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1、2020年翻译资格考试(catti)一级笔译材料分享 努力吧!不管结果怎样,经历过,总会有结果的!今天给大家带来了2020年翻译资格考试(catti)一级笔译材料,希望能够帮助到大家,下面就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。2020年翻译资格考试(catti)一级笔译材料Conscious DecouplingA new book explains how managers struggle with changing customer behaviorThink about the companies like Uber and Airbnb that have burst through into

2、 public consciousness in the past ten years. While many of them depend on the internet, their success is not down to any particular technological innovation of their own design. Instead, their secret lies in their business model.Thales Teixeira of the Harvard Business School argues that the principl

3、e that underlies a lot of these models is called decoupling. In his book “Unlocking the Customer Value Chain”, he explains how this concept applies across a wide range of industries.Buying a product will involve at least four stages. First, customers will evaluate the items available; then they will

4、 choose one or two; then they will buy them; finally they will consume them. In the traditional model, the first three took place inside a single retail store. Customers would look at the TVs or dishwashers on offer, pick one they liked with a price they could afford, pay at the till and then take t

5、he item home or arrange for the retailer to deliver it.These steps are all part of what Mr Teixeira calls the “customer value chain”. Disrupters have muscled in on some parts of this chain. One example is the practice of “showrooming”. Shoppers enter an electrical store like Best Buy and examine wha

6、ts on offer. But instead of purchasing the item in the store, they buy it online. Amazon has even created an app allowing customers to scan a products bar code, or take its picture, and discover its online price. The selection of products has been decoupled from their purchase.Other examples of the

7、decoupling process cited by Mr Teixeira include Zipcar, where driving a car is separated from purchasing and maintaining it; TiVo, where watching TV is delinked from sitting through ads; and Birchbox, where customers are sent samples of beauty products, eliminating the need to visit a store to try t

8、hem.This is not, as the author points out, a particularly new idea. Budget airlines like Ryanair have long since decoupled flying from the services and amenities that usually accompanied it. Passengers have to pay separately for the extras, like seat selection and the carrying of baggage. Other airl

9、ines have followed suit.Customer services have for some time been disrupted by a trend with the ugly name of disintermediation, the cutting out of middlemen. Most holidays are now purchased directly, rather than via travel agents; shares are bought via low-commission services, rather than through ad

10、visory stockbrokers. New entrants can gain market share if they can offer customers a lower cost or greater convenience. Decoupling doesnt subtract middlemen but still results in lower costs to the consumer.The beauty of the decoupling approach is that the only limit to innovation is imagination, ra

11、ther than technical brilliance. For example, Mr Teixeira cites Trov, a company which allows customers to buy insurance solely for specific items for specific periods of time. If you want to insure your latest smart phone for a two-week holiday, you can do so; and then insure it again for a weekend t

12、rip later in the year. The need for insurance is decoupled from the hassle of buying an annual policy.Suppose that you like a restaurants ambience, but not its food. In theory, you could book a table but order the food from elsewhere, paying separately for the service and the cooking. If 3D printers

13、 become ubiquitous, design and manufacture could be decoupled, with consumers paying for the digital blueprint.Mr Teixeira argues that decoupling is a customer-driven phenomenon-bottom-up rather than top-down. Successful businesses will spot how consumer tastes are shifting, and that may involve loo

14、king at other industries as well as their own. For example, they can look at the success of Netflixs subscription-based model; what works for TV programmes may also work for other goods and services. Already, there are companies that will deliver socks or perfume on a regular basis, decoupling this

15、from a trip to the mall.The challenge for existing managers is that they must worry about more than whether their overall costs are lower than those of their immediate rivals. If a part of their process is inefficient, or inconvenient for consumers, the decouplers may well grab hold of it.自觉脱钩一本新书分析





20、期给顾客递送袜子或香水,使购买这些商品的行为与逛商场脱钩。在位管理者面临的挑战是,他们不能单单关心自己的整体成本是否低于直接竞争对手。只要他们的某个经营环节效率低下,或者令消费者感到不便,“脱钩分子”就可能乘虚而入,夺取市场份额。2020年翻译资格考试(catti)一级笔译材料How Birdwatchers, Others Can Help Migrating Bird PopulationsThe kinds of birds coming through your neighborhood are probably changing, and so is the timing of th

21、eir migrations.Birdwatchers noticing these differences are playing a big part in understanding how climate change and severe weather events are affecting bird populations.John Rowden is director of community conservation at the National Audubon Society, which aims to protect birds and their environm

