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1、商务英语阅读上册unit 3,商务英语阅读上册unit 3,Teaching Objectives,了解全球经济一体化的趋势了解经济一体化对国际贸易的影响掌握区域经济一体化的概念,Teaching Objectives了解全球经济一体化的趋,Teaching Emphases,globalization global communitycross-border tradetendency of globalization free-market economic systems,Teaching Emphases globalizatio,Content,Text Fast Reading I

2、Fast Reading II,Content Text,TEXT Globalization and its Impact on the Business,Pre-reading questions:1What does globalization mean in practice? 2Does globalization intensify or relieve competition?,UP,PREV.,NEXT,TEXT Globalization and its,Globalization is a process of interaction and integration amo

3、ng the people, companies, and governments of different nations, a process driven by international trade and investment and aided by information technology. This process has effects on the environment, on culture, on political systems, on economic development and prosperity, and on human physical wel

4、l-being in societies around the world. Economic globalization is a product of the current world economic, scientific and technological development. It has brought all the countries in the world development opportunities, severe challenges and risks, as well as a subject of how to establish a just an

5、d reasonable new international economic order.,Globalization is a proc,It is not new, though. For thousands of years, peopleand, later, corporationshave been buying from and selling to each other in lands at great distances, such as through the famed Silk Road across Central Asia that connected Chin

6、a and Europe during the Middle Ages. Likewise, for centuries, people and corporations have invested in enterprises in other countries. In fact, many of the features of the current wave of globalization are similar to those prevailing before the outbreak of the First World War in 1914. The tendency o

7、f globalization in the past few decades have spurred increases in cross-border trade, investment, and migration so large that many observers believe the world has entered a qualitatively new phase in its economic development. Since 1950, for example, the volume of world trade has increased by 20 tim

8、es, and from just 1997 to 1999 flows of foreign investment nearly doubled, from $468 billion to $827 billion. Distinguishing this current wave of globalization from earlier ones, author Thomas Friedman has said that today globalization is “farther, faster, cheaper, and deeper.”,It is not new, though

9、,Globalization is deeply controversial, however. Proponents of globalization argue that it allows poor countries and their citizens to develop economically and raise their standards of living, while opponents of globalization claim that the creation of an unfettered international free market has ben

10、efited multinational corporations in the Western world at the expense of local enterprises, local cultures, and common people. Resistance to globalization has therefore taken shape both at a popular and at a governmental level as people and governments try to manage the flow of capital, labor, goods

11、, and ideas that constitute the current wave of globalization.,Globalization is dee,This current wave of globalization has been driven by policies that have opened economies domestically and internationally. In the years since the Second World War, and especially during the past two decades, the who

12、le world reached its geographic limit with the extension of capitalist market, and traditional trade patterns were disrupted. Many governments have adopted free-market economic systems, vastly increasing their own productive potential and creating many new opportunities for international trade and i

13、nvestment. Governments also have negotiated dramatic reductions in barriers to commerce and have established international agreements to promote trade in goods, services, and investment. Taking advantage of new opportunities in foreign markets, corporations have built foreign factories and establish

14、ed production and marketing arrangements with foreign partners. A defining feature of globalization, therefore, is an international industrial and financial business structure.,This current wave o,In the twentieth century, the move toward international cooperation among trading nations was manifeste

15、d in the negotiation of the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT).International trade had ground to a halt following World War I when nations followed the example set by the U.S. and then, other countries erected high tariff walls and international trade was stalled, along with most economic

16、s. GATT therefore, provided a forum for member countries to negotiate a reduction of tariffs and other barriers to trade, and the forum proved successful in reaching those objectives. With the ratification of the Uruguay Round Agreements, the GATT was replaced by the World Trade Organization (WTO) a

17、nd its 117 members moved into a new era of free trade.,In the twentieth cent,There are five major kinds of drivers, all based on change, that are leading international firms to the globalization of their operations: political, technology, market, cost and competition. Political Factor. There is a tr

18、end toward the unification and socialization of the global community. Preferential trading arrangements, such as the North American Free Trade Agreement, Association of Southeast Asian Nations and the European Union, that group several nations into a single market have presented firms with significa

19、nt marketing opportunities. Many have moved swiftly to enter either through exporting or by producing in the area.,There are five majo,Technology. Advances in computers and communications technology are permitting an increased flow of ideas and information across borders, enabling customer to learn

20、about foreign goods. Cable TV systems in Europe and Asian, for example, allow an advertiser to reach numerous countries simultaneously, thus creating a regional and sometimes global demand. Global communications networks enable manufacturing personnel to coordinate production and design functions wo

21、rldwide so that plants in many parts of the world may be working on the same product. The Internet and network computing enable small companies to compete globally because they make possible the rapid flow of information regardless of the physical location of the buyer and seller. The ease of obtain

