PSPC 要求下的最新涂装施工与检验标准.docx

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《PSPC 要求下的最新涂装施工与检验标准.docx》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《PSPC 要求下的最新涂装施工与检验标准.docx(44页珍藏版)》请在三一办公上搜索。


2、tions65.1Coating Inspectors65.1.1PSPC Requirements65.1.2Guidance66Coatings76.1Coating Systems76.1.1PSPC Requirements76.1.2Guidance87Primary Surface Preparation (PSP)107.1Blasting107.1.1PSPC Requirements107.1.2Guidance107.1.3Records107.2Shop Primer Application117.2.1PSPC Requirements117.2.2Guidance11

3、7.2.3Records118Assembly128.1Steel Surface Preparation128.1.1PSPC Requirements128.1.2Guidance128.1.3Record128.2Secondary Surface Preparation (SSP)128.2.1PSPC Requirements128.2.2Guidance138.2.3Records148.3Coating148.3.1PSPC Requirements148.3.2Guidance158.3.3Records159Others169.1Verification169.1.1PSPC

4、 Requirements169.1.2Guidance179.2Inspection189.2.1PSPC Requirements189.2.2Guidance189.3Annex 3 Dry Film Thickness Measurements199.3.1PSPC Requirements199.3.2Guidance199.4Example Reporting Forms211 PrefaceThe purpose of this Guideline is to provide guidance for implementation of “Performance Standard

5、 for Protective Coatings for dedicated seawater ballast tanks in all types of ships and double-side skin spaces of bulk carriers (hereinafter referred to as “PSPC”)” referred in the amendments to regulations II-1/3-2 and XII/6 of the International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea (SOLAS), 19

6、74, as amended adopted by resolution MSC.216 (82).本指南旨在为进行MSC.216(82)会议通过的SOLAS第 II-1/3-2和 XII/6.条修正案中所引入的PSPC所要求的执行提供指导。The terms used in this Guideline have the same meaning as those defined in PSPC.本指南中所引用的术语与PSPC中的定义相同。These guidelines are developed based on the current available and approved ty

7、pes of paints and it isrecognised that new types of paint maybe developed in the future for which all these requirements maynot be appropriate. It is recognised in these guidelines but that any deviation from these requirements willbe specific to the paint being approved and form part of the testing

8、 and approved process to confirm theircompliance with the requirements of MSC.215(82) as amended.本指南是基于目前已被认可的涂料系统所提出的,这些要求对于将来开发出的新型涂料系统可能并不适用。任何不是目前已被认可的涂料系统的其它涂料系统,需经检测试验认可,以证明该涂料系统符合MSC.215(82)提出的要求。.2 Definitions For the purpose of this Standard, the following definitions apply:下列定义适用于本标准:2.1Ba

9、llast tanks are those as defined in the guidelines for the selection, application and maintenance of corrosion preventions systems of dedicated seawater ballast tanks (resolution A.798(19) and the Guidelines on the enhanced program of inspections during surveys of bulk carriers and oil tankers (A.74

10、4(18), as amended)压载舱 为A.798 (19) 和A.744(18) 决议所定义的那些压载舱。2.2Dew point is the temperature at which air is saturated with moisture.露点 为空气所含潮气饱和时的温度。2.3DFT is dry film thickness.DFT 为干膜厚度。2.4Dust is loose particle matter present on a surface prepared for painting, arising from blast cleaning or other s

11、urface preparation processes, or resulting from the action of the environment.灰尘为呈现在准备涂漆表面上的松散的颗粒性物质,是由于喷射清理或其他表面处理时产生的,或由于环境作用产生的。2.5Edge grinding is the treatment of edge before secondary surface preparation.边缘打磨 系指二次表面处理前对边缘的处理。2.6“GOOD” condition is the condition with minor spot rusting as defin

12、ed in resolution A.744(18).“良好”状况 系指A.744 (18) 决议定义的有少量点锈的状况。2.7Hard coating is a coating that chemically converts during its curing process or a non convertible air drying coating which may be used for maintenance purposes. Can be either inorganic or organic.硬涂层系指在固化过程中发生化学变化的涂层或非化学变化、在空气中干燥的涂层。硬涂层

