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1、2022/12/13,冠词是一种虚词,用在名词或名词词组的前面,表示名词是特指,还是泛指。冠词可分为定冠词和不定冠词两类。不定冠词有a和an; 其中a 用于发音以辅音开头的名词之前;an用于发音以元音因素开头的名词之前;定冠词只有the。P10冠词的灵活运用是高考命题的一大热点。,2022/12/13,冠词,1.不定冠词的用法,2.定冠词的用法,3.零冠词的情况,4.有冠词和无冠词的区别,2022/12/13,1不定冠词加名词的单数表示一类事物。如:A horse is a useful animal.马是有用的动物。2表示数量“一个”。如:I have a mouth,a nose and

2、two eyes.我有一张嘴,一个鼻子和两只眼睛。,一、不定冠词的主要用法,2022/12/13,3用于表示时间、速度或价格等意义的名词之前,表示单位,译为“每一”。如:The rent is $100 a week.房租每周100美元。4表示一类人或某事物中的任何一个,经常用在第一次提到某人或某物时。如:I gave him an interesting book yesterday.昨天我给了他一本有趣的书。,2022/12/13,5专有名词前用不定冠词 a/an,表示“像那样的人”,“一个名叫的”之意。如:The child wants to be an Edison in the fu

3、ture.那个孩子希望成为一个像爱迪生那样的人。He is considered a Lei Feng in our class.他被认为是我们班的雷锋。A Green is waiting for you at the school gate.一个名叫格林的人在学校大门口等你。He was killed by a White.他被一个名叫怀特的人杀了。,2022/12/13,6.不定冠词用于抽象名词前,表示抽象名词具体化。如:What a pleasant surprise you brought us! 你带给我们一个多么令人愉快的惊喜啊!Many people agree that a

4、knowledge of English is a must in international trade today.许多人认同掌握英语是当今国际贸易中必须的事情。The girl is a great help to her mother.那个女孩是她妈妈的一个好帮手。,2022/12/13,7不定冠词用于某些固定词组和习惯用法中。如:at a loss 不知所措have a good time 过得很愉快have a deep love for 深深地爱in a word 总而言之have a taste 尝一尝have a happy life 过着幸福生活,2022/12/13,ha

5、ve a look, have a try, take a bath, take a rest, make a decision, a lot of, a great deal of, a kind of , a number of, for a while, just a minute, once upon a time, in an instant, after a while, all of a sudden, as a result, in a hurry, in a way, do sb. a favour, make a living, make it a rule, pay a

6、visit, keep an eye on,2022/12/13,1the 与名词连用,表示某个或某些特定的人或物,或上文提到的人或事物。如:How did you like the report? 你认为那篇报道怎样?2the往往与表示独一无二的东西的名词连用。如:“The sun is the centre of the space,” said the man. 那个人说:“太阳是宇宙的中心。”,二、定冠词的主要用法,2022/12/13,3the与姓氏的复数连用,表示一家人或夫妇俩。作主语时谓语动词用复数。如:The Greens were sitting at the table w

7、hen I got to their house.当我到达格林家时,他们一家人正在吃饭。,2022/12/13,4乐器名词前一般要加the。如:The girl plays the piano for about two hours each day.那个女孩每天弹大约两小时的钢琴。5一般表示江河海洋、山脉群岛、海峡海湾等地理名词前必须用定冠词the。如:the Yellow River黄河,the Dead Sea死海,the Alps阿尔卑斯山,the Philippines菲律宾,the Taiwan Straits台湾海峡。6表示方位的名词前用定冠词。如:The sun rises i

8、n the east and sets in the west.太阳从东方升起从西方落下。,2022/12/13,7由普通名词构成的专有名词前要用the。如:the United Nations 联合国,the Peoples Liberation Army 人民解放军,the Childrens Palace少年宫,the Peoples Republic of China 中华人民共和国。8某些形容词前用定冠词the表示一类人,作主语时,谓语动词用复数。如:the rich 富有的人,the old 老年人,the sick病人,the elderly上了年纪的人。The old want

