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1、9.Site HSE Execution Program 现场HSE执行程序9.1 First Aid 急救Medical cases not normally requiring ambulance services are injuries such as minor lacerations, embedded foreign bodies in eye, minor sprains, etc.一般不需要救护服务的病例指小伤口、异物落入眼中、轻度扭伤之类的伤情。Medical cases requiring ambulance services would be such cases as

2、 severe head injuries, amputations, heart attacks, etc.需要救护服务的病例有例如头部严重受伤、截肢、心脏病发作等。Should ambulance service be necessary, the following procedures should be taken immediately. 如果需要救护服务,应立即采取以下步骤:1、Contact first aid attendant or nearest employee properly trained and certified in first aid, When cont

3、acting, you shall speak out clearly your name, incident status and location and all other information the other party need and before hanging the phone up, you shall confirm the other party understands.联系距离最近的在急救方面经过 NRL 培训的急救人员。联系时,应镇静地说姓名、事件情况、所处位置,直到确信对方已清楚明白并不需其他信息方可挂断电话。返回伤者身边并提供你能做的救助,直到救助人员赶到

4、。2、While first aid is being administered,you shall contact necessary ambulance service. 接受急救的同时,应联系需要的救护服务或联系医疗机构。3、One designated representive should accompany the injured employee to the medical facility and remain at the facility until final diagnosis and other relevant information is obtained.由一

5、名指定的代表随受伤员工去医疗机构并在医疗机构陪护直到获得了最终诊断和其他相关信息。9.2 Personal Heat Stress Protection 人员热应力保护(可能是放烫)被火焰、化学品等干热所伤称烧伤,被沸水、沸汤、蒸汽所伤称烫伤。风电场在机组大小修、设备改造、日常生产维护等工作时,均有可能接触高温物体。因现场实际需要进行作业时,由于安全生产管理出现漏洞,安全技术措施不完备,危险点分析和控制措施执行不到位,员工安全意识不强,自我保护不够,出现习惯性违章,劳动保护设施不完善等原因,均可能导致烧伤烫伤事件的发生,威胁人身安全。9.2.1 应急处置基本原则烧伤烫伤的救治原则是及时报告、尽

6、快抢救、专业救治、严防感染。9.2.2 烧伤烫伤事件的预防1、认真执行热力机械工作票制度及危险点分析和预控措施。2、认真落实作业安全技术措施。3、作业人员应穿合适的工作服和使用合格的劳保防护用品。9.2.3 烧伤烫伤事故应急救援基本要点1、当发生烧伤烫伤事件后,现场人员应及时将烧伤烫伤人员脱离危险区域,同时向应急日常管理办公室汇报,办公室人员接到通知后,迅速向应急领导小组组长汇报,由应急领导小组组长根据事故情况宣布启动相应级别预案,并及时向公司汇报。2、烧伤的急救主要包括降温及保护患处。如果烧伤后皮肤尚完整,应尽快使局部降温。如将其置于水龙头下冲洗,这样会带走局部组织热量并减少进一步损害。(1


8、保护伤处,减少感染危险。如果患者烧伤的程度十分严重,有些皮肤已经出现炭化的迹象,不要触动患处,以免因处理过多,造成患处的二次损伤。(4)对于液体烧伤:烫伤是由烫的液体引起的烧伤,首先要用冷水冲走热的液体,并局部降温10分钟,并用干净、潮湿的敷料覆盖。如果口腔烫伤,由于肿胀可能影响呼吸道,因此急救一定要快,使患者脱离热源,置于凉爽处,并保持稳定的侧卧位,等待救援。(5)对于化学品烧伤:当化学品(硫酸、火碱等)烧伤皮肤时,应马上用干毛巾将残留在化学物轻轻除去,然后用大量的冷水冲洗。但对硫酸等能够和水起剧烈的化学反应的化学物,不可直接用水冲洗。9.2.4 应急物资与装备保障必要的烧伤烫伤救治药品。9

