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1、有关talk的趣味俚语 英语中,有关talk的趣味俚语。“big talk”是什么意思?今天给大家带来了有关talk的趣味俚语,希望能够帮助到大家,下面就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。英语中,有关talk的趣味俚语。“big talk”是什么意思Talk is a common verb in English which can also be used as a noun. Talk is also used in a wide variety of idiomatic expressions. Listed below you will find an idiom or expression

2、with talk with a definition and two example sentences to help to understand through context.“talk”是英语中常用的动词,也可用作名词。“talk”也用于各种惯用表达。下面列出的是一个带有“talk”定义的俚语或短语,以及两个有助于通过上下文理解的例句。Big Talk吹牛Definition: (noun) exaggerated claims定义:(名词)夸大陈词Hes full of big talk, but he rarely does what he claims.他满口大话,但很少做他说

3、过的事。Is that just big talk, or do you think its actually true?这只是夸大其词,还是你认为这是真的?Give Someone a Talking to交谈一番Definition: (verbal phrase) speak strongly to someone, berate someone定义:(口头用语)对某人说话要有力,责难某人She gave her daughter a talking to after she got home after midnight.她在午夜回到家后和女儿交谈了一番。Come in this ro

4、om! You need a talking to!请进这个房间!你需要和他谈谈!Heart-to-heart Talk心灵的沟通Definition: (noun) serious discussion定义:(名词)认真的讨论Jane and I had a great heart-to-heart talk last weekend. Now I understand her.简和我上周末谈得很开心。现在我理解她了。Have you had a heart-to-heart talk with your wife yet?你和你妻子真诚地沟通过了吗?Jive Talk花言巧语Definit

5、ion: (noun) something stated that is obviously not true定义:(名词)明显不真实的东西Come on Tim! Thats just jive talk.哎呀,Tim!那只是花言巧语。Stop the jive talk and tell me something interesting.别再花言巧语了,给我说点有趣的事儿。Money Talks有钱能使鬼推磨Definition: (idiomatic phrase) the most important thing is money定义:(惯用短语)最重要东西的是钱Dont forget

6、 that money talks, so everything else doesnt matter.别忘了钱是万能的,所以其他一切都无关紧要。In the end money talks so your business needs to be profitable as soon as possible.最终,钱是万能的,所以你的生意需要尽快盈利。Pep Talk鼓励的话Definition: (noun) a short discussion intended to motivate someone定义:(名词)旨在激励某人的简短讨论。The coach gave the player

7、s a pep talk during halftime.中场休息时,教练给队员们讲了一些鼓舞士气的话。My wife gave me a pep talk to help me with my job interview.我妻子给我说了一些鼓舞人心的话来帮助我面试。Straight Talk直言不讳Definition: (noun) a discussion that is completely honest, often discussing difficult issues定义:(名词)完全诚实的讨论,经常讨论难题。Tom gave me straight talk at the me

8、eting which I appreciated greatly.汤姆在会上直言不讳,我非常感激。Id like to hear some straight talk on the investment opportunities.我想听一些关于投资机会坦白的话。Talk a Blue Streak滔滔不绝,不停地说话Definition: (verbal phrase) speak quickly and at length定义:(口头短语)说得快而长Maria talked a blue streak at the party. It was hard to say anything.玛

9、丽亚在聚会上滔滔不绝。你很难说什么。Be careful when speaking with Tom, he talks a blue streak.和汤姆说话时要小心,他说话总是滔滔不绝的。Talk Big说大话Definition: (verb) make large claims and boasts定义:(动词)大张旗鼓Take everything he says with a grain of salt. He talks big.对他说的话要持保留态度,因为他老说大话。Youre talking big today. Could you please be a bit more

10、 realistic?你今天说得太夸张了。你能更现实一点吗?Talking Head发言者Definition: (noun) expert on television定义:(名词)专家在线电视The talking heads feel the economy is going to improve.发言者们认为经济会好转。They hired a talking head to represent them on TV talk shows.他们雇了一个发言人在电视脱口秀上代表他们。Talk Like Nut胡说八道Definition: (verbal phrase) say thing

11、s that make little sense定义:(口头短语)说一些没有意义的话Dont talk like a nut! Thats crazy.别胡说八道!太疯狂了。Shes talking like a nut. Dont believe a word she says.她说话像个疯子。别相信她说的话。Talk On the Big White Phone去厕所呕吐Definition: (verbal phrase) to vomit into the toilet定义:(口头短语)在厕所呕吐Doug drank too much so hes talking on the big

