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1、雅思口语Part2常见问题七问七答 雅思口语Part 2常常困扰着很多中国考生。其实说白了,part 2考得也都是一些很常见的问题,看起来不复杂,那为什么我们觉得难呢?下面就和大家分享雅思口语Part 2常见问题七问七答,来欣赏一下吧。雅思口语Part 2常见问题 七问七答Q Part 2有多重要?没说好还能拿高分吗?如果Part 2说得超烂,但是Part 3说得逆天般精彩,理论上还是能拿7分的以上情况是几乎不可能发生的,Part 2没说好通常会影响你Part 3的发挥Part 2是你展示语言和词汇储备的最好机会,因为你有自主选择描述对象的权利Part 2是你建立信心的关键,通常Part 2顺

2、利说完到Part 3就如鱼得水轻松加愉快Part 2是考官决定你分数的分水岭,通常会听得很认真,所以好好准备吧!Q 总觉得1分钟准备时间不够用?选择话题一定要迅速果断不纠结.如题目问你某一次生气的经历,如果你把人生各种让你生气的事回顾一遍或者纠结选哪一件事,1min很快就过去了如果10秒钟你还没决定说什么,逼自己选一个内容说剩下的50秒,每个小问题都思考关键词写下来,越快越好只准备Ideas,思考辅助词汇和句型结构都会浪费你的准备时间Q 是否需要看着考官说?与Part 1和Part 3不同,Part 2不需要大家太在意和考官进行eye contact,建议大家多看题目和笔记来确保答案内容的完整

3、度以及组织语言的流利度,你不会因为看notes不看考官而失去任何分数。Q 背模板是否可行?总体来说,建议大家背一些常见话题,但不要强背word-for-word的模板Part 2需要你的答案能完整覆盖每一个问题点,死背模板容易跑题或回答不全考官很容易就能看出来你是在“背诵”还是在“讲故事”,可能会大大降低你的起评分可以适当记一些结构性模板让你在逻辑顺序上更胸有成竹如果刚好遇到准备过的题,把思维重点放在信息和内容上,尽量减少背诵痕迹Q 不知道说什么怎么办?尽量说自己的亲身经历不要被题目吓住,结合自己的生活经验选择话题从练过的题目中借鉴可以通用的内容写Notes时尽量回避自己不太会说的信息点平时多

4、尝试用英文描述身边的事物Q 描述得太短怎么办?选择你熟悉的知识储备丰富的描述对象讲述你自己和描述对象有关的一个真实故事举(想象)出一个符合常理的例子说说描述对象的历史过去现在将来补充描述细节(比如物体的颜色大小形状材料;人物的身型外表爱好性格;事件的时间地点天气环境等等)描述你的个人情感然后解释原因Q 准备内容怎么分类?描述一个物体描述一个人描述一个事件描述一项活动描述一个地方通常从你最喜欢的印象最深的对象入手雅思口语part2难题范文:Describe a family that you likeDescribe a family (not your own) that you like.Y

5、ou should say:where this family lives;who the members of thefamily are;how you got to know them;and explain why you likethis family.关键词: 好同学, 父母以身作则, 相亲相爱, 广泛听取意见(包括小孩的意见),孩子被鼓励尝试新东西,不断积累经验。Beginning , Well, I would like to talk about the family of Vicky, one of my students. Her parents sent her to

6、Shanghai, studying TOEFL andSSAT. The first time I met her parents, I was totally attracted by the grace of her mother and the easy-going of her father.The parents set and keep standards of behavior (keeping them by example first).The parents are loyal to, supportive of, and affectionate with each o

7、ther. The kids grow up seeing mom and dad holding hands, laughing together, and building their relationship.By extension, the family as a whole is loyal, mutually supportive, and loving with each other. Family members spend time together, play together, work together on family projects, and enjoy ea

8、ch otherscompany. Parents are available for each other and for the kids, and the family commonly eats meals together.Wide-ranging discussions are common. Parents and kids listen to and learn fromeach other. They share information, points of view, and jokes - which arenever mean-spirited. They know h

9、ow to disagree without being disagreeable.Kids are encouraged to have friends over, and feel comfortable in doing so. The familymaintains boundaries, but theseare porous rather than rigid: its common for kids to have friends who arehonorary members of the family.Members of the family (parents and ki

10、ds) are encouraged to try new things and to develop their talents and their sense of self. Theireffort is supported regardless of the results.Along these lines, family members are not held to idealizations of who they are, are not kept to a particular age or developmental stage (i.e.,not letting the

11、m grow up), or assigned an identity due to their place in the family order.Ultimately, the parents realize that they arent raising children, theyre raising adults.雅思口语高频话题:一个令人激动的运动An Exciting SportDescribe an exciting sport you know.You should say:what the sport ishow you know about itis it difficu

12、ltand explain why you think it is exciting.Part3How do you think of extreme sports?Should governments ban dangerous sports for young people?Would you encourage young people to do these sports?What kinds of ball games do Chinese people like to do?What kinds of sports can people in your country watch on TV?雅思口语Part 2常见问题七问七答


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