9、 looking after.老年人需要照料。,2022/12/13,9the 加某些形容词表示一类事物,作主语时谓语动词用单数。如:the ill邪恶的事情,the ugly 丑的事情。The beautiful is always loved.美的事情总是受人喜欢。10在逢十的年号的复数或所有格前加the,指世纪的某个年代。如:in the 1930s/in the 1930s 在二十世纪三十年代in the late/early 1870s 在十九世纪七十年代末期 /早期,2022/12/13,11在表示发明物的单数名词前用the。如:The compass was invented i

10、n China.指南针是中国发明的。He was considered to have invented the computer.都认为是他发明的电脑。12在序数词和形容词的最高级前要用the。如:the second story 第二个故事the largest room 最大的房间,2022/12/13,观察各例句,指出画线部分不用冠词的情形 1. Honesty is what everyone should treasure. 诚实是每个人应该珍爱的品德。 2. Father takes to bottles. 父亲嗜酒。 3. Cook, head of our group, de

11、termined to swim across the channel. 库克,我们的队长,决定游过这个海峡。.,2022/12/13,4We firmly hold the view that Diaoyu Island was,is and will be a part of China forever 我们坚决坚持这个观点,即钓鱼岛过去是,现在还是,将来也永远是中国的一部分。 5. While in New Zealand, I climbed Mount Cook. 在新西兰时我爬了库克山。 6. I dont have breakfast. I have brunch. 我不吃早餐,

12、我吃的是早中餐。,7,2022/12/13,7,1.在抽象名词前不用。 2. 家庭成员大写时,其前不用冠词。 3. 表示独一无二的职衔的名词作主补,宾补,表语,同位语时,不用冠词。 4. 在不含普通名词,而由专有名词组成的国名前不用。但由普通名词组成的国名前要用冠词。如“the Peoples Republic of China”。 5. 当山(mount)置于山名前时。 6. 在一日三餐前不用冠词。,2022/12/13,7. Jane plays tennis to keep in shape. 简打网球以保持体形。 8. She stayed in bed on Sunday inste

13、ad of going to church. 周日她没去做礼拜而是睡懒觉。 9. World_War_Two ( The Second World War) broke out in 1939. 二战(或第二次世界大战)1939年爆发。,7,2022/12/13,7,7. 在球类活动前不用冠词。 8. 当bed, church, court, hospital, prison, school, college, university表达与场所有关的抽象意义而不强调地点意义时不用冠词。 9. 名词后面跟数字,表顺序时。如:Lesson 3 (the third lesson),2022/12/1

14、3,10. Christmas_Day is to Western countries what the Spring Festival is to China. 西方的圣诞节就如同中国的春节(一样重要)。 11Snow melts in spring. 春天冰雪融化。 12. Child as/though he was(Though he was a child), he had to make his own living. 尽管他是个孩子,他却得自己谋生。,7,2022/12/13,7,10用Day表达的节日前不用冠词,但用Festival表达的节日前通常加the, 如“the Spr

15、ing Festival”。 11季节前不用冠词。但指具体某一年的季节要用定冠词, 如:The winter of 2008 was quite cold. 12在as/though引导的让步状语从句的倒装结构中,作表语的单数名词通常不用冠词。,2022/12/13,13. He turned traitor while she went socialist. 他叛变了,而她成为社会主义者。 14. (1) Communicating with each other by_email is an effective way. 通过电子邮件相互交流是种有效的方法。 (2) Going to an

16、d from work by_bike helps protect our environment. 骑自行车上下班有助于保护环境。,7,2022/12/13,15. (1)Annie and Lucy are mother_and_daughter. Annie 和 Lucy是母女关系。 (2)The old man delivers the milk from door to door in all kinds of weather. 那位老人风雨无阻挨家挨户送牛奶。 16. The_doctor_and_teacher thought highly of has made a great

17、 discovery in the field of physiology. 那个既是医生又是老师深受好评的人在生理学领域有重大发现。,7,2022/12/13,7,13在turn和go之后的单数名词作表语时。但become之后要用冠词,如:He has become a CEO in a company now. 14“by名词”结构表通讯,交通方式,名词用单数,且前面不用冠词。 15. 在对称结构中,名词前不用冠词。 16. 两个名词并列表示同一概念时,第二个名词不用冠词。,2022/12/13,有冠词和无冠词的区别go to school 上学go to the school到学校去in

