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1、应对托福口语考试冲刺高分3个必备细节技巧指点 托福口语考试既有对考生表达自己观点的原创性要求,也有对大家结合阅读听力等多源素材整合归纳之后的复述性要求。今天给大家带来了托福口语提升复述质量需遵循这4个基本原则,希望能够帮助到大家,下面就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。应对托福口语考试冲刺高分3个必备细节技巧指点1、掌握好答题时间平时考生在准备口试的时候应该强迫自己对于某个话题在最短的时间内形成一个清晰、有逻辑性的观点以及证明过程,并试图先用中文表达出来,以后再慢慢地过渡到英语上面去。2、保持逻辑思维的敏锐西方人在口语表达时会事先在头脑中形成类似于写作一样的大致的逻辑框架,对开头(提出论点),中间(发


3、处地进行引用。托福口语话题语料库:住址或旅游地点选择托福口语话题语料库乡村的好处:乡村祥和宁静peace and quiet of the country, very peaceful, calm, solitude;远离城市的喧嚣away from all the hustle and bustle of the city,浪漫 romantic,秀丽风景beautiful scenes, 离大自然更近 close to mother nature, 蓝天 clear skies, 宁静的夜晚peaceful evenings,没有交通拥堵no bad traffic, 没有犯罪no cri

4、mes我喜欢乡下的安详和宁静,在乡下可以更加亲近大自然;而我讨厌城市的喧嚣和吵闹。Personally, I would say living in the country is my option. I hate the hustle and bustle of the city. I like the solitude, clear skies, and peaceful evenings in the country and it is pretty romantic. Living in the country makes it possible for me to be close

5、to mother nature.同样道理我们只需把live in the country 换成take vacations in the country 来回答旅游类的题目:以这句话开头:To get away from noise and pollution in the city and take a vacation in place where there is peace and solitude is a great choice to me.接下来说乡村的好处就可以啦。乡村的缺点:远离现代文明far away from modern civilization, 不方便incon

6、venient, 无聊boring, 工作较少 less job options, 找到好工作land nice jobs,我觉得住在乡下没有道理,那里远离人类文明,找个超市、便利店都不容易更不用说商场了;还有就是城市的工作机会更多。It makes more sense to me not to live in the country, cuz it is far away from the advanced civilization, and it is super inconvenient, it is hard to find supermarket and convenient st

7、ores, to say nothing about shopping malls. Plus, one needs to find a decent job in order to survive and living in the country is the last thing you want to do if you want to land a nice job.城市的好处:热闹:eventful, hurly and burly of the city,有生机和活力:full of dynamics, meet the whole diversity of people, mu

8、lticultural, close to advanced to modern civilization饭店和娱乐:restaurants, entertainment: movie theater, museum, and going to concerts, be convenient to live in,工作机会多: more job options,我是个城市的孩子,超级喜欢城市的喧嚣,那里充满了活力,你可以结识各种各样的人们,那里更加接近人类文明。不仅如此,休闲娱乐的地方也很多如电影院、演唱会或者去博物馆。I would say I am a city boy and like

9、to live in the city. I am a big fan of the hurly and burly of big cities. Cities are full of dynamics, you get a chance to meet a whole diversity of people and feel more close to advanced human civilization. On top of that, you get to entertain yourselves with a bunch of choices, like go to the cine

10、ma, go to a concert, and even visit the museum on weekends.关于气候:在回答题目的时候可以选择喜欢四季分明的地方,第一句我喜欢住在四季分明的地方,并很享受四季的不同,如果在一个没有四季的地方就太无聊了。I like to live in a place where there are distinctive seasons, cuz I enjoy the characteristics of every single season, it will be really boring just living in the same se

11、ason without any change.春天:特点:most mild weather, breeze, love Spring, warm enough, not being sickly hot, a lot of rain ,sunny days not too hot句子:I like the most mild weather in spring, I got to enjoy the breeze when I do some jogging, it is warm enough and not being sickly hot.秋天:特点:colorful leaves,

12、 the season of harvest, Halloween, mild temperature, beautiful landscape,句子:我特别喜欢秋天,没有比穿着运动衫在户外做运动更好的事情了,当然秋天还有万圣节;气温不是太高也不是太低,由于各种颜色的树叶点缀景色也很美丽;有机会去农场看看会闻到水果的味道。I particularly like fall, there is nothing better than wearing sweatpants and spending time outdoors, like playing soccer with friends, an

