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1、人教版,课标考点1掌握定冠词、不定冠词和零冠词的使用规则和常见的习惯用法。如:a和an 的基本用法;特指和泛指的区别等。2掌握与冠词有关的习语和固定句型。,考点一:定冠词the的用法,1特指某(些)人或某(些)事物。如:_ in a white car is Toms father.乘白色小汽车的那个人是汤姆的爸爸。2指上文已经提到的人或事物。如:Lily bought a storybook. _ is very interesting.莉莉买了一本故事书,这本书很有趣。,The man,The book,人教版,3指谈话双方都知道的人或物。如:Where are _,Jim? 吉姆,新书在

2、哪里?They are on the desk. 在课桌上。4用在世界上独一无二的名词前。如:_ is bigger than _. 太阳比月亮大。5用在与play连用的西洋乐器名词前。如:She often plays _ after school. 她经常在放学后拉小提琴。,the new books,The sun,the moon,the violin,人教版,6用在方位名词前。如:in the east/the west/the south/the north 在东/西/南/北边on the left/right在左/右边7用在序数词和形容词最高级前(副词最高级前the 可省略)。如

3、:Lin Tao is _ in his class. 林涛是他班里个子最高的男孩。8用在某些形容词前,表示一类人或事物。如:the old老人年轻人_the poor穷人 富人_the sick病人 盲人_ 残疾人_,the tallest boy,the young,the rich,the blind,the disabled,人教版,9用在姓氏的复数形式前,表示全家人或夫妇二人。如:_ are eating dinner. 布莱克一家人正在吃晚饭。10用在江河、海洋、山脉、湖泊、群岛的名称前。如:the Great Wall长城the Summer Palace颐和园西湖_11用在由普

4、通名词和另外一些词构成的国家名称、机关团体等专有名词前。如:联合国_the United States美国,The Blacks,the West Lake,the United Nations,人教版,12用在逢十的复数数词前,表示年代。如:in the 1880s 在19世纪80年代13用在某些习惯用语中。如:in the sky在天空中同时_all the time总是,一直 in the end最后;终于in the morning/afternoon/evening在上午/下午/晚上in the beginning在开始all the year round一年到头在周末_in the

5、 middle of在的中间顺便问一句/说一句_,at the same time,at/on the weekend,by the way,人教版,考点二:不定冠词a/an的用法不定冠词a和an都用在可数名词单数之前。,1表示类别,泛指一类人或物。如:_ is bigger than a rabbit.马比兔子大。2指某人或某物,但不具体指明是哪个人或物。如:_ is waiting for you at the gate. 有位妇女在门口等你。3表示数量“一”,但数的概念不如one强烈。如:I have _.我有一本书。4表示职业、身份、宗教等。如: Her brother is _. 她

6、哥哥是一名医生。,A horse,A woman,a book,a doctor,人教版,5用在某些习惯用语中。如:a few一些;几个have a look看一看 匆忙,急于_ have a swim游泳a lot很,非常 have a try试一试过得愉快;玩得高兴 _6用an而不用a的情况:an用在以元音音素开头的单词前。在以辅音音素开头的单词前用a。,提醒 在某些短语中有定冠词与无定冠词意义不同。如:in class 在课堂in the class 在班里在他的房前(外面)_在他房子的前部(内部) _,in a hurry,have a good time,in front of hi

7、s house,in the front of his house,人教版,考点三:不用冠词的情况,1在专有名词(包括人名、地名、节日、月份、季节)前不用冠词。如:China中国,Canada加拿大。2物质名词和抽象名词前一般不加冠词。如:time时间;water水;fruit水果。3表示一类人或事物的复数名词前不用冠词。如:They are nurses. 他们是护士。4人名、称呼语、头衔、职务等名词前,一般不加冠词。如:Mr. Wang王先生;Alice爱丽丝。5三餐、球类、棋类、游戏名称前,不用冠词。如:吃午饭_;踢足球_。,have lunch,play football,人教版,6在

8、“by交通工具”中,不加冠词。如: by bike骑自行车;乘火车_。7名词前有物主代词、指示代词、不定代词或名词所有格修饰时,不用冠词。如:That is Marys book. 那是玛丽的书。My ruler is on the desk. 我的尺子在课桌上,by train,正误辨析,1.误Please turn off lights before you leave. 正Please turn off the lights before you leave. 析虽然是第一次提到某物但说话双方均知其所指,也应用定冠词。2.误I want to learn the second langu

9、age this term. 正I want to learn a second language this term. 析在序数词的含意不是顺序中的第一第二,而其意在于再学一个,再来一个时,应用a,本句的意思应为:这学期我要学一门第二外语。3.误Mississippi is one of the longest rivers in the world. 正The Mississippi is one of the longest rivers in the world. 析在河流名称前应加定冠词,如:the Yellow River(黄河)。4.误Times is one of the ol

10、dest newspapers in the world. 正The Times is one of the oldest newspapers in the world. 析报刊名称前应加定冠词。,5. 误I like to eat bread for breakfast. Bread sells in this shop is very good. 正I like to eat bread for breakfast. The bread sells in this shop is very good. 析物质名词特指时也应加定冠词。6.误The sun rises in east. 正T

11、he sun rises in the east. 析在方向、方位前应用定冠词,如:in the east, in the west, in the north, in the south, in the direction 及in the past, in the future7.误Do you know who invented telephone 正Do you know who invented the telephone 析在特定和专有事物或名称前要加定冠词,如:the English Channel 英吉利海峡 the Panama Canal 巴拿马运河 the Suez Can

12、al 苏伊士运河8.误Would you please buy some food for the supper 正Would you please buy some food for supper 析泛指一日三餐前无定冠词。9.误I like to climb the mountain in the autumn. 正I like to climb the mountain in autumn. 析一年四季前不用定冠词,如:Spring is the best season in a year.,10. 误Sometimes my parents come to school to see

13、me. 正Sometimes my parents come to the school to see me. 析有些名词被用作其本身原来所含目的时不加冠词,如:go to school上学,leave school(辍学),after school(放学),但如果当建筑物讲时应加冠词,如例句中其父母来校不是上学,而是看望孩子,则要加定冠词。又如,He was in hospital for two days.(他在医院住院两天了。)而:He went to the hospital to see his mother.他去医院看望他的母亲。11.误I bought a same dictio

14、nary as she bought. 正I bought the same dictionary as she bought. 析在惯用法the same, the only, the very前的定冠词不可换为不定冠词。12.误The police caught the thief by his arm. 正The police caught the thief by the arm. 析这是英文表达法与中文的明显不同之处,也是初学者极易忽视之处。在英语中的某些动词,如:catch(抓),take(拿),strike (打),pat(拍),hit(击),hold(握),pull(拉)动词后

15、应加人,再加介词on, by, in, with之后要加定冠词,再加人体的某一部位。这时的定冠词千万不要换作his, her, their, 等词。,13. 误I went to New York by his car. 正I went to New York by car. 正I went to New York in his car. 析by仅仅与交通工具相连表示应用某种工具,而加了别的修饰词后其前面的介词也应作相应的转换。如:by car (坐小汽车)by taxi (坐出租车)by bike (骑自行车)by water (乘船)by air (乘飞机)by sea (乘船)14.误The little boy wanted to go to cinema. 正The little boy wanted to go to the cinema. 析英语中虽有一些名词与go to连用时不加定冠词,以表示该名词的内涵,如:go to school (上学),go to bed(睡觉)等,但去看电影则例外,要用go to the cinema.这也是语言的一个特点。15.误I live at 105 the Lake street. 正I live at 105 Lake Street. 析街道名称前不用冠词。,


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