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1、小升初专题讲解训练,名词(单复数1),找找哪个是名词?,polite,young,funny,old,kind,shy,Monday,Friday,Sunday,play,do,clothes,sandwich,hamburger,healthy,tea,sing,song,our,house,bottle,day,sport,coffee,名词的概念,指人或事物的名称的词。,student,desk,school,love,名词,专有名词:特定的人,地点等(首字母大写) 例:New York, China,普通名词,可数名词,不可数名词,能够以数计算的事物的名词,不能以数计算的事物的名词,单

2、数名词,复数名词,?,例:液体,气体等。milk, water, air,例:pen, student, flower,普通名词:指一般的人,事物等. 例:teacher, pencil, doctor,金木水火土,肉面食茶布,名词,不可数名词 ,可数名词,单数名词名词前加a/an,复数名词名词后加s/es,只有一种形式,且不可加 a/an,a candy,candies,a car,cars,flower,flowers,找规律,NOUN.,book,books,watch,es,box,es,bus,es,brush,es,bksz,bsz,factories,baby,babies,fa

3、ctory,boys,boy,leaf,wolf,wolves,leaves,knife,knives,wulvz,li:vz,navz,找规律,tomatoes,potatoes,heroes,NOUN.,名词复数规则变化表,注意 stomachs, zoos, roofs, beliefs,随堂练习,一、填字母,完成单词s ck (生病) kn fe (小刀)h pital (医院) p k (公园)c ld (感冒) pi ture (图画),随堂练习,二、用所给词的适当形式填空1.How many (knife) do you have?2.How many (season) are

4、there in a year?3.I have many beautiful (photo).4.Is he your (friend)?5.The (child) are playing games over there.,名词复数不规则变化表,注意 1. Fish表示鱼的种类时是可数名词,表示鱼肉时是不可数名词 2. orange表示橘子时是可数名词,表示橘汁时是不可数名词 3. room表示房间时是可数名词,表示空间时是不可数名词 4. 有些名词一般只用复数形式: glasses 眼镜 trousers 裤子 shoes鞋,Pratice,I have two _and _. A. l

5、eg , feet B. legs , foots C. legs , feetHow many _ are there in the city ? A. factories B. factorys C.factoris D. factory3. You must clean your _ every day. A. tooth B. teeth C. tooths D. teeths,C,A,B,随堂练习,一、写出下列单词的复数形式1. school 2. apple 3. brush 4. box 5. photo 6. zoo 7. boy 8. bus 9. watch 10. egg

6、,随堂练习,二、选择填空1.There are three in that shop. A. women; shoe B.woman; shoe C. woman; shoes D. women; shoes2.There are many on the farm. A. sheeps B. shoop C. sheep D. pig3.There are 26 in our class. A. boys students B. boy student C. boy students D. boys student4.Im 5 older than you. A. years B. cm C.

7、 year 5.The have healthy life A. coach B. coaches C. coachs,随堂练习,6. Do you want some ? No, thanks. A. hamburger B. banana C. fish7.Look at these . A. photo B. banana C. photos8.The red T-shirt is five . A. yuan B. pound C. Dollar,随堂练习,三、用所给词的适当形式填空1.We should brush our (tooth) twice a day.2.Bill has

8、 two (pen) and one pencil.3. Are these your (friend)? Yes, they are. We go to the same school.4. The (child) are playing games over there.,随堂练习,5. How many (day) are there in a year?6. How many (knife) did you buy yesterday?7. Its Sports Day. All (student) are very excited.8. I have many beautiful (

9、photo).9. Jims parents are teachers, and my parents are (doctor).10. How many (foot) does a monkey have?,随堂练习,四、写出下列单词的原形1. leaves 2. candies 3. boxes 4. Chinese 5. mice 6. geese,不可数名词,a fire,a water,a meat,two milk,不可数名词量的表示,表示方法:数词/冠词+量词+of+不可数名词常用词有: a piece of 一张/ 块/ 片 a bottle of 一瓶 a cup of 一杯 a glass of 一玻璃杯,填空 找规律Ps:数词1,量词用复数,of后用原形_ _ _ paper(一张纸)_ _ _ water(一瓶水)_ _ _ tea (两杯茶)_ _ _ bread (三片面包),a,piece,of,a,bottle,of,two,cups,of,three,pieces,of,


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