9、.2.5 后期处置现场作业人员应配合医疗人员做好受伤人员的紧急救护工作,应急办公室人员应做好现场的保护、拍照、事故调查等善后工作。9.3 Equipmeng 施工机具All machinery for the construction provided by project department must be inspected before entering the site, make lists for it, submit these lists and relevant documents to NRL within 24 hours and it can be used only

10、 after confirmed that it is qualified, registered in the record and marked with qualified tag.项目部所有施工机具、设备,进入施工现场前,项目部进行全面检查安全状态,并建立清单提前 24小时将清单和相关资料提交 NRL,由其专业人员检查合格并挂上合格牌后,方可使用。9.3.1. Inspection 检查1、After equipment arrives on site, it shall be inspected by specific person and confirmed before oper

11、ation. Before the operator uses the machinery for the work, it is necessary to check and confirm the machinery is in good conditions机具设备到达现场后,由项目部专职管理人员进行检查确认并登记,然后发放使用。2、Inspection shall be based on checklist( see attachments below) and recorded检查应按机具设备检查表的内容(见下附)进行,并做好记录。3、Specific person of Proje

12、ct Management Dept. shall inspect equipment every month and equipment inspection report filled in. Equipment operator shall inspect equipment daily项目部专职管理人员应每月对所有设备进行一次检查,并填写好机具设备检查报告。设备操作者负责每天进行日常检查。4、Any defect shall be marked on check list. If the defect does no harm to normal operation and safet

13、y, the equipment can be used after confirmation.任何缺陷必须在检查表上注明。如果缺陷不足以影响操作安全,经确认许可后,方可继续使用。5、If defect may bring about non-safety operation or regulation violation, the equipment shall be hold and tagged with “ no use” until the defect remedied and approved by NRL again.如果缺陷可能导致不安全操作或违反安全操作规定,则机具设备必须

14、停止使用,直至缺陷消除重新经 NRL 认可合格后使用。6、The remedy of defect shall be marked on checklist of machines and tools.缺陷的消除应在机具设备检查表上注明。7、The recent inspection report to all devices shall be kept in a good order.所有机具设备近期的检查报告应保存完好。8、For all manual and power drived machines and tools, we shall strictly comply with re

15、quirements of NRL temporary power specifications. All the machines and tools shall be safety for human. Any unsafe manual and power drived devices is not allowed using.For example :对于所有手动和动力工具,严格按照NRL临时用电规范要求配备,必须保持安全状态。不得发放或准许使用不安全的手动或动力工具。例如:For the wet environment or good conductivity environment

16、(such as metal framework), Type or Type tools are required.在潮湿作业场所或金属构架上等导电性能良好的作业场所,应使用类或类工具。For the work in the boiler, metal container, pipe and metallic confined space etc, it should use Type tools, or use Type tools which have leakage current protection. The safety isolate transformer which use

17、d for the Type tools should be kept outside of the workplace. At least one leakage current protector which used for the Type tools should be kept outside of the workplace. Only the cable reel which has leakage current protection function allowed entering the workplace. Monitor is required for the wo

18、rk in the boiler, metal container, pipe, metallic confined space etc.在锅炉、金属容器、管道内及金属性限制空间等作业场所,应使用类工具,或装设漏电保护器的类工具。类工具的安全隔离变压器必须放在作业场所的外面。至少一个类工具的漏电保护器必须放在作业场所的外面。只允许带漏电保护功能的绕线器(拖线盘)进入作业场所。作业场所的外面应有人监护。AC welding machine should install electrical shock protector in the second side. 交流电焊机械应配装防二次侧触电保护

19、器。The power of DC welding machine should controlled by starter. 直流电焊机的电源应采用启动器控制。The second side cable should use water-proof, rubber sheath, copper core, flexible cable. The length of the cable should not more than 30 meters.电焊机械的二次线应采用防水橡皮护套铜芯软电缆,电缆长度不应大于 30m。9、Pneumatic power tools shall be secur

20、ed to the hose or whip by some positive means. All the hoses shall be set proper height to avoid affect traffic on ground and lead to someone fallen.气动工具采取有效手段连接软管。软管都应该距离地面合适高度以免影响交通和导致绊倒。10、All field installed column type crane shall be checked by special inspection department and proved to be qua

