, hoping Ill get lucky.”,83,谢谢观赏,2019-6-30,Translation,Para. 7 我说这些是因为微软又推出了新版本视窗XP,每个人都说它是“有史以来最可靠的视窗版本”。对我来说,这就像是说芦笋是“所见到的最好的蔬菜”一样。但我还是心动了。在和我的巴迪老弟一起等待电脑扫描磁盘的时候,我


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