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1、第一二模块复习,四年级下册分模块复习题,一、找出下列单词中不同类的一项。( ) 1.A. girl B. nice C. shy ( )2.A.mother B. father C. cool( )3.A.naughty B. clever C. dog( )4.A.cute B. panda C. cool( )5.A.beautiful B. famous C. river,A,C,C,B,C,二、选择正确的中文意思。( )1.theBuckingham Palace A.塔桥( )2.the Big Ben B.泰晤士河( )3. the Tower Bridge C.白金汉宫( )4.

2、 the Hyde Park D.大本钟( )5. the River Thames E.海德公园,( )1.It is a book _London. A in B of C about ( ) 2. Lingling is shy. A. bit B. a bit C. a little( )3. Look my little sister. A. up B. to C. at( )4.Im _ London . A. on B .from C. at ( )5.Whose house is it ? A . Its the Queens. B . Queen,C,B,C,B,A,第三四模

3、块复习,Will they do the housework?,一般将来时,一般将来时表示将来某一时刻的动作或状态。常常和表示将来的时间状语连用。如:tomorrow(明天), next week(下周 );on Monday(在星期一)等。形式:主语+will+动词原形=主语+be going to+动词原形” 表示某人将要做某事,六、将下列单词填入对应括号内:星期日( ) 星期一( ) 星期二( ) 星期三( )星期四( ) 星期五( ) 星期六( ) Tuesday B. Monday C. Sunday D. Thursday E. Friday F. Saturday G. Wedn

4、esday,C,B,A,G,D,E,F,( )1.-Will it be windy in Beijing? - -_. A.No, it will. B. Yes, it will. C. Yes, it is.,( ) 2.Will you take your kite tomorrow? A. No, I wont. B. Yes, I wont. C. Yes, I am.,( )3. I_go swimming _Monday A will;in B am;on C will;on,( )4. we going to have a picnic. A is B am C are,(

5、)5. I t will _in Beijing A snowy B windy C rain,B,A,C,C,C,四、句子匹配。 ( ) 1.Will you fly? A. I will help children learn. ( ) 2.Will you take your ball? B.No, it isnt. ( ) 3. What will you do tomorrow? C .Its a robot. ( ) 4. Whose house is it? D .Yes,I will. ( )5.Is that your house? E.Its the queens hous

6、e.( )8.Why not? F. No, I wont.( )9.Whats that? G. Because tomorrow is Friday.,D,A,E,B,G,C,F,第五六模块复习,very well 非常好 yesterday 昨天lesson 一节课,have (过去式had) 度过, phone (过去式phoned) 打电话 cook (过去式cooked) 煮东西 wash (过去式 washed) 洗东西 do (过去式 did) 做 play (过去式played) 玩 watch (过去式watched) 看 listen (过去式listened) 听 ta

7、lk (过去式 talked ) 说,row a boat 划船 play on the computer 玩电脑 cook noodles 煮面条 listen to the music 听音乐 wash clothes 洗衣服,Did you _?Yes, I did. No, I didnt.,I didnt _yesterday.,一般过去时(动词变过去式),表示在过去某一时间里所发生的动作或存在的状态,常与过去的时间状语连用:yesterday(昨天),last week(上周),last Sunday(上星期天)等.,动词过去式的变法口诀:,Yesterday,last +时间,表

8、过去,动词要用一般过去式;动词规则变化1.直接加 ed:happened;bumped2.有 e 直接加上 d:phoned,danced;3.双写加ed:hopped,stopped,skipped;4.以辅音加y结尾把y变i加ed carry-carried,不规则动词的变化的特殊记,,are were; am/is was; do/does did have/hashad;gowent; seesaw;singsang; drinkdrank;givegave; eatate;taketook; makemade;findfound fallfellbuybought comecameh

9、oldheld getgot feelfelt,写出单词的反义词,1.big _ 2.fat_ 3.tall_4.young_ 5.new_ 6.slow_7.short_ 8.clean_ 9.good_,1.is(过去式) _ 2.are(过去式) _ 3.am(过去式)_ 4.was not(缩写)_ 5.were not(缩写)_,按要求写单词,old,tall/long,old,was,were,dirty,bad,fast,short,thin,small,was,wasnt,werent,( )1. They_young then, now they _old. A are ;

