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1、人称代词与物主代词,用法详解及练习,制作人:Zhang Liya象河中心学校英语教师,人称代词表格,人称代词:人称代词又分为主格和宾格形式.主格通常做主语。宾格通常做动词或介词的宾语.Eg : Im a nurse. Can you help me ? Mum often takes us to the park on Sunday. Its a cat. We call it “ Mimi.” Who knows him ? They are going to the cinema with her.,Eg: a. Your school is small, mine is big.(=my

2、 book) b. This is not your pen. Yours is on the desk. (=your pen) c. whose book is that ? Its hers. (=her book) d. Their classroom is on the second floor. Ours is on the third floor.(=our classroom) e. Her bike is black. His is grey. Mine is blue. (=his bike, my bike) f. Those arent our books. Ours

3、are on the floor. Those books are their.(=our /their books ),II. 物主代词又分为形容词性的物主代词和名词性的物主代词.形容词性的物主代词: 相当于形容词,后面要跟名词,指定名词的所属对象.名词性的物主代词: 相当于一个名词,必须单独使用,后面不能再跟名词.,*人称代词划线,常用who (宾格可用whom)提问. 物主代词划线常用whose提问。 (特别提示): 并列人称代词的排列顺序1)单数人称代词并列作主语时,其顺序为: 第二人称 -第三人称 -第一人称 you - he/she/it - I Eg: You,he and I

4、should return on time.2)复数人称代词作主语时,其顺序为: 第一人称 - 第二人称 -第三人称 We-you-They,III.指示代词: this 这个, that 那个 these这些 those那些,单数句变为复数句.1.Im a doctor.2.Thats his friend. 3.Is this her teacher ?4.She has got a pear.5.Is he at home ?6.This is my watch.,复数句变为单数句.1.These are dresses.2.Are those their students ?3.Tho

5、se bananas arent ours. 4.They are our teachers.5.Are these your friends ?6.The cups are on our desks. 7.The men over there are my teachers.8.Look! The children are playing there. 9.Those are their cars.,练习,*为帮助同学们理解和掌握英语人称代词,请记住下面的口诀: 人称代词分主/宾,只有八对要区分。 你(们)、它主/宾同一形,其余主/宾须分清。 谓语之前主格填,动/介之后宾格跟, 口语运用最灵

6、活,表语也可用宾格。 人称代词并列现,注意顺序礼貌见, 二一、三一、二三一,第一人称最谦虚, 若把错误责任担,第一人称须当先。,人称代词物主代词练习题一、用适当的人称代词填空:1. _is my aunt. We often visit _. ( she )2. China is a developing country. _is in the east of Asia. ( its )3. What day is _today? _is Thursday. (its)4. I own a blue bike. The red one isnt _. ( I )5. These new hou

7、ses are so nice. _are very expensive.( them )6. The fishermen caught a lot of fish, didnt _? ( them )7. Ling Ling is a girl. _studies in a primary school. _brother lives with _and helps _with_ lessons. ( she ),8. Mike is my classmate. _is good at Engliush . ( his )9. Kate wants a glass of milk. Will

8、 you pass it to _? ( she )10. Whats the weather like today ? _ is cloudy. ( its )二、用形容词性物主代词和名词性物主代词填空。1.Iateall_sandwichesyesterday.( I )CanIhaveoneof_? ( you )2.Georgehaslost_ ( his )pen.AskMaryif(是否)shewilllendhim_(she).3.JackhasadogandsohaveI._( he ) dogand_ ( I )hadafight(打架).架4.Theteacherwants

9、youtoreturnthatbookof_(he).5.Mr.andMrs.Greenandafriendof_arecomingtoseeus.(they).6.WearegoingtoParistostaywithaFrenchfriendof_. (we ),三、用适当的人称代词和物主代词填空A.从括号内选择正确的代词填空1.Yourfootballclothesareonthedesk.Pleaseput_(they,them,their theirs)away.2.(We,Us,Our,Ours)_Englishteacher isMrs.Green.Wealllike_(she,

10、her hers).3.(I,Me,My Mine_cantgetmykite.Couldyouhelp_(I,me,my,mine)?4.Tomcantgetdownfromthetree.Canyouhelp_(he,him,his)?5.Wecantfindourbikes.Canyouhelp_(we,us,our ours)?,6.Theseare_(he,him,his)planes.Thewhiteonesare_(I,me,mine).B.填入正确的人称代词和物主代词1.Thisisnt_knife._isgreen. ( she )2.Theseareyourbooks, K

11、ate.Put_inthedesk,please. (they )3._mustlookafter_things. ( you )4.WeiFang,isthat_ruler?Yes,its.( you )5.Theywantafootball.Give_thegreen one,please. ( they)6.ItsLinTaosbag.Giveitto_. ( he )7.Isthispencil-boxLiLeis?No, _isverynew. ( he )8.Thisboxistooheavy.Icantcarry_.( it )Dontworry,Let_( I )help_.

12、( you),9._isaboy_nameisMike.Mikesfriends like_verymuch. ( he )10.Mysisterisin_room._isateacher. ( she )11.Janeisalittlegirl._motherisanurse. ( she )12.Wearein_classroom._classroomisbig. ( we)13.Myfatherandmotherareteachers._arebusy ( them)14.Youareapupil.Is_brotherapupil,too? ( you ),四、用括号中的适当形式填空 (

13、1)Arethese_(you)pencils? Yes,theyare_(our).(2)Whoseisthispencil?Its_(I).(3)Ilove_(they)verymuch.(4)Sheis_(I)classmate.(5)MissLioftenlooksafter_(she)brother.(6)Arethese_(they)bags? No,theyarent_(their). Theyare_(we).五、根据句意用适当的人称代词、物主代词填空:1.Maryworksinabookstore._likes_workverymuch.2.JohnandIareinthes

14、ameschool._gotoschool together.3.Everybodylikesthatsport,do_?4.Sheisafriendof_.Wegottoknoweachothertwo yearsago.,5.Hersistermakesall_owndresses.6.Ihavemanyfriends.Someof_aregoodatEnglish.7.MayIuse_bike?_isbroken.六、选择填空1.Whossingingoverthere?_isSandyssister.A.ThatB.ItC.SheD.This2._willspendthesummerh

15、olidayinHawaii.A.She,youandIB.You,sheandIC.I,youandshe D.Her,meandyou3.Betweenyouand_,heisnotarealfriend.A.meB.IC.heD.his4.Myuncleboughtanewbikefor_.A.theirsB.theyC.meD.I5.Heresapostcardforyou,Jim!Oh,_isfrommyfriend,Mary.A.heB.itC.sheD.its,8.LittleBabyknowsthatheshouldnottakethethingsth atdonotbelon

16、gto_. A.heB.hisC.herD.him9.Willanyonegoonatripwithhim?Not_. A.IB.meC.mineD.he10.Amongthoselovelytoys,thebrowntoydogwasgiven by_. A.heB.hisC.himD.hes,1herhers2them3youyour4your5them6him7his8itmeyou9hehishim10hershe11her12ourour13they14your1yourours2mine3them4my5her6theirtheirsours1sheher2we3they4mine5her6them7yourmine1B2D3A4C6B8D9B10C,


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