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1、初中生春节英语日记最新精选5篇 春节历史悠久,由上古时代岁首祈年祭祀演变而来。万物本乎天、人本乎祖,祈年祭祀、敬天法祖,报本反始也。下面就和大家分享高中生春节英语日记,希望能够帮助到大家,来欣赏一下吧。初中生春节英语日记篇一I have been looking forward to the New Year, and the streets are full of festive red lanterns, which look like flaming apples.After we ate the reunion dinner, dad promised to take us out t

2、o set off fireworks. The fireworks that put on the sky are like beautiful flowers, and the sky becomes a sea of flowers in a few moments. There are red, blue, green, purple, and yellow, and very beautiful. After the fireworks, we returned home in high spirits. My mother said to me, after New Years e

3、ve, you will be one year older. I smiled happily. Our next year is going to be more exciting, dad said.What a beautiful Spring Festival! Hope for a better New Year!我盼望已久的新年终于来到了,大街上挂满了喜庆的大红灯笼,远远望去就像一个个火红的苹果。我们吃过象征团圆的年夜饭后,爸爸答应带我们出去放烟花。放上天空的烟花真像一朵朵美丽的花,只见天空一会儿时间就变成了花的海洋,有红的,蓝的,绿的,紫的,还有黄的,十分美丽。放完烟花,我们兴

4、高采烈地回到家里。妈妈语重心长的对我说:“过了今天除夕,你就长大一岁了。”我高兴地笑了。爸爸说,我们下一年要更加精彩哦。多美好的春节啊!希望下一个新年更美好!初中生春节英语日记篇二To the Spring Festival, every family beaming, reunion. The Spring Festival has many customs, such as: stick Spring Festival couplets, light firecrackers and eat dumplings and so on. Lets learn about understand

5、them together!Posted goalkeeper almost every family New Years day is this to do, there is an interesting myths and legends about stick keeper: according to legend, in ancient times there is a dragon king always want to steal to eat tribute of the jade emperor, the jade emperor discovered severely pu

6、nish it, but the dragon king still often teach not to change, so the jade emperor let two strong god to watch over the door, dont let the dragon king to rock the boat. But both god and the rest of us want to go to bed rest. So the jade emperor wanted to a good way to stick two portraits of the gods

7、on the door, so from then on the custom of stickers door god down from generation to generation.In the north of our country have a custom, is to eat dumplings, dumplings homophonic jiaozi, expressed the people to the more old hand, a desire for the New Year auspicious rich. While southerners like to

8、 eat dumplings in the annual morning, means that we in the New Year festive, reunion. People also like to call a shepherds purse eat vegetables and dumplings a, shepherds purse is referred to as money means in the New Year, also come true.In the Spring Festival, we are more necessary to set off fire

9、crackers to active the rejoiced at Chinese New Year atmosphere. Set off firecrackers in the folk has a legend: according to legend in ancient time, there was a monster named year, every Spring Festival when they come out to scare people, so people will think of a way to, with bamboo tube light throw

10、n at it, bamboo tube explosion made a lot of noise, scared away nian, the custom of setting off firecrackers is come down.The custom of Spring Festival and many, many, it has enriched our knowledge, shortens the distance of people. It is the fine tradition of the Chinese nation, lets go to understan

11、d them!初中生春节英语日记篇三The Spring Festival, Chinese New Year,is the most important festival for all of us. All family members get together on New YearEve to have a big meal.At the same time, everyone celebrates to each other.At about 12 oclock,some parents and children light crackers.The whole sky is lig

12、hted brightly. We may watch the fireworks excitedly.How busy it is!On the first early moring of one year, many senior citizen get up early and they stick the reversed Fu or hang some couplets on the front door. Some houses windows are sticked on red paper cutlings.The Chinese New Year lasts fifteen

13、days. So during the fifteen days, we always visit our relatives from door to door. At that time, children are the happiest because they can get many red packets form their parents,grandparents, uncles, aunts and so on. The last day of the Chinese New Year is another festival. It names the Lantern Fe

14、stival.So the Chinese New Year comes to the end.初中生春节英语日记篇四Opened the exquisite calendars, I count the Spring Festival was coming. That is our traditional festival of the Chinese nation, but also I look forward to the festival, because only the last few days, I was able to put down the heavy learnin

15、g, to relax the mood, elutriation the most joyous day in a year.I look forward to the Spring Festival, the Spring Festival in Beijing is the most beautiful. Streets decorated, people laughing exult. Especially on New Years eve, the colorful fireworks, blossom in the night sky, and some like to dance

16、 measures, some like opening the tail, and as a flower blooming. They decorated Beijing gorgeous, the whole city was I port view. And I especially look forward to this years Spring Festival, because I will have a different Spring Festival, because Im going to the southern tip of our country holy lan

17、d - Hong Kong, in Disneyland have a wonderful New Year. I think: there must be full of tong qu, the Spring Festival there is a castle in the fairy tale, there are beautiful and lovely Mickey Mouse, and together they kit, it must be very happy. Listen to mama said Disney in fireworks beautiful, I thi

18、nk they are washed up on the sky must be very beautiful, it is the smiling face of the mickey and winnie the pooh dance picture. They are welcome the arrival of the I.Im looking forward to the Spring Festival, the Spring Festival is full of affection. Every Spring Festival, mom made a plate and a pl

19、ate of delicious food. Maybe mom had forgotten days work overtime tired, forgot her sides a little bit more white hair, mother you were laborious, I really want to smooth the wrinkles around your eyes with hands. This year Spring Festival mother meet my wish, take me to travel to Hong Kong, for nerv

20、ous at ordinary times I thoroughly relax the mood, I thank you very much, mom, to thank her for one year hard work, thanks to her before the lamp with my study, just let me have the happy life of today, mom, I have grown up, this year I will not let you worry about me tired for me.I look forward to

21、the Spring Festival, the Spring Festival is a new beginning, is the season of sowing hope. The New Year, I grow up one year old, I have a new hope, I will sow the seeds of beauty, the fruits of harvest happiness and love.初中生春节英语日记篇五Christmas arouses increasing attention year by year in China. Christ

22、mas cards become popular with students. People hold Christmas parties and exchange Christmas girts. A lot or TV and radio programs about Christmas are on. Meanwhile the Spring Festival is less appealing (有吸引力的)to youngsters. Thus some people wonder whether Christmas will replace the Spring Festival.

23、This worry is fairly unnecessary. Why ? One reason lies that Christmas only affects Christians,college students and joint-venture (合资企业)workers. Another reason is that Christmas is mostly celebrated in cities. Few people in countryside show extreme interest in this exotic(带有异国情调的) festival. By contr

24、ast,the Spring Festival is the most influential traditional festival in every family.I think,it is natural that with increasing exchanges with the West,a lot of Western holidays have been gradually introduced into China. For us Chinese we should never neglect or even discard our own traditional festivals. For centuries Chinese have observed this traditional holiday to welcome the beginning of a new year. And we will treasure the Spring Festival forever.初中生春节英语日记最新精选5篇


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