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1、网页策划书 我的动态网站网站名称:我的学校网站主题:校园信息发布和导航网站内容:1. 主页:页面设计简单网站名放于最前,三个主题栏,分别链接三个网站的主题:青春校园,信息中心,社区社团,和一个悬浮标志是我们网站的logo,链接到对于本网站基本信息的介绍。设计一个div三段文字和一个悬浮窗链接四个网页附属链接。网页模板:附页12. 青春校园:以在线交流的社团性质存在,首先是主题栏分别是主页和青春校园,信息中心,社区社团主四个导航,其次是登录界面,然后是网页内容,首先是简易聊天室和留言板提供给网页的访客互相交流,也可以提供给主页对于网站的评价信息。简易聊天室和留言板点击后会在右侧出现实际的聊天室和

2、留言板,会有用户的留言和网名,来访人数、当前时间和用户的聊天记录.最下方正中间青春校园|All Rights Reserved链接到我们的主页介绍。l 聊天室实现:string insertCmd = Insert Into chats(网名, 留言, 时间) + Values(name, wd, time);objConn = new OleDbConnection(sConn); objConn.Open();OleDbCommand cmd = new OleDbCommand(insertCmd, objConn);cmd.Parameters.Add(new OleDbParamet

3、er(name, OleDbType.Char);cmd.Parameters.Add(new OleDbParameter(wd, OleDbType.Char); cmd.Parameters.Add(new OleDbParameter(time, OleDbType.Char);cmd.Parametersname.Value = TextBox1.Text;cmd.Parameterswd.Value = TextBox2.Text;cmd.Parameterstime.Value = DateTime.Now.ToString();cmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); ob

4、jConn.Close(); sSQL = select * from chats order by 时间 desc;ds = new DataSet(); objConn = new OleDbConnection(sConn); objConn.Open();oDAd = new OleDbDataAdapter(sSQL, objConn); oDAd.Fill(ds, chats); oDAd.Dispose();DataList1.DataSource = ds.Tableschats; DataList1.DataBind();objConn.Close();k = Convert

5、.ToInt32(Application“cnt”); Application.Lock();Applicationcnt = Convert.ToInt32( Applicationcnt)+1 ; Application.UnLock();l 留言板实现:pageChat.aspx -% string mywords = Requestmywords; Application.Lock();Applicationchat_content += + mywords; Response.Write (Applicationchat_content);Application.UnLock();%

6、 l 用户IP: Response.Write(客户端主机IP: + Request.UserHostAddress + );l 当前时间:Newdata= DateTime.Now.ToString();网页模板:附页23. 信息中心:首先是主题栏分别是主页和青春校园,信息中心,社区社团主四个导航,其次是登录界面,信息中心是校园学生的信息中心,在这里学生可以查询自己的成绩,校历和各个学期的各项活动和各项任务的介绍,对于自己的学期安排有一个提前预览,还可以对于本网站做出自己的投票评价,我们会手收集用户的评价和投票公布给用户。左侧是采用相同结构的选择栏:我的成绩,校历查询,我的社团活动时间日程,

7、我们通过动态链接是网页可以显示mdb数据库中的数据内容以供用户查询,最下方正中间青春校园|All Rights Reserved链接到我们的主页介绍。l 显示数据:protected void Button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)SqlConnection objConn = new SqlConnection(sConn);objConn.Open(); SqlDataAdapter oDAd = new SqlDataAdapter(sSQL, objConn);/连接、打开、读DataSet ds = new DataSet();oDAd.F

8、ill(ds, cj2); oDAd.Dispose();GridView1.DataSource = ds.Tablescj2; GridView1.DataBind(); 头部 using System.Data; using System.Data.OleDb ;Using System.Data.SqlClient; 运行 l 创建数据:DataTable dt = new DataTable(); /数据库表的内存载体sSQL = create table wordDic (英语,数学, 语文);OleDbConnection objConn = new OleDbConnectio

9、n(sConn);objConn.Open(); OleDbDataAdapter oDAd =new OleDbDataAdapter(sSQL, objConn); oDAd.Fill(dt); oDAd.Dispose(); Label1.Text = 成功创建,OK;l 填充数据:DataTable dt = new DataTable(); /数据库表的内存载体sSQL = insert into wordDic values(80,80,80); OleDbConnection objConn = new OleDbConnection(sConn);objConn.Open();

10、 OleDbDataAdapter oDAd =new OleDbDataAdapter(sSQL, objConn);oDAd.Fill(dt); oDAd.Dispose(); Label1.Text = “成功添加记录;4. 社区社团:首先是主题栏分别是主页和青春校园,信息中心,社区社团主四个导航,这个页面是对于校园社团的介绍,对于每个社团点击进入后都是各个社团的主页,左侧下方滚动显示对于这个社团的用户评价和简短介绍,用户也可以再这里留言说说自己对于每个社团的理解和评价,对于新进入社区的成员有很大的帮助作用,最下方正中间青春校园|All Rights Reserved链接到我们的主页介绍

11、。5. 主页介绍:就是对于网站的使用和各方面的宣传介绍,最下方正中间青春校园|All Rights Reserved链接回本页最上方。附页1:网页设计代码(不含功能实现只含页面显示)1.主页:first example 青春校园信息中心社区社团青春校园|All Rights ReservedzonClick=pause_resume();!- Beginvar xPos = 20;var yPos = document.body.clientHeight;var step = 1;var delay = 30; var height = 0;var Hoffset = 0;var Woffse