13、d Halloween makes it more fun. The temperature is perfect, not freezing cold, not sizzling hot. The landscaping is beautiful with the colorful leaves. If you ever got a chance to pass a farm with peaches trees and tomatoes, you can smell the freshness of the fruit.夏天:water skiing and tubing, barbecu

14、e, beach句子:In summer, there are a whole lot of activities that you can do, like go to the beach, just lying on the beach or go ahead and do some water skiing and tubing.夏天:water skiing and tubing, barbecue, beach句子:In summer, there are a whole lot of activities you can do, like going to the beach, j

15、ust lying on the beach or go ahead and do some water skiing and tubing. These are of great fun.关于宿舍(如养猫):单词、短语:messy, noisy, be allergic to宿舍不该养动物,动物太脏、太吵了,宿舍应该是个休息的地方;再说有的人对动物过敏。I would no pets should be allowed in campus dorms, cuz dorm is supposed to be a quiet place, where students can get some

16、rest from whole days study, and pets are generally very messy and noisy, and some people are allergic to them.不管怎么说,在大学读书很昂贵,我们应该完成作为学生的职责也就是保持一个高的GPA,其他所有的事情都在其后;我建议学生把动物放在家,这样对动物也公平,毕竟上学的时候没有太多时间陪它们。Anyway, going to college costs a lot and one should prioritize their role as a student and maintain

17、 a high GPA, everything else comes after that, I would suggest students should leave the animals home, and I think it is kind of fair to pets, cuz college are busy, one does not have enough time to be with the pets.托福口语话题语料库:工作经验托福口语话题语料库要实习的理由:一开始可以用让步: Keeping a decent GPA and doing an internship

18、on top of that is pretty hard to achieve, Admittedly, working and studying at the same time is not going to be easy,实习的好处enormous benefits:如:务实的眼光practical insights, 合理利用时间prioritize and budget time, 接触业界get exposure in the industry, 真实世界的经验 real world experience,拓宽社交圈子expand you接上面的让步(选择一个即可):然而,实习

19、有丰厚的回报如感受真实的世界,获取第一手的业界工作经验,并能发现自己是否喜欢现在实习的行业。however, one might get enormous benefits from internship. To start with, you will be exposed to the real world, and get firsthand experience working in the industry, youll have a chance to see whether you really like the profession or not.扩宽社交圈子,有如一旦公司有全

20、职职位空缺肯定会先考虑实习生;有的公司还会给实习生提供奖学金。Also, it helps to expand your social network, world famous corporations keep in touch with interns, suppose they have any vacancies in the future, theyll consider you to fill it up, and some company might even offer scholarships to interning students.给刚入职新人的建议:自学self l

21、earner:搜寻信息的能力search and retain information;例句:职业人士应该是一个自学者,尤其是没有人帮你的时候,你应该掌握收集信息的能力并胜任自己的工作。It is really important for a professional to be a self learner, there are times when nobody is there to help you out, so you need to search and retain the information you need and be competent on the job.好的倾

22、听者和观察者:be a listener and observer, 有灵性 be sensible, 意识到be aware of, 低调keep a low profile/keep it low例句:刚进入新单位对工作方式和周围的动态不熟,应该做一个观察者和倾听者,并低调做人。A good advice for newcomers in workplace is that they should try to be a a listener and observer. Since he is not familiar with way that people do their works

23、 in the new place, it is important for him to be sensible and aware of the dynamics in the company and keep a low profile.信守诺言:keep your word,例句:我建议他信守诺言,当你做了承诺而不能兑现的时候就没有人信任你了,这无疑对自己的声誉不好。I would suggest that he should keep his word. If you promised something and cannot deliver that, nobody will tr

24、ust you anymore and that is really bad for your reputation.be confident诚实:be honest例句:没有人是完美的,人人都会犯错误;我建议他不要掩饰自己的错误、夸大自己的能力。优秀的员工激励着自己完成工作但同时当尝试创新方法不成功的时候也会认错。Nobody is perfect, and everyone makes mistakes. I would suggest him not try to hide his mistakes or inflate his competencies. A good employee is very motivated to fulfill the task, but honestly admits his mistake when trying something new that does not really work out.


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