18、 hospital因病住院in the hospital在医院里in front of在的前面in the front of在的前部out of question不成问题out of the question根本不可能take place发生,举行take the place of代替in charge of负责,管理in the charge of在的掌管之下,2022/12/13,on earth究竟on the earth在地球上,在世上at table进餐at the table在桌子旁by sea乘船by the sea在海边in possession of拥有in the poss

19、ession of为所有,2022/12/13,一、单项选择1(2011年陕西质检)During the camp trip,children were fascinated by _ wonders of _nature.A/;/B/;theCthe;/Dthe;the解析:选C。考查冠词。第一空处指在宿营中看到的那些大自然的奇观,应该用定冠词表特指;第二空不用冠词,因为nature,society,space等前常不带任何冠词。,2022/12/13,2(2011年江西模拟)Did you see _ English teacher?I saw him at _ work in the o

20、ffice just now.Aan;/ Bthe;a Cthe;/ Dthe;the解析:选C。考查冠词。第一空用the,特指双方都知道的那个英语老师;at work是固定词组,意为“在上班,在工作”。,2022/12/13,3(2011年南昌模拟)Some of the exercises appear to be _ ones that you have done,but after taking _ second look,you will find that they are different.A/;the Bthe;the Cthe;a D/;a解析:选C。考查冠词。语意:有些试

21、题看起来似乎是你已做过的,但是再一看,你会发现它们是不一样的。第一个空后的ones有定语从句修饰,故是特指;take a second look“再看一眼,重新审视”,是固定搭配,故第二空用a。,2022/12/13,4(2011年河南毕业班调研)In America,if _ friend has invited you to drop by anytime,it is _ best to call before visiting to make sure it is convenient for him.Aa;a Bthe;a Ca;/ Dthe;/解析:选C。考查冠词用法。前一个空格处是

22、泛指;形容词的最高级作表语不表示与其他人或物相比时,前面不用定冠词。,2022/12/13,5(2011年唐山模拟)The 21st Winter Olympic Games were successfully held in _city of Vancouver,_big city in Canada.Aa;a Bthe;a Ca;the Dthe;the解析:选B。考查冠词的用法。语意:第21届冬奥会在温哥华成功举办,该市是加拿大的一座大城市。前一个空格处特指温哥华,后一个空格处是泛指。,2022/12/13,6(2011年北京海淀区期末)As we know,_Potala Palace

23、,a combination of Tibetan construction art and culture,is considered _precious treasure of China.Aa;a Bthe;a Cthe;the Da;the解析:选B。考查冠词的用法。第一空处表示“布达拉宫”,是独一无二的专有名词,用定冠词the;第二空处表示“中国的一种宝贵财富”,用不定冠词表示“一种,一样”,所以这里B项正确。,2022/12/13,7(2011年潍坊质检)Why do you eat all the vegetables but leave _ meat untouched?Im

24、on _diet.Aa;the Bthe;/ C/;a Dthe;a解析:选D。be on a diet表示“在节食”,此处meat应是双方都知道的,故D正确。,2022/12/13,8(2011年安徽模拟)As soon as _ concert film This Is It was released on October 28th,it became _ great success in all big cinemas across the planet.Aa;the Bthe;a Cthe;/ Da;a解析:选B。考查冠词。根据语境可知,第一空特指(This Is It)这部影片,因此

25、用定冠词the;success当“成功的人或事”讲时,是可数名词,因此前面加不定冠词。,2022/12/13,9(2011年重庆诊断)Have you seen _ umbrella I put here this morning?Is it _ black one?It is in the corner of our office.Athe;a Ban;a Cthe;the Dan;the解析:选A。考查冠词。第一空后由于有定语从句修饰,表示特指,故用the;第二空处泛指“一把”黑色的伞,故用a。,2022/12/13,10(2011年江西模拟)Havent you met each oth