13、可用于维护目的,类型是无机的或有机的。2.8NDFT is the nominal dry film thickness. 90/10 practice means that 90% of all thickness measurements shall be greater than or equal to NDFT and none of the remaining 10% measurements shall be below 0.9 x NDFT.NDFT为名义干膜厚度。90/10规则的意义是指:所有测量点中90%的点的测量值应大于或等于NDFT,余下10%的点的测量值均应不小于0.9

14、NDFT2.9Primer coat is the first coat of the coating system applied in the shipyard after shop primer application.底漆 是指在钢材预处理线涂装车间底漆后,在船厂(按建造技术规格书)规定的涂层系统所涂装的第一道涂层。2.10Shop-primer is the prefabrication primer coating applied to steel plates, often in automatic plants (and before the first coat of a c

15、oating system).车间底漆 是指钢材预处理时涂装在钢板表面的底漆,通常在自动化车间(即:钢材预处理流水线)喷涂,(在规定的涂层系统的第一道涂层之前,即2.9项所定义的底漆之前)。2.11Stripe coating is painting of edges, welds, hard to reach areas, etc., to ensure good paint adhesion and proper paint thickness in critical areas.预涂 是指对关键区域,如:边缘、焊缝、不易喷涂区域等位置的预先涂装,以保证这些区域良好的涂层附着力和合适的漆膜

16、厚度。2.12 Target useful life is the target value, in years, of the durability for which the coating system is designed.目标使用寿命 为涂层系统设计寿命的目标值,以年计。2.13 Technical Data Sheet is paint manufacturers Product Data Sheet which contains detailed technical instruction and information relevant to the coating and

17、its application.技术规格书是涂料生产商的产品规格书,包含与涂料及其涂装有关的详细技术性说明和资料。3 Application (SOLAS vs IACS)The Performance Standard for Protective Coating (PSPC), made mandatory by SOLAS II-1, A-1, Reg. 3-2, was adopted by the IMO Maritime Safety Committee (MSC 82) in Istanbul, 8 December 2006. PSPC标准已在2006年12月8日 的MSC82

18、次会议上通过 ,并引入 SOLAS第II-1 章A-1部分第3-2条要求强制执行。For SOLAS the dates of entry into force are:SOLAS强制生效时间:For ships of not less than 500 gross tonnage: 适用于不小于500总吨的船舶:1. for which the building contract is placed on or after 1 July 2008, or2008年7月1日或以后签订建造合同的船舶;或2. in the absence of a building contract, the k

19、eels of which are laid or which are at a similar stage of construction on or after 1 January 2009, or无建造合同,在2009年1月1日或以后铺龙骨或处于类似建造阶段的船舶;或3. the delivery of which is on or after 1 July 2012.于2012年7月1日或以后交船的船舶。The coating application (including steel surface preparation etc) shall be in conjunction wi

20、th:涂装施工(包括钢材表面处理等)应满足如下要求:Coating system approval: 涂层系统的认可:Statement of compliance or Type Approval issued by a third party第三方提供的合格证明或型式认可证书Coating inspection: 涂装检验To be carried out by qualified coating inspectors certified to NACE Coating Inspection level 2 or FROSIO Inspector level III or equivale

21、nt, during coating process, to ensure compliance with the Standard. Inspection results to be included in the Coating Technical File. 为保证符合本标准,在涂层过程中下列事项应由具有NACE检查员2级或者FROSIO检查员III级资格或同等资格的涂装检查人员完成。检查结果将包含在涂层技术文件中。Verification:验证To be carried out by the Administration or recognized organization, cons

22、isting of:应由主管机关或主管机关认可的组织进行下列各项工作:a. reviewing the Coating Technical File审核涂层技术文件b. checking the Technical Data Sheet and Coating system approval核查技术规格书和涂层系统型式认可证书c. checking the coating identification on representative containers核查代表性包装桶上的涂料标识与技术规格书和符合证明或型式认可证书标识的涂料一致;d. checking that the coating

