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1、post的用法总结大全 post这个词汇大家都很熟悉。那你们有了解它的用法吗?今天给大家带来了post的用法 ,希望能够帮助到大家,一起来学习吧。post的用法总结大全post的意思n. 邮件,邮政,柱,桩,杆,岗位vt. 张贴,宣布,设岗,邮寄vi. 快速行进adj. 有关赛跑(或赛马,赛狗)起点标志的adv. 外在后,用急件驿马,赶紧地,火速地变形:过去式: posted; 现在分词:posting; 过去分词:posted;post用法post可以用作名词post作“柱子”“杆子”“桩”解时,引申可表示“标志”,往往指竞赛或赛马的终点标志,作此解时,常用作单数,其前要加定冠词the。po

2、st作“邮政,邮递”解时,指通过邮局系统把信件或其他物(体)由一个地方寄到另外一个地方的行为,通常与the连用,只用作单数形式。post也可作“一件邮件”解,常与the连用。post用作名词的用法例句He has no qualifications for the post.他没有资格担任该职位。Your duties include checking and dispatching the posts.你的职责是检查和发送邮件。He struggled to run towards the winning post.他拼命地向获胜标冲去。post可以用作动词post作“张贴”解时,用作及物动

3、词,接表示张贴物或内容的名词或代词作宾语,引申表示“宣布”“公告”时,接名词或代词作宾语,也可接以as短语充当补足语的复合宾语。post作“邮寄”解时,可接双宾语,其间接宾语可以转化为介词to的宾语。post作“设岗”“布置岗哨位”解时,其宾语为guard, sentry, soldier等名词,常用介词at引出设岗的“地点”; post引申可表示“派某人做某工作或担负某任务”,只用于被动结构。post用作动词的用法例句I would be quite grateful if you would post this letter.要是你肯寄这封信,我将十分感激。Will you please

4、keep us posted for this accident?你能告诉我们这起事件的最新消息吗?Advertisements have been posted up everywhere announcing the new show.到处贴满了广告宣传这一新节目。post用作动词的用法例句She went post to the bank and cashed the cheque.她急忙赶到银行,把支票兑换成现金。post用法例句1、We post up a set of rules for the house.我们张贴了一份房屋生活守则。2、He flipped through th

5、e post without opening any of it.他飞快地翻了一下邮件,但一封也没有打开。3、Now look yonder, just beyond the wooden post there.看那边,就在木头柱子的旁边。词汇精选:post的用法和辨析一、详细释义:n.【主英】邮政(制度)U例句:Im going down to the post-office and then pull out for the ranch我想到邮政局去,然后动身回农庄。例句:The British Post Office giro system is called the National

6、Giro/Girobank.英国邮局直接转帐制度称为全国邮政通汇转帐制.例句:Is there a post office near hear?这附近有邮局吗?邮件;(一次投递的)邮件 U例句:Your duties include checking the post and distributing it.你的职责是检查和发送邮件.例句:I want to send these magazines by book post.我想把这些杂志作为书籍邮件寄出。【英】邮筒,邮箱 U例句:I drop the letter into the mailbox in front of the Post

7、Office.我把信塞进邮局前面的邮筒里。例句:Can I get you to walk this down to the post box?可否请你拿这份东西走到邮筒去投寄吗?【英】邮局 C例句:The curio shop backs the post office古玩店位于邮局的后面。例句:You buy stamps at a post office.邮票在邮局买。(大写)(作名称用)邮报,报纸例句:The Watergate scandal was exposed by two investigative journalists working for the Washington

8、 Post.水门丑闻是由华盛顿邮报两个好打探的记者揭露出来的。例句:listened sympathetically for a moment,a bemused smile budding forth(bWashington Post)同情地听了一会儿,一丝被愚弄的笑容浮现出来(b华盛顿邮报)柱;桩;杆 C例句:The paintwork was damaged when my car hit the street lamp post.我的汽车撞到街上的路灯柱子上,汽车外面的油漆被弄坏了。例句:The notice was nailed to a post.布告钉在一根柱子上。(比赛的)标杆

9、例句:It consists of two parts. The post or stone pillar standing upright on the ground to cast a shadow is called biao (gnomon) and the marked tablet lying north-south is called gui (ruler);它由两部分组成,一是直立于平地上的测日影的标杆或石柱,叫做表; 一为正南正北方向平放的测定表影长度的刻板,叫做圭。【口】足球的门柱岗位;哨所;站 C例句:In his last post he was known as a

10、clock watcher. If he comes that game here, hell lose his job.他在过去的工作岗位上以老看钟盼下班而闻名,如果他在这里还是耍那一套,他会丢掉工作的。例句:The scientific research personnel who held the post without qualification must be transferred to another post.必须把滥竽充数的科研人员调到其他工作岗位上去。(军队的)驻扎地;兵营;驻扎部队 C例句:The best time to approach the Post Room

