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1、介词,Preps,时间介词 方位介词方式介词其他介词固定搭配,中考介词考查的五种方式:,1. at, on, in at+具体的钟点(at 7 oclock); on+星期/具体的日期/某天的上午、下午、晚上(on the morning of October 19th);in+年/月/季节/泛指的上午、下午、晚上(in the evening)。,考点一:时间介词,2. in, after in和after都可表示“在一段时间以后”,但in常与一般将来时连用,而after常与一般过去时连用。,考点一:时间介词,3. until, till 可构成not . until / till句型,此时

2、句中动词为短暂性动词。若until / till用在肯定句中,句中动词为延续性动词。4. for, since for后跟时间段,since后跟时间点,均可与现在完成时连用。,1. at, in, from at和in指在某处。 at+相对较小的地点; in+相对较大的地点。 from指来自某处。,e.g. They arrivedatour school yesterday. Our teachers arrivedinBeijingthis morning. Jane isfromthe U.S.A.,考点二:方位介词,2. in, on, to, off in, on和to常用于表示两个

3、地方的位置关系。in表示在某一范围内部;on表示接壤;to表示不在范围内,即二者之间有距离间隔,也不接壤;off通常表示两地的距离。,e.g. Dalianisinthe north ofChina. Hubeiisonthe north ofHunan. Australialiestothe south ofChina. They arrived at a house off the main road.,3. across, through across和through都有“从一边到另一边”的意思。 across主要指“(从某物的表面上)横过”; through主要指“(从某物的空间内)穿

4、过”。,e.g. Be careful when you walkacrossthe road. The old man wentthroughthe forest.,4. between, among, ofbetween表示“在两者之间”,可构成between . and.短语。among表示“在三者或三者以上之间;之一”;of表示范围,“在中”。,e.g. The teacher was standing among a group of students. There is a long bridge between the two cities. Theres snow at the

5、 topofthe mountain.,5. above, over, on & below, under & against above表示“在上方;在之上”,不一定在正上方,反义词为below; over表示“在的上方”,强调位于物体正上方,反义词为under; on表示“在上”,强调两个物体间有接触;against表示“倚;靠;撞”。,e.g. A plane is flyingaboveus. I could hear the noise in the yardbelowmy window. There are many booksonthe shelf. There is a bri

6、dgeoverthe river. There is a ballunderthe teachers desk. Bob sat down against a tree.,1. by, through, in, withby和through都表示“通过方式/方法”;in表示“使用(某种语言)”;with表示“用,使用”。,考点三:方式介词,e.g. I usually go to schoolbybike. Mary studies Englishbylistening to tapes. He became rich through hard work. Can you say itinEn

7、glish? He wrote a letterwitha pen.,1. including, besides, except including包含,包括 besides除了之外(还有) except除了之外(不包括),考点四:其他介词,e.g. There are five boys playing the guitar, including Jack. All the students cleaned the park besidesTom. (汤姆也打扫了) Everyone comes hereexceptMary.,2. with, withoutwith和在一起;具有(品质、特

8、征等);带有;随着without没有,考点四:其他介词,e.g. Jenny is playing football with her friends now. There was a big living room with a kitchen and a bedroom. Jack came into the house without knocking at the door.,3. for, against, beyond for支持 against反对 beyond超过 注意:for还可以表示价格和目的。,考点四:其他介词,e.g. Are you for or against th

9、e plan? They are all against my decision. It is beyond human power.,4. for, to一些动词可带双宾语,当先说直接宾语(表物)时,间接宾语(表人)前可以用for,也可以用to。有些动词与for搭配,如buy / make / sing / cook / write / draw / order / choose sth. for sb.;有些动词则与to搭配,如give / send / lend / pass / tell / show / offer / hand / throw sth. to sb.等。,考点四:其

10、他介词,e.g. She made a dress for her daughter. They decided to advertise their new product on TV.,5. for, of 可用于句型“It is+形容词+ for / of sb. to do sth.”中。for sb.用于引出动词不定式的逻辑主语,而of sb.则用在某些具有评价人物行为意味的形容词之后,点明形容词所涉及的对象。这类形容词有kind, nice, good, careful, careless, crazy, foolish, wise, rude, impolite, right,

11、brave等。,考点四:其他介词,e.g. It is impossible for Sam to cook a big dinner for us. It is kind of you to help me with my homework.,介词在实际使用中常常与其他词构成固定搭配,需要大家随时积累并熟记。,考点五:固定搭配,1) Happy birthday, Peter! Heres a gift _ you. (2018北京中考) A. for B. inC. with D. from,A,2) Stephen Hawking was famous _ a scientist, he

12、 made a great contribution to the world, and he died _ March 14th, 2018. (2018黑龙江龙东) A. for; on B. as; inC. as; on,B,3) Lets put the piano over there, _ the wall. (2018江苏无锡) A. above B. against C. across D. around,B,4)President Xi said that people in the world should build a community_a shared futur

13、e. (2018江苏盐城) A. to B. at C. with D. from,C,5) How soon will we get the offer from a new high school? _ about two months. (2018广东省) A. In B. For C. Among D. During,A,6) The program Im a singer is quite popular _ students these days. They often talk about it between classes. (2018四川乐山) A. for B. with

14、 C. in,B,7) In the picture, he sits _ me, looking very happy. (2018天津) A. besideB. among C. upD. through,A,8) Who is the boy _ a blue T-shirt? He is my cousin. (2018海南中考) A. onB. inC. of,B,9) Dont stay inside _ such a sunny morning. Lets go out to enjoy the gentle wind and the sweet flowers. (2018山东滨州) A. on B. in C. from D. at,A,10) Our class are much sure to win the basketball game _ Class Three. (2018安徽) A. ofB. inC. againstD. from,C,A,11) All roads lead to Rome. The roads are just _ your feet. (2018湖南株洲) A. under B. in C. on,


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