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1、,Unit 1Alandofdiversity,Unit 1,教师世界环境日讲话稿尊敬的各位领导,各位评委、朋友们:大家好!今天我演讲的题目是低碳,是一种态度。当学校的德育处副主任把电话打来问,要不要参加市环保局举办的低碳生活,和谐乐清的演讲比赛的时候,我想,演讲么就是讲话了,既然比赛是环保局主办的,那肯定跟环保之类的有关系,这些内容平常上课可没少跟学生讲。于是,本人抱着只要有热闹就凑上去的唯恐天下不乱的态度积极地报名了。名是报了,可是写演讲稿的时候就犯难了:低碳生活,这可是个新名词,最近虽然时有耳闻,对内里的含义却不得而知。那低碳,是个什么东东?我只知道碳原子是个c,烧烤用的碳是黑的,一颗永

2、流传的钻石是透明的碳。这碳,还有高矮胖瘦之分么?网络有名言:外事不决找goolge,内事不决问百度。于是我百度了一下。百度百科中如此解释:低碳生活(low-carbon life)可以理解为:减少二氧化碳的排放,就是低能量、低消耗、低开支的生活。原来,低碳生活,这个碳,指的是二氧化碳,低碳生活,是要我们在生活中节约能源,减少二氧化碳的排放。二氧化碳,可是顶顶大名的温室气体的构成成分,别的不说,近些年来,气候异常,温度升高已经是我们每一个人都,Train the students listening and speaking abilities.,教师世界环境日讲话稿Train the stud

3、ents,Step1 Pre-listening enjoy some beautiful sceneries in California,Joshua Tree National Park,Step1 Pre-listening enjoy som,广东省某中学高二英语课件:选修八Unit1-A-land-of-diversity-list,California,California,California,California,California,California,California,California,California,California,Step2 Listening,L

4、isten to the tape and answer the following questions.Where did Georges tour start and in which direction has he been travelling?What surprised George about California? 3.Why did George have the wrongimpression of California before he went there?4.Why are there so many different kinds of music, food

5、and art in California?,Step2 ListeningListen to the t,1. He started in northern California, and he has been travelling south.,1. He started in northern Cali,2. The fact that not everybody is rich, not everybody lives on the coast, and the desert in California is not like the rest of the climate of C

6、alifornia, surprised him .,2. The fact that not everybody,3. He had watched too many American movies.,3. He had watched too many Am,4.Many people from different countries moved to California. They brought their own customs, culture and food. They kept them up and so produced the large variety of foo

7、d, music, customs, art and cultural activities.,4.Many people from different,Step3 Listen to the tape again and complete the postcard George wrote.Dear Sam,I am here in Joshua Tree National Park, in the,part of California. Have been,_s_o_u_th_e_a_s_t_er_n,traveling around the state of _Ca_li_fo_r_n_

8、i_a for three weeks now. Very different from what I have seen in_Am_e_r_ic_a_n_mo_v_i_es. Not everyone is ri_c_h and not every lives near the b_e_ac_h_/_c_o_a_st. First traveled southeast through rich farmland then to the central part.,Step3 Listen to the tape again,They grow everything here includi

9、ng,and fruit. Cattle too. Then,_c_o_t_to_n_,_n_u_t_s,_v_e_g_e_t_a_b_le_s,traveled further s_o_u_tihnetaosmtountains and d_e_se.Crtalifornians are very friendly, and they are from many different raacnesd cultures. Every culture has its own m_,u_si_cf_e_s_ti,vfaolosd and art.Most interesting.Wishyou w

10、ere here. Give my love to Paula. George.,They grow everything here incl,Really?So how is the trip been? And,what about?What is it really like?,What do you think?What happened then? Indeed?,Step4 Listen to the tape again and underline the questions and expressions that Christie uses.Christies questio

11、nsExpressions Where are you ? Where is that?Cool. Good.What are you doing down there? Yes, thats right.,Lucky you! Mmm, that sounds interesting.,That surprises/ doesnt surprise me.Wow! Sounds fantastic! Give an example.,Oh, I see. Sounds great! Ah,What other scenery is there?Such as? Hispanic? Is th

12、at so?ha!,Gosh, George!Just as I thought.,Really?what about?What do you,Listening text,A HOLIDY IN CALIFORNIAGeorge(G)isonholidayintheunited states.HeistouringaroundCalifornia. Listentohimphoninghometotalkto hisfriendChristie(C).,Listening textA HOLIDY IN CALI,C: Hello.G: Hi, Christie. Its me, Georg

13、e.C: Gosh, George! Where are you ?G: In Joshua tree national park.C: Wow, wheres that?G: Its in southeast California.C: Lucky you! What are you doing down there?,C: Hello.,G: Well, I started in northern California and Ive been travelling south.C: Cool. so hows the trip been?G: Jolly good, theres so

14、much to see and its nothing like what I imagined.C: Really?G: Yeah, I expected everyone to live near the beach in big houses, and I though everyone here would be rich.,G: Well, I started in northern,C: (laughing) Just as I thought. Youve watched too many American movies!G: I know, and thy can give y

15、ou the wrong idea!C: So, tell me, whats it really like?G: Well, some people live near the coast; but further east, in the central part, is a huge valley where the grow all sorts of things like cotton vegetables, nuts and fruit, oh lots of things.And lots of cattle.,C: (laughing) Just as I though,广东省

16、某中学高二英语课件:选修八Unit1-A-land-of-diversity-list,G: Well, I didnt realize there were so many different races and cultures here. C: Such as?G: Well, there are white and black Americans of course, and lots of Asians. And about a quarter of all Californians are Hispanic.C: Hispanic?,G: Well, I didnt realize

17、 ther,G: People whose ancestors came from Spanish speaking countries in south America. C: Oh I see.G: So theres a huge difference in culture and the way people look. Lots of different art, different types of festival, music, food and any thing else you can think of.C: Sounds great. And what about? (

18、fade out),G: People whose ancestors came,Step 5 Speaking,In pairs hold a telephone conversation about a place you have visited recently. Try to use the expressions above to indicate that you are listening carefully to your partner.Sit back to back with your partner so you cant see each other.Partner

19、 A: Talk about where the place is , what the climate is like, what you thought about the people, and any other interesting things you saw or did.Partner B: Encourage your partner to talk by asking questions and making comments.Swap roles. Partner B tells Partner A about his/her visit.,Step 5 SpeakingIn pairs hold a,广东省某中学高二英语课件:选修八Unit1-A-land-of-diversity-list,


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