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1、gre阅读考试中心句如何找到 gre阅读考试是拿分的关键,那么你是否知道如何进行gre阅读考试解题呢?下面就和大家分享gre阅读考试中心句如何找到,希望能够帮助到大家,来欣赏一下吧。gre阅读考试中心句如何找到?为何要找gre阅读*中心句?之所以强调中心句,主要还是为了应对GRE阅读考试的出题思路。大家需要明确的一点是,想要做好GRE长篇阅读,考生其实并不需要把整篇*都读懂吃透才能解题。许多类似主旨题态度题的阅读题目,考生只要能够结合*中心句大致理解整体意思就能毫无困难的解题。gre阅读方法,gre考试培训而*中许多细节案例,其实往往都是毫无用处的过量信息,纯粹是为了消耗大家时间而故意挖下的陷

2、阱。因此,面对长篇阅读,考生首先要做的不是读完全文,而是找到中心句加快理解速度。根据gre阅读考试*套路结构找中心句那么,如何才能快速找到中心句呢?这里建议大家结合GRE阅读*本身的类型来寻找,一般来说,GRE阅读*可以大致分为三种类型,每种类型的中心句位置各有不同,考生gre阅读考试解题需要根据*类型来寻找中心句,具体如下:A. 现象解释型*开始给出现象,之后必定有解释,中心句在解释给出处。若解释不止一个,中心句则为给予正评价的那个。B. 新老观点型*中心句在新观点处(注意旧观点的取非)。C. 问题解决方案型*中心句位于相应的解决方案处。从语言现象中发现中心句提示信息除了根据*套路来找中心句

3、外,gre阅读方法,gre考试培训大家有时候还可以根据*本身的一些语言现象来找到暗示中心句所在的提示信息。A. 一段叙述后有转折连词but, yet, however, actually, in fact, indeed, virtually, practically等,中心句位于转折之后作者态度处。B. 设问以及回答作者的自问自答,中心句位于回答处。C. 大段举例举例前的理论说明或者之后的归纳易成为中心句。GRE阅读练习题:地球冷暖周期通过石头含铁量推定Recent studies of sediment in the North Atlantics deepwaters reveal po

4、ssible cyclical patterns in the history of Earths climate. Therock fragments in these sediments are too large to have been transported thereby ocean currents; they must have reached their present locations by travelingin large icebergs that floated long distances from their point of origin beforemel

5、 Gerard Bond noticed that some of the sedimentgrains were stained with ironoxide, evidence that they originated in localeswhere glaciers had overrun outcrops of red sandstone. Bonds detailed analysisof deep-water sediment cores showed changes in the mix of sediment sources overtime: the

6、 proportion of these red-stained grains fluctuated back and forth fromlows of 5 percent to highs of about 17 percent, and these fluctuations occurredin a nearly regular 1,500-year cycle.Bond hypothesized that the alternating cycles might beevidence of changes in ocean-water circulation and therefore

7、 in Earthsclimate. He knew that the sources of the red-stained grains were generallycloser to the North Pole than were the places yielding a high proportion of“clean” grains. At certain times, apparently, more icebergs from the ArcticOcean in the far north were traveling south well into the North At

8、lantic beforemelting and shedding their sediment. Ocean waters are constantly moving, andwater temperature is both a cause and an effect of this movement. As watercools, it becomes denser and sinks to the oceans bottom. During some periods,the bottom layer of the worlds oceans comes from cold, dense

9、 water sinking inthe far North Atlantic. This causes the warm surface waters of the Gulf Streamto be pulled northward. Bond realized that during such periods, the influx ofthese warm surface waters into northern regions could cause a large proportionof the icebergs that bear red grains to melt befor

10、e traveling very far into theNorth Atlantic. But sometimes the oceans dynamic changes, and waters from theGulf Stream do not travel northward in this way. During these periods, surfacewaters in the North Atlantic would generally be colder, permitting icebergsbearing red-stained grains to travel fart

11、her south in the North Atlantic beforemelting and depositing their sediment.The onset of the so-called Little Ice Age (1300-1860),which followed the Medieval Warm Period of the eighth through tenth centuries,may represent the most recent time that the oceansdynamic changed in this way. If ongoing cl

12、imate-history studies support Bondshypothesis of 1,500-year cycles, scientists may establish a major natural rhythmin Earths temperatures that could then be extrapolated into the future.Because the midpoint of the Medieval Warm Period was about A.D. 850, anextension of Bonds cycles would place the m

13、idpoint of the next warm intervalin the twenty-fourth century.21.1. According to the passage, which of the following istrue of the rock fragments contained in the sediments studied by Bond?A. The majority of them are composed of red sandstone.B. They must have reached their present location over 1,5

14、00 years ago.C. They were carried byicebergs to their present location.D. Most of them were carried to their present location during a warm period inEarths climatic history.E. They are unlikely to have been carried to their present location during theLittle Ice Age.21.2. In the final paragraph of th

15、e passage (lines 27-33),the author is concerned primarily withA. answering a question about Earths climatic historyB. pointing out a potential flaw in Bonds hypothesisC. suggesting a new focus for the study of ocean sedimentsD. tracing the general history of Earths climateE. discussing possibleimpli

16、cations of Bonds hypothesis21.3. According to the passage, Bond hypothesized that whichof the following circumstances would allow red-stained sediment grains to reachmore southerly latitudes?A. Warm waters being pulled northward from the GulfStreamB. Climatic conditions causing icebergs to melt rela

17、tively quicklyC. Icebergs containing a higher proportion of iron oxide than usualD. The formation of more icebergs than usual in the far northE. The presence of coldsurface waters in the North Atlantic21.4. It can be inferred from the passage that in sedimentcores from the North Atlantics deep water

18、s, the portions that correspond tothe Little Ice AgeA. differ very little in composition from theportions that correspond to the Medieval Warm PeriodB. fluctuate significantly in composition between the portions corresponding tothe 1300s and the portions corresponding to the 1700sC. would be likely

19、tocontain a proportion of red-stained grains closer to 17 percent than to 5percentD. show a much higher proportion of red-stained grains in cores extracted fromthe far north of the North Atlantic than in cores extracted from further southE. were formed in part as答案:CEECGRE阅读练习:Sea CowThe dis appeara

20、nce of Stellers sea cow from the Bering and Copper is lands by 1768 has long been blamed on intensive hunting. But its dis appearance took only 28 years from the time Steller first described the species, a remarkably short time for hunting alone to depopulate the is lands, especially given the large

21、 populations initially reported. However, by 1750, huntershad also targeted nearby sea otter populations . Fewer otters would have allowed s ea urchin populations on which the otterspreyed to expand and the urchins grazing pressure on kelp forests to increase. Sea cows were totally dependent on kelp

22、 for food, and within a decade of the onset of otter hunting Steller noted that the is lands sea cows appeared malnourished.1. Which of the following can be inferred from the pas s age about kelp forests in the Bering and Copper is lands between 1750 and 1768?A. They were reduced significantly.B. Th

23、ey disappeared entirely from the region.C. They were the primary food source for sea otters .D. They were harvested in record numbers by humansE. They increased pressure on sea urchin populations.2. According to the pas s age, it is likely that during the m id-1700s, s ea urchin populations near the Bering and Copper is landsA. were diminished by sea cow predationB. experienced substantial increasesC. migrated to waters with more plentiful food suppliesD. were reduced by the pressures of huntingE. appeared to be malnourished答案:ABgre阅读考试中心句如何找到


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