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1、(Unit1 MyDay Unit2 My favourite season),Revision,Task 1Words Competition,Task 1Words Competition,疑问词,what(什么),why (为什么),where(哪里),which(哪一个),when (什么时候),Task 2,Make sentences.,what(什么),when (什么时候),where(哪里),why (为什么),what(什么),小小翻译家,1、你几点起床?,2、你们上午的课到几点结束?,When do you get up?,When do you finish class

2、 in the morning?,Task 3,4、你周末做什么?,3、我们一点钟结束上午的课.,We finish class at 1 oclock.,What do you do on the weekend?,I often watch TV and play ping-pong with my father.,我经常看电视,也常和我爸爸一起打乒乓球。,麦克,你最喜欢哪个季节?,Which season do you like best, Mike?,我最喜欢冬天。,I like winter best.,你为什么最喜欢冬天?,Why do you like winter best?,

3、因为我可以堆雪人。,Because I can make a snowman.,答题机器人(请以最快的速度回答下面的问题),What can you do ?,Whats the weather like today?,Who is your math teacher?,Whats your music teacher like?,What day is it today?,Where are you from?,How many seasons are there in a year ?,Task 4,Which season do you like best?,Whats your fav

4、ourite season?,Task 5,小小语音专家,cl组合的发音是,/kl/,Task 5,小小语音专家,l组合的发音是,/pl/,Task 5,小小语音专家,br组合的发音是,/br/,Task 5,小小语音专家,gr组合的发音是,/gr/,Task 6,英语小作家,MyDayTodayis_.Igetup_.Ihavemybreakfastatabout6:30.ThenI_,_and_.Ihave_forbreakfast.I_at7:00.I_at7:50.Wehave_classesinmorning.At11:30,Imveryhungry.Ihavelunch_.Igot

5、obedat12:00inthenoon.Wehave_intheafternoon.Ihave_classand_classes.Ilikethemverymuch.Idohomework_.I_at8:00intheevening.ThenIwashmyfaceandbrushmyteeth.Igotobed_.Imhappytoday!,Task 6,英语小作家,My favourite seasonThereare_inayear: _ _ _.Myfavouriteseasonis _,because I can _ _ _ insummer.,My favourite season

6、 is fall. Its cool. Its windy and warm . I can wear my coat . When fall coming ,leaves start falling . I can go to the park and fly kites. I can go hiking, too . I like fall best!,My favourite season,My favourite season is winter. Winter is a white season .Its cold .I can play with snow and I can ma

7、ke a snowman. I wear my sweater and boots . I like winter best!,My favourite season,My favourite season is spring. Its warm. Its windy. When spring coming , flowers start growing . Its always nice and beautiful . I can plant trees. I can climb mountains. I like spring best!,My favourite season,My favourite season is summer. Its hot. Its sunny .I can swim in the lake. I can eat ice-cream ,its tasty . I can wear my T-shirt. I like summer best!,My favourite season,Thank you!,


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