1、雅思考试传言大揭秘之伦敦腔口音让你妥妥7+分 关于雅思考试的各种都市传说,你是不是也曾被困扰过?那些所谓的“他们说”到底是不是真的呢?下面就和大家分享雅思考试传言大揭秘之伦敦腔口音让你妥妥7+分,来欣赏一下吧。雅思考试传言大揭秘之伦敦腔口音让你妥妥7+分?其实,嗯.too young too naive,那你真的想太多!请看我们的英语教学专家怎么说:不要忘记,雅思虽然是英国人研发的考试,但是它更是通行全球的英语考试。就像我们的英语教学专家所说的,雅思考官来自地球上各个英语为交流语言的国家,听力材料中你也有机会接触到不止一种口音,那么我们又怎么会要求大家去练就某一种特定的英语口音呢?自然,分数也
2、不会因为你的口音而受到任何影响啦!但同时,关于发音你确实需要注意以下的问题:首先,当然你的口语需要能让别人听懂,否则怎么愉快的玩耍?一个母语为中文的资深英语学习者,很少有人能真正做到一口地道口音的British/ American English.而在雅思口语的评分标准中,也并非要求你的发音要标准得跟BBC/CNN主播一样,但前提是你所说的英语得能让考官听懂,否则说的再流利再深情并茂也是没用的,而且即使你对咱们的考官全程微笑卖萌并不会有加分作用哦真正得分我们还是要拼实力!其次,想想看你的表达是否能够准确地传递你的意图,感情及态度作为雅思考试口语评分标准的”四大金刚”之一-pronunciati
3、on,它着重考察口语发音所涵盖的各项要素的多样性及准确性,其中不仅指单词和句子的读音及语调,也包括适当的连读,重音等细节。好的英语发音不仅是掌握单独词语的音节标准这么简单,更是能够体现对intonation(语音的升降调)和stress (对单词中一些音节和句子中的一些单词重读及节奏)的理解。这也是很多口语5分的烤鸭们常常疑惑不知道为什么考官总能够火眼晶晶揪出自己在背诵答案的原因,没有真实情感表达的背书不能够达到沟通交流的目的。考官判断你是否在背诵答案的依据更多体现在语调这一块,一个生硬的死记硬背的答案往往语调单一的。因此,集中练习单词的重音和音调是非常必要的。通过识别汉语和英语在语调、句子重
4、读和节奏方面的差别,可以帮助你有意识的纠正自己的发音,真正做到说英语时就是英语范儿。因此,小伙伴们,千万别把我们的考官当成面无表情不会回应的机器人,其实他们更像胡同口热情的“大爷大妈“,试着深情并茂的跟他们讲故事,记得语音语调的变化可帮助你传递情感和表达态度。那么,高分离你还会远吗?9-12月雅思口语Part3范文:website you like to visit1. How the Internet has changed our lifestyle?This is a really controversial issue. On the one hand, the Internet ha
5、s made our lives better and simpler as everyone nowadays seems to be moving online. It provides reliable and accurate information on many topics. It is user-friendly because you can find anything you need by just sitting on a chair rather than going to a library and of course it has made communicati
6、on much easier and faster as it connects people across the globe. Furthermore, it results in developing our cognitive skills because we can gain or even expand our existing knowledge and this knowledge can be shared instantly. On the other hand, the Internet has led to a kind of addiction and it dec
7、lines the ability of interacting and socialising. This leads to isolation and feelings of loneliness because we deprive of social interaction. Last but not least, the Internet can be risky in some cases, especially for kids, and for online transactions. Hacking, identity theft, and online crimes are
8、 some common drawbacks of Internet.2: What would be the possible uses of Internet in the future?My personal opinion is that driving is an activity that will be controlled entirely by the Internet in the future. Furthermore, it will be able to trace any kind of shortages of necessary goods in our hou
9、ses, for example, if we run out of sugar, coffee, fruits and vegetables etc. The Internet will place online orders for those items automatically. It will have a predominant role in the field of medicine as well by making all kinds of surgeries and check-ups and doctors will only have to press a butt
10、on. Another use that comes to my head is in universities. In the next twenty years or so, lectures will only be online and every student will have to attend university from their own personal computer. Moreover, people will primarily communicate using the Internet, landlines and cell phone networks
11、would no longer be required. Finally, more interactive software and websites would be available that would connect the world data and would serve to the users.3.Why do younger people tend to go online more than older people?The internet can be intimidating for those not used to it.As a phenomenon de
12、fining the modern age, the internet has been considered the preserve of the younger generations creating a huge obstacle in encouraging and teaching older people to become computer-literate. This view that the Internet is a young persons game - is held not only by both tech giants, who have little t
13、o gain from engaging with the grey market, but by many older people themselves, who have been happy to remain disengaged.Tech developers and the elderly alike often consider the internet as a way of keeping up with the 21st century a way of moving with the times for fear of being left behind. With t
14、his approach, its no wonder many people over a certain age feel reluctant to learn whether thats because of apathy or because of fear. Keeping up with the youngsters isnt working as a persuasive incentive to get older people online.4.What things do websites annoy people about?Autoplay music or video
