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1、托福写作怎样运用好修辞手段 托福写作会运用好修辞手段是非常重要的,托福写作怎样运用好修辞手段?下面就和大家分享托福写作怎样运用好修辞手段。希望能够帮助到大家,来欣赏一下吧。托福写作怎样运用好修辞手段首先,我们先来看看词汇量。所谓词汇量,从宏观出发指的是你所掌握的单词总数。比如说你为了参加托福考试,整日茶饭不思,大门不出在家苦苦求索,用无数大脑细胞换来的单词记忆量。这个首先保证的是你的阅读能力,当你看到这个单词的时候好像形同陌路,也有点似曾相识,但是可以很大程度上帮助你理解整篇*的意思,如此一来,你做托福阅读部分的时候,词汇量的大小决定了你对*的认知程度。可是对于写作而言,这个单词量就要另当别论



4、间,也会损害记忆能力。针对托福写作考试,词汇上的升级其实也很简单,我们来看下边这个例子:important significant magnificent具体应用到句子中:1. WTO is planning an important conference about commercial regulations.2. It is a significant contribution to the society.3. We have visited the magnificent Forbidden city.这几个词大家都很熟悉,都有“重要,华丽”的意思。可是作为同级比较的形容词,它们之间

5、的关系则是递进式的,其强调的重要或者华丽的程度也在逐渐提升。如果你按照这样的顺序来进行记忆,不但可以记牢这几个单词,而且可以得到如何应用的真谛。所以所谓的高级词汇的应用,要从基础开始,打好基础之后再进行积累,切忌操之过急。再来看看下边这个例子:Humility humiliate humiliated humiliating这几个词汇都是由humility衍生出来的,但是意思大不相同,humility是我们的传统美德,叫做“谦卑”,和pride正好是反义词;而humiliate却是“使人蒙尘”的意思,humiliate和humiliating 一般口语使用偏多,指的是“感觉很丢脸,没有面子”。

6、例如:I feel humiliated 或者 it is humiliating. 有时候,与其花费大量时间去记忆新单词和词组,都不如在已经掌握的单词中进行联想性的扩展来的有效和实惠。其实道理很简单,说一个东西好,很好,到非常好,相当好,甚至好到不能再好,这是一个纵向比较的记忆方法,按照级别的不同进行选择性的记忆和使用。我们再看看下边这个例子:So amazing are these crewmembers that they have successfully accomplished space walk,what a briliant mission!这句话是某英文网站对神舟七号的评价

7、,这个属于句子的倒装,但是强调的内容是amazing。这个词意思很广泛,而且同义词也有很多,例如incredible, wonderful, 甚至unbelievable,这里用amazing是表示难以置信的好,类似incredible,是对太空行走这次任务完成的积极评价,这就是高级词汇的同等记忆了,这几个词都有“美妙,奇妙,难以置信”之类的意思,记忆的方法属于横向比较,也就是说,都是表示好到不能再好之类的意思,但是好的方向不同,所以单词的选择会有区别。托福写作中句子句型的使用我们来看看句子吧。针对托福写作的特点,一篇接近300字的议论文,IBT在注重*的完整性和一致性的同时,也需要*有精彩的

8、内容。可是*篇幅有限,我们仅仅需要熟练地应用几个不同的句型,就一定会给评分人留下很深刻的印象了句子中的修辞我们看看下边的几个例句:1. Knowledge will never lie知之为知之,不知为不知,是智也。这个句子使用了拟人的修辞手法,赋予了knowledge生命,形象化了知识的严谨性,同时也避免了直接翻译的繁琐冗长。2. That information comes very impressively to everyone in the job market。那一信息使所有正在找工作的人为之一震。这个句子也间接使用了拟人的手法,人性化了Information这个词,come可以把

