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1、常考查点为:1 动词 2 名词 3 形容词 4 副词 5 代词 6 数词 7 连词 8 介词 9冠词10感叹词,1 动词:包括谓语动词的数、时态、非谓语 ing、ed、(to) do,注意个别的拼写,如stopped;planned2 名词: 包括单复数(-s),名词所有格(s/ s),词性的转换等;3 形容词:考查原级、比较级、最高级,词性转换等;4 副词:考查修饰动词、句子等,常由形容词派生而来(hard-hard; good-well; careful-carefully);5 代词:考查不定代词、物主代词、人称代词的主格、宾格,反身代词等,一般由意思决定;6 数词:常考查判断是序数词还

2、是基数词;7 连词:考查句子间的逻辑关系;8 介词:常考查固定短语搭配。,做题步骤:1 预读短文,了解大意:速读短文,不填空。了解文章的大意、重要的动作时态;2 逐一填空,仔细对比:每一个空都要比较所有的备选词,只要意思和语法都通的就都填上,把备选单词一个一个勾划掉;选定单词后,确定正确的形式。3 通读短文,复查答案:站在短文中心意思的立场上,确立每个空所填的单词,逐个检查形式,可以从以往的经验去判断。重点检查内容:1大小写 2 名词单复数 3 动词时态 4 形容词比较级,确立答案方法:1 意思优先原则通过把备选词的意思逐个带入空中,先确定填哪个词,在确定它的形式。,通过意思很容易读出,“他不

3、会告诉任何人,除了我和你”,直接可以找到except。,need , animal , I , put , make , except , find , end , look , since , little , enoughSo I think he will not tell anybody _9_ you and me about what he found,确立答案方法:2 语法优先原则首先通过分析句子的结构,然后判断空处所填的词性,然后在备选项中逐个筛选。,通过句子结构可知new 后应该是一个名词,充当are的主语,而且是复数形式。因此,备选项中可数的名词只有word和example

4、,显然words的意思最通。,French, same, word, Chinese, example, many, why, great, much,what, another, tell Languages change with time and the world. So does English. New _1_ are borrowed from other languages.,* 在未复查完成之前,不要草率地把答案写在答卷横线上,一旦有错误,不好更改,因此建议做题时可以直接填在原文中的空处,最后做完题可以把答案誊抄在答卷横线上。,选词填空技巧,1.在拿到题目后,不要急于看文章,

5、首先对备选的词汇研究几遍,对词性作简单的标记,例如:名词-n.,动词-v.,形容词-adj.,副词-adv. 等等。同时对词义作初步的理解。2.通读全文,语义完整、适用、合乎逻辑是做好填词的前提。通过上、下文的句子,充分理解短文的内容,注意发现固定搭配关系,凭借语感积极主动地猜测空格中所缺的信息,根据需要去备选词汇中寻找匹配的答案。,3.在选定单词后,不要轻率地填入。在填词过程中,需要瞻前顾后,既要符合本句的含义,又要保证句式结构的正确。当你选定一个名词时,要考虑是否要把它变成复数或“所有格”形式。例如:match-matches, friend-friends/friends。其他还要考虑名

6、词是否需要变成形容词,例如:sun-sunny, use- useful/useless/used, danger-dangerous; 在遇到动词时,要有意识地去考虑时态和语态的变化以及非谓语动词形式的变化(动词不定式- to do,现在分词-doing, 过去分词-done, 固定搭配-enjoy doing sth./used to do sth./have sth. done)。,形容词和副词填空时要主动去判定是否需要变成比较级或最高级,还有它们之间的相互转换以及形容词变名词的需求也需考虑,例如:interesting-more /the most interesting, happy

7、-happily,happy -happiness;填入代词时,需注意辨别主格、宾格、名词性和形容词性物主代词或反身代词的用法;数词方面要注意基数词和序数词的变化以及分数和虚实数的用法,例如:three-third, 2/3-two thirds, one thousand/thousands of ;冠词只需要在 a或an之间判别,如a girl/an old man;当遇到介词和连词时,就更简单,只要符合上下文逻辑或固定短语搭配,填入即可。为了方便记忆,试着记住下面的顺口溜:空前空后要注意,“名词”单复数要牢记,还有s 不能弃,“动词”注意要变形,“形副”注意要用三种级,要填“数词”请留意