22、ing information and making transactions on the Internet has started to have a profound effect on many firms and especially on business-to-business commerce. Where businesses formerly used faxes, telephone, or mail to complete their transactions, they now use the cheaper and faster Internet.,Technolo

23、gy. Advance,Market. As companies globalize, they also become global customers. For years, advertising agencies established offices in foreign markets when their major clients entered those markets to avoid having a competitor steal the account. Finding the home market saturated also send companies i

24、nto foreign markets, especially where the marketer realizes there is a convergence of customer tastes and lifestyles brought about by increasing tourist travel, satellite TV, and global branding. Cost. Economies of scale to reduce unit costs are always a management goal. One means of achieving them

25、is to globalize product lines to reduce development, production, and inventory costs. The company can also locate production in countries where the costs of the factors of production are lower.,Market. As compani,Competition. Competition continues to increase in intensity. New firms, many from newly

26、 industrialized and developing countries, have entered world markets in automobiles and electronics, for example. Another competitive driving force for globalization is the fact that companies are defending their home markets from competitors by entering the competitors home markets to distract them

27、. The result of this rush to globalization has been an explosive growth in international business. As the changes described in this article really gather weight, they are creating something that has never existed before, a global cosmopolitan society. We are the first generation to live in this soci

28、ety, whose situations we can as yet only dimly see. It is shaking up our existing ways of life, no matter where we happen to be. This is not-at least at the moment-a global order driven by collective human will. Instead, it is emerging in an anarchic, haphazard fashion, carried along by a mixture of

29、 economic, technological and cultural imperatives.,Competition. Compe,Language points Globalization,经济全球化 是指随着社会生产力的不断发展,世界各国、各地区经济,包括生产、流通和消费等领域相互联系、相互依赖、相互渗透,以前那些由于民族、国家、地域等因素所造成的阻碍日益减少,世界经济越来越成为一个不可分割的有机整体。其内容主要包括以下方面: 生产全球化。举例而言,美国波音公司生产的波音客机,所需的450万个零部件,来自6个国家的1500家大企业和1.5万家中小企业。波音公司所完成的不过是科技的设

30、计、关键零部件的生产和产品的最终组装而已。据统计,目前全世界有40的产品是由跨国公司生产的。 贸易全球化。世界市场的形成使各国市场逐渐融为一体,并极大地促进了全球贸易的发展。国际贸易的范围不断扩展,世界市场容量越来越大,各国对世界市场的依赖程度也日益增大。,Language points Globalizati,金融全球化。各国金融命脉更加紧密地与国际市场联系在一起。迅速扩展的跨国银行,遍布全球的电脑网络,使全世界巨额资本和庞大的金融衍生品在全球范围内流动。投资全球化。国际投资中资本流动规模持续扩大。1995年发达国家对外投资总额达到了2.66万亿美元,是1945年的130多倍。资本流向从单向

31、发展为双向,过去只有发达国家输出资本,现在发展中国家也对外输出资本,包括向发达国家输出。 区域性经济合作日益加强。区域经济组织遍及全世界,如欧洲联盟、北美自 由贸易区等。许多区域集团内部,都实现了商品、资本、人员和劳务的自由流通,使得区域内能够合理配置资源,优化资源组合,实现规模经济,提高经济效益。,UP,NEXT,PREV.,金融全球化。各国金融命脉更加紧密地与国际市场联系在一起,Language points The North American Free Trade Agreement,北美自由贸易协定, 是美国、加拿大和墨西哥之间的三边协定,签署于1992年8月12日,1994年1月1

32、日正式生效。协定自生效之日起,15年内逐步消除三国间的贸易壁垒,实施商品、劳务的自由流通,从而形成一个拥有3.6亿人口,年国民生产总值超过6万亿美元的世界最大的自由贸易集团。北美自由贸易区大大便利了美、加、墨三国间的进出口贸易和相互投资,推动了北美地区的贸易和经济发展。1994年12月,三国与智利就加入问题展开谈判。1996年8月,洪都拉斯、危地马拉和萨尔瓦多也开始通过墨西哥进行加入北美自由贸易协定的谈判。,UP,PREV.,NEXT,Language points The North A,Language points Association of Southeast Asian Natio

33、ns,东南亚国家联盟(简称东盟)的前身是马来亚(现马来西亚)、菲律宾和泰国于1961年7月31日在曼谷成立的东南亚联盟。1967年8月78日,印尼、泰国、新加坡、菲律宾四国外长和马来西亚副总理在曼谷举行会议,发表了曼谷宣言,正式宣告东南亚国家联盟成立。同月2829日,马、泰、菲三国在吉隆坡举行部长级会议,决定由东南亚国家联盟取代东南亚联盟。,UP,PREV.,NEXT,Language points Association,Language points European Union,欧洲联盟(简称欧盟,European Union - EU)是由欧洲共同体 (European communi

34、ties) 发展而来的,是一个集政治实体和经济实体于一身、在世界上具有重要影响的区域一体化组织。1991年12月,欧洲共同体马斯特里赫特首脑会议通过欧洲联盟条约,通称马斯特里赫特条约(简称马约)。1993年11月1日,马约正式生效,欧盟正式诞生。总部设在比利时首都布鲁塞尔。2007年月,罗马尼亚和保加利亚两国加入欧盟,欧盟经历了次扩大,成为一个涵盖27个国家总人口超过4.8亿、国民生产总值高达12万亿美元 的当今世界上经济实力最强、一体化程度最高的国家联合体。,UP,PREV.,NEXT,Language points European Un,Language points spur,- n.