11、compound Is at night. Entry can be gained through a hole In the wall directly behind the Post Room Itself. Once Inside, there are several vehicles that can be crawled under to provide cover.|+|+Use the Catapult to要进入邮件室的最好时机是在晚上。可以从邮件室后面的墙上的洞进来。一旦进来了,有一些车辆可以提供掩护让玩家从下面爬过去。|+|+利用弹弓来打破高塔上的探照灯,然后利用石头打到附

12、近的兵营以引开巡逻警卫的注意力。这样应该可以争取到足够的时间让玩家去开邮件室门的锁,然后进去找到包裹并且带走。|+|+当要离开邮件室的职位;职守 C例句:With reference to your advertisement in the Guangming Daily of May 6 for a financial manager, I offer myself for the post.从5月6日光明日报的广告栏得知贵公司招聘财务经理一名,本人现在申请该职位。例句:The manager allocated this vacant post to me经理将这个(空)职位给了我。【美】

13、(退伍军人协会的)地方分会 C贸易站,交易所 C例句:A city of southwest Wyoming north of the Utah border.It was a trading post and stagecoach station on the Oregon Trail in the1860s.Population,19,050.罗克斯普林斯美国怀俄明州西南部一城市,位于美国犹他州边境以北。在19世纪60年代是贸易站和俄勒冈小道上的马车驿站。人口19,例句:Although the Chinese border is260 km(163 miles) away by road

14、, that has not been an obstacle to the Chinese traders who make up the newest and fastest-growing presence at this Central Asian trading post, outside Kyrgyzstans second city of Osh.中国边境距离这个位于吉尔吉斯斯坦第二大城市奥什的集市有260公里(63英里)路程,但这并不妨碍中国商人不断涌入这个中亚贸易站。【英】【军】熄灯号 Csuf.表示“后”;“在后”例句:The judge dropped the flag

15、when he reached the winning post.当他跑到终点时,裁判把旗往下一挥表示他已跑完全程。v.邮寄,投寄 T例句:Our letters crossed in the post.我们的信在邮寄途中错过去了.例句:The parcel was damaged in the post.包裹在邮寄中损坏了.贴出(布告等);把(布告等)贴在.上(+up) T例句:Restaurants post signs advertising Breakfast served until 11 a.m. or, in the case of all-night diners, Break

16、fast 24 hours a day.餐馆会贴出早餐供应到11点的广告,考虑到那些整夜都就餐的人,有些餐馆还“24小时供应早餐”。例句:Ill post that cleanup next. By the way, the Pup is in the approximate pose of Thumper in the original.我将随后贴出那个清理的图片。顺便说一句,小狗的姿势是原图近似。宣告,发表(+as) T例句:Several companies have threatened to bust out of their high - wage contracts by the

17、 dubious technique of declaring bankruptcy(Washington Post)几家公司威胁要通过宣告破产的可疑手段来破坏他们的高额合同(华盛顿邮报)例句:The Post and Reply buttons show up only when registered users are logged on their accounts.只有登录以后才能见到发表话题/复话题的按钮。例句:The ship was posted missing.该船宣告失踪。布置(岗哨等)T例句:Post two soldiers to each gate.每个大门口布置两名士

18、兵站岗。分发(某人)(+to) T例句:He was posted to Bonn.他被派往波恩。使熟悉,使了解 T例句:Keep me posted.请经常向我通报情况。(会计)登入(分类帐等)T二、词义辨析:mail,post这两个名词或动词均可表示“邮件,邮寄”之意。 mail主要用于美国。 post主要用于英国。三、相关短语:parcel postn. 包裹邮递,邮包post cardn.明信片post officen. 1.C邮局 a. 1.邮局的,邮政的trading post商埠,商栈;特种证券交易所; (尤指商人在人口稀少的地区所设立的)贸易站corner post角柱hing

19、ing post带铰门柱hitching post系留柱king post中柱,桁架中柱,脊瓜柱,主柱newel post楼梯端柱,螺旋型楼梯中柱,端柱observation post观测哨,观测站queen post双柱桁架立杆,桁架双柱starting postn.出发点四、参考例句:There was post after post discussing the problem.讨论这个问题的帖子一个接一个。He went to the post office to post a letter.他去邮局寄了封信。Has the morning post arrived?早晨的邮件来了吗?

20、Is there a post office near hear?这附近有邮局吗?Post office workers sort the mail.邮局工作人员分拣邮件Post office workers sort the mail.邮局工作人员分拣邮件。Lets inquire at the post office.咱们到邮局去问一下。You buy stamps at a post office.邮票在邮局买。The post office closes at 6.邮局六点关门。The post office is beside the restaurant.邮局在饭馆旁边。post的用法总结大全


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