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1、商务英语的翻译,1,商务英语的翻译1,商务英语语篇的类型,商务信函 (Business Correspondence)备忘录 (Memorandum)会议纪要(Minutes)广告(Commercials)报告(Report)通知 (Notice)说明书(Specification)协议或合同(Agreement or Contract),2,商务英语语篇的类型商务信函 (Business Corres,目录,文体特点词汇使用特点语句使用特点语篇风格特点汉译要点准确了解词汇的意义汉译句子既简洁畅晓,又庄重老练语篇格式规范,3,目录文体特点3,文体特点,词汇使用特点:专业词汇、具有商务汉译的普通

2、词以及缩略词 e.g. Sole licensevs. Exclusive licenseOffer , counter-offer, counter-suggestion, bidSurchargesProperty in goods vs. property of goods,4,文体特点词汇使用特点:专业词汇、具有商务汉译的普通词以及缩略,文体特点,语句使用特点信函:简洁,简单句等合同:长句和难句,Please ship at the first available opportunity.,请将商品尽快交运,see text p. 146,5,文体特点语句使用特点Please ship

3、 at the,文体特点,语篇风格特点seven Cs,completeness,Conciseness,concreteness,correctness,clarity,consideration,courtesy,6,文体特点语篇风格特点seven Cscompletenes,汉译要点,准确了解词汇的意义商务术语一词多义数字概念,7,汉译要点准确了解词汇的意义7,汉译要点,准确了解词汇的意义一词多义Creditan arrangement where goods and services can be received now and paid for later, within an a

4、greed period. 信贷,赊购 a sum of money paid into a bank account 贷记 v. to record the payment of a sum of money into an account 记入贷方,8,汉译要点准确了解词汇的意义8,汉译要点,数字概念:时间、价格、数量、金额和规格时间:on and after by the time not later than,9,汉译要点数字概念:时间、价格、数量、金额和规格9,数字的译法,数量的表达和译法确定的数量整总共增加减少间隔平均不确定数量超过,以上不足,少于大约倍数增减的译法,10,数字的译

5、法数量的表达和译法10,确定的数量整exactly, clear, just, cleanlye.g. It is now exactly tow oclock. 现在正好两点钟。总共 in all, gross, total, add up to, amount to, come to, sum up to e.g. The first order numbers two thousand pieces in all. 第一天订货共达2,000件,11,确定的数量11,The popular film can gross five million pounds. 一部受欢迎的影片能赚取万英镑

6、的总利润He has $2,400 in the Bank, exclusive of the interest.除利息不计外,他在银行有2,400美元的存款。The exhibits totaled 3,500 pcs.展品数总计达3,500件。,12,The popular film can gross fiv,增加:increase by/to/fromto, raise, rise , jumpabove, go up, etc.E.g. The export volume of this year increased to 560,000 yards.今年的出口量增至56万码。The

7、y raised their daily output from 700 tons to more than 900.他们把日产量由700吨提高到900多吨。,13,增加:increase by/to/fromto, rai,14,14,减少:decrease by/to/from to, drop, fall, sink, go down, decline, diminish, cut, etc.,The import volume of this country fell to under 3 million dollars a year.这个国家每年的进口量已降到30亿美元以下。The

8、price of silk has dropped from twenty to sixteen yuan per kilogram.丝的价格已从每公斤20元降到16元。,15,减少:decrease by/to/from to, dr,间隔Sometimes the eruptions have been as long as an hour and a half apart.有时(间歇泉)喷发的间隔时间长达1.5个小时Every few microseconds, the computer would evaluate the data.每隔几微秒,计算机就对数据估价一次。Some mag

9、azines are published weekly.有些杂志每周出版一次。We take a rest at intervals of two hours.我们每隔两小时休息一次,16,间隔16,平均 average, meanThis super market has an average of 60,000 customers a week. 这个超市平均每周接待6万顾客。His income is $9,000 above the national mean.他的收入是¥9,000美元,超过全国平均数。The mean income of families in that count

10、ry is over $35,000 a year.那个国家家庭平均收入每年在35,000美元以上。,17,平均 average, mean17,不确定数量,超过,以上不足,少于大约,18,不确定数量超过,以上18,超过,以上over, above, more than, not less than, at least, and over etc.After paying all expenses I had cleared over two hundred dollars.把所有的费用付清之后我净赚两百多美元。There eighty and more people in our compa

11、ny.我们公司有80多人。,19,超过,以上over, above, more than,不足,少于under, below, less than, no more than, at most, at the very most, as few asThis lot of goods were shipped in less than six days.这批货物不到六天就装运完毕。,20,不足,少于under, below, less than,Date: August 10, 2019 To: All studentsFrom: A. Buttle Subject: Journalist P

12、osition Available for the Summer SemesterThe student newspaper is currently looking for a journalist for the summer semester. Applicants should currently be studying at the university, and should preferably have at least two years writing experience. The successful applicant will be expected to writ

13、e two articles every week on happenings in the city and on campus. The position will commence at the end of May and will last through to the end of August. The salary for the position is negotiable and will be based on experience. If you are interested, please send your resume to the campus newspape

14、r office.,21,Date: August 10, 2019 21,日期:2019年8月10日致: 全体学生自: A. 巴特尔事由:夏季学期记者招聘校报正在招聘夏季学期的记者。条件是应聘者必须是本校的在校生,最好至少有两年的写作经验。被聘者将每周写两篇关于这个城市和校园的报道。工作从五月底开始,一直持续到八月底。工资根据其经历面议。有意者,请将简历寄到学校报社。,22,日期:2019年8月10日22,英汉语言的对比与翻译,衔接手段,23,英汉语言的对比与翻译衔接手段23,衔接的手段,照应(reference)替代(substitution)省略(ellipsis)连接(conjunct

15、ions),24,衔接的手段照应(reference)24,照应(reference),人称代词、指示词或表比较的词,指的是篇章中某个成分和另一成分之间的关系是一种指代的关系。 He has tried whisky and the red wine,but he doesnt like either (either whisky or the red wine)他尝了威士忌和红葡萄酒,但对两种都不喜欢。,25,照应(reference)人称代词、指示词或表比较的词,指的,Mike is from EnglandHe teaches English,26,Mike is from EnglandHe teache,替代(substitution),避免重复同样的词、词组(group)和小句,作者会用某个其它的词来替换 Id like some big apples rather than the small ones(apples),27,替代(substitution)避免重复同样的词、词组(gr,省略(ellipsis),省略可称为用零形式替换,28,省略(ellipsis)省略可称为用零形式替换 28,


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