21、lified. Only after getting the qualified reports and approval of NRL, they can be used.对于现场安装的塔式起重机必须经过专业检测机构检测合格,出具检测合格报告后,经 NRL 认可后方可使用。11、All large cranes and lifting machines shall be reported to NRL before using. Park them on the parking lots of Road to wait for inspection. Only after they prov

22、ed to be qualified, entry into site is allowed. Inspection them and replace labels monthly.所有大型吊装设备必须提前申报 NRL,并停放在路上的停车区域待检,合格后方可入场使用。并每个月检查更换合格标签。12、All Mechanical Vehicle shall be equipped with reverse signal alarms, as appropriate. Any equipment with an obstructed view to the rear must have a fla

23、gman.所有机动车辆都应该有倒车信号报警。如果设备后面的视线被遮住,必须有信号员指挥。All cracked and broken glass shall be replaced before bringing vehicles on the Work site. If glass is broken or damaged on Work site and if damage is severe enough to cause a potential safety problem, the vehicles shall be stopped until such damage has bee

24、n repaired.车辆进入施工现场之前,应更换所有裂开或破碎的玻璃。如果玻璃在施工现场开裂或破碎,并且损坏程度严重会导致潜在安全问题,则应停用该或者修理好后使用。13、All drivers of special vehicals in plant, such as fork lift, bulldozer shall comply with relevant specifications, accept special safety operation training and get operators certificates.所有在厂区内操作特殊车辆如叉车、推土机等的操作人员必须遵

25、守有关规范、,接受专门的安全操作培训,并且取得操作人员合格证。14、All special equipments with their qualified certificates and inspection reports and get ting approval of NRL can enter into site.所有的特种设备必须出具合格证书和检测报告,并经 NRL 检测合格后方可进入现场使用。9.3.2. Safety device 安全装置1、All equipment as safety technical regulation shall be equipped with

26、necessary safety device所有的机具设备按照安全技术规定要求配备必要的安全装置。2、Safety device inspection shall be comprised in the daily inspection and monthly inspection.安全装置的检查应包括在日常检查和月度检查范围内。3、Any safety device lacking of accessory or with defects will not be allowed to operate安全装置不全或损坏的机具设备一律不得使用。9.3.3. Operator 操作者1、All

27、operators shall be trained and understand equipments function, operation and safety requirement所有机具设备的操作者应经过培训,并熟悉机具设备的性能、操作方法和安全技术要求。2、Operator shall take certification or copy with him when working操作者应随身携带上岗操作证(或复印件)。Attachment: Inspection Form Of Machinery & Equipment Made by NCCInspection Form o

28、f Machinery & Equipment Mad by NCCProjectEquipment No.EquipmentDateItemOne Equipment, One Knife Switch, One ProtectionYesNoWithin Life LimitYesNoInsulationYesNoOil LeakageYesNoProtection BoardYesNoComplete AccessoryYesNoFixYesNoEarthingYesNoSafety AccessoryYesNoLocated in Safety areaYesNoFire fighti

29、ng EquipmentYesNoSpecific operatorYesNoCertificate and ManualYesNoAir-Liquid SeparationYesNoArrest SystemYesNoTagYesNoAppearanceYesNoOthersYesNoYesNoResultCorrectionInspectedCorrection inby/Datecharge/Date1、This list shall have three copies, one for inspector, one for correction in charge and one fo

30、r safety section. 2、After correction has been finished and confirmed, correction in charge shall deliver checklist to safety section.机 具 设 备 安 全 检 查 表项目名称设备编号设备名称检查时间一机一闸一保护是 否是否在规定年限是 否 绝缘是否完好是 否 是否漏油是 否 是否有防护挡板是 否 附件是否完整是 否 是否固定牢靠是 否 检接地是否可靠是 否 查安全附件是否齐全是 否 内位置是否在安全区域是 否 容消防器材是否配备是 否 是否专人操作是 否 是否有

