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1、,中 国 汉 字,Chinese Characters,Producted by Liu Tongxin,The Chinese Character,The Chinese Character is the oldest, continuous written language in the World.The inventors of the written language drew pictures to express words or ideas, simple pictures were combined to make more complex thoughts.The Chin

2、ese Character is square-shaped.,1st,2nd,3rd,contents,Bief-introduction,Invention,Development,Chinese characters were initially meant to be simple pictures use to help people remember things. After a long period of development, it finally became a unique character system that embodies sound, image, i

3、dea, and rhyme at the same time.,音,形,意,韵,Chinese characters are usually round outside and square inside, which is rooted in ancient Chinese beliefs of an orbicular sky and a rectangular earth.,orbicular: a. globoserectangular: a. having the shape of a rectangle,The invention of the Chinese character

4、s,Keep records by tying knots The Eight DiagramsCang Jie created the characters,diagram: n. a symbolic and simplified representation,结绳说 八卦说 仓颉造字说,In legend, there was a figure in remote antiquity named Cang Jie who was an official historian of Huangdi(known as the Yellow Emperor). It was said that

5、he had 4 eyes, and the upper 2 were for watching the sun, the moon and the stars while the lower 2 for watching mountains, rivers, beasts and birds. And it was he, as the legend goes, who had created the Chinese characters according to the shapes of all things.,Cang Jie created the characters,So he

6、has the title of “Sage of Character-creation”, as later generations addressed him. Nevertheless, it is improbable for any single person to create a complicated character system at one time. The characters is actually developed by many people gradually in the long process of invention, accumulation,

7、and evolution.,Cang Jie created the characters,The development of Chinese characters,Oracle Bone Inscription 甲骨文Bronze Inscription 金文Seal Script 篆书Official Script 隶书Regular Script 楷书Cursive Script 草书Running script 行书,inscription: n. a piece of writing inscribed on a stonecursive: a. written with the

8、 characters joined,Oracle Bone Inscriptions,The oldest Chinese inscriptions are the Oracle Bone Inscription. Most of Oracle Bone Inscription are divination records, engraved on the tortoise shells or animal bones. Now we have been found more than 4600 oracles, including about 1000 recognized.,divina

9、tion: n. the ability to say what will happen in the futureengrave: v. to cut words or designs on matal, wood, glass etc.,书法是一项十分精细的活动。要想把字写好,须得全神贯注,凝神静气,仔细观察字的结构,并要脑、眼、手相应,准确控制运笔的轻重缓急。,Bronze Inscriptions,Bronze Inscriptions refer to ancient inscription cast or carved on the Bronze Ware. They are us

10、ed From Shang, Zhou to Qin, Han dynasties, but the main findings are the words on the bronze ware of western zhou dynasty.,Seal Script,Seal Script can also be called as “Script of Qin”, including “Dazhuan”and “Xiaozhuan”.,It originated from Qin Dynasty and fully developed in Han Dynasty. The emergen

11、ce of official script is the second big reform of text, making Chinese calligraphy art enter a new stage.,Official(clerical) script,It was the most popular in Tang Dynasty. In this stage, there were many famous calligraphers.,Regular script,Running script,Running Script emerged at the end of the Eas

12、tern Han period. it is a kind of form between regular script and cursive script. It has high artistry and practicality.,Cursive Script includes Zhangcao, Jincao and Kuangcao. Kuangcao was created in the Tang dynasty, and very difficult to identify, turned into a pure art. There are few practical value.,Cursive Script,A B C D E F G,( )1.Seal Script( )2.Bronze Inscription ( )3.Regular Script ( )4.Running script ( )5.Cursive Script( )6.Official Script ( )7.Oracle Bone Inscription,1.C 2.B 3.E 4.G 5.F 6.D 7.A,形,意,音,韵,sound,image,idea,rhyme,人,众(眾),鬼,老,见(見),夫,荷,望,仆(僕),Thanks for your time!,


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