22、ents. He said, “Birders have to be much more alert to when birds are coming through than they used to be, since birds may be coming through much earlier or much later”Birdwatchers are increasingly seeing birds in their area that are usually found elsewhere, Rowden says. And, they are seeing fewer of

23、 the birds that usually travel through.“. Just because weve seen these birds year after year doesnt mean theyll always be there. They are declining in numbers because were throwing so many things at them, so we need to do what we can to help them,” Rowden said.考生如果怕自己错过考试成绩查询的话,可以 免费预约短信提醒,届时会以短信的方式

24、提醒大家报名和考试时间。At least 314 species of American birds are expected to lose 50 percent or more of their range by the end of the century. Those species are listed by the Audubon Society as climate-threatened or endangered, Rowden added.A United Nations science report issued Monday says 1 million species

25、of plants and animals are at risk of disappearing from Earth.Scientists who issued the report blamed development that has led to loss of habitat as well as climate change, overfishing, pollution and invasive species.Environmentalists say there are a few easy steps people can take to help struggling

26、bird populations. These include planting native species, which leads to more native insects for the birds to eat.The Audubon Societys Plants for Birds website provides plant suggestions for people in the United States, based on where they live in the country.During spring and fall migration seasons,

27、 people can help migrating birds by keeping outdoor lights turned off and covering reflective surfaces like large windows. People also should make indoor plants less visible to passing birds.The Audubon Society also runs a community science program called Climate Watch. It aims to collect data on ho

28、w bird ranges or the places they are found are changing. Rowden says the program asks people to count the numbers of each species they see. The program goes from May 15 to June 15.Geoff LeBaron, director of the Christmas Bird Count at the National Audubon Society, says he has seen the effects of cli

29、mate change firsthand.“Ive been a birder since I was a little kid,” he said. “Its clear that climate change is affecting and will continue to affect birds on a global scale, and its a question of whether or not they can adapt to what the climate is throwing at them.”Record droughts, floods, hurrican

30、es and more are having a major effect, he said. Hurricanes usually happen during migration season, LeBaron noted. They have an especially big effect on sea birds, whose migration paths might change by thousands of kilometers as a result.Experts say sea birds and grasslands birds are most at risk fro

31、m climate disasters. Birds known as aerial insectivores are also at risk because the insects they eat are getting harder to find.鸟类观察者和其他人该如何帮助鸟类迁徙从你附近飞过的鸟类种类可能在一直变化,它们迁徙的时间也在改变。鸟类观察者注意到这些差异可能对于他们理解气候变化以及恶劣天气事件如何影响鸟类种群方面发挥了重要的作用。约翰罗登是美国国家奥杜邦协会的社区保护主任,该协会旨在保护鸟类及其生存环境。他说:“观鸟者必须比以往更加警惕鸟类何时会飞来,因为鸟类可能来得更



34、时候就爱观察鸟类,”他说。“很明显,气候变化正在并将继续影响全球范围内的鸟类,问题是鸟类能否适应气候变化给它们带来的影响。”他说,创纪录的干旱、洪水、飓风等也产生重大影响。莱巴龙指出,飓风通常发生在迁徙的季节。飓风对海上鸟类的影响特别严重,它们的迁徙路线可能因此改变数千公里。专家表示,海上的鸟类和草原上的鸟类最容易受到气候灾害的威胁。空中食虫的鸟类也处于危险之中,因为它们吃的昆虫越来越难找到。2020年翻译资格考试(catti)一级笔译材料Global Impact: Nowhere to Hide全球影响:无处躲藏Chinas newest export is its financial s

35、ystem, for good and for ill中国最新的出口产品是其金融体系,有好也有坏Some of the finest infrastructure to be found between Singapore and Dubai lies in the south of Sri Lanka, close to the crashing waves of the Indian Ocean. Broad highways connect a deep-sea harbour to a silvery, angular convention centre and, further in

36、land, to an elegant airport terminal with vaulted wooden ceilings. But it does not take long for visitors to see that something is awry. Wild peacocks scampering across the roads easily outnumber the people using the state-of-the-art facilities. The port sees less than a ship per day and the airport

37、, which has been open for three years, no longer offers regular flights. The Sri Lankan governments debt on the complex runs to at least $1.5 billion, or nearly 2% of the countrys GDP. And almost all of that is owed to Chinese banks.新加坡与迪拜之间最好的一些基础设施位于斯里兰卡南部,濒临白浪滔滔的印度洋。宽阔的高速公路连接着这里的深水港、多角形银色会展中心,以及离