12、 white phone.道格喝得太多了,所以他在厕所呕吐。Shes in the bathroom talking on the big white phone.她在浴室呕吐。Talk Through Ones Hat信口开河Definition: (verbal phrase) speak carelessly and tell lies定义:(口头短语)说话不注意和说谎Hes talking through his hat. Dont believe a word he says.他在信口开河。别相信他说的话。Unfortunately, Jane often talks through

13、 her hat, so you cant believe anything.不幸的是,简经常信口开河,所以你什么都不敢相信。Talk to Hear Ones Own Voice只为自己说话Definition: (verb phrase) speak in order to hear oneself, find joy in speaking too much定义:(动词短语)说有利自己的话,这样在说话时才感到高兴Henry talks to hear his own voice. It gets boring after a while.亨利只说对自己有利的事。过了一会儿你就觉得无聊了。

14、He lost a few of his friends because he talks to hear his own voice.他失去了几个朋友,因为他只为自己说话。Talk Turkey谈正经事Definition: (verbal phrase) talk serious business, talk frankly定义:(口头用语)谈正事,坦率地谈Its time to talk turkey about the business.是时候谈谈生意了。Peter, we need to talk turkey.彼得,我们得好好谈谈。Talk Until You Are Blue I

15、n the Face徒劳无功地交谈Definition: (verbal phrase) speak at length without influencing others定义:(口头短语)不影响他人,长话短说Theres no need to try to convince her. Youll just talk until you are blue in the face.没必要说服她。这只是徒劳无功。I talked until I was blue in the face, but it didnt help.我一直谈到脸色发青,但没有结果。关于天气的趣味俚语表达1. Rainin

16、g cats and dogs1.倾盆大雨pouring, raining very heavily倾盆大雨Where are you going, cant you see its raining cats and dogs? Youll get soaked in a minute if you go out now.你要去哪里,你看不到下着倾盆大雨吗?如果你现在出去的话,一分钟内你就会全身湿透的。They didnt go to the theme park because it was raining cats and dogs almost all day.他们没有去主题公园,因为几

17、乎一整天都在下雨。2. Face like thunder2.火冒三丈being clearly very angry or upset火冒三丈I dont know what was happening, I just saw that a man with a face like thunder was chasing a little boy out of the grocers shop.我不知道发生了什么事,我只是看到一个火冒三丈的男人正在从杂货店追一个小男孩。She didnt say anything but her face was like thunder; she slam

18、med the door as she left, and we havent seen her ever since.她什么也没说,但她火冒三丈;她离开时砰地关上了门,从此我们再也没见过她了。3. Storm in a teacup3.小题大做exaggerating a problem, anger or worry about something unimportant夸大问题或担忧,小题大做Their debate was only a storm in a teacup actually neither of them took the problem too serious.他们的

19、辩论不过是小题大做而已事实上,他们两人都没有把问题看得太严肃。The reports about the demonstration are a storm in a teacup there wasnt as much violence there as they say.关于示威游行的报道简直是小题大做那里没有他们所说的那么多暴力。4. Chase rainbows4.痴人说梦waste time trying to achieve something impossible形容一个人净想好事,而且是不太可能的事。My wife never believed I would make it

20、as an executive manager; she always thought I was just chasing rainbows.我妻子从不相信我会成为一名执行经理;她总是认为我只是在痴人说梦。Cant you see youre only chasing rainbows? Theres no way to get this girl marry you.难道你看不到你只是在痴人说梦吗?这个根本不会女孩嫁给你。5. Lightning fast5.快如闪电extremely fast非常快I dont think we can keep up with him, hes got

21、 a lightning fast bike.我想我们跟不上他,他有一辆闪电般快的自行车。The robbery lasted only a minute, and then the robbers disappeared in a lightning fast car.抢劫只持续了一分钟,然后强盗消失在一辆闪电般快速的汽车里。6. Head in the clouds6.胡思乱想having unrealistic or impractical ideas, daydreaming有不切实际或不切实际的想法,白日梦Is your sister in love? I see her walki