26、er at _party?Yes,but I cant remember whether it is _ Christmas when we were in college.Aa;the Bthe;a Ca;a Da;/解析:选C。考查冠词。从语意看,第一空处的party表示没有具体所指的“聚会”,“你们以前没有在聚会上见过面吗?”party前加a;第二空处的节假日名词前本不加冠词,但语境表示“我们读大学时的一个圣诞节聚会”,因此用不定冠词。,2022/12/13,11(2011年南昌调研)I wonder what it feels to be one of _ really rich.Th

27、e Browns already have two Rolls Royce and now they are buying _ third.Athe;a Bthe;the C/;a D/;the解析:选A。考查冠词。第一空填定冠词the,the rich“富人”;第二空填不定冠词a,a third在这里表示拥有两辆汽车后再买一辆。,2022/12/13,12(2011年长春调研)The report said that a bus went out of _ control on the highway _ south of the city and rushed into a river.A

28、the;the B/;the Cthe;/ D/;/解析:选D。考查冠词。out of control是固定短语,意思是“失去控制”;“south of.”中的south是方位副词,前面不用冠词。当south用作名词时通常与介词一起使用。,2022/12/13,13(2011年唐山模拟)Monday saw _ grand opening ceremony,with fireworks and 6,000 guests,for _ worlds tallest tower,the Burj Dubai.Aa;the Bthe;a Ca;a Dthe;the解析:选A。考查冠词。第一空表示泛指,

29、填不定冠词a;第二空表示特指,填定冠词the。语意:周一举行了一个盛大的开幕式,有6 000位客人到场,燃放了烟火,为世界最高的塔迪拜塔揭幕。,2022/12/13,14(2011年北京东城区期末)Because _ unemployment is very high at present,its not easy for a fresh graduate to find _ satisfying job as he wishes.Athe;/ B/;a Can;a Dan;the解析:选B。考查冠词。unemployment是抽象名词,前面不用冠词。job是可数名词,用不定冠词泛指“一份令人

30、满意的工作”。,2022/12/13,15(2011年西安质量检测)I think people must have found it quite _ delight when colour TV was first broadcast in _ 1920s.A/;the Ba;/ Ca;the D/;/解析:选C。考查冠词的用法。第一空处考查抽象名词具体化时其前冠词的用法,此处a delight表示具体的概念,意为“高兴的人(事)”;第二空处考查的是固定用法,表示“几十年代”要用定冠词,如in the 1920s。,2022/12/13,16(2011年西安质量检测)As we all kn

31、ow,it is really _ convenience to have _ hospital in a community.Athe;a B/;a Ca;a D/;the解析:选C。考查冠词。语意:众所周知,在一个社区里有一所医院确实是一件很方便的事情。convenience表示抽象概念“方便”时为不可数名词,表示“令人方便的事物”时为可数名词,根据语意可知第一空填a;医院为可数名词,此处表泛指,故第二空也填a。,2022/12/13,17(2011年保定调研)The United Nations set _ deadline for that country to accept _ pe

32、ace plan.Athe;the Bthe;a Ca;the Da;a解析:选C。考查冠词。set a deadline确定一个最终期限,从句意可知,这个和平计划是联合国和那个国家都知道的,是特指,因此用冠词the。,2022/12/13,18(2011年金华模拟)To tell _ truth,his coming is really _ big surprise to most people present at the party.A/;a Bthe;/ Cthe;a D/;/解析:选C。考查冠词。第一空处是固定短语,to tell the truth意为“说实话”;第二空后的surp

33、rise是可数名词,意为“意想不到的事,令人惊讶的事”,故前面用不定冠词。,2022/12/13,19(2011年安徽模拟)It was _ exciting news that more than ten students in a single school were admitted to Tsinghua University in the same year.Aone Ban C/ Da解析:选C。考查冠词的用法。news是不可数名词,所以不用冠词,这里C项正确。,2022/12/13,20(2011年东北三校模拟)The chairman will be pleased at _