9、人们接受信息的过程表达的更生动。3. Confidence never fails to play a significant role in your entire life自信在你一生中扮演极其重要的角色这个句子中never和fail表示双重否定,用以加强肯定的成分。这几种句子中的修辞手法都可以使句子的意思表达起来更生动,让人读起来容易接受,同时也避免了直接翻译的很多缺点。强调句的应用和举例说明孔子论语中的这个经典语句可谓家喻户晓,一句“有朋自远方来,不亦乐乎”道出了中华民族作为礼仪之邦的特点。在托福中,这句话可以应用在关于friendship的*,这句话直译过来说的是:有朋友从很远的地方

10、来看你难道不是一件很开心的事情吗?通过中文理解,我们知道这句话所强调的部分是:一件很开心的事情。“开心”有很多词汇可以选择,常用的有happy和glad,高级一点的有enjoyable和pleasant,再高级一点的还有incredible和delightful。应用到实际写作中,可以使用it is 做一个强调句来凸显这句话的特点,例如:Its delightful to have friends from distant lands。在这个句子中,除了deightful以外,其他句子成分都很平常,每个人都会写,所以即使是评卷人看到这个句子也不会觉得稀奇,那么作为强调句,恰好是delightf

11、ul这个词,代表了一种发自心底的喜悦和开心,让读过这个句子的人都有眼前一亮的感觉,这也就达到了强调句的作用。然而happy和glad也都有快乐之意,但是和delightful相比就显得不够级别了,明显高兴的程度不一样,delightful更能显示一种喜悦带来的兴奋,迎接千里迢迢来访的朋友这样的表达最恰当不过了。可以起到强调作用的句型结构有很多,我们能够用到的同位语从句和倒装句都有这样的作用,例如:It is an undeniable fact that human activities harm the Earth.这句话中that后边引导的就是要强调的内容,即an undeniable f

12、act. 为了突出harm the Earth是一个不可否认的事实,做成这样一个句子。Only through effective measures can the government resolve the dispute.托福考试作文独立写作范文:政府保护自然环境应采取什么措施What is the most important action for the government to take for the protection of environmental problems? Fund researches on new energy sources such as solar

13、 and wind power? Protect forests and natural wildlife species? Pass and enforce laws to reduce the pollution.三选一类题目会给出三个选项A, B, C让学生去选择一个。这种题的答题方法为开头段-正文段第一段B好-正文段第二段B的另一个优点-正文段第三段B比A好/A的缺点和B比C好/C的缺点-结尾段。What one of the following is the most important action for the government to take for the protec

14、tion of natural environment?(1)fund research on new energy sources such as solar and wind power;(2)preserve natural places such as forests and natural wildlife species.(3)pass and enforce laws to reduce the pollution produced by companies and industries点睛:题目大意:对政府来说,要想保护自然环境,政府最应该采取哪项措施:资助研究新能源,保护栖息

15、地和动物,制定法规来减少公司的污染排放。 此题目为三选一的题目,波波提醒各位小伙伴,对于这样的题目,我们有两点要做到:1.必须要清楚选出一个选项,2.三个选项在整篇*论述中务必都要提到。只要能做到上述两点即可,所以三选一题目的写作结构非常灵活,下面是波波选择的一种写法,仅供参考。范文参考一:Taking a panoromic view of human history, we can readily find that the natural environment plays an enormously important role in determing the future of e

16、ach and every country. Given the great significance of clean environment, the general public as well as the governors begin to wonder which is the most essential action to protect the environment, among funding new energy research, preserving natural habitat or enacting strict laws. Towards such a l

17、ong-running tug-of-war, I am inclined to argue that national governments should invest financial support in developing new energy sources.Initially, spending more money in discovering new energy can radically solve the various environmental problems. As is common sense, the deteriorating environment

18、 is the result of the overexploitation of fossil fuels, including coal, oil and natural gas. To be specific, numerous chemical plants usually burn the coal to provide power for manufacturing all kinds of goods designed to satisfy the basic needs of the general public. As a result, a large amounts of

19、 industrial wastes are discharged to take a toll on the natural environment. Also, an increasing number of petrol-powered automobiles will definitely emit car exhause(e.g. fumes and toxic gas), which can increase the likelihood of the public suffering from respiratory diseases. All the above problem