38、海边更远一些的有木质拱顶、风格优雅的机场候机楼。但游客很快就会发现哪里不对劲。穿过马路的野生孔雀明显多过使用这些先进设施的人;港口一天也不一定会停靠一艘船;机场已经启用三年,现在都没有定期航班了。斯里兰卡政府为修建这些基础设施所欠的债务总计至少15亿美元,相当于全国GDP的近2%。其中大部分贷款都来自中资银行。Sri Lankan officials are careful not to blame China for the mess. It was the previous president, Mahinda Rajapaksa, who wanted all these facilit

39、ies built near his home town of Hambantota, even though there was little commercial justification for them. But privately they feel that the lender must also bear responsibility. Were it not for Chinese banks extending vast amounts of credit with minimal safeguards, Sri Lanka would never have been s

40、addled with these debts. Moreover, the Chinese banks charged unusually high interest rates on at least some of the loans. The term “odious lending” comes to mind, says a Sri Lankan government adviser. Partly because of its debt load and big looming repayments, Sri Lanka turned to the International M

41、onetary Fund this year for a bail-out.面对这个烂摊子,斯里兰卡官员小心翼翼地不去归罪于中国。把这些设施修建在靠近汉班托塔是斯里兰卡前总统马欣达拉贾帕克萨的主意,这个决定没有什么商业理由,只因为汉班托塔是他的家乡。不过私底下,官员们觉得贷款方也必须要负一定责任,如果不是中资银行在还款保障极低的情况下仍放出大量贷款,斯里兰卡根本不会背上沉重的债务。而且,至少有一部分中资银行贷款的利息率高得异乎寻常。一位斯里兰卡政府的顾问说,这不禁让人想到“恶债”一词。斯里兰卡今年向国际货币基金组织寻求紧急救助,原因之一就是债务负担太重,而且大量债务即将到期。Tracking

42、the ways in which the Chinese financial system affects the global financial system is far from straightforward. Since China is the worlds biggest trading nation, the fate of its economy clearly affects most of the globe. The slowdown in its construction industry has already battered commodity export

43、ers from Mongolia to Brazil. But direct financial connections between China and the rest of the world are much more limited. In China, itself regulations cap the involvement of foreign institutions, and Chinese banks, insurers and brokerages have been remarkably diffident about expanding abroad. Nev

44、ertheless, the promise and the problems of Chinas financial sector are rippling beyond its borders.要搞清楚中国金融系统如何影响全球金融体系并非易事。中国是世界最大的贸易国,其经济命运自然会影响世界上大部分地区。从蒙古到巴西,大宗商品出口国都已受到中国建筑业发展减速的沉重打击。但中国和其他国家之间的直接金融联系则要少得多。在国内,监管对境外金融机构的参与有种种限制,中资银行、保险公司和证券公司对于境外拓展也显得十分畏首畏尾。然而,中国金融业的承诺和问题,其影响都超越了中国国界。As Sri Lan

45、ka can attest, one crucial, if often overlooked, linkage is Chinas funding for other emerging markets. At the end of last year, the combined overseas loan book of Chinas two leading development lenders, China Development Bank and Export-Import Bank of China, reached $550 billion, a multiple of the W

46、orld Banks roughly $150 billion. Some of that lending has gone to Chinese firms doing business abroad, but the bulk has been for governments and companies in developing countries.中国与全球金融业之间的一个极端重要而又常常被忽略的联系,就是中国为其他新兴市场提供贷款,斯里兰卡即为一个明证。去年年底,中国两大开发银行国家开发银行和中国进出口银行海外贷款总额合计达到5500亿美元,数倍于世界银行的约1500亿美元。有些贷款

47、流向在海外开展业务的中国公司,但大部分都是借给了发展中国家的政府和企业。A great deal?划算吗?It might seem churlish to criticise China for lending to poor countries, but loans are not gifts. The recipients have to repay them, so it is fair to ask whether they are getting a good deal. The evidence is mixed. Chinas money has built many usef

48、ul things, including power stations, roads, dams and railways across Africa, Latin America and South Asia. It has also offered a lifeline to emerging markets suffering capital outflows. Last year, Chinas two development banks lent $29 billion to hard-hit Latin American governments, three times as much as in 20XX, according to the Inter-American Dialogue, a Washington think-tank.批评中国向贫穷国家贷款似乎显得有点无礼,但贷款不是赠款,拿了钱是要还的,所以问清楚这钱借得是否划算也正当合理。然而这个问题不好回答。中国的资金帮助非洲、拉丁美洲和南亚诸国修建了发电厂、道路、水坝和铁路等有用设施,也是遭受资本外流之苦的新兴市场的救命稻草。华盛顿智库美洲国家对话组织的数据显示,去年中国的


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