22、ng around all day with her head in the clouds.你妹妹恋爱了吗?我看见她整天在那走来走去,胡思乱想。You have your head in the clouds if you think Mary will come to your birthday party after the nasty things youve done to her.如果你认为玛丽会在你对她所做的坏事之后参加你的生日聚会,那你就大错特错了。7. Snowed under7.手头繁忙having too much to do要做的事太多Id love to help yo

23、u, but Im completely snowed under at the moment.我很乐意帮助你,但我现在完全被雪覆盖了。Could you come over and fix the tap in the bathroom? But of course, only if you arent snowed under, its not so urgent.你能来浴室修理一下水龙头吗?但是当然,如果你不忙的时候再来,不是很紧急。8. Under the weather8.心情不好或身体不适ill, sick, feeling unwell, sad or lacking energ

24、y生病,感觉不舒服、悲伤或缺乏活力Do you mind if I stay out of work today? Im feeling under the weather, I may have the flu.你介意我今天不上班吗?我感觉不舒服,我可能得了流感。I heard you were ill yesterday. Are you feeling better now or are you still under the weather?我听说你昨天病了。你现在感觉好点了还是还不舒服?除了crazy,试试下面这些地道来俚语表达“疯狂”吧!Do you ever feel like

25、you are going crazy? Is it your colleagues that drive you crazy, or is it a noisy neighbour? You might have your hands full with too much work and too short a time to complete it. Or you may be stuck in a traffic jam and late for a job interview.你觉得自己疯了吗?是你的同事把你逼疯了,还是你的邻居吵吵闹闹?你可能手忙脚乱,工作太多,完成时间太短。或者你

26、可能陷入交通堵塞,面试迟到了。Below you will see some of the most common English idioms you can use when feeling angry, frustrated or irritated with something.下面你将看到一些最常见的英语习语,当你对某件事感到愤怒、沮丧或恼火时,可以使用这些习语。Idioms for Going Crazy表示疯狂的习语1. go bananasIll go bananas if you ask me that question one more time.如果你再问我一次那个问题,

27、我会发疯的。2. go nutsWeve got so many complaints today, I think Ill go nuts.我们今天抱怨太多了,我想我会发疯的。3. lose itWhen Erica asked Tim to leave, he just lost it and started shouting at her.当艾丽卡叫蒂姆离开的时候,他像疯了一样,开始冲她大喊大叫。4. go mentalHave you gone mental? Why do you keep arguing with the boss? Youll get fired.你疯了吗?你为什

28、么一直和老板争论?你会被解雇的。5. freak outMum, dont freak out! Ive just crashed the car.妈妈,淡定!我刚把车撞坏了。6. go bonkersWhen I was told to wait for another hour, I just went absolutely bonkers.当我被告知再等一个小时时,我简直疯了。7. go berserkThe crowd went berserk when they were told that all the flights had been cancelled.当他们被告知所有的航班

29、都被取消时,人群变得狂怒起来8. blow ones topI think hell blow his top when you give him the news.当你告诉他这个消息时,我想他会大发雷霆的。9. fly off the handleMy dad flies off the handle anytime someone mentions politics.每当有人提起政治,我爸爸总是大发雷霆。10. hit the ceiling/ hit the roofI cant be late. My parents will hit the roof.我不能迟到。我父母会大发雷霆的。

30、11. go ballisticMy new neighbours throw parties every night. It just makes me go ballistic.我的新邻居每晚都开派对。这让我很生气。12. go off the deep endIll go off the deep end if I get fired because of someone elses mistake.如果我因为别人的错误而被解雇,我会勃然大怒的。13. blow upWhen I saw the look on Helens face, I just knew shed blow up.

31、当我看到海伦脸上的表情时,我就知道她会发火的。14. pop ones corkI have something to tell you. Please, dont pop your cork.我有话要告诉你。请不要暴跳如雷。15. go apeSusie will go ape if she ever hears about it.如果苏西听到这件事,她会大发雷霆的。Unfortunately, getting angry is part of our everyday lives. I hope that enriching your vocabulary will help you make light of your problems. And to forget about all your problems, check out these fun idioms you can use when youre really happy. Keep learning and let us know if you have any questions.不幸的是,生气是我们日常生活的一部分。我希望丰富你的词汇量能帮助你解决问题。为了忘记你所有的问题,看看这些有趣的习语,当你真的很高兴的时候你可以使用。继续学习,如果您有任何问题,请告诉我们。


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