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1、中考真题演练-完成句子,1.这个淘气的男孩被罚站了一个下午。 The naughty boy _ all the afternoon.2.老师告诉我们不要花太多时间上网。 Our teacher told us _ too much time _.,was made to stand,surfing the Internet,not to spend,3.我们种的树越多,我们的城市就越美丽。 _ we plant, _ our city will be.4.每天骑自行车去学校要花费我十分钟的时间。 _ to get to school by bike every day.5.他们进行了一场多么

2、精彩的篮球比赛啊!_ they had!,What a wonderful basketball game,the more beautiful,It takes me ten minutes,The more trees,6.我不知道应该对他说什么。I dont know _ to him.7.我们下定决心要学会滑冰。We _ to learn skating.8.这是我读过最有趣的一本书。This is _ book I have read.9.中国是世界上的发展中国家之一。China is one of the _ in the world.,developing countries,t

3、he most interesting,made up our mind,what I should say,10.我一到家就给你打电话。I will call you _.11.你已经看完那本书了吗?_ the book?12.我今天不想吃东西。I dont _ today.13.约翰是如此的粗心以至于他考试经常犯错误。John is _he often _ in the exams.,so careless that,feel like eating anything,Have you finished reading,as soon as I get home,makes mistake

4、s,14.你最好放弃吸烟。You had better _.15.读英文书对你很有帮助。_ is helpful to you.16.成千上万的游客来到这里度假。_ come here to take a vacation.17.吉娜在十二岁生日时收到了很多礼物。Gina got many gifts _.,on her twelfth birthday,Thousands of tourists,Reading English books,give up smoking,18.明天下午将会有一场电影。_ a film tomorrow afternoon.19.谁跳得最远,吉姆,汤姆还是托尼

5、?_, Jim, Tom or Tony?20.他们长大了足以照顾自己了。They are old enough _.21.西安的人口比三亚多。The population of Xian is _ that ofSanya.,larger than,Who jumped farthest,to look after themselves.,There will be,22.我们全都为他感到骄傲,因为他得了第一名。We are all _,for he got the first prize.23.她在医学研究方面已经取得了进步。She _ in medical research.24.这台机

6、器需要修理一下。The machine needs _.25.用筷子指着别人是不礼貌的。_ to point at others _,Its impolite,has made progress,to be repaired,proud of him,with chopsticks,26.电影已经开演十分钟了。The film _ for ten minutes.27.她已经死了两年了。She _ for two years.28.这块手表我已经买了三个月了。I _ for three months.29.截止到上个月末,我们已经生产了两千辆汽车。_ last month, we _ two

7、thousand cars.,By the end of,has been dead,have had the watch,has been on,had made,30.当我正在写作业的时候,地震发生了。_, the earthquake happened.31.人们已经意识到保护环境的重要性。People have realized _ the environment.32.令她感到惊奇的是,她的故乡发生了巨大的变化。_, great changes have taken place in her hometown.,To her surprise,the importance of pr

8、otecting,While I was doing my homework,33.当我们赶到的时候,火车已经走了五分钟了。When we arrived, the train_ for five minutes.34.父母应该对孩子严格要求。Parents should _ their children.35.三分之二的学生听说过这个故事。_ of the students _ the story.,Two thirds,be strict with,had been away,have heard of,36.我叔叔以前是一个公交车司机。 My uncle _ a bus driver.3

9、7.越来越多的人喜欢网上聊天。_ like chatting on line.38.如果明天下雪,我们就可以玩雪了。_, we will play with snow.39.如果我有很多钱,我就建一所学校。_, I would build a school.,If it snows tomorrow,More and more people,used to be,If I had lots of money,40.这些照片是去年在北京拍的。These photos _ in Beijing last year.41.我盼望着去参观博物馆。I am _ the museum.42.他被期望准时到

10、达。He was _ arrive on time.43.当她长大时,她想成为一名音乐家。She wants to be a musician _.,supposed to,looking forward to visiting,were taken,when she grows up,44.她是一个容易相处的女孩。She is a girl who is _45.因为这些树,城市变得越来越漂亮了。_, our city is becoming _. 46.我认为英语比日语更有用。I think English is _ Japanese.47.你最好不要叫醒他。Youd better _.,

11、more and more beautiful,Because of these trees,easy to get along with,more useful than,not wake him up,48.幸亏你的帮助,小偷被抓住了。_, the thief _.49.教室还没有打扫。The classroom _ 50.他曾经去过上海。我也是。He has ever been to Shanghai. _.51.他从没去过北京。我也没。He has never been to Beijing. _.,hasnt been cleaned yet,was caught,Thanks to

12、 your help,So have I,Neither have I,52.他昨天去游泳了。的确如此。He went swimming yesterday. _.53.她的英语比数学学得好。She is _ English than math.54.除她以外,我们还需要两位志愿者。_, we need another two volunteers.55.除她之外,我们都去海洋馆了。_, we all went to the aquarium.,better at,So he did,Except her,Besides her,56.我不认识那位正在和我妹妹谈话的老师。I dont know