12、t = 0;var yon = 0;var xon = 0;var pause = true;var interval;img.style.top = yPos;function changePos() width = document.body.clientWidth;height = document.body.clientHeight;Hoffset = img.offsetHeight;Woffset = img.offsetWidth;img.style.left = xPos + document.body.scrollLeft;img.style.top = yPos + doc

13、ument.body.scrollTop;if (yon) yPos = yPos + step;else yPos = yPos - step;if (yPos = (height - Hoffset) yon = 0;yPos = (height - Hoffset);if (xon) xPos = xPos + step;else xPos = xPos - step;if (xPos = (width - Woffset) xon = 0;xPos = (width - Woffset); function start() img.visibility = visible;interv

14、al = setInterval(changePos(), delay);function pause_resume() if(pause) clearInterval(interval);pause = false;else interval = setInterval(changePos(),delay);pause = true; start();/ End - 2.附页2first examplefunction window.onbeforeunload()with(window.event)if(clientYdocument.body.clientWidth|altKey)clo

15、sing() 主页       青春校园       信息中心       社区社团       登录简易聊天室留言板青春校园|All Rights ReservedzonClick=pause_resume();!- Beginvar xPos = 20;var yPos = document.body.clientHeight;var step = 1;var delay = 30; var height = 0;var Hoffset = 0;var Woffs

16、et = 0;var yon = 0;var xon = 0;var pause = true;var interval;img.style.top = yPos;function changePos() width = document.body.clientWidth;height = document.body.clientHeight;Hoffset = img.offsetHeight;Woffset = img.offsetWidth;img.style.left = xPos + document.body.scrollLeft;img.style.top = yPos + do

17、cument.body.scrollTop;if (yon) yPos = yPos + step;else yPos = yPos - step;if (yPos = (height - Hoffset) yon = 0;yPos = (height - Hoffset);if (xon) xPos = xPos + step;else xPos = xPos - step;if (xPos = (width - Woffset) xon = 0;xPos = (width - Woffset); function start() img.visibility = visible;inter

18、val = setInterval(changePos(), delay);function pause_resume() if(pause) clearInterval(interval);pause = false;else interval = setInterval(changePos(),delay);pause = true; start();/ End - 3.附页3first example 主页       青春校园       信息中心       社区社团   

19、    简易聊天室留言板青春校园|All Rights ReservedzonClick=pause_resume();!- Beginvar xPos = 20;var yPos = document.body.clientHeight;var step = 1;var delay = 30; var height = 0;var Hoffset = 0;var Woffset = 0;var yon = 0;var xon = 0;var pause = true;var interval;img.style.top = yPos;function changePos()

20、width = document.body.clientWidth;height = document.body.clientHeight;Hoffset = img.offsetHeight;Woffset = img.offsetWidth;img.style.left = xPos + document.body.scrollLeft;img.style.top = yPos + document.body.scrollTop;if (yon) yPos = yPos + step;else yPos = yPos - step;if (yPos = (height - Hoffset)

21、 yon = 0;yPos = (height - Hoffset);if (xon) xPos = xPos + step;else xPos = xPos - step;if (xPos = (width - Woffset) xon = 0;xPos = (width - Woffset); function start() img.visibility = visible;interval = setInterval(changePos(), delay);function pause_resume() if(pause) clearInterval(interval);pause =

22、 false;else interval = setInterval(changePos(),delay);pause = true; start();/ End - 4.附页4first example 主页       青春校园       信息中心       社区社团       文学社East China Normal University, referred to of ECNU or China Normal University, created in

23、 1951, is the founder of New Chinas first Normal is directly under the Ministry of Education, Ministry of Education and Shanghai to build the first national key university, countryimportant members of the Project 211, 985 project construction of high level research university, but also the national

24、111 Project and Yangtze River Delta college alliance. Existing school Minhang Campus and Zhongshan North Road campus, are located in Minhang District, Shanghai Putuo District, beautiful campus environment, known as the Far Easts most beautiful campus.East China Normal University, Fudan University, S

25、hanghai Jiaotong University, Tongji University, adding that Shanghai four famous.zonClick=pause_resume();!- Beginvar xPos = 20;var yPos = document.body.clientHeight;var step = 1;var delay = 30; var height = 0;var Hoffset = 0;var Woffset = 0;var yon = 0;var xon = 0;var pause = true;var interval;img.s

26、tyle.top = yPos;function changePos() width = document.body.clientWidth;height = document.body.clientHeight;Hoffset = img.offsetHeight;Woffset = img.offsetWidth;img.style.left = xPos + document.body.scrollLeft;img.style.top = yPos + document.body.scrollTop;if (yon) yPos = yPos + step;else yPos = yPos

27、 - step;if (yPos = (height - Hoffset) yon = 0;yPos = (height - Hoffset);if (xon) xPos = xPos + step;else xPos = xPos - step;if (xPos = (width - Woffset) xon = 0;xPos = (width - Woffset); function start() img.visibility = visible;interval = setInterval(changePos(), delay);function pause_resume() if(pause) clearInterval(interval);pause = false;else interval = setInterval(changePos(),delay);pause = true; start();/ End -


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