35、 encourage C 刺激,激励,驱策to, for e.g. need the spur 需加鞭策,需加激励 put set spurs to a person 给予某人刺激,激励某人,UP,PREV.,NEXT,Language points spur- n,Language points,controversial- adj. causing much argument or disagreement. 引起争论的,有争议的 e.g. a controversial decision statement 引起争论的决定 声明,UP,PREV.,NEXT,Language points

36、 controversi,Language points manifest,- v. To show sth. plainly 显示 e.g. 1. Her actions manifested a complete disregard for personal safety. 她的行为表明了完全忽视人身安全。 2. The disease typically manifests itself in a high fever and chest pains. 这种疾病的典型症状是发烧和胸痛。,UP,PREV.,NEXT,Language points manifest-,Language po

37、ints global community/ zone,经济一体化组织,UP,PREV.,NEXT,Language points global comm,Language points proponent,- n. a person who supports or argues in favour of something 支持者,拥护者 e.g. one of its keenest proponents 它的热情支持者之一,UP,PREV.,NEXT,Language points proponent UP,Language points preferential,-adj. of gi

38、ving, receiving, or showing preference 优惠的 the preferential tariff duties 优惠关税 a controversial new law that gives preferntial treatment to certain minority groups 对某些少数民族优待的一项有争议的新法律。,UP,PREV.,NEXT,Language points preferent,Language points migration,- n. the acting of traveling from one part of the

39、word to another.迁移,迁居 e.g. 1. Scientists have studied the migration of fish over long distances. 科学家们研究了鱼类的远距离洄游现象。 2. Wars always cause great migrations of people. 战争总是导致人们大量迁徙。,UP,PREV.,NEXT,Language points migration,Language points business-to-business commerce,企业间的电子商务。是利用现代信息网络与计算机技术进行的商务活动,是电子

40、商务的一种主流形式,它对电子商务的发展起着十分重要的作用。,UP,PREV.,NEXT,Language points business-t,I. Answer the following questions based on the text.,1. What is economic globalization? Economic globalization is a product of the current world economic, scientific and technological development. It has brought all the countries

41、 in the world development opportunities, severe challenges and risks, as well as a subject of how to establish a just and reasonable new international economic order.,Reference,I. Answer the following questi,I. Answer the following questions based on the text.,2. Why were traditional trade patterns

42、disrupted? This current wave of globalization has been driven by policies that have opened economies domestically and internationally. In the years since the Second World War, and especially during the past two decades, the whole world reached its geographic limit with the extension of capitalist ma

43、rket, and traditional trade patterns were disrupted.,Reference,I. Answer the following questi,I. Answer the following questions based on the text.,3. What are the pros and cons of globalization? Globalization is deeply controversial, however. Proponents of globalization argue that it allows poor cou

44、ntries and their citizens to develop economically and raise their standards of living, while opponents of globalization claim that the creation of an unfettered international free market has benefited multinational corporations in the Western world at the expense of local enterprises, local cultures

45、, and common people. Resistance to globalization has therefore taken shape both at a popular and at a governmental level as people and governments try to manage the flow of capital, labor, goods, and ideas that constitute the current wave of globalization.,Reference,I. Answer the following questi,I.

46、 Answer the following questions based on the text.,4. How does the technology influence the economic development? Advances in computers and communications technology are permitting an increased flow of ideas and information across borders, enabling customer to learn about foreign goods. The ease of

47、obtaining information and making transactions on the Internet has started to have a profound effect on many firms and especially on business-to-business commerce.,Reference,I. Answer the following questi,I. Answer the following questions based on the text.,5. Try to state some global communities. Th

48、e North American Free Trade Agreement Association of Southeast Asian Nations The European Union,Reference,I. Answer the following questi,II. Read the following terms and match each with its proper definition.,1. spur a. to have a strong or powerful influence or effect on something 2. proponentb. unc

49、ontrolled by conventions3. Impact c. to build or establish4. ratificationd. a person who supports or argues in favour of something 5. haphazard e. group several nations into a single market have presented firms with significant marketing opportunities6. globalization f. approval of a written agreeme

50、nt and making it official by signing it 7. global community g. to stimulate or incite8. erect h. containing or having experience of people and things from many different parts of the world9. anarchic i . happening in an unplanned disorderly manner10. cosmopolitan j. The increasing worldwide integrat


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