1、,Module 2Traffic Jams,How many means of transport do you know?,bike/bicycle,tricycle,coach,Introduction, Speaking and Cultural Corner,How many means of transport do,motorbike,trolleybus / tram,underground / subway,taxi / cab,motorbiketrolleybus / tramunde,boat,ship,minibus,boatshipminibus,truck,heli
2、copter,double-decker,truckhelicopterdouble-decker,Vocabulary practice,Guess the means of transport,1. Its a bus used for long distance. 2. Its got two wheels and its fast.3. This bus is connected to electric wire.,4. You must pay to use this car. 5. This is a suburban railway. Its usually under the
3、city.6. Its slow, cheap and has two wheels.,coach,motorbike,trolleybus,taxi,underground/ subway,bike / bicycle,Vocabulary practiceGuess the m,畅言教育,Discussion,pair work,Have you ever been stuck in a traffic jam? If so, what did you do and how did you feel then ? If not, can you imagine what will happ
4、en in it?,畅言教育Discussionpair work Have y,Brainstorming group work,1.Traffic jams are so common and can you list some reasons?,2. What measures can we take to reduce the terrible traffic jams ? Try to list as many solutions as possible.,Brainstorming group work1.T,The reasons for traffic jams,1. Too
5、many private cars2. Narrow roads3. Some drivers break the traffic rules4. Too many traffic lights. .,Solutions to traffic jams,Brainstorming,The reasons for traffic jam,Solutions to traffic jams,1. Restrict the use of private cars based on even and odd numbered license plates.2. Build wider roads an
6、d streets3. Improve peoples awareness of following the traffic rules and increase the punishment against breaking the rules.4. If necessary and possible , build some subway lines and overpasses/flyovers5. Take the public transport .,Solutions to traffic jams1. R,What is the solution to the traffic p
7、roblem in London?2. How much is the congestion charge? And if drivers dont pay it , what punishment will they face?3. Does the solution work? How do you know?,Culture corner,Read the passage, then answer the following questions.,In February 2003 the Mayor of London, Ken Livingstone, introduced a “co
8、ngestion charge”.,5 pounds a day.If they dont pay it ,they will face a fine of 80 pounds,Yes, it does. From the last but one paragragh.,Culture corner Read the pa,language points,1. Beijing isnt the only city with traffic problems . You can get stuck in a traffic jam anywhere in the world. (para.1 )
9、 get stuck in :陷入 a traffic jam :交通堵塞 句子仿写:你不是唯一一个有这种问题的人.2.Los Angeles ,which was built with the motorcar in mind, and is famous for its six-lane highways, is now the USAs most congested cities. (para.1 ) six-lane highways:六车道 congested=jammed 拥堵的,language points1. Beijing i,3. In February 2003 the
10、 mayor of London, Kenlivingstone, introduced a “congestion charge”- a tax for cars entering the center of the city. (para.2) mayor :the leader of a city introduce : adopt charge 费用 tax-free 免税的4. People who dont pay the charge will face a fine of 80 pounds. (para.3) fine 罚款5. But does the congestion
11、 charge work? A survey carried out at the end of 2003 suggests it does.(para.5)6. 另外,此外 (para.5 ) Whats more = in addition =besides= moreover =furthermore =plus =additionally,3. In February 2003 the mayor,Reading and Vocabulary Getting Around in Beijing,Tianan men,the Forbidden City,The Great Wall,R
12、eading and Vocabulary Tianan,Tsinghua University,Peking University,Birds Nest,the narrow alleys (hutong),Tsinghua University Peking Uni,Fast-readingWhat means of transport are mentioned in the text?,taxis, buses, trolleybuses, minibuses, underground, and pedicabs.,Fast-reading taxis, buses, tro,Deta
13、iled reading,Read the text carefully and answer the questions:,1. How easy is it to find a taxi in Beijing?,2. What color are most taxis?,3. Whats the problem with buses?,4. Which is the best bus for tourists?,Raise your hand, and a taxi appears in no time.,Theyre red.,Theyre often very crowded.,The
14、 103 bus.,Detailed readingRead the,5. How many people can get in a minibus?,6. What are the advantages of the underground?,7. When does it close at night?,8. What can you visit in a pedicab?,12 people.,Its fast and convenient.,It closes at 11:00 pm.,The narrow alleys of old Beijing.,5. How many peop
15、le can,24 hours easy to get expensive,5:00am-12:pm/ cheap crowded24 hours,always get a seat,5:00 am- Fast terrible in11:00 pm convenient rush hours,explore the narrow alleys expensive,Means of transportWorking,Role-play,Student A: a tourist to Leshan Student B: a local of Leshan A Dialogue about how
16、 to get around Leshan. (How to go to some wonderful places),Role-play Student A: a,Match the words in the box with their meanings.,cab destination fare get around passenger receipt return (n) route rush hour seat single (n) permit (n),to go from one place to another,2. a person who uses public trans
17、port 3. (a ticket for) a two-way journey 4. the road the public transport service uses regularly5. the busiest time of day,get around,passenger,return,route,rush hour,Match the words in the bo,6. the price of a ticket 7. (a ticket for) a one-way journey 8. the place you want to go to9. a document wh
18、ich shows you have paid for something10. a place to sit11. another word for taxi 12. a document which gives you the right to do something,fare,single,destination,receipt,seat,cab,permit,6. the price of a ticket far,Listening,Vocabulary,Compound nouns: traffic jam roadworksNow match words from Box A
19、with those from Box B to make compound nouns.A: B:,bicycle city ring rush traffic,center hour lane lights road,Listening VocabularyCom,Match the words and definitions.bicycle lane; city center; ring road; rush hour; roadworks; traffic lights1. a road which goes around a city2. a red one means “stop”