23、inspectors are qualified and check their reports核查检查员的资质并核查检查员关于表面处理和涂层的涂装报告e. monitor implementation of the coating inspection requirements.监督涂层检查要求的执行For IACS the dates of entry into force are:IACS强制生效时间For ships covered by the IACS Common Structural Rules (CSR), PSPC applies Ballast tanks of Doub

24、le hull oil tankers with L150 m and Ballast tanks of bulk carriers with L 90 m, Double skin void spaces bulk carriers L150m the standard was applied by IACS after adoption by MSC 82 on 8 December 2006, as decided by the IACS Council. IACS的共同规范中,要求2006年12月8日 之日及以后签订建造合同的船长为90m以上散货船,150m以上油船压载水舱,和长为15

25、0米以上的散货船双舷侧处所,必须符合IMO的涂层标准。For uniform handling of CSR until 1 July 2008, IACS has adopted a Procedural Requirement (PR No. 34) covering guidelines and procedures for:IACS发布了(PR No. 34)程序要求 Type Approval of coatings涂层系统型式认可程序 Assessment of coating inspectors qualifications Administrations engagement

26、 in inspection procedure agreementVerification of application of the PSPC Review of Coating Technical File.检验员资格评估认可程序主管机关关于检验协议程序验证PSPC应用情况程序涂层技术文件审查程序4 General Principle for InspectionThe objective of the coating inspection is to ensure that the required minimum level and quality of protective coa

27、tings by PSPC is adequately applied.涂层检查的目的是保证保护涂层的质量标准满足PSPC的最低要求It is recognized that in practice it is almost impossible to obtain a perfect coating that has no small imperfections, even with the best execution of this standard. Such perfect coating may only be possible under laboratory condition

28、s. With this in mind inspectors should have a common understanding of what is the acceptable minimum level of quality of protective coatings intended by the application of this standard.应该清楚的是,实际的涂装施工做到一点缺陷没有是不可能的,应是尽可能的实施该标准。完美的涂层仅可以在实验室条件下实现。基于此,检验员应知道该标准在实施过程中的最低可接受标准,确保该标准的实施。For example, the ch

29、eck points for DFT measurements for the judgment of 90/10 rule are clearly indicated in annex 3 of PSPC, but this cannot guarantee that 90/10 rule is perfectly achieved for the entire surface. The common understanding is that such a sampling method is enough for making the judgment, and if the sampl

30、e measurements do not satisfy the criteria, additional spot checks should be taken for any area considered necessary by the coating inspector.例如,PSPC标准附件3中已经明确描述了90/10规则干膜厚度测量取点方法,但还不能保证90/10规则完全适应全部的表面。统一的理解是这种取样方法已经可以进行判断,如果有这种取样测量方法不能满足标准的要求的地方,检查员可以在认为需要的区域增加测量点。Unless expressly provided otherwi

31、se in PSPC (for example annex III) and this Guideline, inspection by sampling and statistical method should be adopted to the extent necessary for making practical judgment. This means that the extent of inspection could vary, depending on the quality control of shipyards, to ensure that the require

32、d minimum level and quality is achieved.除了在PSPC标准和指南中已明确的部分外,可采用取样检测和统计的方法做出涂层质量的判断,这意味着检查的程度是各式各样的,依靠船厂的质量控制来保证达到PSPC标准要求的最低质量标准。5 Qualifications资质5.1 Coating Inspectors涂层检查人员5.1.1 PSPC RequirementsPSPC 要求(1)Basic requirements3GENERAL PRINCIPLES3.2Inspection of surface preparation and coating proce

33、sses shall be agreed upon between the shipowner, the shipyard and the coating manufacturer and presented to the Administration for review. The Administration may, if it so requires, participate in the agreement process. Clear evidence of these inspections shall be reported and be included in the Coa

34、ting Technical File (CTF) (see paragraph 3.4).表面处理和涂装过程的检验应该由船东、船厂和涂料生产商达成一致,并提交给主管机关审查。如有要求,主管机关可参与到协议过程中。应报告这些检验的明确证据并包括在涂层技术文件中(CTF)(见第3.4段)6COATING INSPECTION REQUIREMENTS6.1General6.1.1To ensure compliance with this Standard, the following shall be carried out by the qualified coating inspector

35、s certified to NACE Coating Inspector Level 2, FROSIO Inspector Level III or equivalent as verified by the Administration. 为保证符合本标准,下列事项应由具有NACE检查员2级、FROSIO检查员III级资格或主管机关承认的同等资格的涂层检查人员完成。6.1.2Coating inspectors shall inspect surface preparation and coating application during the coating process by c

36、arrying out, as a minimum, those inspection items identified in section 6.2 to ensure compliance with this Standard. Emphasis shall be placed on initiation of each stage of surface preparation and coatings application as improper work is extremely difficult to correct later in the coating progress.