31、合格证、使用说明书是 否 是否装气液分离口是 否 制动系统是否完好是 否 标识是否清楚、准确是 否 外观是否完好是 否 其它是 否 检查情况整改情况检查人/时间整改责任人/时间确认人/时间我确认该设备已按要求整改完毕。1、 本表一式三份,检查人一份,整改责任人,安全部门一份。2、 整改责任人在整改完毕后,经确认人检查确认将检查表交安全部门。9.4 Traffic Rules 交通管理9.4.1 Project managerThe project manager is responsible for preparation of site traffic management regulati

32、ons and transport and traffic safety method.9.4.2 Site managerThe site manager is responsible for management and supervision of on-site traffic safety and shall replace the project manager to exercise the responsibility if the project manager is absent.9.4.3 Construction managerThe construction mana

33、ger shall be responsible for traffic management of construction area and arrange staff to implement the management plan.9.4.4 Site management1.Staff management measuresVehicle driver must have corresponding driving experience and qualification.Driver shall obey site signal and identification managem

34、ent.Driver shall not have a drunk driving or other harmful driving behaviors.Driver shall not have the diseases such as achromatopsia and hypochromatopsia that are driving taboos.2.Vehicles management measuresAll vehicles entering into the site must be parked as per required.The vehicles entering in

35、to the site must obtain access permit.The vehicle operating in the site of plant area shall obtain a traffic permit, the traffic permit shall be placed on windshield of the vehicle for the convenience of check, and the authorization shall be inspected regularly. It shall pass through safety check be

36、fore it is authorized. Key safety components such as brake and lighting shall be checked.Temporary access vehicles shall pass through security check and can enter into the site after they obtain temporary pass. The vehicles shall follow command and be parked in designated area.Minibus shall be parke

37、d in designated area and shall not enter into the site.All access vehicles shall be equipped with fire fighting equipment, and front rows of passenger car and freight car shall be equipped with safety belts, all personnel sitting in front row shall fasten the safety belts.All drivers and conductor o

38、f the vehicles entering into the plant area under construction shall be provided with labor protection appliances meeting the site requirements. If the diver and conductor leaves the seats, they shall wear labor protection appliances. The personnel who unload the vehicle must wear labor protection a

39、ppliance, and operation process must obey all safety regulations relevant to the site.3.Mancar separation planMancar separation measures shall be designed for the site to ensure separation of personnel and vehicle access roads.There shall be a certain separation distance between pedestrian passagewa

40、y and vehicle access road, if the requirement cant be met, the two passageways shall be separated by hard containment method or warned to separate with warning tape.4.Road control planOnsite and offsite design road shall be kept circular and smooth.Onsite road shall meet the hanging and fire-fightin

41、g requirements.Warning marks shall be set up for the onsite road to identify driving speed limit and stop limit range.Deceleration strip shall be set up at main entrance and exit of onsite road to control vehicle speed.Convex mirror shall be set up at the point of onsite road with relatively small a

42、ngle of turn.5.Site traffic warningSite traffic map shall be set up at entrance of the site to identify the positions of various units.Different color codes shall be set up in the site to express the commands such as instruction, alerting and prohibition.If partial road is interrupted due to constru

43、ction, etc, it shall be marked and alerted timely.6.Special vehicles managementVehicles transporting dangerous chemical and combustible and flammable materials and heavy engineering machinery vehicles shall be operated by professional personnel, and warning tape, warning light and other eye-catching

44、 signs shall be set up for operating vehicles.Professional personnel shall be arranged to guide special vehicles to enter into the site and keep away from special dangerous sections and pedestrian.7.Vehicle emergency managementEmergency vehicle shall be provided for the project department in case of

45、 personnel injury, urgency excavation and seeking outside support.The vehicle shall be standby 24 hours a day. Vehicle administrator shall be familiar with outside road to reduce emergency response time.Emergency vehicle shall be kept in good condition and can keep continuous operation for long term

46、.Emergency vehicle shall has good use record, so as to look up.8.Supervision and inspectionSecurity personnel or HSE administrator shall make an inspection tour in the site, and pay attentions to vehicle safety precautions, thus to ensure that personnel, vehicles, traffic signs are in good condition.The vehicle in breach of requirements shall be stopped and recorded; the vehicle driver in breach of requirements for several times


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