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1、一、情态动词表推测的反意疑问句,方法:简单来说,就是去掉情态动词,然后以后面时态为淮。但是:如句子里有明确的时间状语,则以具体时间状语为准。,以 must 表推测为小白鼠,1. You must be hungry now, arent you?2. He must be watching TV , isnt he ?3 Tom must have lived her for a long time, hasnt he ?4. She must have finished the task yesterday, didnt she?,二、含情态动词的反义疑问句 (一般情况),总体遵守 前肯后否

2、,前否后肯。,1.基础,1. The pen is yours, isnt it?2. You dont study Chinese, do you? Yes, I do./No, I dont. (是,我在学) (不,我没学)3. Your sister helped him, didnt she?4. You arent a teacher, are you?,回答遵循“实事求是”原则,He must work hard at physics, mustnt he? You must recite the book, neednt you?2. must 表示 一定要, 必须时, 反意疑问

3、句附加部分用mustnt 或 neednt,Youd better put on your coat, shouldnt you?Youd better put on your coat, hadnt you?3. had better 时, 反意疑问句附加部分用 shouldnt / hadnt,He would rather read the text ten times than recite it, wouldnt he? Youd like to have some bananas, wouldnt you?4. would rather 或 would like to , 反意疑问

4、句附加部分用 wouldnt,She used to visit her uncle on holidays, didnt she?She used to visit her uncle on holidays, usednt she?5. used to 反意疑问句附加部分用 didnt/ usednt,We ought to leave at once, oughtnt we? We ought to leave at once, shouldnt we?6. ought to反意疑问句附加部分用 ought 或 should,Jack has to go there on foot, d

5、oesnt he? We have to get up early, dont we?We have got to get up early, havent we?7. have to 反意疑问句附加部分用助动词 do 的某种形式.have got to用have,8. 陈述句主语是everybody, somebody, no one, nobody,反义疑问句主语用they或he。Everyone knows the answer, doesnt they / doesnt he?,9. 陈述句主语是指示代词或不定代词this, everything, nothing, it时,反义疑问句

6、主语用it。Everything is ready, isnt it.,10. 并列复合句中,反义疑问句用就近原则。,Tom loves Lucy, but she loves Jack, doesnt she?Lucy loves Tom, but he loves Jack, doesnt he?,11. 定语从句,根据主句谓语动词定,He is not the man who will give us a lecture, is he ?,12. 宾语从句中,以主句为准.但如果主语是第一人称且谓语动词是think, believe, guess, suppose 时, 以从句为准.,You told them he wouldnt come,didnt you?,She never said he was a good student,did she?,I think you are right,arent you?,We dont believe he studies harder,does he?,


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