13、 the teacher _ my sister.57.离开教室时不要忘记关灯。_ the lights when you leave the classroom.58.她把作业忘在家里了。She _ at home.,Dont forget to turn off,who is talking with,left her homework,59.老师告诉我们不要喝太多可乐。The teacher told us _ too much cola.60.昨晚雨下得很大。It _ last night.61.我们不得不推迟会议。We had to _.62.你知道他住的地方吗?Do you kno

14、w the place _.,rained heavily,not to drink,where he lives,put off the meeting,63.朋友越多,你会越快乐。_ you have, _Youll be.64.这个公园是去年建成的。The park _last year .65.我们不允许在学校使用手机。We _ use mobile phones in school.,the happier,The more friends,was built,arent allowed to,66.谁知道明天是否会下雨?Who knows _?67.五岁时他变得对钢琴感兴趣。He

15、became _ piano _.68.在医生的帮助下,他可以站起来了。_ the doctor, he could stand up.69.我宁愿呆在家里也不愿爬山。I _ stay at home _ climb mountains.,With the help of,if it will rain tomorrow,interested in,at the age of five,rather than,prefer to,70.这些花必须一周浇两次水。These flowers _ twice a week.71.我和她都没看过这本书。_ have read the book.72.你

16、介意我坐在这里吗?Would you _ here ?73.她竭尽全力学好英语。She _ learn English.,mind my sitting,must be watered,Neither she nor I,tried her best to,74.这台电脑花了他们五千块钱。The computer _ five thousand yuan.75.我喜欢通过听音乐来放松自己。I like to relax myself _.76. 为了保持身材,她晚餐只吃水果。She only eats fruits for dinner _.77.我们应该阻止他们乱扔垃圾。We should

17、stop them _.,in order to,cost them,by listening to music,keep fit,from dropping litter,78.我早餐吃了两片面包。I had _ for breakfast.79.未来将会有更少的污染和更少的汽车。There will be _ pollution and _ cars.80.你应该告诉他抽烟的危害。You should tell him about _.81.他梦想成为一名宇航员。He _ an astronaut.,the danger of smoking,two pieces of bread,les

18、s fewer,dreams of becoming,82.这种机器是用来生产自行车的。This machine _making bikes.83.电脑发明于1976年。The computer _ 1976.84.我被邀请参加他的生日晚会。I _ his birthday party.85.在我去上学的路上,公交车出故障了。_, the bus _.,was invited to,is used for,was invented in,On my way to school,broke down,86.收到钱使我不舒服。_ makes me uncomfortable.87.这些花是塑料做的

19、。These flowers _ plastic.88. 我们反对在这里建工厂。We _ a factory here.89. 到目前为止,他们已经接待了40000游客。_, they _ 40000 visitors.,are against building,Receiving money,are made of,So far,have served,90.王老师是我们学校最受欢迎的老师之一。Mr. Wang is one of _ in our school.91.孩子们正躺在沙滩上。The kids _ on the beach.92.他一周锻炼三四次。He exercises _.9

20、3.假期你打算干什么?我打算去野营。_ for vacation? Im going camping.,What are you going to do,the most popular teachers,are lying,three or four times a week,94.制作这架模型飞机花了他两个星期的时间。_ two weeks _ the model plane.95.吉姆写作业没有哥哥细心。Jim doesnt do homework _ his brother.96.他是全班最聪明的人。He is _ any other student in our class.,cle

21、verer than,It took him to make,as carefully as,97.我昨天晚上和朋友去闲逛了。I _ last night.98.她三岁成为电影明星。She became a movie star _.99.上周他读了一本有趣的书。He _ last week.100.昨天我们没有做作业。We _ yesterday.,read an interesting book,hung out with my friends,at the age of three,didnt do our homework,101.北京因长城而著名。 Beijing _ the Gre

22、at Wall.102.姚明以篮球运动员的身份而著名。 Yao Ming _ a basketball player.103我刻苦学习英语以便于我可以取得好成绩。 I study hard at English _I can get good grades.104.书店就在超市的对面。 The book shop is _ the supermarket.,so that,is famous for,is famous as,across from,105.我们应该阻止他玩电脑游戏。 We should _computer games.106.没有你的帮助,我们不能按时完成工作。 _, we

23、cant finish the work on time.107.我现在比以前外向多了。 I am _ than before.108.我小的时候,害怕坐飞机。 When I was young, I _taking the plane.109.上海是全世界最大的城市之一。 Shanghai is one of _ in the world.,much more outgoing,stop him from playing,Without your help,was afraid of,the largest cities,110.我们应该尽量多地练习说英语。 We should speak

24、English_.111.当他听到这个消息时,他禁不住高兴地跳了起来。 He _ happily when he heard the news.112.这只流浪狗应该被好好照顾。 The homeless dog should _.113.他是如此激动以至于说不出一句话。 He was _ he couldnt say a word.,be taken good care of,as much as possible,couldnt help jumping,so excited that,114.十二月是一年中的第十二个月。 December is _ of the year.115.黄河是中国第二长河。 The Yellow River is _ river in China.,the twelfth month,the second longest,


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