10、were B were ; are C was ; is ( )2._ten then, .Now I _ten. A am ; was B was ; am C were ; am ( )3.It clean then.It dirty. A.wasnt;was. B.wasnt; wasnt C. was;was.( )4.Was Sam fat then ? A.Yes,she was. B.Yes,he was C.Yes,it was.,B,B,A,B,四、.句子匹配。 ( ) 1. Who are they? A. Very well,thank you. ( ) 2.Who is

11、 that little girl? B. Yes,it was great. ( ) 3.Are you at home now? C . No,I wasnt.( ) 4. Is it sunny in London? D. Yes,it was. ( )5.Was it fun? E. They are my parents.( )6. Was it a big city then? F.Yes,I am.( )7. Was he strong then? G.He is in ShenZhen . ( )8.Were you at school yesterday? H. Its me

12、. ( )9. How are you,Grandma? I.No,it isnt.( )10.Where is he? J.No,he wasnt.,1,E 2,H 3,F 4,I 5,D 6,B 7.J 8,C 9,A 1,G,第七八模块复习,beautifully 优美地,动听地 game游戏,have a good time玩得开心 busy 忙的,Am(过去式) was is(过去式) was are(过去式) were was(否定形式)wasnt were(否定形式)werentsing(sang) 唱歌 see(saw)看见 go(went)去eat (ate )吃 drink

13、 (drank )喝 tell (told ) 告诉 dance(danced )跳舞,Amy went to school by bike. 艾米骑自行车去学校。,写出7-8模块动词过去式的形式:,1.help 2.play_ 3.cook_4.row_ 5.wash_ 6.talk_7.walk 8. listen_9.call_ 10.watch_11.skip _ 12.stop_ 13.hop_ 14.phone_15.live_ 16.dance_17.see _ 18.sing_ 19.eat_ 20drink_ 21.take_ 22.make _,cooked,helped,

14、played,phoned,rowed,washed,skipped,lived,hopped,stopped,called,walked,listened,watched,talked,danced,saw,sang,ate,drank,took,made,单项选择,1.They sang_.A beautiful B beautifully C fun2.What _Sam?A about B by C of3.He _his father yesterday.A phoned B walked C phoneed4.Sam didnt _pictures.A take B took C

15、taked5Sam _help Mum.A helped B help C helping,B,A,A,A,C,Choose .,We sing. We yesterday. A. didnt, danced B. didnt, dance2.We games and had yesterday. A. played; good time B. played; a good time 3.Did they any birds? - no, they . A. saw; didnt B. see; didnt,1. We (see/saw) some birds yesterday. 2. Am

16、y (goes/went) to school everyday. And she (goes/went) by bus yesterday. 3.They (have/had )a good time yesterday. 4. We (listened/ listen) to music and danced. And we (sing/ sang) songs.5.I (drinks/ drank ) (drinks/ drank ) yesterday.,Choose.,第九十模块复习,Welcome to the US 欢迎到美国 cousin 表堂兄弟姐妹 on holiday 在

17、休假 travel去旅游 come (came)来 pop concert 流行音乐会,1.Did he live in New York last year? 他去年住在纽约吗? 肯定回答: Yes,he did.否定回答:No,he didnt. 2. Does he live in New York ?他现在住在纽约吗? Yes,he does./No,he doesnt. 3. Did you have a nice holiday? 你假期玩得开心吗? 肯定回答:Yes,I did.否定回答:No,I didnt.2. Did you go to Hong Kong last yea

18、r?你们去年去香港了吗?肯定回答: Yes,wedid.否定回答:No,we didnt.3. She was on holiday in Shanghai. 她那时候在上海度假呢。,happen 发生 ride 骑,乘 then 然后 thirsty 口渴 carry 携带,运送 fever 发烧 have a cold 感冒 bump 磕、碰 stomachache 胃疼 headache 头疼 watermelon 西瓜,a bike ride 骑自行车 lots of 许多 have had 吃,患 fall off fell off 跌落 gowent 去 buy bought 买