8、,千万别忘 “基” 和“序”,填入“代词”需慎重,五格变化要谨记。,4.完成填词后,应通读全文,复核校对。检查单词拼写是否正确,是否有时态、语态、惯用法及词语选用上的错误,以确保答案的正确性。最后把答案填入答卷时,切勿错位。,选词填空练习,well , soft, second ,better , may , strongly, afraid, sand , stay up, if, now, house,We cant stop an earthquake(地震), but we can do things to make sure they dont destroy(毁坏) whole c

9、ities. First, it is not a idea to build houses along lines where of the earths plates(板块) join together. Second, if you think there be an earthquake, it is better to build houses on rocks , not on . Third, you must make the houses as _as possible. Weak buildings will fall down in an earthquake, but

10、strong ones may . Scientists are that one day an even bigger earthquake will hit the part around San Francisco(旧金山) . They call it “ The Big One ”. However, people today are still building more . The population in and around San Francisco is _ ten times more than it was in 1906. This means that _the

11、re is another earthquake, a great many houses and buildings will be destroyed.,good,two,may,sand,strong,stay up,afraid,houses,now,if,forget, bring,mend,beside,luck,pick,same,differently, I ,every , stop,each,Mr. Brown had an umbrella shop in a small town. People sometimes him broken umbrellas, and t

12、hen he took them to a big shop in London. They were there. One day Mr. Brown went to London by train. He _ to take an umbrella with him that day. Sitting in front of him was a man with an umbrella standing _ the seat. When the train arrived in London, Mr. Brown up the umbrella as he often did during

13、 his journey by train. Just as he was getting off, he was _by the man. He said angrily, “Thats _!” Mr. Brown s face turned red and he gave it back to the man at once. When Mr Brown got to the big shop, the shopkeeper had got his six umbrellas ready. After a good look at of them, he said, “Youve mend

14、ed them very well.” In the afternoon he got into the train again. The man was in the same seat. He looked at Mr Brown and his six umbrellas, “Youve had a day,” he said.,brought,mended,forgot,beside,picked,stopped,mine,each,same,lucky,A farmer saw an old man growing something on the other side of the

15、 river. The farmer _ out to him, “ What are you growing , Grandpa? ” The old man didnt _ for a moment, then said, “Swim over _ Ill tell you.” The farmer didnt like the _of swimming across the river. But he wanted to know _the old man was doing. He swam over. The old man said very _in his ear, “ Im p

16、lanting peas in my _ .” “ You should have shouted. I would have _ quite clearly on that side.” Said the farmer. “ Oh, no, I wouldnt _ that . The sparrows would have heard me and _ my peas.”,called,speak,and,idea,what,quietly,garden,heard,do,eaten,speak, call , idea, and, what, garden, hear , quiet ,

17、 do ,eat , name, say,telephone , for, lose, so, strong, clever, somebody, good, happy, outside, everybody, at,Mrs Andrews had a young cat, and it was the cats first winter. One evening it was _ when it began to snow heavily. Mrs Andrews looked _it everywhere and shouted its name, but she did not fin

18、d it, _ she telephone the police and said, “ I have_ a small black cat. Has _ found one? ” “ No,madam, ” said the policeman at the other end, “ But cats are really very animals. They sometimes live for days in the snow, and when it melts (融化) or somebody finds them, they are quite _ .” Mrs Andrews f

19、elt _ when she heard this. “ And ,” she said, “ Our cat is very _. She almost talks. ” The policeman was getting tired, “Well then, ” he said “ Why dont you put your _ down? Maybe she is trying to telephone you now. ”,outside,for,so,lost,anybody,strong,well,clever,happier,telephone,tell, hear, liste

