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1、雅思口语题库part2话题精选参考范文 学习模仿雅思口语范文要点有3:1.native speaker的地道用词,2.丰富灵活的动词,3.高分句型并熟练背诵之。今天给大家整理了雅思口语part2话题库参考范文,希望能够帮助到大家,下面就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。雅思口语题库part2话题参考范文之:早到经历(an occasion that you arrive early)Describe an occasion that you arrive earlyYou should say:When did it happenWhere is this placeWhy you came earl

2、yWhat did you do when waiting雅思口语part2参考范文:1.适用人群:全适用2.主题:提前到达演唱会3.故事线:我和我的朋友去了北京的一场演唱会。这是我最喜欢的歌手Eason Chen表演的第一次巡回演出。我们乘坐高铁,下午3点到达体育馆,比演出时间提前了4个小时。我们需要很早就出发的主要原因是我们担心会被卡在那里。众所周知,我们的首都非常拥挤。Last month I went to a concert in Beijing with my friends. It was the first show of the tour, performed by my f

3、avorite singer Eason Chen. We took the high-speed rail there and arrived at the stadium at about 3 oclock in the afternoon, four hours earlier than the show time.The main reason we needed to set out very early is that we worried about being jammed on the way there. As we all know, our capital city i

4、s quite crowded. Besides, it was a great chance for us to visit the park nearby. It was said that it was one of the largest parks in Beijing, where there are a variety of rare plants.It was a great experience to arrive early for several reasons. Firstly, we had adequate spare time to stroll around t

5、he area, where we met a few interesting people and watched some busking. Some of them were wearing an outlandish dress or lovely make-up. The buskers were staging a show by singing or even dancing. What made me excited was that we were even invited to join in. Secondly, over the course of getting ar

6、ound, we bought many special souvenirs for our friends and also painted a unique design on our face to show our enthusiasm and ardor to the coming concert.雅思口语题库part2话题参考范文之:a good decision made by the people around you(一个好的决定)Describe a good decision made by the people around you1. Who made it?2. W

7、hy did she/he made this decision?3. What happened after this decision?4. Why you think it is a good decision.1.适用人群:全适用2.主题:换个城市工作3.故事线:搬到另一个地方去找一份新工作,我做的一项决定是,一旦我做出决定,就会对这个决定产生积极的影响。我认为这一举动让我重新获得了新生,让我踏上了一段新的冒险之旅。雅思口语part2话题参考范文Ill talk you through what the decision was, when I took it and what the

8、 results were. Finally, Ill explain why it was so important that it still impacts on me today.The decision was whether or not I should relocate to a different part of the country to take up a new job. I had to make the decision about 6 years ago. I had been self-employed for a while, but then there

9、was a downturn in the economy and I stopped getting enough work to support myself. I applied for a job in Sheffield, which was a city I didnt know at all, and when I had first an interview, and then a job offer, I was faced with a big decision. Should I leave my home and friends to start a new life

10、in Sheffield for a promising job at a prestigious university; or should I stay where I was in my lovely house and familiar surroundings, and hope the work might pick up again in the future?I thought a lot about the pros and cons; I cried a lot to be honest, as the thought of making a new start was r

11、eally scary. Id be all on my own, and what if I didnt make friends or couldnt do the job well? However, ultimately it came down to income. I couldnt live on fresh air, and this was a well-paid job. I also thought if I turned the work down, and then didnt manage to pick up new contracts Id always won

12、der what if? or how might things have been different if Id just been brave enough to give it a go! I accepted the job and started to pack. In less than three weeks I was renting a flat in a new city and turning up to work in a new office with new colleagues. One resolution I made early on, was to be

13、 really positive about the decision once Id made it. Id join societies, say yes to every social invitation, and really try to build a new life quickly. I wouldnt ever look back!The result of the decision? Well, I moved to a new city, and took a new job. It was hard at first, there was a lot to learn

14、 and sometimes it was lonely too. However, Ive never regretted it. Sheffield is a lovely city near to beautiful countryside. Ive rented an attic flat which has great views over the city in one direction and woodland in the other. I think this city must be one of the friendliest ones in the UK, peopl

15、e were incredibly welcoming to me as a newcomer, and there is always lots to do. I dont have that job anymore, but I dont regret taking it at all. I do sometimes miss my old house in Leamington where I used to live, but I dont miss anything else. I think the move revitalised me and took me on a grea

16、t new adventure, sometimes you do just have to take a bit of a risk in life to progress, this bit of risk taking worked for me.So in conclusion, I think it was a big decision, but I made a good choice. Of course, it was an important one as it changed everything for me, from where I lived and worked,

17、 to who my friends are. Honestly though, I think perhaps with decisions it matters less what you decide, and more that once you have made a decision you make the best of it, wherever it may take you. Sometimes the journey is speedy and smooth, sometimes it is rocky along the way, but whatever path w

18、e choose, it is what makes us the people we are for better or worse!原作者: Written by - Lucy Marris, Careers Adviser (UK), TEFL teacher (Vietnam) 雅思口语part2题库范文之:place in your country that not many tourists get there(小众旅行)返回查看:话题范文之:()的场景1.适用人群:全适用2.主题:3.故事线:If an international tourist has a one day vi

19、sit to Indonesia, I would recommend him to see the island of Bali. There are various reasons why s/he should visit the island, and I will explain in details about it.Firstly, Bali is a small island, but it has many beautiful scenery places that people could visit in a day. The island is famous for i

20、ts beautiful beaches such as Kuta, Sanur and Nusa Dua Beach. These beaches are known for their beautiful white sands along their coast and for their waves as well, as tens of thousands of tourists from overseas are visiting the island annually. The location of these beaches is near therefore tourist

21、s could visit these beaches in just half a day.Secondly, as these beaches are located near to Denpasar, which is the capital city of Bali, there are many things that tourist could do in the city itself. After lying down on the beach, people could see some unique entertainments in the city, such as t

22、he traditional Barong and Kecak Dance. These traditional dances are unique and artistic because they are the combination of art, magic, philosophy and religion. And then, there are so many traditional restaurants in Bali, where tourists could try these culinary places. Bali is well known for its por

23、k ribs and fried chicken, and many tourists have enjoyed these culinary experiences because they are crispy and spicy.I personally believe that if an international traveller has only a day to see Indonesia, I would suggest him to visit Bali, as it has a combination of beautiful landscape, artistic traditional performance and recommended restaurants which people could visit in a day.


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