37、Representative structural members shall be non-destructively examined for coating thickness. The inspector shall verify that appropriate collective measures have been carried out. 涂装检查人员应检查整个涂装过程的表面处理和涂装施工,做为最低要求,应至少进行第6.2节中的检查项目,保证符合本标准。检查重点应放在表面处理和涂装施工各阶段的起始,因为不恰当的工作在以后的涂装过程中很难纠正。应采用非破坏性的方法检查主要结构件

38、的涂层厚度。检查员应保证正确执行全部的检验过程。6.1.3Results from the inspection shall be recorded by the inspector and shall be included in the CTF (refer to annex 2, Example of Daily Log and Non-conformity Report). 应由检查人员记录检查结果,并应放入CTF中(参考附录2 - 检查日志和不符合报告的样本)7VERIFICATION REQUIREMENTS认证条件The following shall be carried ou

39、t by the Administration prior to reviewing the Coating Technical File for the ship subject to this Performance Standard:.1check that the Technical Data Sheet and Statement of Compliance or Type Approval Certificate comply with this Standard; 核查技术规格书和符合证明或型式认可证书符合本涂层性能标准;.2check that the coating iden

40、tification on representative containers is consistent with the coating identified in the Technical Data Sheet and Statement of Compliance or Type Approval Certificate;核查代表性包装桶上的涂料标识与技术规格书和符合证明或型式认可证书标识的涂料一致; .3 check that the inspector is qualified in accordance with the qualification standards in p

41、aragraph 6.1.1 按第6.1.1段的资质标准核查检查员的资质;.4check that the inspectors reports of surface preparation and the coatings application indicate compliance with the manufacturers Technical Data Sheet and Statement of Compliance or Type Approval Certificate; and 核查检查员关于表面处理和涂层的检验报告,确认符合涂料商的技术规格书和符合证明或型式认可证书一致;.

42、5 monitor implementation of the coating inspection requirements. 监督涂层检查要求的执行。5.1.2 Guidance-1 The choice of coating inspectors should be part of the inspection agreementAny of the parties involved in the inspection agreement have the right to request for replacement of the inspector who is deemed un

43、suitable or unsatisfactory. If the parties to the agreement consider that such a request is justified, the inspector shall be replaced as soon as convenient.涂层检查员的选择应该是检查协议的一部分。任何在检查协议中的一方都有权要求更换在船舶建造的进程中被认为不适合或不理想的检查员。如果协议各方认为这样的要求是合理的,检查员应尽快更换。-2If the coating inspectors require additional test, m

44、easurement and inspection above the requirement of this section, the inspector has to have clear reason but he has the right to require additional measurement.如果检查员要求 增加 本部分要求以外的试验,测定和检验,检查员要有明确的理由方可进行。-3If the coating inspectors requires assistance from other persons to do the part of the inspectio

45、ns under the coating inspectors supervision, those persons shall be to the coating inspectors satisfaction.如果检查员需要助手协助其完成部分检验工作,助手应在检查员的监督之下并达到检查员的满意6 Coatings 涂层6.1 Coating Systems 涂层系统6.1.1 PSPC Requirements PSPC需求(1)Basic requirements 基本要求Table 1Basic coating system requirements for dedicated sea

46、water ballast tanks of all type of ships and double-side skin spaces of bulk carriers of 150 m and upwards表1-所有类型船舶的专用海水压载舱和船长不小于150m的散货船双舷侧处所涂层系统的基本要求Characteristic/Reference standard特性Requirement要求1Design of coating system.1Selection of the coating system涂层系统的选择The selection of the coating system should be considered by the parties involved with respect to the service conditions and planned maintenance.


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