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1、动词时态讲与练,一般现在时1 含义:表示经常性、习惯性的动作,表示现阶段的情况、动作,状态,客观存在或真理。Our school has a big playground.I get up at 7:00 every day.His father works in a bank.She likes comedy very much.Scientists told us the earth moves around the sun .2.标志词:always ,often,usually,sometimes,every day/week/month/year, once a week 3.结构:

2、动词原形或动词第三人称单数,4.一般现在时表示将来,用于谈论时间表、日程表、节目单等安排好的活动。句中常有时间状语,但仅用于少数几个表示“移动”的动词:come , go , arrive , begin , leave , return , start , 等。,1.The plane leaves (leave) for Paris at eight this evening . 2.The meeting begins (begin) at half past two tomorrow afternoon .,5. 在时间、条件状语从句中,用一般现在时表示将要发生的动作。,1.When

3、he (be)18 years old , he will join the army .2. Take an umbrella in case it _ (rain) tomorrow .3.I wont go to his party unless she _ (send ) an invitation.,现在进行时,一含义:表示现在或现阶段正在进行的动作,常与now , at present,at this time 等连用。二构成:am/is/are + 动词-ing,1.We (have) an English class now.2. the baby (sleep) next d

4、oor?3. At present the environment (pollute) seriously .,三.现在进行时表示一般将来时:表示即将发生的动作或按计划即将发生的动作。 常见的词有:come,leave,reach,return,go,start,arrive, stay等。He is leaving for Spain.他就要动身去西班牙了。,I (leave) for Bejing tomorrow .Sally (stay) in her aunts home when she is in Britain .,are having,Is sleeping,is being

5、 polluted,am leaving,is staying,三、当always,constantly与进行时态连用时,表示不耐烦、抱怨,赞美等感情色彩。,1.She always (ask) such silly questions . 2. They always (help) others.,is asking,are helping,表示感觉、情感、心理状态的动词如: smell , taste, sound ,look , feel ,love,like,hate,hope,wish,want,prefer,know,understand,remember,agree,believ

6、e,recognize,guess,suppose(假设;认为),mean,hear,see,seem,find,mind,have(有)等通常不用进行时。不能说:1.We are wanting to take part in the lecture . 2. The food is tasting nice . 3.Kate is knowing the answers.,注意!,现在完成时 构成:has/have + v-ed 含义:1.现在完成时所表示的动作在说话之前已完成,强调对现在造成的影响和结果;Good morning,I wonder if you can help.I _

7、my coat.Oh,where did you lose it,madam?Ahave lost BlostChad lost Dlose,2.现在完成时所表示的动作开始于过去,持续到现在,也许还会持续下去。常和for和since这种表示一段时间的状语,或so far、up to now ,recently/lately、段时间+before,never,already,yet,during/over /in the last/past +时间等状语连用。 1.China has changed a great deal in the past 20 years. 2. It has rai

8、ned every day so far this month. 3. Its the first time I have been in this town.,3.在时间 / 条件状语从句中,可以用现在完成时表示将来某时已经完成的动作。,Ill wait until he has written his letter.If I have finished my homework,Ill go with you.,注意1,短暂性动词(如:come ,go ,return , die , join , marry , buy , leave, get, begin , catch , end ,

9、 finish 等 )可以用于完成时,但不能与for ,since 构成的短语连用。如:不能说:She has come here for two hours . 只能说 :She has been here for two hours . 或者说 : She came here two hours ago .,注意,since 引导的从句用一般过去时,主句要用现在完成时。如:We (be) friends ever since we (meet ) at school .,have been,met,since 从句中的短暂性动词可翻译为“自从做某事以来已经多久了”,但延续性动词则应译为“不

10、做某事多久了”,.Its a long time since he joined the army .他参军已经很久了。(他还在部队)2. Its a long time since he was in the army .他不在部队已经很久了。3.Its four years since my father worked in that factory .我爸爸不在那工厂工作有四年了。4. Its four years since my father started work in that factory .我爸爸在那家工厂工作有四年了。,注意,It/This is the first /

11、 second time that I have done这个句型常用现在完成时。Its the first time I have been in this town.,现在完成进行时,1.构成:have/has beendoing,3. 现在完成时强调动作行为的结果、影响,而现在完成进行时只强调动作行为本身,如:Toms hands are very dirty. He has been repairing the car.The car is going again now. Tom has repaired it.,2.含义:1) 表示一个在过去开始而在最近刚刚结束的行动。Ann is

12、 very tired. She has been working hard. Why are your clothes so dirty? What have you been doing? 2) 表示一个从过去开始但仍在进行的行动。 It has been raining for two hours. (现在还在下)Jack has been feeling very well recently. 3) 表示一个从过去开始延续到现在,可以包括现在在内的一个阶段内,重复发生的行动。She has been playing tennis since she was eight.,一般过去时 d

13、id ( didnt do) 或 were ( werent) / was ( wasnt) 记住常用的动词过去式和过去分词,含义:一般过去时表示过去某个时间发生的动作或状态,常和表示过去的时间连用,yesterday, last night, in 1990, two days ago等。也表示过去经常或反复发生的动作,常和often, always等表示频度的时间状语连用。I got up at 6:30 yesterday.He always went to work by bus last year.,注意:在条件、时间状语从句中,常用一般过去时代替过去将来时。,1.He promis