15、.If your website starts playing music or video as soon as someone lands on it, you can bet more people than not will leave. Its intrusive and annoying.Pop-up adverts.Websites need to make money and static adverts dont bring in enough revenue. But that knowledge doesnt make invasive pop-ups - particu
16、larly those that hide their close buttons - any less annoying.The gradual erosion of your moral boundariesTasteless jokes, obscene images and websites devoted to fetishes youve never even heard of are only ever a few clicks away. Even if you never indulge, their taboo is diluted by ease of availabil
17、ity.5.How can people determine if the content on websites is reliable?Although there is so much information on the Internet that it can seem like a university library, it is actually more like a huge open-air market. A lot of work need to do to know the real nature of the content.6.What concerns do
18、people have about shopping online?There are things about online shopping that I really dont like and I know I am not alone. One is that I dont like giving out my credit card number over the internet. I have already had one serious problem from this. Another thing I dislike is having to return mercha
19、ndise. What a hassle! And it often costs money for shipping things back to the store. This is after youve waited a week or two to get the things in the first place. Then there is the delivery problem. If you buy things that will fit in your mailbox its okay, but otherwise there is the risk of having
20、 a big box dumped outside the door of your house or apartment and somebody walking off with it. The businesses that sell online are going to have to work on some of these problems if they want to increase their share of the market. Delivery seems to be the Achilles Heel of online shopping. You used
21、to have to go out to buy things; now you have to stay home to get them! Another thing that bothers me about online shopping is that it is obviously putting a lot of small merchants out of business, thereby changing the face of America. Bookstores have been the hardest hit of all retailers.7.Is onlin
22、e learning better than learning in the classroom?It dependsRight now, many online courses are designed in such a way that they demand very little student engagement. Furthermore, students often dont have a particularly strong incentive to keep up (so procrastination is common). With that all said, i
23、ts not really any worse than the traditional model of learning.They are both equally as good- depending on the student and the program. Some kids excel in online-based learning and some do better with a teacher in front of them.8.What are the advantages and disadvantages of using the internet?Commun
24、ication has been revolutionised by the net. In the past, the postal system provided the most efficient way to contact people, and people used it for business and in their private lives. However, the advent of the World Wide Web has changed this forever. Now, citizens use social networking sites such
25、 as Twitter and Facebook to stay in touch with those who matter. This is the greatest advantage that the internet has bestowed upon the modern age. However, although humans ability to communication has been bolstered by the net, levels of procrastination are at a historic peak. With chat rooms, soci
26、al media, newspapers, on line gaming ebooks etc. there has never been more temptation to waste ones time. For example, walk into any internet cafe in Thailand and you will see scores of school children entranced by Facebook or games. This time could be spent reading for pleasure or studying for acad
27、emic exams. In short, the internet has obvious advantages and drawbacks.9.How will the Internet affect our lives?Personal perspective:I think the Internet will have a huge impact on our lives. More and more people are using social websites to keep in touch with friends. I think the Internet will pro
28、bably replace TV because most channels are already available online.Economic perspective:Also, I think well do more online shopping. Web-based companies like Amazon are already really successful. In the future, there will probably be more companies that only sell via the Internet, and I expect well
29、spend more money online than in traditional shops.Educational perspective:Schools and universities might also use the Internet to provide courses, so online learning will probably become a normal part of life.10.What effect has the internet had on the way people generally communicate with each other