20、n to , guard, drum, much, fly , army, with, other, way , instruction,Here are some old ways to sending messages. An Egyptian (埃及人) put his ear to the ground. He _ the horses coming this way. He ran to his people . He was a _ . That was one way for Egyptians to send messages. People in countries sent

21、 message, too. When enemies came, one man beat his drum. In the next village people heard the drum and beat their drums, too. The messages went from village to village by .Much _ , some armies (军队) kept many pigeons(鸽子) . These pigeons always back. When a soldier was sent far away from his own _ , h

22、e might take a pigeon along. He could tie a message to the birds leg. It would fly back _ the soldiers message. These are shown ways to send messages. Can you think of more _?,heard,tell,guard,other,drum,more,flew,army,with,ways,before, discover , fast, in, come, watch , so, fastly, it, ago , shine,

23、 not can,Light travels at a speed (速度) which is about a million times _ than that of sound. _ one second, light travels about 300,000 kilometers, but sound travels only 340 meters. You can get some idea of this difference by _ the start of a running match. If you stand far away from the starter(发令员)

24、, you can see smoke _ from his gun _ the sound reaches your ears. The fast speed of light produces some strange facts. The nearest star is _ far away that light which you can see from it tonight started to travel to you four years _ at a speed of nearly two million kilometers every minute. The light

25、 from some of tonights started on _ journey towards you even before you were born. So, if we want to be honest(诚实), we _ say , “ The stars are shining brightly tonight.” We have to say, “ The stars look nice. They were _ four years ago but their light has just reached our earth. ”,faster,In,watching

26、,come,before,so,ago,its,cannot,shining,happy, interest, problem, never, get away, eye, run , tire, have, miss ,catch, think,A man was sitting in the doctors office. He was telling the doctor about his . “I like football, Doctor.” He said, “ Please help me. My life has _ been a good one since I becam

27、e _ in football and it is getting worse and worse. I cant even _ from it in my sleep. When I close my _, Im out there in the football field and _ after a flying ball. When I wake up, Im more _than I was before I went to bed. What am I going to do? ” The doctor sat back and said, “ First of all, you

28、_ to do your best not to dream(做梦) about football. Before you fall asleep, try to _about something else. Try to think that you are at a party and someone is going to give you several million dollars.” “ Are you crazy (疯了) ?” the man shouted, “ Ill _ the ball !”,problem,never,interested,get away,eyes

29、,running,tired,have,think,miss,other, move, enough, find ,desert, make, use , another, friend , carry , trouble, friend,You may think there is nothing but sand in the desert of the world, but it is not true. In the desert we can _ stones. We can see hills, too. There is a little rain in the _, but i

30、t is not _ for most plants. The animals are _ to the desert people in many ways. The desert people eat the meat and drink the milk of the animals. They use their skins to _ shoes, water bags and even tents(帐篷). They use the camels(骆驼) for _ things. The people of the desert have to keep _ from places

31、 to place. They must always look for grass or desert plants for their animals. They usually live in the tents. When there is mo more food for their animals, they take down their tents, put them on the camels and move to _ place. The desert people are very _. No man in the desert would ever refuse to

32、 help the people in _ and give them food and water.,find,desert,enough,useful,make,carrying,moving,another,friendly,trouble,how, they ,winter, summer spend, care , dance , take, show , open , only, good,The world of the out-of doors is full of secrets. And _ are so interesting that quite a lot of pe

33、ople are busy studying them. All around us are birds, animals, trees and flowers. The facts about _they live and grow are as interesting as anything could be. Do you know that one of the great presidents of the United States _ hours and hours studying birds? A businessman who lives near New York Cit

34、y became so interested in insects(昆虫) that he began to collect them. He now has more than one thousand different kinds _ kept in the glass boxes. Come then with me, and I will help you find some of Natures secrets. Let us go quietly through the woods and fields. Here we shall find how a rabbit tells

35、 the other rabbits that there is danger. We shall follow a mother bear and her young ones as they search for food and get ready for _sleep. We shall watch bees _ in the air to let other bees know where they can find food. I will _ you many other interesting things, but the _ thing that I can teach y