14、ed that when he went to the bookstore, he would buy me a book.2.He said he would not go if it rained.,过去进行时was / were doing,一、表示过去某一时刻或某一阶段正在进行的动作。What she (do) this time yesterday ? She (practise) gym. In 2000 they (study) in a university .,二、有些表示“移动”的动词:go , come , leave , arrive , set out , take

15、off 等的过去进行时常表示过去将来时。1. John told us they were leaving (leave) for London the next week and that they were coming(come) to say goodbye that evening .,was doing,was practising,were studying,过去完成时 had done,一、表示过去某一时刻或某一事件之前已经发生或完成的动作、状态,即“过去的过去”,可译成“在那之前已经做了某事”。因此,使用它就必须有一个过去某一时间。常用 by , before , when

16、等引起的时间状语。,1. By the end of last week we five books. 2.I had learnt 5,000 words before I entered the university.3.When he arrived at the station, the train had already left.,had studied,二、hope , wish , expect , think , intend , mean , suppose 等的过去完成时的含义是指“过去没有实现的愿望、打算、计划“,也表示”失望“或”惋惜“等情绪。后面常有but引起的句子

17、作补充说明。,1.We (hope) that you would be able to visit us,but you didnt .2.She (think) of adopting an orphan , but was prevented from doing so .3.They (mean) to see us off at the airport , but they got there too late,had hoped,had thought,had meant,一般将来时,六种表现形式,一般将来时的定义一般将来时表示在现在看来即将要发生的动作或存在的状态。常用时间副词t

18、omorrow, soon或短语next year / week / month, in a few days, in the future等做状语。如:What will you do this afternoon.你今天下午干什么?We will have a meeting tomorrow.我们明天要开会。He is going to study abroad next year.明年他要出国学习。,一、will / shall do,will be,表示将要发生的动作或情况:When you (be) able to give us an answer ?I (think) it o

19、ver .We ( not be) free tomorrow .表示临时决定用will。Youve left the light on.Oh, so I have. Ill go and turn it off.,will think,shall /will not be,二、be going to do,表示打算、准备做的事,How you (spend) your holidays ?We are not going to stay there long.,Look at the cIouds .I think it (rain) soon .2.Watch out ! The basi

20、n of flowers (fall) .,are going to spend,is going to rain,is going to fall,表示现在已有迹象表明即将发生、肯定要发生的事,愿意,be going to 与 will 的区别,两者经常可以换用,但be going to 比较口语化,will 多用于书面语 : What will / is going to happen now ?,如果是事先经过考虑的就用 be going to , 否则就用 will,She (make) you a dress .She has bought some cloth ; she (mak

21、e) you a dress .,be going to 可用于条件状语从句, 表示将来时, 而 will 则不能,但will 作情态动词表示“愿意”时除外。,.If you (call) at Mr. Williams office ,please send a message .(如果你要到威廉姆先生的办公室去的话,请你给他捎个信。)2.If he (listen) to me , I will give him some advice .(如果他愿意听的话,我将给他提几条忠告。),will make,is going to make,are going to call,will list

22、en,三、be doing 表示将来时,主要表示按计划、安排将要发生的动作或事。请看前面现在进行时。,四、一般现在时表示将来,仅限于某些动词,表示按照时刻表,日程安排一般不会改变的事。请看前面一般现在时。,五、be to do 表示按计划安排要发生的事或用来征求对方意见,也常用于宣传官方的计划,规定或决定,以及禁止、命令等。,1. We (produce) more electricity this year . I (go) on with the work ? = Shall I go on with the work ?3.The park (not open) to the publi

23、c after six oclock .4.Team One (get) some water ; Team Two (dig) holes and Team Three (plant) the young trees .,are to produce,Am to go,is not to open,are to get,are to dig,are to plant,be to do 还可以表示,一、想要做的事,二、后来将(注定)要发生的事,1.He works very hard. He is _(succeed).,I must continue to learn if I (make)

24、 further progress .If we (succeed) , we must rely on the masses .,am to make,are to succeed,to succeed,六、be about to 表示即将发生某事,因为它本身带有“即将”之意,所以不能与表示将来的时间状语连用,但常与when 引导的并列分句连用,表示“即将做某事时突然另一事发生了”。,1. We (leave) when the telephone rang .2.He (retire) .,不能说:1.The train is about to leave at 5:20 . 2. She

25、 is about to attend the meeting this afternoon.可以说:1.The train is about to leave . 2.She is about to attend the meeting .,is about to retire,were about to leave,过去将来时一 would+v(原形)含义:表示在过去某个时间看来将要发生的动作或存在的状态。过去将来时常用于宾语从句和间接引语中。例如:1.I didnt know if he would come.2.They never knew that population would

26、 become a big problem.3.She didnt tell me where she would go.4.Betty said she would visit the Great Wall next Saturday.,二“was/ were+going to+动词原形”。常可用来表示按计划或安排即将发生的事。例如:She said she was going to start off at once.她说她将立即出发。I was told that he was going to return home.,come, go, leave, arrive, start等动词

27、可用过去进行时代替过去将来时。例如: She told me she was coming to see me.,四 条件状语从句和时间状语从句中须用一般过去时代替过去将来时。例如:I didnt know when she would come,but when she cameI would let you know.,将来进行时will be doing,表示将来某一时间正在进行的动作。,1.What you (do) this time tomorrow ? 2.We will be flying to London this time next Sunday.3. I (wait) for you then .,Will be doing,Will be waiting,将来完成时 will / shall have done,表示到将来某个时候已经完成的动作。,I (finish) reading the book by the end of this week .2.Before long , he (forget) all about this matter .,shall have finished,will have forgot,Goodbye,


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