34、scene that everything is in _ place.Aa;a Bthe;the Cthe;/ D/;the解析:选C。考查冠词的用法。scene后有定语从句修饰,是特指;in place表示“在正确的位置,准备妥当”,是固定搭配。,2022/12/13,21(2011年黑龙江适应性考试)On April 6,1896,_crowd of over 60,000 people watched the King of Greece open _ first modern Olympic Games.Aa;a Bthe;a Ca;the Dthe;the解析:选C。考查冠词。第一

35、空是a crowd of表示“许多,一群人”,前面用不定冠词;第二空序数词前要加定冠词。,2022/12/13,22(2011年石家庄质检)Sad to say,nowadays many people are still in _ habit of writing silly things in _ public places.Athe;/ B/;/ Cthe;the D/;the解析:选A。考查冠词。habit后有of短语修饰限定,故第一空处表特指;第二空处是泛指,表“公共场所”,不用冠词。,2022/12/13,23(2011年临沂三模)At _ young age,Andy took

36、up a part time job and got paid by _ hour.A/;/ Ba;/ Ca;an Da;the解析:选D。句意:在很小的时候,安迪从事一份兼职工作,并且按小时领取工资。at a young age/at an early age在幼年时期,是固定用法。by the hour按小时,故D项正确。,2022/12/13,24(2011年天津模拟)Yesterday I saw _ m-shaped building in Shanghai and its _ seventeenth century building.Aan;the Ban;a Ca;a Dthe;

37、the解析:选B。考查冠词的用法。前一个空格表泛指(一个)且后面单词以元音音素开头,所以用an,后一个空格也表泛指(一个),其中第17世纪是定语而不是序数词。所以用a。,2022/12/13,25(2011年青岛模拟)Chengdu tops _ list of 10 happiest cities in China in _ survey made recently for its fine scenery,cheap goods and easy lifestyle.Athe;a Ba;a Ca;the Dthe;the解析:选A。第一个空用定冠词the,表示特指“中国十大最幸福城市”的名

38、单;第二个空用不定冠词a表示泛指“一项调查”。,2022/12/13,26(2011年南通调研)While income worry is_rather common problem of the aged,loneliness is another problem that_aged parents may face.Aa;/ Bthe;/ Ca;the Dthe;the解析:选A。不定冠词才能和another相对应,表示泛指,所以第一个空用不定冠词;parents复数表泛指,所以其前不用冠词。,2022/12/13,27(2011年徐州调研)Graduates of 2009 share_

39、fate of entering the work force at a bad time,when the world is sinking deeper into_financial crisis.Athe;the Ba;the Ca;/ Dthe;a解析:选D。fate后有定语of entering the work force,表特指,所以其前用定冠词the;financial crisis有许多次,这只是其中的一次,所以用不定冠词a来限定。,2022/12/13,28(2011年滨州一模)Obama has been elected_first black President of

40、the United States,and the international society expects to have_new USA under his leadership.A/;the Ba;the Cthe;a Dthe;the解析:选C。序数词必须与定冠词the连用,表示顺序,所以第一个空用the;表示地名或姓名的专有名词前有形容词修饰时,其转化为普通名词,这时要用不定冠词来限定。,2022/12/13,29(2011年北京质检)By_nature,you are an adventurer,full of amazement and curiosity about_worl

41、d bigger than life itself.Aa;the Bthe;the C/;a Dthe;/解析:选C。by nature“就其本质而言,天生地”,为固定短语;world,earth,sun,moon等独一无二的名词一旦被形容词修饰之后,其前要用不定冠词来限定。,2022/12/13,30(2011年贵阳质检)In China,_pressure to pass_exams tends to cause lack of students creativity.A/;/ Bthe;the Cthe;/ D/;the解析:选C。pressure后有定语to pass exams修饰,属特指,所以用定冠词the;exams是复数名词表泛指,所以不需要冠词来限定。故只有C项符合题意。,2022/12/13,1他买了一台电脑,那台电脑非常好。答案:He bought a computer.The computer is very nice.2地球绕着太阳转。答案:The earth goes around the sun.3富人应当帮助穷人。答案:The rich should help the poor.4她抓住了我的手臂。答案:She caught me by the arm.5我们按月领工资。答案:We are paid by the month.,二、快乐译站,


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