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1、英语短文口语入门 每天一篇英语短文口语,通过实际例子帮助理解,通过听力加强记忆,通过音频纠正发音,从初级开始,从基础抓起,打造地道美式口语。下面就和大家分享英语短文口语入门,希望能够帮助到大家,来欣赏一下吧。英语短文口语入门:瘦弱男子Richard is a light eater. He doesnt eat much. He isnt a heavy eater. He eats a light breakfast, a light lunch, and a light dinner. Richard is not fat. He is thin. He will always be th

2、in, because he is a lighteater. He eats a bowl of cereal for breakfast. He eats a bowl of cereal with milk. He eats a sandwich for lunch. Sometimes its a fish sandwich. He likes fish. He eats rice and vegetables for dinner. All he eatsfor dinner is rice and vegetables. He will never get fat.理查德饭量很小。

3、他从不吃太多。他饭量不大。他早中晚三餐都吃的很少。理查德不胖。他很瘦。他会一直很瘦,因为他吃的很少。他早饭喝一碗麦片粥。他喝牛奶加麦片粥。他中午吃一个三明治。有时是鱼肉三明治。他喜欢吃鱼。晚饭他吃大米和蔬菜。他晚餐都是吃大米和蔬菜。他永远不会长胖。英语短文口语入门:买辆新车Linda wants to buy a new car. She has an old car. Her old car is a white Honda. Linda wants to buy a new Honda. She wants to buy a new red Honda. She has saved $1,

4、000. She will use $1,000 to help buy the new car.She will give $1,000 to the Honda dealer. The Honda dealer will give her a contract to sign. The contract will require her to pay $400 a month for seven years. Her new red Honda will cost Linda a lot of money. But thats okay, because Linda makes a lot

5、 of money.琳达想买辆新车。她有辆旧车。她的旧车是辆白色本田车。琳达想买辆新本田车。她想买辆红色新本田车。她已经攥了1000美元。她将用1000美元来帮助自己购买新车。她将给本田经销商1000美元。本田经销商会让她签合同。合同要求她每月要付400美元,一共付7年。琳达的红色新本田车将花费很多钱。但是没关系,因为琳达很能挣钱。英语短文口语入门:新鲜的鱼肉Mike was ready for bed. It was 11 oclock. He had to get up early the next day. The next day he was goingfishing. Fish w

6、ake up early. They look for food early in the day. They look for food late in the day. The best time to fish is early or late in the day. That is when the fish are hungry. Mike set his alarm. He set his alarm for 5 oclock. The next day he would start fishing at 6 oclock. He wanted to catch four or f

7、ive fish. If he caught four or five fish, he could eat fresh fish all week. Fresh fish is the best fish. Mike went to bed.麦克准备睡觉。已经11点了。他第二天必须早起。第二天他将去钓鱼。鱼醒的很早。它们在白天很早的时候找食吃。它们在白天很晚的时候找食吃。白天的钓鱼时间是大早上或者晚些时候。那时候是鱼饿的时候。麦克定好闹铃。他定的闹铃时间是5点。第二天他将在6点就开始钓鱼。他想钓到4、5条鱼。如果他钓到4、5条鱼,整个星期他都会迟到新鲜鱼肉。新鲜鱼肉是的鱼肉。麦克睡觉了。英语

8、短文口语入门:去上班Patricia did not have much time. It was time to go to work. She did not want to be late for work. She would lose her job if she was late. She finished her coffee. She drank the last drop. She put the coffee cup in the kitchen sink. She turned on the kitchen faucet. She poured water into th

9、e cup. She turned off the faucet. She picked up her keys. The keys were on the kitchen table. She grabbed her gray coat. Her gray coatwas on the chair. The chair was next to the door. She walked outside. She locked her door with her house key.帕特丽夏没有太多时间。上班时间到了。她不想上班迟到。如果她迟到就会失去工作。她喝完咖啡。她喝完最后一口。她把咖啡杯

10、放进厨房洗涤槽。她打开厨房水龙头。她让水流进咖啡杯。她关掉水龙头。她拿起钥匙。钥匙在厨房桌子上。她拿起她的灰色外套。她的灰色外套在椅子上。椅子挨着门。她走向外面。她用房门钥匙锁上了门。英语短文口语入门:巧克力奶James took the milk out of the refrigerator. He put the carton of milk on the counter. He took the cap offthe carton of milk. He opened the kitchen cabinet. He took a glass out of the cabinet. He

11、 put the glass onthe counter next to the milk. He poured some milk into the glass. He put the cap back on the carton of milk. He put the milk back into the refrigerator. He took the chocolate syrup out of the refrigerator. He poured some chocolate syrup into the glass of milk. He stirred the milk with a spoon. He licked the spoon.詹姆斯把牛奶从冰箱里拿出来。他把这盒牛奶放到柜台上。他把牛奶盒盖取下来。他打开餐具柜。他从餐具柜里取出一个玻璃杯。他把玻璃杯放到了柜台上,挨着牛奶盒。他往玻璃杯里倒了些牛奶。他把牛奶盒盖上。他把牛奶盒放回冰箱。他从冰箱里拿出巧克力酱。他在这杯牛奶里加了些巧克力酱。他用勺子搅搅牛奶。他舔舔勺子。英语短文口语入门


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