20、; a green one means “go”3. the busiest time of the day4. a part of the road reserved for bicycles5. work in progress on a road6. the centre of the city,ring road,traffic lights,rush hour,bicycle lane,roadworks,city center,Match the words and de,Describe the following pictures according to your under
21、standing.,Describe the following pi,2,Listen and match the traffic situations with the speakers. Take down some key words next to the picture. Do Act.3 if you can.,a,b,c,d,e,Speaker 2,Speaker 5,Speaker 4,Speaker 1,Speaker 3,2Listen and match the tr,3,Choose the correct answers.,1. Speaker 1 _.a. wen
22、t to a tea party by taxi b. saw a tea party in the middle of the road c. had a tea party with some taxi drivers,2. Speaker 2 _. a. took three hours to reach the airport b. arrived at the airport just in time c. missed his plane for Sichuan,3. Speaker 3 _. a. always goes to work by bike b. never stop
23、s at traffic lights c. always gets stuck on the ring road,3Choose the correct answe,4. Speaker 4 _. a. prefers driving late in the evening b. thinks Beijing is better than Shanghai c. prefers public transport to cars,5. Speaker 5 _. a. had an accident near the Summer palace b. drove on the wrong sid
24、e of the road c. got stuck in a traffic jam,4. Speaker 4 _.,.,4,Listen again and answer the questions.1 What problem did speaker 1 have after the tea party?2 What did speaker 2 tell the taxi driver to do ?3 What is the cause of traffic jams, in the opinion of speaker 3?4 What solutions to the traffi
25、c problem does speaker 4 talk about ?5 What is speaker 5 surprised at?,The traffic still didnt move.,To turn back and go home.,People disobeying traffic rules.,Limit the number of cars , build more underground lines, and build roads in the sky.,The fact that people see what causes the problem , then
26、 do the same thing again.,.4 Listen again,Important vocabulary in ListeningSpeaker 11. They had coffee cups and one of them carried a thermos flask and poured out some hot water to make tea. 2. But even after the tea party was over, the traffic was still jammed and we still couldnt move.,Speaker 21.
27、 At 5 pm I was still only at the third ring road. 2. There was no way I was going to catch the plane, so I told the taxi driver to turn back and go home.,Important vo,畅言教育,Speaker 3 I think the traffic jams are usually caused by people disobeying traffic rules. To get to the front of the line, they
28、often take the bicycle lane. Speaker 5 So obviously there were lots of cars overtaking on the wrong side of the road which then came to a complete stop when a car came in the other direction.Its the same with pedestrians .Finish Everyday English p18,畅言教育 Speaker 3,Grammar & writing,Look at the signs
29、 and say what they do.,advice,instructions,information,permission,Dont turn left.,Dont stop. / No parking.,Dont walk. / No pedestrians.,Grammar & writingLook at,What should we do and what should we not do when stuck in a traffic jam?,Do,Dont,Switch off the motor.Turn on the radio.Speak to your passe
30、ngers.Follow the rules of the road.Keep cool.,Leave the motor on. Blow your horn.React when others drive badly.Break the rules of the road.Get angry.,What should we do and wha,Whatre the features of imperatives?,Listen to me carefully.Be quiet! Lets try our best to improve our environment.No parking
31、 / entry!Hands up! / Eyes left!,Whatre the features of,Conclusion,do 型 (以行为动词开头) Stand up! Dont stand up! / Never stand up!Be 型 (以be动词开头) Be careful. Dont be late./ Never be late.Lets 型 (以Lets开头) Lets learn more about safe driving. Lets not waste any more time.No型(no+名词/动名词,用于指示标牌) No spitting! No l
32、itter!无动词祈使句,Conclusiondo 型 (以行为动词开头,Sentence pattern:Quit smoking and you will be in good shape.Quit smoking or you will get lung cancer.1) Do sth. +and/ or + you/ I/ we willMore efforts and you will succeed.If you make more efforts, you will succeed.2) 名词短语也可做祈使句 noun phrase + and/ or + you/ I/ we
33、 will,Sentence pattern:,- English has a large vocabulary, hasnt it? - Yes. _ more words and expressions and you will find it easier to read and communicate. A. Know B. Knowing C. To know D. Known2 Stand over there _ youll be able to see it better. A. or B. while C. but D. and,A,D,3. -Ive never seen
34、anyone run so fast. - _ David go. A. Just watch B. Just to watch C. Just watching D. Just having watched,A,- English has a large v,Writing practice,1. How many problems does the writer talk about?2. What are the causes of the problems?,3. How many solutions does the writer find?,The writer talks abo
35、ut four problems, such as too many cars, terrible air, buses stuck, accidents with cyclists.,The town is old, the streets are narrow.,The writer find two solutions. They should close the city centre to all traffic except buses and bikes, and build large car park outside the town.,Writing practice 1.
36、 How m,4. Who are they in They should close to the city centre?,5. Why does the writer divide the passage into two parts?,They means the local government.,The writer wants readers to know that the first part talks about problems, and the second part talks about solutions.,4. Who are they in They,Wri
37、te a similar passage about your town,I live in a small town. In the past few years, great changes have taken place. With the development of economy and living conditions, more and more private cars appeared. The roads are full of motorbikes, electrical bicycles and cars, which cause traffic jam in t
38、urn, especially in rush hour. I think the government should take effective steps to solve the problems. On one hand, the roads should be widened. On the other hand, I suggest the government should request people to go to work at different times. I hope people will live in this town more happily.,Write a similar passage a,Homework1. Ask Ss to review Grammar rules. 2. Ask Ss to finish Grammar exercises in the Workbook on page 733. Ask Ss to write a composition about traffic problems in their town and solutions to the problems individually.,Homework,