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1、第三届全国中小学“教学中的互联网搜索”优秀教学案例评选教案设计新标准英语(三起点)四年级下册Module 7 CountriesUnit 1 New York is in the east.New York学 校:宁夏中宁县第三小学姓 名: 邹 慧 君电子邮箱: kop-221全国中小学“教学中的互联网搜索”优秀教学案例评选教案设计新标准英语(三起点)四年级下册Module 7 CountriesUnit 1 New York is in the east.一、教案背景1、面向学生:中学 小学2、学科:小学英语(四年级下册)3、课时:第一课时4、学生课前准备:百度搜索自己喜欢城市在中国的位置。

2、二、教学课题本节课是外研版的小学第四册(三年级起始)Module 7 Unit 1 New York is in the east.新授课,主要是让学生了解课文大意并学习 west和east 两个方位词和用来谈论国家、首都、城市以及地理方位的语言,如:“Washington D.C is the capital of the USA. Its in the east.”三、教材分析(一)教学目标:1.知识目标:(1)能正确听、说两个方位词“west”和“east”并理解词义。(2)能理解并初步学会运用谈论国家、首都及其方位的语言:Washington D.C is thecapital of

3、the USA. Its in the east. (注意这句话中the的发音)2.能力目标:培养学生的综合语言运用能力,锻炼学生的基础听、说能力以及表达能力。3.情感目标:(1)通过对本课的学习,让学生了解有关美国的一些知识,培养他们跨文化意识和国际视野。 (2)激发学生的学习兴趣和积极思维的能力。 (3)学生会看地图并运用英语讲关于方位的句子。(二)教学重难点:1.教学重点:单 词: east, west 重点掌握;north, south, country, America, cousin 次重点掌握功能句: “is the capital of .”和“Its in the .”2.教

4、学难点:The pronunciation of the words Washington D.C and San FranciscoWashington D.C is the capital of the USA. Its in the east.四、教学方法直观教学法、评价法、情境教学法、模仿示范法五、教学过程Step one: Warm-up 1.Sing a song. “Where are you from?”【百度搜索】歌曲where are you from_李敏_新浪播客活动意图 课前播放这首歌,一方面营造课堂轻松的课堂气氛,另一方面为了新课的知识做好铺垫。2.Reviews(

5、1)欣赏中国风景图片 (景点都是第二和第五模块学习的,既巩固旧知又引出新知) The Great Wall图片 The Summer Palace 图片 The Changjiang River 图片 The Yellow River图片T:What is it?S:Its the Great Wall/the Summer Palace/the Changjiang River/the Yellow RiverT:Its veryT:Where are they?S:They are in China.(板书:China)(出示中国地图)图片T:What is the capital of

6、China?(板书:Beijing is the capital of China.)(2)欣赏英国风景图片 (景点都是第二和第五模块学习的,既巩固旧知又引出新知)Tower Bridge图片Buckingham Palace图片 Hyde Park 图片 Big Ben图片T:What is it?S:Its Tower Bridge/Buckingham Palace/ Hyde Park /the Big BenT:Its veryT:Where are they?S:They are in England.(板书:England)(出示英国地图)图片T:Guess whats the

7、meaning of UK?S:英国。T:So England is also called UK.(教学单词call also。注意字母组合al)T:What is the capital of the UK/England?S: London is the capital of the UK/England.(板书:London is the capital of the UK/England.)T:China is a county.England is also a county. Step Two:Presentation(出示美国地图)图片“Which country is it?

8、”Can you guess?Today,we will study Module7 Countries.这时板书:Module7 Countries(采用设置悬念的方式引入新课,为后面新知识的学习埋下伏笔)引出:America 美国并教读。引出美国的另一个种说法:the USAIts also called the USA.Today America is our project.(讲授单词 project)T:Today ,we will learn three cities of America.(出示美国地图)T:Do you know the capital of America?”

9、S:华盛顿。(教读WashingtonD.C)板书句子:“ WashingtonD.C.is the capital of America.”T:There is a very famous city in America. Its very big. Do you know it?S:T:Yes. Its New York. Where is New York? Lets have a look.”出示地图,标出纽约。north(北边)T: Do you know San Francisco?Its also a big and famous city in America. Where i

10、s it?再次出示地图,标出旧金山的位置, 读一下San Francisco(西边)westeast(东边)south(南边)教师讲授四个方位词。练习单词(1)Whats missing?(2)Stand in line (这几个词是本节课的重点,我在这里穿插易个小游戏,一是让学生对这两个词掌握的更牢固一些,二是放松一下学生的思维,让课堂显得更宽松一点。)Step Three:TextLook and listen,then answer the questions. (特别提示学生east发的是元音,所以读作“the”) Washington D.C.New YorkSan Francisc

11、oWheres Washington D.C.?Where is New York?Where is San Francisco?(2)Listen and repeat(听录音,跟读,注意模仿语音语调)读课文的过程中处理单词project, know, right, there等(3) Now read the text by yourselves and fill in the blanks:People speak _ in America.(字母组合ea的发音)Damings _ lives in San Francisco.(教授单词cousin)(4)Read the text i

12、n roles.(同桌分角色朗读)Step4 Production1.walk around America. 走遍美国 T: Its time for walk around America. You know America well. Now, please describe some cities of America. (1)Please prepare in groups of 4. (学生互相交流搜集的资料。)(2)Show it.2. 争做优秀小导游: T:Now ,lets do some exercises. Look ,this is a map of China ,th

13、ere are some cities . Lets talk about the locations in groups. 先让小组讨论,然后小组汇报(通过小组合作学习,有利于学生了解彼此的思想和见解,有利于学习的广泛迁移,有利于分享个体的思维与智慧,发展了学生的合作意识和合作能力,还使学生的创造力得到发挥。)Step 5 ExtensionAccording to the pictures, write down the correct name of the country,and make sentences with “ is the capital of .”Washington

14、D.CNew YorkSan Francisco Step 6 Conclusion通过今天的学习,大家收获大吗?大家掌握了south, east, west, north 简单表述方位,以及能够询问方位,通过在百度网上搜索到的大量信息,使得我们对我国各城市位置的理解更深刻。Step 7 Homework1.Find out the names of more cities in America.2.Introduce a country or a city in English. You can look for some informations from the library or the internet.Blackboard designModule7 Countries Unit1 New York is in the east. Where is ? north Its in the west east of . southTeaching reflection 本节课我主要用任务型教学法,突出重点,突破难点,根据教材特点和小学生生理、心理特点,在教学中设计了一些体验性的活动,让学生通过自己的感受、体验、实践、参与、运用,完成教学任务,感受成功学习的乐趣,形成积极的学习态度。但是在教学设计的衔接上还是有些地方不很紧凑。今后教学中,还有待于提高。


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