20、s related to environment can be resolved by find new and clean energy like solar energy, wind power and tidal power. Undoubtedly, replacing the traditional energy with the new ones can dramatically decrease the pollution and contamination, thus leading to a better living environment. For example, on

21、ce the cars uses the electricity instead of petrol, the air quality will improve to a large extent.Secondly, there are conspicuous limitation of the other two options. As for preserving natural places, the effect of this practice is relatively restricted. To illustrate, the traditional energy source

22、s are usually exploited and discovered in the natural places. Consequently, the preservation of natural places will hinder the access to various energy and thus impede the progress of the whole society. Also, the same logic applies to passing laws to reduce pollution. It is an indisputable fact that

23、 across the globe, many countries now are heaviely dependent on the industries and factories which produce pollutions. In other words, once the law of punishing these companies is enforced, these corporation may have to cut down their output and make less profits, even ending up going bankcrupt. Acc

24、ordingly, the national economy and the living standard of the public will suffer too.Factoring what has been discussed above, we can conclude that funding research of environmental friendly energy will be more preferable, because finding proper alternative energy is the key to solving the environmen

25、tal problems comprehensively.写作参考二:The statement above attempts to assert whether funding on environmental friendly resources, preserving wildlife species, or enforcing laws to be the most crucial way to protect the environment has long been centered in dispute. Too often people hold the idea invent

26、ing new energy resources and passing laws could be effective ways to eradicate environmental related issues. However, as far as I am concerned protecting plants and animals would be a much more direct and sufficient solution.To the extent that species extinction is the result of anthropogenic events

27、 such as direct or indirect human activities and further threaten the delicate balance which all animal including human beings depend upon. Thus protecting the forests and natural wildlife species has the priority to be dealt with. For example, the extinction of the dodo, a flightless bird endemic t

28、o the Indian Ocean island of Mauritius, was directly attributable to human activity. As the nature is an intricate matrix of interdependent relationships, in which each species depends on many others for its survival, the dying out of Dodo caused a certain native tree whose seeds dispersed by Dodo,

29、extinct either. Nowadays, many species face the similar circumstance either and it greatly results in human beings greedy. To make mechanic profit, the underground dealers trade the skin of the Siberian Tiger, and horn of the Tibetan Antelope and the African Elephant, making those animals hardly ens

30、ure the preservation. For protecting the balanced ecosystem, human beings should place a very high affirmative duty to protect wildlife species.In addition, many species possess great values to human race, some of which are not realized by human yet, requiring people to protect them without any effo

31、rt. Thermal insulation and conductive resistance enables latex, extracting from the rubber tree, to be the essential component of industrial products for daily uses, such as rubber gloves and rubber sheath. Not only plants play an important role in industrial field, but works for medical perspective

32、 as well, especially function as Chinese herbal medicine. For instance, marijuana provides relief from pain and Lianqiao helps with heat removing. If cutting down most of the rubber trees and herbal species, we will leave limited resources for our future generation. For the reason above, it is essen

33、tial for human beings contribute more on wildlife species protection to handle environmental resources shortage problems.Admittedly, allocate money on new energy and pass laws to reduce pollution have the merit, however, they are impractical. Take spending on natural energy as an example. On the one

34、 threshold, with the technology we have now, the energy sources are not stable and even costly. Wind and solar energy cannot be obtained on a calm and cloudy day. On the other one, they cost the country a lot. I do not deny that wind and solar energy, cleaner energy as they are, would be a wiser cho

35、ice for developed counties who have money and resources to solve the carbine dioxide, sulfur dioxide, and toxic gases relevant problems and to a great extend release environmental pressure, such as global warming jeopardy. However, when it comes to developing countries, poverty, higher unemployment

36、rate, and high inflation are all problems that developing countries need to worry about. The better solution is to encourage factories to produce more goods and services. To cut down the costs, it is inevitable to produce air and water pollutions. Passing laws and inventing impede the economic growth on a large scale.In sum, considering the financial and practical analyzing, it is safe to conclude that preserve wildlife species is the most important action to protect the natural environment rather than creating new energy and enforcing laws.托福写作怎样运用好修辞手段


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