19、carrycarried 搬运,携带have got a fevercoldheadache 患了发烧感冒头疼,1、-What happened to your head ,Daming?你的头怎么了,大明? -I bumped my head yesterday.我昨天摔了我的头。2、-Did you buy some water?你们买水了吗? -No, we didnt.We bought a watermelon.没有,我们没买,我们买西瓜了。3、-Did you fall off your bike yesterday?你昨天从车上摔下来吗? -No,I didnt.Sam fell

20、 off his bike.不,我没有,Sam 从他的自行车摔下来。4、Sam carried the watermelon on his bike. Sam自行车上搬西瓜,5、Then he took me and the watermelon to the hospital.携带.去. take . to +地点6、Sam and I went for a bike ride yesterday.go for a bike ride 去骑自行车7、Sam had lots of chocolate yesterday,so today he has got a stomach ache.8

21、、Daming two watermelon yesterday,so today he has got a stomach ache.9、Amy had a cold yesterday,so today she has got a headache.10、Lingling had a headache yesterday,so today she has got a fever.,写出9-10模块动词过去式的形式:,1.has(度过,吃) e(来)_3.happen(发生)_ 4.buy(买)_5.go(去)_ 6.carry(搬,拿)_7.travel(旅游) 8. feel(感到)_9

22、.hold(抓住) 10.get up(起床)_11.find (找到) _ 12.live(居住)_13.do(助动词)_fell(原形) _ bumped(原形)_,happened,had,came,fall,bought,went,found,bump,did,lived,held,travelled,felt,got up,bump,( )1. We went _a bike ride yesterday A of B for C to ( )2.He fell_the bike A off B of C for ( )3. He _ two watermelons yesterda

23、y,today he_ a stomachache A had;has got B has;has got C had;had got ( )4. What happened _your head ? A in B to C at ( )5.It was cold yesterday,so today he_.A.has got a cold B.had got a cold,B,A,A,B,A,四、.句子匹配。 ( ) 1. What happened to you ? A. Ive got a fever . ( ) 2.Whats the matter? B.He ate and dra

24、nk. ( ) 3. Did you fell off your bike? C . Yes,he does.( ) 4. Did Lingling have a nice holiday?D.No,I didnt. ( )5.Did he travel by train? E.They sang songs. ( )6.Did they go to Hong Kong last year?F.Yes,she did.( )7. Does he live in New York ? G. No, he didnt. ( )8.What did he do yesterday? H. I fel

25、l off my bike . ( )9. What did they do last week? I.Yes,they did.,1.H 2.A 3.D 4.F 5.G 6.I 7.C 8.B 9.E,连词成句,1.nice ,teacher,is, a ,She(.),She is a nice teacher.,2.a, very, city ,London, big, is.,3.London, is, book, this, a ,about(.),This is a book about London.,4.a,bit,he,is,clever(.),He is a bit cle

26、ver.,London is a very big city.,连词成句,1.it ,Will ,in, windy,Beijing, be, (?),2.do,you,will,what(?),3.will,one day,do,robots,everything(.),1.Will it be windy in Beijing ?,2.what will you do ?,3.Oneday robots will do everything.,4.do,can,l,housework,the(.),4.I can do the housework.,5.you,take,will,kite

27、,your,tomorrow(?),5.Will you take your kite tomorrow?,连词成句,Were you at school yesterday?,3.city,big,it,was, then, a (?),Was he strong then?,2.strong,then, was, he (?),1.school, you ,were,yesterday,at (?),Was it a big city then?,They were young then.,4.young,were,they,then(.),连词成句,I helped Mum yesterday.,1.Mum, I ,yesterday,helped (.),2.on, he ,Monday,football,played (.),On Monday he played football.,3.last, we ,Sunday,had,picnic,a (.),Last Sunday we had a picnic.,4.some, I,pictures ,took (.),I took some pictures.,Tell me about your picnic.,5.me, about ,tell,picnic,your (.),


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