30、?The Internet has been both a blessing and a hindrance to the way we all communicate. On one hand it makes it easier to communicate, epically if the friend or family member lives far away. You can write an email and not worry about finding a mailbox, or finding enough to write about to fill up a pag
31、e. You dont have to worry about long distance charges. But the Internet is not a personal medium. It is harder to tell what a person is feeling by reading a few words on a computer screen. There is something to be said about hearing a voice, or seeing someone. And while you can use a web cam, there
32、is no denying it is not the same as face to face communication.I think the Internet is a valuable tool and one that we will continue to use on a daily basis, but I think that we shouldnt rely on it 100% to communicate with the people we care about.11.What kinds of things are easy to buy and sell onl
33、ine? Can you give me some examples?Online shopping is perfect for things that are mass produced and are the same no matter where you purchase them. Items like books, CDs, DVDs, games, etc. are made for online shopping because they are the same everywhere and you dont need to personally inspect the i
34、tem to know if it is what you are really looking for. Costs for these items in particular are often cheaper online since the retailer doesnt have the overhead cost of maintaining a store to factor into the price.9-12月雅思口语Part3范文:A time you needed to use imagination1.Why do most children have a wild
35、imagination?Because children have the benefit of not knowing what is not possible. For them everything is feasible. Whats more young children get praise and encouragement from their parents and teachers for almost any work they do particularly for imaginative stories or weird pieces of art. They hav
36、e heard tales of magic and they see around them technology doing all sorts of amazing things. As far as they are concerned every problem can be solved.They have time to let their minds play without worries of keeping up an adult life. Also they are less caught up in their egos, so they arent set in
37、one way of thinking in order to maintain their self-image.2.What kinds of books can boost peoples imagination?Books based on wild imagination, like si-fiction, are good thought food for an imaginative mind. an important reason people read science fiction is sense of wonder.It explores all the possib
38、ilities for humans operating within the rules of that universe.It is about future and fantasy. Every time you read something that you did not expect, and you experience some cognitive dissonance, your imagination is working to expand.3.Do you like to watch movies about the future?Science fiction mov
39、ies are one of those genres that i just cannot get enough of. so yeah ,I enjoy them very much.Science fiction movies allow people to open up their imaginations to all sorts of possibilities. What if there is life on other planets? What if that life came here to Earth? What if that life form was bad?
40、 What if that life form was good? All of these questions are things we ask ourselves and these types of movies allow us to explore the possibilities. Just like my all-time favourite The Matrix Trilogy, they offer you new ways to see the world and self.4.What can schools do for students creativity?I
41、think staff should learn the importance of creativity in a fast changing world, where people need new ways of addressing new problems and how to improve situations to come in an uncertain future.Offer many different ways to express creativity. Give them opportunity to create whatever they want using
42、 the materials they want, so offer them time, materials, etc.Dont be critical too early. Let them enjoy what they do, let them discover what they like, appreciate what they do not as a finished product, but as a sign of the creativity that they carry inside. Appreciate any small thing. When people a
43、re motivated, they do things, when they do things they become easier and perform better.Teach them about creativity and creative thinking process appropriately to their age. Teach their parents that the same creativity to do beautiful thinks, to construct things with paper or wood, the same creativity to play and have fun, it is the same creativity parents can use to improve their lives and their childrens lives.