36、ou is to keep your eyes and ears _ when you go out of doors. Nature tells her secrets _ to people who look and listen carefully.,they,how,spent,carefully,winter,dancing,show,best,open,only,two, sudden , cold, teach, in surprise, French, hot, beard, photo, office, passport, China,Mr Hill arrives at L

37、ondon Airport, at the end of a three-week holiday in _. Usually he wears a beard(蓄着胡须). Since it has been _ there, he has taken it off (剃掉). But his passport photo shows him with his _. An officer looks at the _for a moment, and says,Will you excuse me? Please sit down. I shant keep you long. With t

38、his, he walks away, shows the photo to a second _,and says: I know that face. The second officer looks at the _ and asks where Mr Hill has come from. When he hears that Mr Hill has arrived back from Paris, the _ officer smiles and says: An Englishman with a beard stole a painting in Paris on Friday,

39、 And that man looks just the kind of man. _ it comes to the first officer who Mr Hill is. He returns to him, and asks: Did you_ at the No.2. High School? When Mr Hill answers, _, that he did, the first officer smiles and says: I thought so. Im Jack Smith. You taught me French. You havent changed a b

40、it.,France,hot,beard,photo,office,passport,second,Suddenly,teach,in surprise,how, much, safe, thank, play , be, invent , no, so , interest, must , ask,Thomas Edison was a great American _. When he was a child, he was always _ questions and trying out new ideas. No matter _ hard it was, he never gave

41、 up. Young Tom was in school for only three months. His teacher didnt understand why he had _ many strange questions. Most of them were not about his lessons. The teacher didnt want to teach Tom any _. He asked Toms mother to take the boy home. Toms mother taught him to read and write, and she found

42、 him _a very good pupil. He learnt very fast and became very _ in science. One day , he saw a little boy _ on the railway tracks at a station. A train was coming near quiclly, and the boy was too frightened to move. Edison rushed out and carried the boy to _. The boys father was so _ that he taught

43、Edison to send messages by telegraph.,inventor,asking,how,so,more,to be,interested,playing,safety,thankful,as, sleep ,dream, like, again, about, think, must, wake up, quick, much ,why,Dreams (梦 ) may be more important than sleep. We all need to dream, some scientists say. Dreams take up about one qu

44、arter of our _ time. People have several _each night. Dreams are like short films. They are usually in colour. Some dreams are _ old films. They come to us over and over _. That may be because the dreamer is worrying about something. Dreaming may be a way of trying to find an answer. Some people get

45、 new ideas _ their work from dreams. They may have been _ about their work all day. These thoughts can carry over into dreams. Sometimes we _ with a good feeling from a dream. But often we cant remember the dream. Dreams can disappear (消失) _ from memory (记忆). Too much dreaming can be harmful (有害的).

46、The _ we sleep, the longer we dream. The mind is hard at work when we dream. That is _ we may have a long sleep and still wake up tired.,sleeping,dreams,like,again,about,thinking,wake up,quickly,more,why,and ,receive , satellite , weather , change ,help, or , early , for, when, forecast , star,Satel

47、lites Forecast the Weather Now satellites are helping to forecast (预报) the weather. They are in space, and they can reach any part of the world. The _ take pictures of the atmosphere (大气), because this is where the weather forms (形成). They send these pictures to the _ station. So the scientists ther

48、e can see the weather of any part of the world and tell how the weather will change. Today, nearly five hundred weather stations in sixty countries can_ satellite pictures. _they receive the new pictures, they compare (比较) them with the earlier ones. Perhaps they may find that the clouds have _ duri

49、ng the last few hours. This may mean that the weather on the ground may soon change, too. In their next weather _, they can tell people about it. So the weather satellites are of a great _ to the scientists at the station. In the past they could forecast the weather for about 24 or 48 hours _. Now t

50、hey can make good forecasts for three _ five days. Soon, perhaps, they may be able to forecast the weather _ a week or more ahead.,satellites,weather,receive,When,changed,forecast,help,earlier,or,for,try, how, what, if, can, wonderful , much, shop, glass , read, down, put,Tom lived a way from town.


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